'-'-.- ; 1 . .... j. A. THOMAS ED. &,OWNbn Friday, June 4. 1909. iUDBX TO NBW JlDVXKTTSKMKNTS- xr.Kinne Bros For Sale. Wilkins & Stegall-Notice. TAR DROPS. Those who have been clammor-f- hnt wither, trot a small bite in2 101 "vw r ' " r r , . this week. Listyour property during this onth or you will be double-taxed. This is n0 "scare-crow," but it is the la. Are yoa quite sure that you be- i.n(r to that class who are really community builders?" Or are you simply faking? Federal court is in session at jaleicrh this week, and for the first in our recollection, is being held by a Democratic Judge. Dr Joel D. Whitaker, of Ral- eih, will fill his regular appoint ment in Louiaburg next Monday Dr. A. II- Fleming's office. Have you seen those Perfection i Stoves at McKinne Brothers? Head what they say about them in their advertisement this week. Mrs. Ivey Allen, President of the College, gave a reception at the College Wednesday afternoon, com plimentary to the delegates and visi tors attending the Missionary Con l ' j ference. Tax listers are now taking the lists in the various townships. The Uw has been amended and all who irAt.a-meetir mg.of ,the school com mittw for.&IaplVyflie ' terdaytbe toarlJjJ Principaj; Miss Lucy Webb, assist-' ant; ifiss Emma Duke, Music teach er.--. : :'-: v- It ' " - ' . - - w" J - . . . ' t ' w From Castalla 7The eailiest and nicest raddishes we have seeji-thiryearyere brought son xmurelV anct sotneot . tbV 'best and sweetest strawberries came jrojf Mr. n;. wrpLoyfc this week ir.e nnesi onions ana- canoaee. that have shown their, appearance &t this sanctum came from Jud&e C. M. Cooke's. All of. them have: our thanks. The mayor of Raleigh and other cities and towns in the - state, have inaugurated "cleaning 'up days," and the people are taking to it in a most patriotic manner. Let's ? have it in Louisbur. , The entir town should be given a cleaning from center to circumlerence" , and th weeds cjft off the streeu. - This i done in the next .five days will prove bene ficial to he health and 16ok of the town. Mr. A. J. Cooke, of ; this county has leased the new hotel at Panficea bprings and will open ii for the sea- son on the 10th of June I. Mr. Cooke isan experienced hotelist and the guests may expect excellent accom modations and good treatment. The reputation for the Panacea Water is well known. We know' of quite a number of Franklin cduuty people who will spend sometime at Panacea during the spring and summer. f-The "l- announcement, w made . of the approaching marriage' of Rey. O.' W. Jiy,' pastor of the Baptist church heren.d tbe efficient manager of our school, on the l5th' of June to Miss Lizzie Hollingswortb; at the home of her parents in Franklin counQr. No carqs will benssqed. At home in CastaUafter, JTune, 2U - J:. ...,,.-. .-.w , , . . ".'Miss Charlie Strickland left Tuea . day; to accept a position in tHe Thomasyille Orphanage during the summer. She .will enter Merideth College Ualeigh, when the next term begins. Miss Eugenia Braswell, who has oeen taking a two-years special course at the State Normal, at Greensboro, is spending vacation at home here. Miss Desdin Lancaster, who has been in Pnlaski,Tenn College, the past two years is again at home with her mother, Mrs. IV W. Iancaster, over in Franklin. While Dr. Matthews is off for his health, Dr. W. P. Simpson, of Rocky Mount is looking after the sanitary condition -of this'section. M. D. Smith and Billie Lancaster, two good farmers, who diversify their crops, have been selling some fine" hay on our market. The output this season will be near four tons per acre. Who carf beat it? - t 1 --v jror some aays our u i. u. car rier, D. E. Pearce, has worn many smiles, because another nice little girl came to gladden his home. Plain Tom am TlnvenienTO 0fVchcck unUl yon hmve tried one Wh, you feel disposed to teat tho matter, We ahall be glad to tuppl JOu boolct, bllut and information free of charge. , " BETTER THAN MONEY We issue d(ynand certificates of deposit which when propcrlj cndorrl roj he transferred from one person to another. Thy ccrtificstrai tAkc the plaor of money, and owing to their safety 'aud convenience, are uml in tho purrbiw of property, in the payment of debts, taxes, etc FIRST UNDER SUPERVISION NATIONAL BANK LOUlSBURG, N.C OF U. S. GOVERNMENT the matter. Take they are not doing the "square thing," and while "time-killing" by Men and Women who work for wages should bear m mind that .... I 1 i.1 11 . J ' 1 - X 1 fail to list will 06 D OUBLE-T AXED, v"o wvj iau iu kivb iuhit employer and the countv commissioners have the amount of labor that they should no discretion in warning. W are reauested to sav that it to mucD talkmS an? other man- jo earnestly desired that all members UW U4 coo - w "Fu" - " I a 1; r i ftuwm,nnf tha World will swung irom your employer, mere yi iud " " . - .,- . . meet in their hall on next Tuesday 18 a vei7 mt,e "?epoe, as it is your i.t . . 0 , time ana laoor ne is paying you Tor niorht. as matters ot pressing impor- f j & j - ' 1 1 (tance will be attended to. , - Several men were engaged in Mr. J. II . Mitchell left Saturday, putting up telegraph poles on some 1 for Winder, Ga., where he went to land belonging to an old farmer who I take a position with Mr. C M. Fur- f dfoliked seeing -;fcis what; trampled sareon, Ernbalmer. His mattv frierids down. The men5 produced a pape d7 a .J mi 1 W) regretted very much to seehimleaye hy safd thef" had "leave but wish him much success in hisrta Pul Poles wnere. tney pieasea. For Sale One of the finest oxena in Frrnklin County. Well broke single and double six years old. Weight 1200 McKINNE BROS. Personally Conducted 0 TOUR 0 Around Continent new home. Several years ago the late Sir Fn ncis Lock wood got a prisoner off by proving an alibi. Afterward the judge met the eminent lawyer and said: "Well, Lockwood, that was a very good alibi." "Yes, my .lord," was the answer, "I had three offered mrj axiu J. till LI ft. X OOICVtOVI. UtJQli TIT 1 - . . we unaerstana tnat tnere - are some people in town wbo are put ting out bread with salt in it for the purpose 01 killing enickens ana pig eons. In this case we would remind Over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, the Alaska Yukon Exposition, Los Angeles during the Elks National Convention and through the. Yellowstone National Park Via the i SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. OS N The Most Vahmble and Enormous Yielding tinuous Cutting Forage Con- The. old farmer went back and turn ed a large bull into the field. ' The an v a era haoc f morla a ft ay Vi a man ' lin flho rrpa r F 1 v I V J I 1 4 t n T A . n . 4 r-- ana ine oia rarmer, on seeing tnera sengei Agent. Raleigh, N. C , and chap ahnnforl t .eronea Dy Mrs. U. rl. uattis over the I PTitrr trin ine XOP OT HIS VOlCe: OnOW mm Leaves .Tu v 3rd rptnrn Aiicrnot RtK circling the United States in a solid Pullman train composed of the highest grade and modern design of sleeping, compartment, observation and Pullman labernacle . .Norfolk excursion dinmg cr, leaves Henderson Tuesday, June 8th The most inexpensive trip ever oper- n rv f n. - Fwvi. ax viae L-uuiurut, llllUUK Vara 49 Ftft I 1 i . . ' . .e , c- i 1 f ping at Kansas Cjtv, Denver, Colorado running from the field, the top of the paper " Perry Mill Items. subscriber from the bprmgs, Salt Lake, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San I I A 1 " J L'..ii1. T Perry Spokane, through Yellowstone National them that there is a verv strone Mill" neighborhood Fends in the farK. au v nicago, returning state law against such actions and toHowing items: through Richmond. they had better change their' minds ' 1 he farmers of this ; section have Trip cost will include railroad and and let such unlawful actions stop. raad good headway with their Pullman fares, hotels, dining car meals v.jwua.ot.vp. stamps nne of fivft and nn-hftlf rlnva -The Merchants Association held P8, " Sorae are throuKh chopping through the Yellowstone National Park a we attended mAflrfntr in tho. uluCiB WU1 " i" XZL ZZ" .TZ'S'Ti, Court House on Mnndav nmht. week actual expenses aecessary. 3 0 Right much business of interest to The young man who waited on a Side trips will be arranged at all stop- ie dissociation wag aiSCUSSea. IDe. W1CUU uo,u i iai 1001 wu"' tAils heino- arranged in advanr and y We strongly recommrnd our cutoracr who htr. Rci dote .o u 0 tftt t Jet, did forage crop. If a nufficient quantity i. wn. It wjlj furmth wtut z dk .-J supply of most nutritious preen food for hora aad aK lr.dcf e.iC tie summer. It alo maken uploodid dry fodder, jJdtc rtortoti3t ad !1tr c iminuouH ana even ociior runa uj ail titvti oi tock u.t r ra fM4y It. ,.5fpiarance it somwht rraotablet Indian tVrc. but ihi ai sstsci lar.i broader, and the stalks contAin nwwjl nap. It pnr-d&or grat t;br cf thcou., very thickly covered with !?, virldinp ao bundfc- .' fcrafr It ir.cU CQi enomouKly ift?r boing cut, a many an fortr St u!.f hiv-.g ; ff c a single seed. The first rutting can bo male wbs jfi two or tlrr tjj ,s.r w in May or June at thf rte of '2 or 3 pounds pr act, dnllt 3 ! 4 U tj. L. P HICKS, ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUlSBURG, N. C. question of securing the '-automobile aav na? a naa case. tie was route 'from Npw Ynrt tn Alnnta exeitea tnat ne piacea tne naitei on through Louisburg was discussed, bis mule upside down, and his future bat no definite decision wna TanohaA father-in-law had to oome to his res and this matter was postponed to be cue I now intijiated that the im-t taken un at. a fntnr maatincr nression he made was not very fav . ... nrohlo .'"mam Inp.kr.Y ' " careless negro ana an obstrep- ; " . . waller uoimes uau uis -roau worker' in operation one day . this week. It is a complete trick. Mrs. John Jones and daughter, ft'e others to follow suit.. It looked 1 High Point, are visiting jrela- yery serious for a few minutes, but! tives and friends in this neighbor- over points to places of interest, all de tails . being arranged so looked after en-route 1 An attractive 33 day trip through the oi"us norse carrVery near causing a very serioupattair last , Saturday morning. The first horse broke 1 e . 'wse irom a nrar ann ran. p.ansincr ex- hood. strange no damage was done, pt the smashing of several bug- Mrs. Martha Wheeleri who is at w and a few bruises being receiv- Ricbmona hospital is reported as im ed by the horses. v r proving and is expebted to be home a in five or six weeks.N v buxom young woman of some twentv summerH p.amft tn spa n law; We have a flourishine Sundav Vr in regard to securing for her a School at Leah's. -Everybody is in- -'vw. xney caiKea over ine case viwu w aueuu. nnl k. t . . . . . .. . . I -I - ue aavisea ner tnat tney wouia Mrs wirev Morris is ou the siok 1 'Greatest Country in the World." cov ering a distance of 8,755 miles of travel m a modern rullman tram with superb dining car servic-, eatintr and sleeping m tne best'of hotels, sight-seeing "The Wonders of the Wet" leisurely, with ail aetaii8 arrangea in advance, is a luxury of a lifetime. Write at once to the undersigned for cost of tri Pj schedule and itinerary. If maps, timetables and booklets of the lines oyer which the party will travel i are-desired, send 30 cents in stamps. C H G ATT IS DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT RALEIGH. N C Perfection on Stoves WeAsk Ypu to take, Cardul. for your female 'roubles, because vo are sure It will ; help ydvu Remember that this great female remedy Probably have no difficulty in securi & - e4l is nothing', seri-. Ing the decree on. the grounds of - V" ' J. non-support, and that it was likely to u a detault case. She then; asked him his 1 Mr Ok j r tit 1 . f oxu DUO , BatVA mother has gotten three divorces fee and he told her it would n?x. Sunday, and ir 140. Wp11 ' KA ?Tlte5 y: l-J There willbe preaching at Leah's all are cordially anl I have gotten twp for $25 each ( Tabernacle Norfolk;; excursion going" to pay for leaves Henderson -Tuesday, June j 8th. and that's all I am has brought relief to thousands cf' other sick women, so vhy not to you ? For headache, backache periodical ; pains, female 'weak-, nesvinany have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I ; Sold in This City The heat from a new perfection is concentrated and instead of heating your kitchen it cooks your meals. It takes very little oil to operate them and there is absolutely no danger of explosions. Your, wife can sit in a rocking chair and read the Franklin Times while a New Perfection does the work. Thev save wood, they save money, they save time For Sale by iff ; ' 1 . tlhieps LOUlSBURG: N.C. SATISFACTION 'OR YOUR MONEY BACK. O O o o o o o o o z o o o o z z o o o o o o o z o o o o o o o o o z z o o z o o this one " r are 2&,uv.j r ; J

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