Aft'' 'V,; I v : t r a k i ix'i nvl"' T I IV A fT Q she should know how- to' cook , and - 1 m jVrtftp a house she is more than likely , k tuAiiac- cri Jt ttwNFR t answer. that cooks;can to hired: , .'. -w tuMtW farther sarcastio remarks to; the 1.00 1 eSeets that a man who wants - a wo- v v 85 1 man tor the wot k: she can do, as a ' - .i I slave, Vdr'udge etc ' has rery , loW ' iidpfl nf th material fitatft." That is all .Yer'y fine," butit ? possibly . might ' nnr tr t.h daughters of ..Eve who Judge EL 6. Connob, the new J entertain-these high-flown notions, SIX MONTHS, THBSS MONTHS, Friday, June 4, 1909. Fori or q I Tnrftrp.. is holdine the court that the woman who marries with A. W w-vy I in Raleigh this weekr having taken the idea of getting a man to, support the oath before TJ. S. Commisioner I her, and who is willing to let her NTinhnla Tncsdav mornine. husband slave and wear his life out in the straggle to provide foi her Hflw. T. W. Bickett's sugees- rwitbout doing all in her power to tion in his recent speech at Wades- assist in making the mutual partner horo that everv sir! ought to show ( ship a success, hasn't very elevated her certificate of graduation from a I conception with the married state. CQoking before being granted, license ism; modern sopiety, in wnion ex to marrv, was about the mostsensi- travagance and extravagance tha hie proposition tnat has been made involves more or less of dishonesty this vear bv a commencement orator is a national vice, modern educa- - t - It tickled the young men in the au- tion and the silly ideas of foolish pa- dience, but they will live to see the rents are responsible for this condi- force of it, if they should happen to tion of affairs; and the idea is more marry a girl who does not know a or less prevalent among some wo- tomato from a turnip. Charity & men that it is a sort of distinction to Children. profess to know absolutely nothing about the management of household That was quite a "swell affair", that affairs. This kind is of course to be Charles D. Wildes, the get-er-up of pitied for not knowing any better the "young men's Republican Club" than to think that what is really to had at his home in Kaleigh one their discredit is meritorions,v but night last week. The Raleigh papers the parents and modern education, say that he had a crowd - of his as has leen said, are- to blame. fnends to "wine and dine witn nimji Neaily every woman expects to and from some cause they became 1 marry and of course keep a house, somewhat hilarious, disturbing the en? but, -how: many are educated and tire neighborhood, for some distance, trained in any way for the irnpor 1 1 - . 1 " 1 3 If I U II a . .. T ana maKing mings mueou8tiorta wuitj. tant duties ot nome-mafcing: it is And because some of the neigh- amazing that so many mothers make bors who had been disturbed com- f themselves the veriest drudges to plained to the authorities he went to save their daughters from house a lady s nouse, during toe aosence oi work: they not only do not tram her husband, and threatened to kill" them to housework but distinctly her. He was arrested in a drunken avoid training thern, offering as an - t i 1 T"T condition and looted up. ae was excuse that they want the eirls to tried on Wednesday of this week and "have a fcetter time" than they had hned $75 and costs, lie submitted By and by the girl marries and she xo several, uuart's "l uibwuuuul as to learn, under untavorabie con- It is stated that he made a public ditions, what her mother should ave apology and intimated that he would taught her or she should have been take a coursa through "keely." The taught at school. Entirely ignorant names of none of his guests were 0f managing a htjme, she not only home-manager to know -how it work should be done, that she. may see to it that it is don satisf aotorily ahdewnomically.VVv 5 v" - - There ispne diss of women ,'and one only who are' in some t measure excusable for lack of . knowledge of homejiuties-These axe the joaog women, who, i& Boon ss they can be equipped as bread-earners, go out M . teachers.' stenoitat hers and the like. - w These may "lack knowledge ou housework but it is usually for lack -x of opportunity; and it thej are in-j dustrious enough to go bravely and early into the field as bread-winner, they will makeood home-maker, foMbey would K scon . acquire the1 knowledge necessary, In tact ex-: penence as a teacher or a buiineea woman usually makes such an one more appreciative of what a-home ta and what it should be, so that if op portunity comrs they will, while possibly lacking practical experience, make the better home-makers foi their other experience. All honor to the apostle of this crusade such as Mewrs. liickett and Richards who have the cour age to talk common sense. May their tribe inciease. .tabernacle roriolfc excursion leav- s Henderson Tuesday, June 8th. Fare $2.50. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best on the Market. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find it to be the. bst on the market," Bays E. W. Tardy, editor of The Sentinel, Gainsboro, Tenn. "Our baby had several eolda the past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy always gave it relief at once and, cured it in a short time. I always recommend it when opportunity pre sents itself." For sale by Scoggin Drug Co. Tabernacle Norfolk excursion leaves Henderson Tuesday, June 8th. Fare $2.50. NOTICE Partie- who have the Masonic Lodge kev will pleaso return same to me at once. A. S. STROTHEK. given. IT IS JUDGE MANNING. v A phone message from Raleigh to the Times yesterday evening brought news of the fact that the Governor appointed Mr. J. S'. Man ning of Durham about noon ,. yester day, to till Judge Connor's place on the Supreme Court Bench. has a hard time, but the husband has a hard time and it is thus that dis satisfaction and unhappiness begins that may make the married state anything but what it should be. It is the crown and the glory of a wo man to make a home and on the home everything government, mo- For Sale My house and lot on Kenmore Ave nue and Tarboro street. The house has five good large rooms and the lt is large and roomy. Cheap (or quick sale Dr. Ed. S. PORTIS, . Salisbury, N. C. Wanted in nnv an tma rt t rr caah yxta n rality, religion, pure living and high- get opto and including Saturday. June 6th. Mill will be closed for the season er living, social, educational and ma terial Droerress is based. The home THE HOME-MAKERS. is the foundation of all that is good In an address at the graded school and home ia .a womanU8Qall a at Wadesboro Mr. Bickett is quoted wife aud mQther Ther& caQ Qo by the Ansonian as saying that if he v . . A , . , J . home without her. And yet for the were a Carnegie, he would have a . . & ' craming these home-makers, on T unialoHira tf Vila tnm onil tka fio B.a- , "iDl whom rests practically all that law passed would be one estabjish- d m hfe tfaat which ing a cooking school in every town- , . - , . A. & & J to come, no provision is made in the shiD. The next would reouire everv , it .. . . . " scnoois and lime or no attention, is gin fo graduate irom tnat scnooi be fore license could be issued for the after that date. LOUISBURG COTTON OIL MILL Excursion I Norfolk is IS marriage. "The girls looked serious and the boys laughed out says the Ansonian. There was certainly no cause for merriment in these re marks. Mr. Bickett's idea is an eminently sensible one and if it could, be carried out the health - and hap piness of the people of this country would be vasily increased . Char lotte Chronicle. Referring to the above the SLates ville Landmark makerflthe follgwmi very timely comments: This sort of talk isn't popular, ' bpt every individual of sense knows it is practical common sense,' and it should be emphasized again and again until intakes hold of the minds and hearts of the parents especially. in this connection it is gratifying to note that Dr. ' C. M.' Richards, of Davidson, in his annual sermon bei fore the Young Woman's Christian 'Association of Statesville Female College, discussing the character "of Ruth, the Moabitess, gayer her fir st distinction for industry and called attention to the fact that industry Is the chief virtue ascribed to jthe virtuous woman describedii inf the Book of Proverbs. v !And' tjienf Dr; Kchards stated painlfdwitlu . emphasis, 4bat lt is a discredit -:to a .woman in anv oosition to be ah idler: ffchat It is a distinct discredit . tcu: her notio know howtM . what her? position; and it is ; to: her shame to b unwilling to workVheo necessary. -A -v- yy tf v',' ', This sort of talk W VAftAnt. ia nn1; given the homes. The Tabernacle Sunday School of Raleigh, will run an training m too many excursion to Norfolk It is all right that girls should be taught mu8icand painting and other accomplishments. "All these help to adorn and make attractive at the home. But the praotical side cannot l Round Trip $2 50 i Tuesday, June.-8th Leaving Henderson at 9:30 a. m. Returning leaves Norfolk W neglected. Tbe material things- W d a j g fc - wnaL we snau eai ana arms ana where withall shall we be clothed are absolutely necessary. In town especially women usually do the buy ing for the family. Dr. Knapp, in The Tabernacle Excursions arc an address before tne State Legisla- ture at its recent session, said that the most popular run ami you the ignorance of the women in not cannot afford to miss it knowing. how to buy and what to buy cost tbe state two billion - dollars annually: that few women know how to select the proper kind of food and thatma-hy a baby baa died feccT? prematurely because its ' mother did not know how to take care of it. There aref three things, says Dr. Knapp and The Landmark wants Mr. Biokett to include them in his cooking school law that a girl ought to know and she isn't fit for marriage until she does know- them. They are: (1) What food to pur chase and. how to cook it; (2) how toimakerJier-own clothes,-hd lhtsa of the family; (3) ho,w to nurse "and: . ; r ., . - v . - . - aoctor tne xamiiy. i nese are nec essary ti accomplishments -for the home-maker. : If the husband ia able Qur Corn Salve leaisiDiniaibk Notes New Ties. ew Shirts. jyy J New Hosiery, Glens' Straw lints, Mtetbr Lipht Weight SuitB. tV:A SI O&j J Seiisonable Under- p9 woar' :;jpH Meiift' anil Boys Ox- yWM: ' L fords WlPl ladies and Misse nli ::: Oxfords. ; Best of their kind t Reasonable Prices ALLEN Louisburg, Yoyo rv n ri ri r VuiiooDc Amid more it day's applica tion as directed and the corn is gone for good. t that , I I i 0 mk (is Your Attention Just For a Moment m3 You Need Scwnclhlftc tikx, m thr Way of SUMMER UNDERWFAR Hat ta thm &3trt hz ejtU t.x all tbc-t l jxer nra ;irif i At The Store of to hire the" cobkinff done.5 the clothe Wi v Hm At! DAniArnAr rw( made, hire a nurse ands coverness V- e ' ' " ' " ' Gm am 'ftrAnvi , . that are of known efficacy. Toothache rw (andfewof qur people are ahle to drops, ere loUons. etc Yououffhtto sSf the h Louisburg pfovideTall these things .or, can -c-t lve a PPly of them in . t efficient help .f abU)! all . Veil knd WhdoiA J2- louse. Clothier i . good, butnt :ia- neceasarj -for ' the oeasiey -Alston :mwV3mMmS2B2H& CT r - - y