-J: ES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. 1 - . THE "COITNTY THE STATIC THE TraiOH J OL. XXXIX JOMWEHCEMENT VEEia .:LOUISBURG. N. C.FRIDAVJ MAY; 28:-100l: SUESCRIPTIOH 51.00 PER TEAQ 'KuiiBni is INOTHES 1 rn SUCCESSFUL SESSION COMES TO A CLOSE. 5ormon War hv jjg Annua Rev. L. T. Howard And the Address by Hon. John H. Small-Both Fine. This has been commencement , T.anisbarcr Female. Col- eeK ai r i ;t n nlftastira for the t,jre, auu ii " r ,vfKS to lecord tne iaot inai an- ther very succeHaiui auu oiwiowijf eision of this noble institution has ome to a close. he conimenceraent exercises i CnnrJov mnrninor lnal- )enei "u j v" m hen Uev. L. T. Howard, the able Methodist minister who is afltor of the church at Morehead delivered the Baccalaureate the graduating; class; nl ace in the Methodist almost :ity, lermon to lich took lurch, name being filled almost to 1 ,.fmot caDacnv. ov nome ioikb The nerraon was very appropriate mowr eiecranuv ueuvereu, iuo ' " " o weaker exhibiting a most extraordi- ,irv nieiiioiy ",o uum'iuuo nion nltnorftther it was one of the r i,:n host aatiatying Bermous ui mo his writer has heard on similar oc asiona. The sermon of Mr. Howard, night, was also very fine, and, as t.hft rase m the morning, was ery edifying to his audience. The resident made a wise selection then she secured the services of Mr. oward to preach the annual ser- hon. The event towards which all true 1 I 1 I 1.4. t I .naWnaaM lid loyai uauiuiers ui ijuuuuutg r .... . College look for ward with , eager an- iicvpations, the Alumnae Banquet, Vvas held in the college dining hall bn Monday night. The occasion proved to be one of bniwual interest, for many things conspired to make it auspicious. The reunions of quite a number f the various classes, the- enthusi torn and interest being manifested by heae classes in the larger and broad r pfans for the future of their Alma later; the presence of the board of rustees; the sense of good will and ornradefthip everywhere; the various oasts sparkling with wit and humor, Vith bright hopes and tender inter- ats for the future of the college: JfVll these made the Alumnae Ban uet of '09 one not soon to "be fbr- otten by those who were fortunate pnough to be preseat. Although absent, the beloved resident of the Alumnae, Mrs. J. S. arrow, sent a letter of welcome and heer, especially urging every mem- er of the Alumnae to use every ef- ort in her power to aid in raising ands for the M. S. Davis Memorial Association, and suggesting some iys in which this may be done. In the absence of the President, lia.J. K. M 'stress, and in her gentle, gracious W which ever lends dignity and narm to any occasion, she presided Nh ease and was most happy in her Felcome to the Alumnae. In toasting - the College Past, "ent and Future, Rev. L. S. Mas- e? Payed a glowing tribute f the. and noble work done by Mr. tl- Davia for Louisburg College, ua which more than any other one h,ng has made for the college in the H8 record of high and lofty als ari(i sent out into the world so i"any no women, so" well equipped la ""nd and heart to bless : and en lobl the world. He also 7' cast -a rophetic eye into the future. seeiner 11 the closer connection of 'the' eol ith the nnnfan vu m m9 iasi; iwo cen- r or the education of its youtK 7 lQe enlargement of its education titutbns, brighter and'roader lege' Alumnae "Association in . the state is better organized and -i more ably managed than that of Louisburg College. And that this Is due large ly t the untiring efforts of its most valuable secretary,.. Miss, Cora D. Bagley, whose heart is thoroughly in the work, and who gives of the very best that is in her to the fostering of this noble work. Those present were Mrs. M. S. Davis of '59; Mrs. X E. Majone, Mrs. lvey Allen, Mrs.: Laura Ballard, Mrs. M. J. Jackson ranging from '60 to '80; MrjJ. K. P. HiU of '90; Mrs. Mat- tie Williams, Mrs. Sallie "Wilson Meadows, Misses Lucie Foster and MabelDavis of '91; Mrs. Bird Per son Nicholson and Miss Cora Bacrlev of '93; MissMatilda Foster of '94; Mrs. Mamie Massenburg Carroll, Mrs. Bessie Upperman Palmer and Miss Lucie Jones of '95; Mrs. Minnie Egerton Hicks and Miss Sallie Pleas ants of '96; Miss Mary Underwood of '97; Mrs. Kannie Spivey Clarke, Mrs. Kathleen Stilley Bonner, Mrs. Bettie Hill Reavis, Misses Hallie Jones, May Jones, Mattie Ballard, Maud Dickens and Annie Strickland admirably aneljjnUjy;holg the rapt attention of the "large -audience as he proceeded by. logical argument and apt illustration to impress . the great truth that. what a man or wo- I ; ' . 1 r . power is only really valuable to him or her or to society in so far as it is employed for the material, moral or social uplift of the community. He declared that the distinguishing characteristic of our preseat civiliza tion as contrasted with those which have flourished and decayed in the man receives in the way of training Prize for Improvement in P n and culture or achieves of wealth orf manship, awarded to Miss Patsy Ed SdSSSTT1 CRADEO SCHODli CLOSES. Music Prize Riven by Miss CostenJ awarded to Miss Myrtle Critcher, MOST SUCCESSFUL SESSION presented by Senator B. T. HoMco. SINCE ESTABLISH CENT. F. A. Reports of Trustees and SupU Hills Were Very Satisfactory Interesting: Address by Rev. tir. Swope. The cloisg txercwet of th whttt wards, presented by. Rev. Bishop. Prize for securing largest number of subscriptions to Echoe the col lege paper won by Mba Mis Willie Lee Thomas, and printed by Rev.Grded School ( Loaiiborg took r . a. i3nop. plant on Fridiy of Lm wMk. Atter the concert then came the The school otned ai cml VriAr t U - lz;l.- J I.. . . . . . - I lWBl' WttS W,B uuhbiubu co-operawou -gooa urae ' oetween the boys and mororac? ind the virint.. Jr n. of men and women evervwhere in I crirlo whwh i 1V.4 fn. k-1 t. . . . I o i .. ... - .v,v..v.. .. u w "j uuih up ut wofk oi tne MiOtV. movements and undertakings which these young people with joyous n- At 12 o'clock pubUc dUu took uiaue .or vne weuare ana aatanoe- uch aUons for months before it ar- pJac in the auditorium betwtto the a wuuie. xu nves. larger papil. the query bioj Bpeat-er paia a magmncenc uiuuie io rnus eudea one of the moit tao; Should tb Govtroant own the those men and women now to be cessful eesaiona of IouUburg Female RailroadiT Tht-re were aJboai 12 found in every community the secret College. ot whose, influence and power lay in the prompt unselfishness with which they were ever leady to as sume aggressive leadership in any cause which meant the betterment of the community-life in any respect It is evident that his audience was of 1900; Miss Blanche Egerton . of deeply impressed and that it came '03; Misses Katie Furman and Mary away -thinking over what he had Malone of '04; Misses Kan Malone said as well as praising the eloquent and Lucie Berry of y'05; Misses Nellie way in which it had been said. We Wilson, Josephine Pernell and Lula regret that we have not spacV for a Masssnburg of '07 . Misses Alice full synopsis of Mr. Small's address, James Costen, Mary Alfred Cooper, for he delivered a message which it Mary Webb and Emma Duke of '08; would profit the individual of s every Misses Mary Foy, Elieabeth Joyner, community to learn and put into WUlie Lee Thomasf Mamielilder, practice. Annia Allan 1 WrTa TTlf-Tf HorrlA A t.Vl a ninnl nmnn rf (Ka aAAraaa - 7 - - w " J , - v.a t wv.a V MUU VM? I f . . m 51 r row KoasiA I lrmnn..'nvl fltorrnnfn I Rv I . S Mocaau nroaanfoH Tiirklrv. i rr : Til Jv-& -v rn-: .J. I AlUn was unanimously elected Pies Mrs. P. H. Cooke, Mrs.:M. C. Pleas- Misses Annie Louise Allen, Mary ants, Mrs, L. L.i Joyner, Misses Franklin Foy e, Marguerite Harris, Grant, Herring, Wiliam and Allen, Maude Furgurson Hicke, Laura members '.-ot4ira Fa!culty-dTiormer. Elizabeth J oyner, 'Carrie Marrow; 5.C'.:fir.t:yf? --'.i a. -iTT.it . ' T leHvuert; ;juie. jp. ju. , momuu., iurH. j.auuie xeue inomas, yv iue --Me i)owman, Metsrs. Ivey. Allen, M. S. 'Thomas, M!amie Agnes Wilder. He Davis, Revs. i. . S. Massey, G. F. also presented certificates to a nam- Smith, J. Bt. Shore, A. J. Parker, ber of young ladies who had com- A. P. Tyer, and Messrs. B. W. Bal- pleted certain courses, lard, Z. W. Lyon, J. T. Flythe, F. B. Each graduate was then presented McKinne of theBoardof Trustees. with a bib! a, the presentation speech Despite , the inclemency of the being made by Rev. F. A. Bishop, weather quite a large crowd assem- The Mathematics Medal was bled on the campus on Tuesday, af- awarded to Miss Annie Norwood, ternoon to witness the Class bay presented by Senator B. T. Holden. onatKlftfLnd the.dbittrt all dU well and it wsl very evident from the good points foored that they had maae qnn tiuay ot the qa4Uca. The judge decided with the rep- aodkrx. riVtAt t bd to ny ia verf approritu, tad w rrrtl ihil wtrtiMUe to girt a t;ac;'j. AU the parvaia should ksr beard H. At ftti4 before, the rewtwat t- tion hiM bn the omI tocftl ia bt hutatj of the ftCocJ-, taxi Epr. Utecdtat MilU tad hit txrvJ-Uct oofpe f ttchtri dtn-rrrt t2 ibaiiltj aad btarty co-operation c4 Ue ratire oomisunity la tUir fjiUifsl work. Tbe Ikard ! Tnatm at a ou bg rvotnUy held t-tltcU4 Sspria leadt oi Millt aa4 4he tcSr rix. Prof. E. L. ldiBM Joy- or, YtrtortC5 Rmt tod Mrt. lUjdtle. XOTES. The Board of Tnigtecu of the Col lege had a meeting on Tuesday when the property was formally 1 resenting the oettive, that the turned over to the Board hr Rv Government should not own. hat A. P. Tyer, Chairman ot a Commit- centre!, Raflroadf. tee appointed by the conference. The doting exerci took pltre In The members of the Board pretont lho Qioriurq .at night, tnd although were Revg. L. S. Massev. O. F. U'6 weaihtr wu unfarcrtble th t- I ) s f Smitn, J. Ii. Shore, A.J. 1'arktr, a.,d u.. n 0pDl0K , 93llcl timf Messrs. J. T. Blythe, B. W. Ballard, chorai WM an& b -U Mt a piAO Gf tnnh Z. W. Lyon and F. B. McKinne. WM "T repon ir jra ire . by hu , They organized by electing L. S. rutteea, rt-i by sir. .M. KoCa, j , huU u t f3ca, Massey President, A. J. Parker Vice scrlrT of be Iiotrd. The report j Cl lhc li0 Ut fcrcc! u President and F. B. McKinne Seer- wtM mcil tufctry one, Among!.f,r )lvc.i. ytt t3!kw h:i cd tary. The officers were electtd at oiner ininC 11 "' curT hive! v. .v..w uK -ITaxkwhT with all tu rai. Csnnsck . on Eelllon. The loilowicg 5ra U frwa U pen of the ItU SfitaUr E. W. Our. raick, of NtthvS! Ttna, who wit cn ordered tctat oostli to ty ilohin Cooper: "I dirptte Do tata't tr4co c f optoioa, thotjta why toy ruo tix.V3 te wvlhae to believe ttttt caio Ku Do f!tealteaot over a te4Jrt I do trA know. Yoa y l3l you ciaac In here the min elect tbe nemt-o&. Ltl est tell yoa the etcry cf t pr it er rairtc-e fhtn titL It it LS rcrv of t poor tjkjct, tBfttsl-r c4 t de o oofctryt.ta. Ir, ident of the college. The tsculty for the Fall teiiion . . e not yei complete ana will be givm later. . - The foUo-tflng .were . tha Cum menceraent Marshals: Chief Miat Sarah Jones, assisted by W ilium Barrow. AeaUtAnta Mitt Ctllie Corbett, aasisted by Wilton Green. Miss Viola Arlington, astwted y Badger Hart Mrs. Barrow's Concert. The concert by Mrs. J. S. Burrow's met promptly; tbtt there hid ben no deftult in the ptyrntnt of inUret on bonds, tnd the sinking fund vu in correspondingly good oooditioc The tetchert had all been ttU ia toll and there wtt no outtttAdla.; debt urwat the t choo! f ar t. t?0tet cxc! ft ance. i ne reort tito e&owea t&tt the limit of levy for mtinuntaoe, al lowed by law, had Dot been retched, and from pre at Iridic. lion, the Board did net tnticiptte that it Music Class in the Opera House Exercises, ahd4b scene was one of The Latin Medals'' were presented Thursday night of last week prietlcrtfi with til ii umrt, wuldtDg the iroa fomT cf J ite wcwid, btl over trott, oter dittg nvvre of boc4 xkS t! fr, it power ttrcpt ca tt,d ci otU ti Ltt every kicg cn eterr t.ro&e btwt Mown la tdcwiiion la ibe !J mu. tot of Gthle.. ft a-) tie very ittr taent cf hit feWe detth hs beoeoe Ilet tnUciptte that it . lj r ...... . .tl v4 would he necetarT t levy uSe Umitjrj,, yoq U: ft4? ,f h for thu purpcee. lofy of , At the reueet of the Board iMruiu4 tern frW the d, Trotter bupt. MilU mtde a 5tttuti-. .Toaej KaUtla U fcpl tlaC(t! ctl Report; among the tmrUni j lW who u r,.,cv.0 wUcv H fetturet being taat by l bv eomtinnjo .i. i... l... . . . . kir.V.n-u.fl 'nil Tiooiitv oa vnh 1oa I Ki "r A T T, Ulaon. fr... I V6TV much eniOVed bv the tDDrecit- .l cv.' . ! . . . 1 - I . rr i ami. . i preceded by its President bearing a Agnes Wilder (Senioi) and Mary UTe auaieoce. xne cnuaren "O"! larger citiew and ttrertge quittea tnemselves nnely, and tne tableaux at the close were beautiful. townt class banner marched around the Haves, (Freshman. campus. I?ollowim, is a programme The Mrsio Medals (Mrs. Ballard's of the exercises: . Class) were 'awarded Mieses Mary Grand March. Hayes and Lucy Smithwick, and Chorus presented by Rev. A. J. Parker. Class Toasts ..... .......... cetoUfca rot tccrWf will t ia the titae cf tSwdoa tai tte . i :i . r - - i uuraufr oi pupue in a ivouj axe Tery - Qj - UIUOU IU 1 ft 1 J Vt WWW V-UJVt. He alto ct ve the enroilment xxA A Pw Hlnfe ta Ynnn- Konliitinna nf KenAft I .. . ... ...... " atertge tueuatnoe oi wdiu 5C f-e oaly do wU. tber At a meeting of the vestrv of St. school for the trion, tt follow: 5 .. ... lo H rr2- Rev. Mr. Massey announced to the paura Church the following retolu- EnroUmeat 263, ever.ee Ueodao n)r ,v4 tti .K.f v A7.7A& I AvcflftK I aiinianoA that. th p.nmmittA unnnint. I . r I i - t . . t. . . t . rr - Uona were iinanimouaiy paweu: i rot iu. fji, iuu tKra, lt uoosgh to be rH. Ibectrd forever ...Ernestine Hayes ed at the last annual conference of Whereas, God in His imputable enrollment wtt JWS-OG, 205, tturw 1 The tk Uttrt. .Madeline Kearney the Methodist church to make the wiadom has removed from the Church dinoe 133; im-07, 232, tUeadtaoe j (aJ trt eb h n et: . Elizabeth Joyner legal transfer of the College proper- Militant to the Churoh Tnumphtnt 140; 1907-Od, 232, ttteadtaoe 1M. L waEiT. lmn . Class History . . Fannie Belle Thomas ty to the conference had completed that most faithful and efficient mem- The tvertge ttlertdtaoe doee not atodee4 rata w U frij L Song... ......Carolina their work and that the College was ber, Wiley Perry Nea!, who, while thow up at weU it it thooid td tht. j hltJf m-y u ia Prophecy. ....... Marguerite Harris now owned in fee simple by said vet in the prime of a life of most ef- is a maUor of very grett uaporucce mV Will. ........ .....BessieOrmond Conference. He also said that it fective service to his God and broth- that thoald be lookl into by the Presentation of Class Gift, Mary Foye was the purpose of', the conference, man, is taken from up, ptrtntt. Superintendent tad lecb- Song . .... 7. Medley with the aid of the friends and -well Therefore be it retolved by the era cannot boUd up tad mtiottio a Oh Tuesday night the musicale by wishers of the College to erect, at Vestry of SL Paul's -Church, Louis- tueceful school without the tid of the Junior Class took place in the an early a date as possible; a mem- -barR..that while we, his o'worUo lh Pal of lh papilt Earroa. College Chapel, and the young ladies oriaVbuildmg, in memory of the late in th'e church Militant will mi-t tad- Th Superintendent report tlto taking part rendered the well ar- President, Matthew S. Davis. This ly Wa kindly co-operaUon in all good -bowed that tinoe the tttabtuhtaeai ranged programme m a pleasing and was greeted with hearty applause, wort8 and cenerous support ia all of the ichool the number of tardiee ontarf oiniji ct manlier TK eTPrp.isf.fl as was also the announcement that! .. i . have been reduced tt lejut lb ferl consisted in music and recitations Mrs. Allen had been unanimously . k o lhe jnjighty Father, ind ,rd dmrioS trvai teftco and ths large a-dietce was highly re eieciea as rreaiaent. mr. massey w m friend, mooro for his "ere wer. iw.ir. pnpL woo r I Freshman . . Sophomore , Junior. Senior.. iinsra far t z . v o .v. juuuisDurg uoiiege in tu,u uave ever Deen done its past or present. - L Ve V0Qli dare say '4at iro Col- entertained.- Tie Chdpel was filled to overflow ing Wednesday morning when the Hon. John H. Small, the able Con gressman from the First District de livered the Annual' Address to the Graduating r Class." The exercises were opened ; with a soul-stirring song "True-hearted, Whole hearted; and prayer was offered r by Rev. A. P. Tyer.-.': " . -'Mr, Small;was then introduced m a very appropriate manner f ?by . Rey "L. S Massey, Chairman of the;Board. of TrusWes, and for.t aboutjan hdur this distinguished vlbrth', Carolinian spoke. .. Altera fewv preummary; re marks regarding the' hospitable f re- aptio'n tendered him iuponj hisfirst visit : to Louisburg, he " - announced, as hist sub ject kCommuriity::i Build- inff.,, He nandUed -his 'theme, most 1 Bit , t - - ''- announced that the Fall session I u,m - .v-.:-. -r,s-i not taidf io a einsrle laitxace. at fol presence, sfuip-tuviiu, iumi would open early m September and daily intercourse with os, and while Iow: Kua Miy IUe the Board of Trustees had great ve bow in humble tubmittion to Mtteenburg. Geoevieve Thorny hopes for a successful futurj of this will) yet a grmteful memory Fannie Louite Thomat, Ptttie Av- noble institution ef learning. 0f his life we give glory to God that cockc lxie IUrxi Jofca ' The Grand Concert.always winds He haA given to 4 this community io Graham r4rertor4 Aubrey Wtddeli, up the commenoraent exercises x on his departed servant a God-loving, Cid Hsyee, Moon Scaiihwcl. tad Wednesday Jiighl, and is . ijuite an God-fearing and God-serving man, Willi Collie. The Urt named hit interesting and enjoyable feature. : who from his arly youth has been wt tawed a day or Ua urdy dar lVis'on thiJ occasion ihtt the mus- identified wiih this church, and who S 9mbn. CWtia- io nnnfli1 'dD.avtJ.eir " akill jri" 'th, w. fnr manV veara a faithful mem- pw delightf ul' art, and when the efficiency, her of the Vestry, and Junior Wax and faithtulnesrof -their. :tntors- are den, and a Christian . without guileu reflected through their pupils to ' the Of auchsuiely may we say, is the appreciative listener' of sweet " and kincdom of Heayen. timeIyw.mMt - ySwed'further.' that we ' ttndcr eyecfawB, wired at the Jut mo tliis occion as elegantlv' Brrancd I trv h 'amil t. "whoa Wit' incota- meDl : "voUtb!y .dei and most'iti 1 parablr greatest ot U,oux inort fia Uln ewbert, tsd , Sspt. . Mlt Immediately after the conclusion cere sympathy, and that the . Sect. wtf ia uxsgsr lur. tary be instructed to have thia jewo lution published and furalsh . copks of the aarae to his family. . ; .fl for their punctaability aod rrBltr aUenlance. " Dr. B. F.' Dixon, State Aedttor, who was to deliver the 4int c4 May yoog oeo rale cJwuk by ihmkiac xhwt wtU do u-e raob. coCieootJy tbey do Injie .J faj beottaftie tiey dooH gt rw Hombf yeui es flayer m tuti4 to do me h 111 ftboS Cj ibe tref, toe an t5r?t4 to be tt j ctr pltoe of batiaieA,, tert yctr catVra- Cr!rr tt the dr tI rtft kim (mJ h it dcfai; ji a ftc to ty tr ftcSbot tbtt fo are dcrx bra. oae to el it to Hat. (Vo tn tai dexa tlwtrt,bct dral raike t !c4 of rotrtWf aboet y of level.. A cw-o-cwited, etacktp rata ater yet cs.4e a eacocen at a bonet raxa, teottite he thiakt taore cf tf thta be dxtee cf hit cajtcoer or Um bc.aie. Lt yocr ecar4orr ewe y& tti aa tatrr eel ia bie wcl toi U sal tt will uke t-o iatrreet la yea. t-uy tt the froct door wtt a fret try. Ott toorn donX gv-atrtJUy cve&e ia at lbs btck dootv D&aS ttsab o:re t4 jo mil tbaa aay cm dew (hriWsoaiiTicnrt. of the cdncert programme the follow ing medals and'piizes were awarded: K BW. BaUard Music Medal award- Mvr :,w;"'r v fv ; . -:.. - ' Mr. Swope to sattrtxia tht taJWocw, which bt tM to the fall tt'irUctica of the Urg and vary apptcuilvt l ' J I Ut Utadroc TocieJivrJt fit. rtrelli. . l4vv IlttrKa TfcMt-.tr, Jt-i-i fib. Fan -