jA'tfES A. THOMAS, EDITOR, - v. V" " ' tV:. : -T V-v" -THEICOiniTY.THE STATE, THE TOIOIi; - V mSUESCRIPTIOH ZUto Tin JtAtt . -. J v. VOL. XXXIX. LOUISBURQ, N. C.t FRIDAY" JUNE 4, 1009. - '...KUBSEB1B HOME MISSION SOCIETY. ITS EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL SES SION HERE. ' The First Meeting: was Hem Tuesday NightAddresses of Welcome and Re$ponsesThe Attendance Very Good. - The eighteenth annual session 6t the Woman's Home Mission Society of the North Carolina Methodist Conference is being held jn the Meth 0 list church in Louipburg this , week The first session was held Tuesday night and was called to order by the President, Mrs. R. B. John, of Ral- eigh. The address of welcome ! on the part of the church was by Rev. F. A. Bishop, the paster. . Miss Mabel Davis welcomed the delegates! on the part of the Louisburg r Female College; Mrs. F. B. McKinne on the part of the Woman's Foreign Mis sion Society, and Mrs, J. A. Turner on the part of the Home Mission So ciety. The response was made ; by Miss Eliza Norfleet Smith, of Gates- ville. The addresses were all splen did and greatly enjoyed by the con gregation. About sixty delegates (all ladies of course) reported the. first session, which out of a total of 80t5 ade fine showing. , The committees of the local Seciety have done tfieir work well and had little trouble m. rinding horueHor alLve;3 gates. Louisburg is knowtr far and wide for its great hospitality and on this occasion our people are ; endeavoring to make it pleasant for the delegates and visitors' tfarjffig The Society r bas beeti bldmg three business meetings , daily, and some time during each day devotion al services are held. On' Wednesday night the annual sermon was delivered by Rev. J; H. Shore, of Greenville, to a very larg'e congregation, xne sermon was an able one, and bristled all through with sound common sense references to the duties of the church in mission as well as all good works. The Seaboard Air Line authorities furnished an extra nice car on the Louisburg road this wees for the benefit of the delegates and visitors to the Home Mission, Conference. Messrs. F. B. McKinne and J. A Turner went to Franklinton Tues day to meet the delegates and .gave each one a printed list containing the names of the delegates and Uhe names of the persons whose ; guests they would be while in Louisburg The delegates were met at the debot J - ; . M. here with carriages , and taken to their various homes. As we go to press too early to give ai account of the proceedings this week they will appear next week. to give in theif taxes truly and - hon esUy.; y 't 'j And inthis connection we notice that the last legislature amended the machinery act in regard to persons who fail to list ; their taxes in 4 the time Required by " law, and makes it obligatory on the Chairman ot the board of county commissioners to double tax" alU persons.- Section L73 reads: "The chairman of board of commissioners shall examine the tax list from each v township lor the previous year and insert in ! said list theMescription and valuation -of all property not given in and . SHALL targe ait such persons with DOUBLE the TAX which thev would otherwise be chargeable; and" all persons who own property and WILLFTJLLX FAIL TO LIST IT within the time, allowed before the list taker or board ot i : commissioners shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and onv conviction thereof shall be fined not more than fifty ; doll ars or im prisoned not more than thirty days and it shall be the duty of the board ot commissioners ,' to present the Grand Jury the names of all sucb persons." All property owners should take warning hd avoid being double taxed by listing property prompt- iy. : ' : falmage Strickland Dead. f . Mr. Dewitt Talmage Strickland ged 22 yeirsied at the hom4.ofj in AEAirnHILTilARRIAOL'wtoJ THE ;:r,lQYI!lC PEOPLL . -l :. . - f - .blabrlsw for lift po.rom.r,i o V, TAKES PLACE IN ST., PAUL'S EPISCOPAL " CHURCH. ' -- , - ..." , , v " - Dp. Hodge A. Newell and Miss Janet E. Hayes the Contract-! ins, Parties They Go . on a Tour North. SL Paul's Episcopal church in Louisburg was the scone of a beauti ful marriage on Wednesday morning at Id o'clock when Dr. Hod ens A. able brla fof Ufe covernment of the Camp and report at next dnU UpoTi notion it was unanimocaly adopted that the election of odont THEIR HOVEUBNTS IK OUT OP TOWHf AHD bo deferred Ho. tha regulir annud I Those Who H&To Vlilte4 Louts meeting of the Camp which will b held .in AurirL The following committer wu ap pointed to confer and cooperate wivh the Dangf era of the Confederacy in any moverneot for the good of the Wran:N Judge CL M. Cooke, CoL W..H. Yarbdroaffh, Dr. J. 1L Malone Kewell and Miss Janet E. Hivcb Hunt P.O. Ahtnn xf- xt v were joined in the holy bonds of Jovner. wedlock, the Rector. Rev. John Lon- i N 1 1 . aon, pert jrramg the ceremony in a Mr Luther Bohbitt Dead most impressive manner. The church Tha rnnnf Mr l.mr TK. was tasUly decorated and the splen- LI-bodied .addenlv in Darhim. did music by the choir addad v.ry DaMed through LoaMbunr for intr. much to the otherwise pleasant occa- raent at father's old home pl.oo sion. An tr wu uwaauj iu lie m a null ui Ushers were Dr. R. F.Yarborough Rer. A. Dobbin, and a biother of Dr. Dr. C. H. Banks, Messrs. John Best H Bobbitt, ot xhxn countr. He andW. F. BatUe. Best men has beistl UviQf, m Uarblra Messrs. J. O. Newell and Hugh two yean. He attended school at Perry. Bridesmaids Miss LUlie 1 Academy, and there Hayes, sister of the bride, and Miss a number of hw school Lucy.Berry, of Hyde county. The mhiea 1Q thi8 and other coonUee who Dride was given away by her brother wiU TegTet to learn ot h5i dealh I(, Mr. Hugh Hayes, and the ring cere mony was used. Immediately after the ceremony a Whtte-Malone. reception was given the bridal party The Time has received the fol burs: tho Fast Week Thosa Who B&to Gone Eliovhert for Business 'or rlct-suro. Jodgv Cooke it fpodrca th'u week at home. Mra, T. W. WaUoQ i riaatiag ht aieter in ChaxiotU. Cpt. L. I. Jorfier rpni WeJot. day in IlUeisb icbilL Mr. It. C. Beck made a burb.ca trip to Richmond thta vtk. Aiioroy utneral lucku iral Sunday and Mocdaft hoot. Mr. Roger BcrroaRha, of Hrir. on, U vbiting her people in Lch. burg. Mr. J. M. Strickland, of PaAaora Spring, wu among the rito to tuwn im wk- lU&sru W. M". Peron and B. T. Hold en attend) FeJtral Cocrt at Raleigh Tueeday. Col. W. T. Hoghat ard faraily, f HHr. J. O. May Urn EaUr EJtr Ult, Ur. T. It. May wiih Hka Exit! Uyt W tU tiz Mi, 4L F Hay wiA Uwt Haule Krixt to ihm Wrr, at Ucb rstotct lit. tL W. Ftxriiriii aM lirtr ud txlT .tbe bo la a a- was about 55 years of age. tbty wi Ulna 19 iVe tx lici ww bv.tt!-:?t2y 4kot. t4 wiiJi fTd asl Aorr. lUfrwt necta wrn tttmrtti i tisitfy vb t;. rttiu cf th Biit2.o. la tSari it wm cdj tbo prvtrc! tiba ltw Vow lot"fau ihm rvorCk At HiSO t! pHT fjrt4 Oitcr tw oc srnt 4 Stpari. Th grwta, aa c4 Mr. a&1 lira. fUtj Fivrdirant. m tnriC lait ur cf Mr. at4 Mr. J. V. Kras a cbirtruj, yesxe U2y. fcrlf lo of C3ir Htk' tUHt nvea m lyiuwbarg from C!ia Uty Mar yw tir U Icr- 1 tnjtt, thif week and wi!J apnd aom ua Kt.r !db f: ttu M ririL hifefatberarDa:.;VStrickli Louislinrg, onatura,yeyening last atter a lingering, illness I of ; several months. All that' lovine bands and kind father could do for the Sufferer 1 was done, but fate had decreed, and hje; passed r peacef ully away. The u1xejasejryfwere iat-tbi'lres large number of triends ahd relatives gathered.- Rev,; iSwope con ducted the services, and the remains were tenderly laid to rest in the tarn jly plot m the Cemetery. The fol lowing were the pall bearers: H. C. here. Ml Ina Wejkthn rrUr from Apex wbre tho lxd beeo to atuod the Hirkvr-Mano j raarriagv. Mr. S. A. aod wf, ar4 were showered with congratulations t0 Mr. Perciral Richmond White Mb Katie Bioaai, of WiUiaetUa, and rice. They took the 11:20 train wr,av vninir Jnn th 1t. I who r.m- tr. .ff-r! ! v.-m. include I teenth at nine o'clock Methodist I Haye roarriare, ar rf4u:2 a i li &t the Rectory by Rev. and Mrs. h0wiog invitaUon: John London, after which tbe hap Ur tad Mrs. Jamw Eilia Maione py couple was accompanied to the hnvite Von to be preaent at the mar depot by their friends, where they TlSLSte 0( their daachter Man Ellia and their bridal tour will Washington, Atlantic City, New Episcopal church Loaiborg, North abort wbUe with Mr. KewrU't raoC. York, Boston and Philadelphia. The bride is the second daughter of Mrs. Sue Hayeey and U a woanran of a most charming disposition. She was always a favorite among her schoolmates and possesses many qualities which go to make up the perfect woman. The groom is a son of the late Rev, Geo. W. Newell, and is one of irolina. r Inderal Court, er near Maplevilto. Mctrs. II. II. Prty ad Im, B. Cooper, acoompanted by Mra, JoSm Depart art of Trains, T!e Ib-crg vrixu rkt &j f;4. p.'cu Meesrs. JkO. Winston, R. F. Bonn, D.-Cooper, Mr. IL B. Powell a:4 J. F. Mitchell and E. II. Hight, are Mb Fannie Co?pr. catse otr Federal Jurors at Raleigh thta week", j from Heodcrton by aot-oojolrj o4 J. F. Mitchell is foreman of tbe tpent ymterday in IxuUbttrg. Bowden, Clayton High, W. B. I Louisburg's most, prominent and pop- Tucker, G. B. CoOper, William Jack son, Wflliam Barrow. Mr. Strickland desires us to return his sincere thanks to theunany friends and neighbors, who kindly aided him during his son's, sickness and ex pressed such kindly sympathy -since his bereavement. Tax Listing Time. This is the month in which the law reouires evarv .-, Derson in "the X r r - 1. , State to list his - or her taxes. The tax listers have been appointed in ery township in the State, and should be at their work as we writs; and while they have a duty i to per form each individual citizen also bas a solemn duty to perform. Under the law it is obligatory on : every person, in listing His or her property or taxation, to make out an , accu rate list and SWEAR to it. -How many people regard this oath, and bow many swear ' theirsquiy jirito perdition, id making out the list By: failing to put down everything they wn at its true ;aitfe$hVai. a prominent preacher deliver" a3 ser- mon along this line some ! time ago V uu ne said that more people r swore , their goal's into hell, each " year. V in listing their taxesj than, by Commit-'. 5 any OHier B1ga ;iQat ne -could think of. If this opinion wrfritrue, 11 18 tirne for folks' to examine them? elve8 and bptri'n in"fhia -tQOQ Annual Barbecue. The Louisburg Rifles (Co. D.) had its annual Barbecue in the "William son Grove" on Wednesday of this week, and by a special invitation tbe Franklin : Guards (Co. FA of Franklinton, came over and ate "scorched pig' with the Rifles, and it was voted as one of the best yet neld.. v V ' s-: v In addition to the officers' and members ot . tne two companies, numbering about 46 men each, there were a: larsre number ;,of invited friends present toenjoy the "cue." It was An 4deal ; day, there was plenty to eat, cooked - elegantly, sufficiently "Hot" and everybody seemed happy. There was a good supply of lem onade and ice vater on the side, and the boys, did not fail : to partake especially those who ; were not very ' fond of pepper. V V . I heFVahkiinton 0uardi came on the morning trainrand were met -:;at the depot by the; iLouisbtjirg Rifles aiid escorted r: over -to Court jaq uaXeH; ft X; PW'H';,;'r; Before marchin gave, a v-traskirmish Grand Jury. There are only a fei blockade caws from rrankho at this term. We notice that the fol lowing canea have been dbprd of from this oounty: life of peace and happiness. Mr. It G. Allen, PrtitjJecl of tbe Firat National Bank tir4el C annual roc ling of the tu Baskera ular physicians. frnm thU GOQr.Xls, m 1 t. . The Times joins their many friends lT s T Normtn McKnifthL . . . . here and elsewhere, in extending Violation of the Uwi. Thc fc. w 9x wUh M congratulations and wishes them a defendenl ded cuiltv and was , u . ,v. a cj 1 w i j j w-w avw -w w sentenced to eighteen raontha In the federal prison at Atlanta. Make it a Rule. U. S. vs xrthur Willtama, Frank- The trading public should bear m lin county. Violation ot postal laws. mind that it is always best and safest Defendant pleaded guilty and enter- to trade with tke home merchants as ed prayer for judgment, which was they usually carry in stock every- reserved. thins needed to sustain life and Both defendants are colored 0 make the home comfortable, cozy and happy, bhould you nee a ape- Farmer8 Union. cial article your merchant may net Mr T z. Green, editor of the Annual Statement, We are aending otii withtbb bue a aapplemenl contatntnc the eipen ft ot the county for the but liotl year. Ia addition to tbb will b fountf mdvertbemtnta ot a oomUr of promioantbuiinea coootma. Wbeo you have read the atatement tak a look over the advmm.rrla atd what thee advertisers have to tv. Chamber of Commerce. The Tike ia glad to be at thai ka many auggmilocj regxrdrsK the or have in stock, it would te safest to Mar8hvUle Home, was in Louwbarg let him order it for you and thereby la8t prfday tor the purpoee of aasbU save you the risk of being cheated ing in the' organization ol Farmer's outof your hard earned -money, o-Tjnion for Franklin county. Mr. cal merchants as a rule, know witn w a lUn ; h been in the LntMfUn . ry rv. whom to place their orders to their for 8everal orgaciting BifC. htr, x,vhlt btereud a 6wn and customers protection and 8ub.Uniona. in the various townahir, naraw of oar cith. and that tch tney are m every way prepaxeu w d reDorted at the rooeUng laat rt;t. ,1 . x-iiu wivuo uu w.sv -w-m tcrialtze at an? moment. a dozen anbs, repeeeentatlTea of which assembled on that day, as stated above to organize a County give you wise counsel. both com drill on the sbreets to, the delight iof . fjiv;.- , .... the, spectators. t IThesV annual f meets are! i alway. Smce tbe above was put in tyt a number have a oggfvted that a anuM meeting of the cititena of Loch berg b called for next Tc3j night, t3 trie court mouk, a&i aa ccua Old Vets Meet. The R. M. McKinney Camp, Con federate. Veterans of Franklin county Union met in the Court House last'Tuea- After an address and a fall ex day, in response to the call of Com- planation of the objects of the onion, I be the moat favorable night the - I M af - mander H. C. Kearney, who presid- viz: tne Detterment 01 me larraera, 1 p,Mtg breby annoaoowi that a axm ed. by J . t. Greeo, an orgmzauon 1 meelice of ji wvu dltVt i- The main object of this meeting was effected by the ehctfon of Mr. Hudinc merchanu. tobacoo taea. taw- was to furnish the Veja information H. D. Lgerton aa 1'rcaidenL ( W I Ter- doctor, preAthera, derk; aa4 regarding tne ite-union at iuempnia iaueu w secure ujo v. 1 0:1 01 ctLueru who ar tster- nikt week and to ascertain , howl other oflicera, but will give them I tMU h Bpha3dbg ot Louiri: many desired to attend. Those who next week Lditob) lne union 1 Ef0 mofl fiiy invited 10 U h expressed themselves as being sure I was started in Texas several years I Court Hocm next TuanaJat ntcht of attending from this -Cam p were ago, amd iu promolere claim that h a minute later than &20 o'clock Coramander;H. C Kearney, H." S. is intended solely for the uplift and Gupton,t W.. T. Young- and D. C. I betterment of the farmer,, and u in x narringvon,- vmers eaiu iua uiey uu uneumw j.w v might! attends ;rr PoablJ way f pull : down" any other; claaa. rtnmorrow'i th I We believe the bbiecU and alma of otn. lnexareior. tn9 rquna inpiine uuiou i.kuw A True Korth Carol! nUa. ih frt tM: Otnrrrstt Airexk w-tt a to1 ittitJ if"!f:iijfaa,s bsl a vtt r:jtrx. It tx-ar W U.U Gevanvc Ayock a a y.c4tj. ins, i b m tb toci fx.&Uf nii4s tn Ncni, CVfcu-a Afc vu oJ lact t;m; im hw h- 5u!irw ta ?Uw. On 54tb of Iwt Jsa at O-arieiiit oat,. Uoa vita (otrtuor Arn:ke arc Uj ak, the at"w!ia tft a Vc him thai fnctsty w m jrrrtti, ari it w.t tMUc thai hi rriUT ia. flaiic t-fre a North CrtU&a a dieoe ha-i Weo tooewhat 4jBnj. Bat befere that Icijj ce-avtttno hai dtl civtrtor AjCKk vw th ilol of tbe coovuca, aad ia the doting hcn c4 the vatcUca ara a!rarf aa c- n,a 10 tra tu rerr rtrS; ao4 at the rtz f tb ocoretio h 4rcs tLati aal who i hcm froo that oooreatin (who rrssul tto-chcai tL co) realuu4 lim CarotaiaA. Gov ertor Ayoocie rtay rM W grat m MktA cSoa t-Kace he taeo da, a3 ts-ay &rt r;ri hit hcrt la akiaj; ar4 dciwis f arm by which to aooDieapJbh Jlh f-nf. bat ia the tvna c4 4 U Sute 00 taaa b cir at4 it c.o a bo l frco aa t!tTt a t run. tvi frota hb rrtstrkaiv rroorJ a4 pcloia ati fruiarM tha4 are s the taara, and if air the to tike part in the corporation ot a Chamber of Commerce. A Beautiful Homo Xtxniao- i - At tha hotae cf Mr. J. "W. Kvxaa, Both 'companies areweUofiicered 4ndvthe prryatesjare ypung menull 01 patriotism auu ( iu v h,ui, .wuiut j and no doubt shoaldjrwar; be'de clared,-all of themVwouldjbe fready to 'tip and at em frdm'LoOubnro-i8.17.S0.--Oa ;sale frmen wooJd tUnd np .fiitMnJl.to "r lekvo Memphis until June ' lbi 'r - Ibe the resulu ' x'atrioia--laias -.were maae jDy Exxlnn For Tho xtirrled. Nerrt toih b ifcrr at com. Krver.usat wtih a part cw!iU, Keter ol wjthct.j a lot in wl- cctae. KeTwr torjftl fhe kay hecra c4 exrtr lorve. Never talk at ca aawha; rtihif alea cr la CKspiay. Kestrel the whot worU twnt rather than coe another. Ktrtr Ut the rra a. dews ta asgeror grbTiot. Vrer rpek loc4Jy to f? a&lhcr c!m the h la ca Ir. Let r-tJii tre airii e U cft tit ta tLo wbhtf i cf the c lhcr. Never arat a rrsuk at the - ex- 1 .f- r tr nTTT"- t.i. f Judge Cooke and Commander Menry ; Tahernade Korfolk exciiriba - V. ' , 7 C Kearney. . v V J leaves Henderson i need ay, 4 una sw.i rr7? r" , ie 1, lotiowisg caxae ur. . j. ceage .ThV Commander was authorized! Fare .12.50. catered tho beiouf ally decorated r ir. tor Uking t ftaad to the riiht, theo - r it ia a raiMU 21 tttr a;! rrcr w hat bigil la We a, bsl raik the ocni d what U. Ex chirr, ..'" "". 5 -s. ' 1 ':VrYr: