Wlft;, ATTACBf HEWSPAPERS. Georgia Prohibitionists to Pros ecute Because of Whiskey . Advertisements . - : At a meeting of the tastees of . the Georgia. Anti Saloon League held in Atlanta recently,, it was decided io prosecute all newspapers in the state which carry" whiskey advertisements. on the onronnd that these Dapers are hired agents and solicitors for whig key houses Tbaixeorgia prohibition law ex pressly forbids the, t soliciting of or ders for whiskey many way. Judge W. A. CoTinetonL attorney for the league, was ordered to ' prosecute the papers at once. Superintendent Richards of the league in speaking of these .papers said: -"They are violating the law in car rvinc whiskey adyertisirieiits and we feel sure our proseetitioris wil result in connctions. In tact, we have been told by high officials that such prosecutions would undoubtedly be sustained in the courts." DIRE DISTEESS It " is Hear at Hand to Hun dreds of Louisburg Headers. back. f cry hel p r- I ( i ; 7 j y Non't neslect an aching Backache fa the-?kid ney'g for fol- distress, diabetes, BrigbVs Cedar ock Items. Our farmers are very busy getting ready to chop cotton, some are chop ping. The tobacco planters are wait ing for another nice rain to get to work.1 Miss Elizabeth Stallings left last Tuesday to attend the Oxford com mencement. Miss Mary Sykes, of Bunn, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. T. H. Sledge. Rev. G. M. Duke filled his regular appointment at Cedar Rock Sunday. Mr. Robt. Jones, of . Katesville, spent Sunday on the Roc"E. Miss Annie Culpepper, of Spring Hope, spent Saturday and Sunday on the Rock, guest of Miss Iva Culpep per. Right many of the girls and boys around here attended tHe Masonic funeral at Sandy Creek Sunday and all report a large crowd and a good sermon. We gladly welcome Mr. E. W, Gupton and wife back in our com munity. They have been keeping boarding'house at Raleigh for the past five months. My best wishes to the Editor and the good old Franklix Times. F. M. 7 M JiNeglecV ; hurrying td their aid . ; Means that urinary , troubles low quickl Dire disease. Profit by a Louisburg citizen's ex perience : . v Mrs. A. B. Allen, Main St, Louis burgt N. C, says: I can recom mend Uoan s Kidney, Fills in return for tho great benefit I derived Irom their use. I suffered from kidney and bladder trouble for a long time the kidney secretions being very un natural and contained a sediment My back aohed constantly, I had pains across my kidneys and although I used many remedies, I did not suc ceed in finding relief. I finally ob tained Doan's Kidney Pills audit re quired but the use of one tor to re lieve me and make me feel better in every way. I will be glad to repeat what I have said .fpr publication to any person who calls upon me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cj., Buffalo Nw York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's ana take no other. v .' , -.,' ' r.Vir . Dissolution Notice The firm' known as Miplerille Supply Co, of Maplerille, N. C, was dissolved by . mutual consent on April 219.0D. H. M. Sledgo has ; bou'gkt out eu tire r toe k of goods and aUaacountsand will nay all indebtedness of eaxdfirm 'and will' continue' business ai same stand. i.-r: - "r r r - ' . Vfi T. 8lokU J. H. SlXDOZ r EIOTICE. The place, for hungry men . . 1 found at in be 6. S. WHITE'S -?RESTA0EAWT. We Ask You to take Cardul, for your female f roubles, because ve are aire it will help. you. Remember that this great female remedy . , m OF has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you? For headache, backache, periodical pains, s female veak ness, many have said it is "the best medicine to take.' Try it I " n Sold in This City w Personally Conducted 0 TOUR 0 Around Continent Flourishing: Sunday School at Moulton. The gjood people of the Moulton section met on May 2nd and organ ized a Sunday School at the public school house, with the following officers: Superintendent J. B. braith; Secretary T. J. Pernell; Teasurer Willis Lassiter; Teach ers No. 1. Zanie Inscoe, No. 2 W. H. Mosley; No. Mrs. E. N. Harris; No. 4 W. L. Tharringtoh. Only those who were not attend 1 i il O J. -111 ug an uiuer ouuuay ocnooi were asked to join, and the first day forty two banded in then: names, which uumuci una biuuo grown to over fifty at least forty of - whom never attended a Sunday School before un tne ytn of May we had the pleasure of having Prof. Sneed, our free school teacher with us, and he made us a good and encouraging talk offering a prize for, the scholar that proved the most reguiar attend ant. . The older-people as well" as the young people are taking much Jnter eit in the school and we have bright prospects for one of "the most sue cessfui Sunday Schools in the coun ty. We are not running against any other school or church, but only try ing to, help along the Lord's work,' and everybody in the neighborhood is cordially invited to join in and nelp us. 'r We have preaching every thiro! Sunday. . , 1 ne scnool meets - every- Sunday morning at .10 o'clock except on th& 2nd Sunday, when it, meets at .a:30 in the afternoon. Oqme.,:and:ameet Now ia the time to Do it Now. ; v. rhematism- ;1Csm can do so1 bv amblvino- . Chamberlain; , Ltnimenlu.- Nine-- cases out of 'ten are, simply musculaa-rhni ; matism chie to coldbrdamp;'or-chronid - iucuuiwoui,, oua iciu, aj Vue -"IgOrOUS 'j uupiicauwim.mia iminientr Try i it. x ou are certain - ta be 1 delierhted ' the quick,relief. which it' affords. , Sold SALES STABLE ONLY Having sold ont my Livery De partment I desire to announce to the pulUo that I will continue my Sales Stables at the same staud. . I wish to have a settlement with all those owing me for livery, at ,1 I shall endeavor tdkeep a stock' of good horses and mules, and will be glad to sell all who wish to buy good and warranted animals. R. F. Fuller baiog rccetltlr raoved: In 'Mead o wis new bundle jr.: ,A. -flnVcltAt taaal can and "ill bo erved . fresh aod hot, wilb the teV the market affords, 'oma to tee tse. - " , . Youra to pleas. O. 8. WHITK. Pine salve ACT3 intk . Notice '' By virtue of the power coaUioed lo mortgage deed executed by J. C D tonto Cranuey Marshbont aad Co., Franklia count? regiitry and default having- been msd in 12m peymant or thMndebtdocss secured by said TKrt (rajre deed, we shall on Saturday, tho 19th day of June, 1909, aell at rcblte auction at the.coart house door in the town of Louisbur;, t the behest bid der for caah. the following: ?ccribed tract of -land lvinjc am! situated tn Dunn's township. Frankiio Co ntj. and bounded as foltewg, on the wwt by bv the lands of Joaep Wllltama, cm the South by the lands of David Boon oa the east by lands of Levin Phillip, and on the north by the la&dt of W. K. Phillips, containing; twenty-thrrc and tnree-ciffhtiw acre. Terms of sale cash. Time of This Msy 13tn. '09 Brantlet HaasitBuaM & Co. Mortairrw Wm. Person, Atty. wwwvww Yei! Mi Not Wait 4 4 you can, pay the in three sale 12 o'clock srsz n ii nu n n n nti nn w a 0 1 rn THE VIRGINIA BAY HOTEL .Arrange to meet your friend t relatives and sweethearta at The Virginia Bay, Ocean View Va. Third season, under the same manage ment. Opens June 15th, 1909 For further information and rate, nddrvwi JOHN A TUCKER, Manager Artcr Jun 1st. The Vtnnr.w Bjr. Ora W. Over the Rooky Mountains to the Pacific, the Alaska Yukon Exposition, Los Angeles during the Elks National Convention and through the Yellowstone National ParkVia the SEABOARD AIR UNE RAILWAY. in charge of Mr. C.H.Gattis, District- Pas senger Agent Raleigh, N. C , and chap eronedby Mrs. C. H Gattis over the entire trip. Leaves July 3rd, return August 6th circling the United States in a solid Pullman train composed of the highest grade and modern design of sleeping, compartment, observation and Pullman dining car. The most inexpensive trip ever oper ated from the Southeast, through Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, stop ping at Kansas aty, Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Francisco. Portland. SeattlA Spokane, through Yellowstone National Park, St. Paul. Chiftaco rAd.mir home through Cincinnati and C. & O through Richmond. Trip cost will include Tn.ilrr.? arA Pullman fares, hotels, dining car meals stage ride of five and one-half days through the Yellowstone National Park transfers, side trips, carriage and autb- uiuuiie naes at stop-over points and all actual expenses necessary. Side trips will be arranged at all w. over points to places of interest, all de tails being arranged in rivan a looked after en-Toute. " t An attractive 33 day trip through the 'Greatest Country in the 'World." pv. ermg a distance of .8,755- miles of travel m a modern Pullman train hrith dining car servic eating and sleerjintr m the besttof hotels, sight-se6ing "Tbu Wonders of the VWet" . leisurely, with all details arranged v in advance, is a luxuiy of a lifetime. Write at once to the undersigned for cost 01 trip,chedalejana itinerary , If .maps, timetables -and jDOQWets . of the lines. ovCTwhich-th&' partyi- will' travel jLpitfusirea: sena w cents in stamps. ' DISTRICT, PASSENGER AGENT . RALEIGH, N C 1 . -r THOMAS' CHILL PILLS ! 1 1 w. CJL U JL l L I I - U ntil you. get all the money, if you need some things for the house. Come and get it, pay clown what and if you remainder payments. 30, 60 and 90 daws it will not cost vou anv more here than it would most places if you paid spot cash. Come and talk with us, we are reason ahle and want to ac commodate vou. Have No Eqoal as a Proven or ;ur forOblllp. They wot ouly Cure Chills, hut Build and Tone Dp your System. For al Dy ALL. DRUGGI ST" E. Whtte furniture Co, Louisburg. K. C Complete Home Furnishers ... . . NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED - Starr Pianos, Organs . , New Home Sewing Machines, New Chairs :stopped In 20 mintitea sure with Ttr iTl"ri? jmo TomitiM. no din. htm.' A safe find pUmu&w errap 50rucHtt We extend credit terms of 1, 2, 3 fpFbur liberal terras years. No ?xtra charpef lv7TOTr-C0)im Ql M- - X Talking Machine r 7 look over, bnr furniturdxatalogue published, tlien if you deairo we .will get you the satne article tliesame'price, less freight charges. ; Any ".merchant willdo the Bame. ..Give us a chance to save you money and help pay your ' school taxes. Then we keep the best, not ,the cheapest goods. v.".":-.- , Egerton s 1 " ' i onponum or rashio: ncrj. We hTc rur liui -.;ci. U!'. S it Kcr it uit and plr. oi ffn . .'- '..'f'i of t i.-.- new good cning tn ln . 1 J 1 ' "'--wit UJ. LATEST STI LE WE NEVER FAIL TO SELL In thU laU bi;; ttaport.uic. Lc vLc Ul-ci .Is ReAl Joc t?ii joa r5U 6c4 ut Ll 3013 BIG SALE IN SHOES CM. I it , Vrota lis tir lfn tbl et harisir on ht -,pnc. m uit fcfcof fpro&lljTi &4 for to retina c all lb trrjr ltt, price at 7r? U-T-O. f 13 . , . pArtccnU. WiJI call jrtiat attftstoo acii ic & :R- Zi- Egerton 5f NCaS WORTH py tJodaie-t'erry JJrug Uo. e r rv if

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