The Best Policy The Safest Company The strength, conservatism, onomical management of the - and Equitable Life Assurance Society of The U. S. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL insure of the New York Standard Policy Make it the best form to select. Full information and rates furnish- pon request. Address R. H. DAVIS, Louisburg, N. C. I'rot'essionai cards D. T. SMITHWICK, Dealer in f-l.x'Ks, nunus, ivcm udwlc, vjvueuon 01 rvents, Huvmtf and Selling Timber and timber lands, Loans i n t i n -i A-r yT'yx .ip . n i . nctrot lutec. biaums ui iiniperty xor saie or rent BOM te.' ( );!icc over First National Bank. Louisburg.N.C. Lesson XI. -Second .Quartet : ,ror June 13, 1909. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ... t . . . . w,e -son, Meb. xi, 1-3, 17-29. Memory Verses 24, 25-GeIden Text, Meb. xi, 1-Commentary Prepared by Make it the satest company m which to 1'""" ' 07 AlMrican Psa Aasorfatioii.1 The ueranty ana adaptab.Hty I0 t. coS'T . e great -faith- chapter, as bevly bM cnapter. the word Kin- iVXTJS I .word or nhr T ' a times In the New, and now we have another. "The Just shall live by fSth" Is first found In TTh 7 JT T t?0m' 17; GaL llTHeo. x 00, and Drobahiv . , - ,. - oviAie mini:. " cuieuioer now our Lord was refreshed hv tho. . two gentiles and how He repeatedlv reproved His difnT.a u.TTQ1r in We Can 866 at least one way in, which we can niontt tt , ' ttj , w grieve Him. One has well said- Phone No. 40. r -ZZ 2. ot. loe hath said of just. By faith we look at thin seen and are thus lifted above the -uxuKS we Bee. 'Tlo watts, .faith and not by sight. Be lieving Gen. i and Ps. xxxiii, 6, 7 we know how the wo;lds were made Some want to understand in order to uui verse :-t-Hntro that . . . . , - iia.L we must believe in order tn nmi0,fn , world says "Seeiner fa mum i.... O - WUG V JXLK, 11111. ee (John xi,-40). We must hold fast t-uac -uie way m undPrstnn 4c u FiUNKLINTON HOTEL 5-1SrSXL ? 1? Franklinton. N. C. the first half of onr phnf 1 itt"u uuirarea w seven men from the book of Genesis, five nt rev. mentioned bv nnmp hir t -1 T He thus indorsing their record Dr mac m tne first three we have the sacrifice of fnifh of faith and the obedience of faith The first is of necessity sacrifice, for unless we have the forgiveness of sins .aueuoing or wooa there can be no f ellowshiD and or labor of love. AhPi a sacrifice of faith unless he had some T.ViVi m uou to gmae mm, for faith cometh by hearing the word of God (Rom. x, 17k That word was spoken by word or D R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Dentist, "" Office in Ford Building. Main and Nash street. 1 NT C LOUISXU'K. vj. Hours: J to 4:30. D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, WM m&m MSfove - -. When w 21 m Hve't. - the kitchen fire make cookingaburden then is the time to trv M.... Perfection Wick Blue " Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Marvelous h " w UII9 stove does kitchen discomforts how cool it keeps the room in comparison with condi tions when the coal fi-e waj Durnmg. 1 he Wiclt Blue Flame Oil Confc-SfmP onwmchtostandthecoferxorfr - drop ,heIv Fitted with two nicrKet-T ampl,arjr and convenience Made in hrte mepw,th or without Cabinet Top I w,th your dealer, write our nearct agency V 1 1 si .Big n n SPECIALSALE The everv one tm fust such a m p as PVcrv nna . some enough for tK f-.-.ri,. . ,1, u:. . " uung enougn for ivprv camp or cottage, bright enough for every occasion. If not with your dealer writ, our nearest agency. Standard Oil Company iaarperMu !:, Kar, Nose and Throat Specialist, Will be in Louisburg:, at the office of Dr. Arthur nynrs i icniiiift, biiiuoiiiuvfuuaj in cava montn. D K. H. A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN. LocisBUBG, N, C. TeleDhone No. 156. Franklinton, N. C. O. L. Whitfield, Proprietor. li. C. H. BANKS. P DENTAL SURGEON, LOUISBURG, N. C. ifflce in Hieks Building, Mais Street. H. COOKE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C,'' (ttBce oa Wash street. Prompt-attention i-1 i- n n oil larrol hn n:l.n j l 1 . B. i. K. MALONB, T" rUGTICmQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LO01SBTJB8, N. a 'fflM to rear of Aycocke Trug Store. )B. 8. P. BURT, 'KACTICINO PHYSICIAN AND 8DROBON. Louisburg, N. C. Office over P. S. & K- K. Allen's. j R. R. F. YARBOROUOH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LooiSBUBe, N. O. iuv,3 iu i nriKjruugu s uicKeib Duaiaing. Kht oallB answered from T. W. Bickett's -l1llTlC nhr.na74 . ' " 1 uxuu I 1 , H. MASHBKBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW UOUISBDB8, -vni proMce in u tile Coart of the State Office in Egerton Building. Wm. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tOUISBUBe, K. o. KKUce ln aU 1116 Courtsf Franklin- lUU IdlOtnlnop nnnn 1 n loan, and In t.ho nnttAii o ti.uA Ircmr. nnn umce over First National Bank. JTH03. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I.OUISBUB, v. a nic on Mam treet. in Cooper bulldinR. Spruill & Holden, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LOCISB0BO. H. C. IWl.fU. .v. . IrwiviM. "uo couJfw oi irransun, vance, uvuia. Warren nd Wake counties, also omnt.ti Z. v'"ur ona uaroima. KSK? .Mention giyen to collections. Ms in Hproill building. LAWYER. Kni. ...... . Cd th k aiid aaa'diana is made a spec- in the office requirea Dy can De tn Vi.v . . . . . 1,1 street. JBicKeu DOUOing H- PBR80K. 1TTORNET AT I AW, . . ... . 'eet ovurH. vnar on main iiiEir Our clathtnr; w . . . menu of lh mwn. 01 dc"n acd trrj o Wonder Thev SeU On SicrT, wwH to imprra to too the LrQtKfttl -t.i . . In fact tou pr M much ad too f!! ninTf v lshiT U,at hsve Veen U.wor ft mlL Xlhrn clothing trde. 1 t5ur in e Know How to Buy and What to Buv j thing n.w almMl U "D!! "r, V " t. As To Our Shoes We winh in uv V,. l W h., WB tb. inner m.uriri tb" Vri a.i: 0 , ir phuu, tb.t you'll do no b,tur cuUh'S. "" ,a- AaROK DEITZ. Louisburtr. K r DEITZ BROTHERS, YoungsviUe , H. C. New Livery Firm June 1st. to June 10th Every article in dryoods, shoes, hat., caps, crockery &t. Will go at Cost For 10 Days ai4 see. V.'uto We cannot name paices on every a, tide her. but c- J TTT , 1 . . v,a io and izi Koing at 8c. Calicoes 6 and a,l 7cU at 5c uaiDS wmte uioth 8c, now 6c. Underwear Ladies ax,i n.,. ....... Shoes $1.50 now $1.10. $3 Shoes $2.25 now. It will pay you to look. ' No wia oe cnarged at these prices. We want Hams. Eees and nhirW.n. THE ALSTON COMPANY NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED Starr Pianos, Organs New Home Sewing Machines, New Chairs years. No extra charge We extend credit tp.rtns nf 1 9 q for our liberal terras. M RBOROFGH, J a TIORN'Y AT LAW. ' LOUISBURG, N. 0. U8me8S trusted to bim MropiTt andftarefal attention. NTRAC'rOR and BU1LDBE, LOTJlBBnttft WgAteVM of Bnlldtnr aeed, or perhaps botn, when the trans- x ueu. iu, zi, occurred, and Adam must have instructed his chil dren that there could be no access to God but by sacrifice. Cain brought the best he had! hnt thorn v j ding of blood. He was disobedient and therefore not accepted. There is only one way to God. and nil nth are the way .of Cain that is. of the vxi lJUug. ii ; i jonn in, 12). Beinff xcuieu oy tne precious blood of Christ, it is our privilege to walk with vrvrx xa riuut-u aiq., or as it is written of Leri, "He walked with me in peace ""H cmuil ana cua turn many away from iniquity." We cannot walk with God as He would like us to unless we are agreed witn Him about everything but if we are simple, whole hearted believers He will dwell . TT U1A In Us, and we mav have thA tioMai,,. ness of Dleaslncr TTfm Tha with os jshould never be, Is there any uarm in tnisY out rather, Will this piease Him who has taken up His abode in me? ' Aa Knnph an umo -" JdlAJGLH. were raicen to glory without dying, so ul " ueue vers wno snail be alive on the earth when Jesus comes. It may be our privilege, for the end f thfa age Is. surely upon us. If, like Noah, we oeueve things not seen as yet. our A y-l .,,111 1 - x " v v vi, iu Ivlllff In the wilrAr! nna wjti r w " ' V. , UU Tf T Hill both preach and Uve righteousness (II TtA ... trv tit i. -t i ict. ii, u as ioan aiu. 1 ? ... . - ' "uiiiiiuui VliU. ve Will lOOk fOr..fhp SflniA Mtr flr- TrrKtr. . . rvuiuu he looked, and. rejoicing in that citizen ship, we will live as strangers and pilgrims here. We will not consider ourselves or our circumstances, but be fully! persuaded that what God has promised He Is able, to perform CRom, Iv, 21); Isaac. Jacob and JoseDh all ii ... uvea m tne assurance of things to Come (verse 20). Mrifcia hnrl annh spect unto the recompense of the re- r-vwv--v J- VT Ci CLA1U position in Egypt was nothing to him. t yiuw:u oi jurist was more at tractive than the pleasures of sin for a season. TTT 1 Jl m we wouiu not nave put Samson in i: Tu'SJ 5J :?r Ur fu"?,ture catalS.ue Publied, then if you desire r we win get you me same article at the same nn w fr;rr, der and seem to faii'thv faith i n. cnartres. Anv mercnant will do. thp snmo nii.- uuj, i.Ur nguteonaaess. Ana tnen. save you money and help pay Your school laxes Then wn though deeds were most impor- keeD &. beat ' 1 phJ ?u SCnl taXeS- 1 hen W0 ue Luajsse lueiu suDaueu, j -,, 7 r0v1w. mouths , of lions," .."quenched." "es caped," Svaxed valiant." .The story is not ended Saints, apostles, oronh ejts,' martyrs, ; seers, visionaries the men of today at whom we laughare passion, the passion becomes a mis sion, and the life is-lived till eventide K- V H" and J. II. Houthall K... ... i . . . . . j Ub!e umlf.r the irtvlc of J. If t!t- .n , . te on vnu r, i . . Zt 1 ..v.. wr OUT.. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. ball trips, mamape, etc K Reasonable Rates Made. prico to all, Unz, rh tr. i t 1 tL Doctor I?T h Jr . " ' Jht- l!" Mi. tr an or walk. J H SOUTHALL & CO PHONE 155 tony will Show, too maor good, on bd. o for U., Thirty l)tt w Talking Machines CATALOGUE BUYERS GIVE AWAY 11.25 cent, worth .,h Tir. Mm (;Wt FOR CASH. . Our pricM o,nMai V;i"bTV'' lwt.,. M h.i?b a. the high W. ;,.. h.' . . " T "d U-' r" .tr W. P. NEAL & CO. I like " that savlher in vpf 5U "Ont of weakness" were made strong. . in connection Vlth II Cor. xli, 9' . Then think ,of all these With nit waiting for J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH RMMMELIM TIM riuiic Turn I Inlfc I iy TO OEPO V 11 1 rour money ia now. Don't wit until tou eel nr. Yrtni , , d to epenJ wUt tou h while " w"p, ,P'' Urge deporiU. inrito you to become . D.rr " be fUiUCs . mn of mune. jTm.lni JaTo, d 02I The Farmers and Merchants Bank LOUI80URQ. In. c. ID SURPLUS OVER S4M00 Sl.OO: PER YEAR .mum iiyf x. ..V n. BJUIET, Pmtdul - -S. C a i. - -. V