KWJEES5SU ' - rry - ' 'v- , 1 ' i ' 111 ' -. . , . - v JAMES A. THOMASf If StrDSCSIPTIOK 51.00 FEBTtAB if f. y,- i H. - " 1 -' 1 - : - ' - " 1 11 - J -" i-TJg- . . .. . ., i. . , .- 7 v VOL. XXXIX. scour CARS IN LOUlSBttttGl Bufet Luncheon Served the Boys at Lancasters Hotel. ' joHiBbarg had the pleasure' and vi!ecr of entertaining the path- the scout cars party of, the pri fin lern o Atlanta Journal and Ner York These oars Williams, Grsensboro; Mr. 1VJ E J ones with Miss Luoj . LeAcb, ITaV-- tleto; Mr. W. E. SproUi;'JrR6dky MountthfHissPlJrtirt HarrisoB' Littletonj;Mr W, B:t Mfrick . irith Miss 0ai8T iiattison, Littleton; ;Mr. "Thit Johnston, Xittletonj with. Miss Jones, New'Tork; Mr. J. H. New some ' with ifiss-'" Helen! Perkins-, Littletom; Mr. B,- B. Vinson . with Miss KaMagmre Littleton; Mr. A. W. Person, f with Miss Helen Crenshaw, iLouisbiurg; Mr. R.' P. . ...11 " 1 11 , , oarrtx tr v. now on xmoiux - v. t Tha- EeaaCrT-Aktoii Drat CoL- N . IV rrainpuei oat ai towa at qu u pibWtthr 1 sWo xetr fo cbsis ancf abore namrzsaeBgert, ? with .the addition' iPr. T. Copped and hi drstsuil'':caiei It . armed " at Horton's station on sebednle -time, where- the tra) was beld on til bar becae was sejred - along wit other side issues, The train palled in at Mapleville a &I& a, nC; all doing well exoept Bear, vtux suffered from 1 . Personals. - m Y. Iticks wsni to IUleih , Wra. Bailej is in Baitimre tor week f?ii1t at rv.- ' Z Beasley withf Miss. : Mary Beasley, J eikaasdon, hating danced too, much juntieion, Jnx. rx. jcl Alien, ixui8-1 on nia trip, . ... i burg, with Miss Elizabeth Jacock Tarboroj Mrand Mrs. w : H. Nich- Hiss Eeerton Entertains. olson and Miss Ruth Nicholson.: v A rery delightful and enjoyable Staggs: J. J. Macon, Warrenton; at home" was giren Wednesday H. V. Daniel, Korfolk; Eugene erenin byiltss Blanche Ecerton in Johnston, Littleton; A. B. Oodke, honor of her most harming guest, Littletonj G. O. Wainwright, Wilson. Misi Martha Everette, of Lauibburg. nanrons: Mr. and Mrs. J it. The principal feature ;bt amuse Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce;' Mrs. ment for the evening wta 's Cupids E. Y. Bunn, Littleton; Mrs. H. A. Forfeitures.? First prize " was won Crenshaw, Louisburg; Mrs. P.' J. by Miss ICattie Bailey, of Raleigh, Macon, Warrenton; Mr. and Mrs. and the booby was won by Mr. A. F. A Fetter, Jr., Wilmington; Mr. A. Clifton (4 bagger) and Mrs. R. E. Morris, Littleton. The German was led by Dr. The Younor Pennies Show. esday. chance will pt otit a wtonJog Uio. Two games havt already ba ar ranged for the laxuc part of th'w week to be pulled oil on the bcee diamond Spring Hope and Xaxh. ville will bm ihm Tttftiog teaiaa, Both of theso Tama have gooi Uanu ix4 it u boped that a large crowd vHJ . . loaf Herald on ouiivy were expected in Louisburg on Hat uriay but owing to an accident near, San ford did not reach horej until Sunday at 1 p. m. Louuifeurg waV rearlv with a big old fashioned bai beclie on Saturday. ; but" when the runwage came that no- cars would rpich here until Sunday the boys with regret rallied around and ate up the pigs, nd iQ the "tt1 timo left did their best to get up a lunch thnt would show the bunch olclerer fellows that Louisburg was glad to 1 have them, wanted ,them- to come arain, and that it stood ready to help the club pull for good roads. The pathfinders are traveling in two automobiles. The Atlanta Jour nal party are in an Oldsmobile, the members bem Major John- S. Cohen of the A'ianta Journal; Mr. H. J. Lamar, oi aiacou, wio wwruw ui oiacs: rierce, ot KoanoKe iiapias, Mission Societr will hv the car, who is driving it; Mr. .Inman and Miss Helen Crenshaw, of Louis- Baby SnowM in the Opera House Oray, son or rar. amw y,1 burg. nm Monday afternoon, June 28th. editor of the Atlanta Journal; Mr. In addition to those who took The doors will be opened at fire ;. W. Gardner, jr, ine j ournai part m the dance, there were a o'clock, and it is hoped every person staff, and Dr. i. w ., Juaoos,! jarge number of spectators, com- m town will attend' Voting for the Ga. The New I otic ueraia party is i posed of guests of the Hotels and prettiest baby will begin at 5:30 and in a 6U-norse power vv uue oreamer, visitors trom adOining towns. ia8t one hour, the baby receiving the the members being Mr. Hamilton As formerly announced, three largest number of votes will be crren ?lti, ot the tteraia cstan; Mr.? jsod J Germans willb given eah week U prize. Icecream, cake and candy Lambert, wno anves xne ar; mx. Tuesday, Tnursdaano; batnrday wm be sold by the young ladies in charge, when the contest is over, and the proceeds from the afternoon will be used for the Methodist Church yard. Let every one come cut and Mr. F,&3IcKMdb went to HenVpga to TUre it derson Monday od buslceAdL' -Mrs. J. C. Conway is ritihg -btr sister, Mrs. F. PsrrwiTr, in'Durhaiu j Miss Marth Everett,-et;raurinij buTgfis visiung MUs Blanche' Kger- ton. 4 v 3Iisa Mary Bt left Monday tor Chapel fill 1 to attend the Summer School. Mr. and Mm. C. F. Best, of Franklinton, viaited her parents here Sundav. Mr. Loyd D. Lvlea and wif, cf a that we mCS ( k t Insta iZH from the xtrr tkK' Vt htvt rnaUrial for s winning itttn jjd if rv err body will do their pili (be re errffi will be Tellings Mr. L 1a Joy ner ha been appointed cffjclal Vt-prre. tnxci mart totmvvmu. I-ait Friday tbr I-ouitorg; Ura crowded hut m'nh Spring Hop the Iattra diamowi arid after a bal- Honi4 Pirty. The fotlowtag jt-a UdSee wd axieod a "hocN rrtv nx wif gitea by Mr. at4 Mrs, F. W. Jt tice at tLeir pooe, "-Kio Gttrvt" txx Royal, li nt Kcuy Vm Kit&mot FtrH, of 5tU4 Kek, Mary Jta:ic mM Ur Uama, cf Franklbtoci, Mary "HaWais HZU UI B)t V. JT arris, tf TcT Chsrjre Flrernxa With Burning KtckJtnbuix. Hirhfscv!, T, Jt.e 22. If. G tUji.t&K fcmrrlr clUf trw t l.e Haui Htklrzsrg tt Ct. Vjl, tu lwu tril fc tbe frat.4 jcry cj ii efitrire f ttm to LL: Soul mr nUlifrjf a lrj lam. Tit tlht Charlotte, vbited her people here ibe j tie royal the gxu ended 2 ad 1 ra 1 wm a tvMJ re,n U i. .Ve past week. Mrs. Eltie Tow, of Oxford, vUited her fitber, Mr. G. L. Aycock, th past week. Dr. M.C Chamblee,of Wakefield, was pleasant caller at Lhb ofHce on Saturday last. Mrs. Mattie Hawkins and MUe favor of Loobberg. Came and all who got their money woclh. II we a enjoy ib ftt tpon Children's Day at Prorptct- How it woaVl bate dehgbled the! NDraru of thou two wooia who, ! thaly years ajro uved old !Votrt! raiay prur. fra ib Kuril ar.J Wwt nwJi3g tlrsr wtsirrt tlrr. ftev-(wcit rJaea htr drtikijj tSe dev c4 tie frv Mattie Bynura Hester left Tueday Uom n un'lj by refwicg for Pittaboro. to have their rarabrthip UAmUrr1 U Vm n n..u ! w a, unr w oarraura K. W . Gans, manager ot tne w nite I nights. steamer company's office at Atlanta,! 1 J. A. T. and Mr. N. Lazamick, the Herald's Littleton, N. J. June 21, 1909. official photographer. The party ej5ay artmjseionfees, York by way. of Mendwsbcr to the allareeorduiUy eioomeoC -.-- -. t w renton, but were undecided-as to the l Advertisement ef the' State Normal a a . a aV I m-V route tbey would tote, nucn ip tne and industrial - uouege wnicn- ap- Located at Sanford. regretof every well wisher in Louis- pears in this issue. Every year We notice that our friend and for- l i i i j it..:, i j I i j iu I . oarK mas nau wpu tumr -uBuuB kuowb a steauy growu m iuU; IU mer conntyman, Mr. J. R Johnson, andwjehed tbem a lod peed lou. stitauon derotd to tne nigner ed- who h&8 for 0 j a r(ll(ient ..ear iHgieiu mo "'"wu uv uobiu iu wumcn Wt v" of Y0Ule8Viue has located in the given them the troubie' in wanford olma. .During the past yesr the 1 t0WI1 of Sanford. The ? i a. - a I wTi r 1 . t ':i j I 0 anu was repaireu ai.naS pumv uro iiiciver xaemonai ounuing was i Tjmks regrets his departure from again, but by getung nusy witn- met erected ana used ror ciass purposes FrRnuirv but admires his eood splendid telephone system here at This addition to the material equip; judgment locating in the live and uv.iuv.iw uuuaj "iu. ui ui fi'wuj l"v growing town of Sanford, and th a new piece nere py special warn eu me mciency 01 xue wors. g00(J coantY o( Mr Johnson, trom Ktieign and were ott again. xne uoiiege Jast year nad a total durmff his regideRce in Franklin Among the numerous-cars -accom enrollment of 979 students. Eighty made many frjend(l and ways took ..ywig me party me wonraoDQ eignt oi tne nineiy-eignf oouaues an active oart in all movements that rimes-Dispatch car was acting as the State had represenUtives in ; the teaed to build' up bis town and examiner, of Raleigh, was in town I the pt week. Prof. E. L. Beet left Monday for Chapel Hill, where he will attend the Summer School. i Miss Mary Whiuker and Mr. Wilson Wbiuker, of Wbiukert, are vuiting at Mr. G. R Scoggins. Mrs. H. T. Beaaley, who has Wen visiting her son, Mr. R M. LUaalry, left Myjathef horpeftt At. W. T. Clifton left Monday for ere rrady to teaidown tie clartii. took their aorajtrcd mil in lie "amen corner" and told theta to rro cied, to have witsaed the etercaM4 the crowd and the diactr at Prtia. pt laj Sunday. The csrtl. To The Pobile. The H k IUJJt tl birtrt.e wlel . lo I pi I t tie ULmjKaB of Fraaiira C-wsiu rOJ W lcJ n MaetilU Ttrrwiiy Jt2j let. AU Mt j4 llnr rw;tct:ve f lxxi are btTUi, ar.3 n wl ire rct Mmccji Late t& t9iu4 u whc wnueo iar;UU;ftt Jte t a eAL Grea: jrrU:t. art li&c fifciefr t! ral'y, e4i4 lc?4 New York for a short vwit before re turning to his home in Waco, Texaa. i M beaalifal and inpreatve, r f. r cl n .i... I flectine rreit ct.3it opon lb clC Jim T. liUlilfUL' LIB- lliri r w c? o everal dars visit to her ewter. t t i i ' . j ... v. v Emma UndrhiU ard Mn i . xj. i aimer, ifiuiucvi iu uvi umu? Llarae, wno intnl tetc . a . . .7 , . jlo5IJWlh tJuect wtt dttrlttra only accomroodaUaUl half of tic! a . . . in th Children Day exercaeA. Kveo" the tpaeae rwi macd laxel to accommodate the Urge csqW of CarriAf and hore tre:llel tbtrw. The eioroewe by lie primary IS a a a k a i Mte. a' Att3fw Wif Miti Xi, tJots- SQlhem" $UllvtY. Al tllf ftcl t t AehetU, Mey 21 ix Jvt tl in Henderson Saturday. Mr. Worth Pendergrau, who ki taking a course of study in srt in New York, is Tisiting his ennd mother, Mrs. Dr. O. L Kllia. Mrs. Hosamond Racrtdale and 51t. Mattie Williams left last week for Knoxville, Tenn., where ther will attend the Summer School tor tech era at that place, The following program wm car- w 17 i ..! ne1 out: , t-oavl cmfcrotiicc. c4 11 ,S'ui:.t Ii9CMior:a!, 1'ncurr Gm;i TnuWi lY.t. Akx lo Prayer. rw. ral ctt 1 Itt g The nnt Children' Dav J Mv f t- ,-.t ... Where di-i foa wa froo baby dear AelvtU tk-veU '. May Soutbsll ii Malel Usrk -Umt4 T-! tie tlaiU t4 The robio'i sang of prai Clo4aa jii o:3tti:i U nt..i u il When llingi go mn-mn Ja-rxjat. a3 1; 1. t.t Mar bKVa.1.. leader when they arrived in Louis- student body. Nmesbths of all CJUntr He a Rlannch Deulocri burg, in it being Mr. Allen Potts the graduates of this institution have and for sereral yearB filled the office Managing Elitor of the Richmond taught .or are now teaching m ; the 0fjMtice of the Peace, (and all ex. Tlme.-Di8patch, Mr. W. F. Gordon Schools of North Carolina. t cept lawbreakers pronounced him a and T. F. Ray. If the pathfinders The dormitories are furnished by gQod officer He alao Ued of are looking for the direct line from the State and board is provided at ao- fice o( M r of yoonville for MV. I'lr-krv.- a- TT 1 V Tl 1' 1 a. 1 a m I J 1 J 0 'wi-uumau fco 1 1 pi crii via rHianDar? i iaii cdi. 1 wo uanureu xudoiiii- i t a - a 01- - -rr , erai terraa in hir.H DOAltinn ha rravo Uoanoke Rapids, etc., Louisburg is ments to the dormitories, appo L,t; 'f.otion the W neanlnnfthe on the line, and as one ot the party tioned among the several counties tQWB said the shortest distance between according to school population -will jhe Times wishes him gTeat iuc two given points is a straight e tardea to -apphcarits abont the MM m hia Bew hom commendi "uu inat tne Sood roads would fol- middl ot July, btude wno wisn him t0 g0od. people ot Santord. to anena mis msucution ae&i year 1 . List of Letters Remaining in the poetoffioe at Louisburg, N. C, uncalled fori , James OBsrry Ashleyy William j Alston, Louis H. Arrington,- Bin a Wi C. t!vrc 1 rri-st. a vltcl lit Drs. A. H. Fleming and C. If. 0teu tie caUJ for tie dilir, ; lire sar.r3 lit trit.rp;ru: ;f Banks are attending the State Den-j arva I tie lar t-tttvt-e c d'tril u4i Ul Afwociation which is in seAsion in Sumbetrra, Holoan 5oailall. UUitm 14 C U ilea cmt at. 4 V .-11- . L. L. : '. ... . . . .... aiiieiiiB iuw wtc. wr. riciuinc Uickairmn KLIm3 Ur . LgJ 1 J . lo They were loud in their praises, of should make application as earlyj as le Louisburg township roads and ! possible as the, capacity of -the dor- that all the roada, theyj uceaoveria Hortn uaroonft were mitories is limited.-: t 0etfer than they had expected to find. flpenimr German at Panacea - The New Limited Messrs. W. F. Battle and J." O. Burnett, Mrs. B. B. Bailey, Newell received a letter from Dr. T. Baldroin, W. H. Darden, Mrs-. Jim O. Goppedge, who had just suooess- Daniels, Louisa Dunn,-J. It. David,- i he spacious BaU .Room of thewiiy passed the Sate7Board of Med- &yd Ellis, Violett Fogg, Ernest " ,aw1 Qorei was a scene 01 oeau- icmo 0f 0rth Carolina, at AshevUle, Griffin, Mrs. Annie M. Asms; Cassie iy and brilliancy on last Friday stating that if they, Battle and Hawkins, Mr. and : Mrr. Percival jght--the occasion of the, opening JJewellwould meet bim at the depot Hall, Mrs: S". Hall, Sadie Hall, Mrs. merman of the season at this popular in Louisburg he vrpuld go out and A. L.. James, Mrs. Martha Kelley, esort. The decorations were 5 most Ljen& them Mrs. Mary McKry, Elmmer Mast, Bly rrangedAandas,the , couples Doctor-not -specif yingthe-way they Annie Benson, A. A. Medlin, Annie lH took (Ian . ' . t t Ai vj i-i . Si V k i . I: .... ...r '- . . 1 the beautiful 1 gh0uld meet him they decided to do McKnight, Grace Nunn, Susie Keals: marched uponhe oor.; .the I it hi) in tfoob! stvle soTthey i ran the Richard. Oliver, Mrs. N Peyton. uaic b7 the 8plended.orcestra ;Jah? V0iw-HidjteU'Uii-oatchedule Mrs! Nelson IX; Ruffin,' Jv W.' Bemes noonced the beginning ot the even- time. This tram' was in charge of Charlie ' Speed. MrrTaylorPaitie I,ng 8 enjoyment. The dancing con- Mr. W. F. ; Battle, Conductor, ' and Williams (2) J.lFrank WeaL Alicd "nUed Until nna A'n1nat I TPX t : TT tt ,11 Xiw;- TKl lTaTi he following WetiiaA&sW Pants- t. tu t T, I . . ' - . - in i . i ii i ii " w v4U ,Dr. Joe IL Dwell, Engineers, The WaiandC.F.' Willi ams,ilurm an 0 atWifelrft as Williams, MrsT Nellie Williams, Hay- 68 Harriet -SlBij'" ; llD'hSte ?? 6!fc'x,ny v' ' PerkinB, Littleton; '':w-thrataawagbeft6pVl ifcove "letters, will "pleaie. laythey J M;Br,gg,ithl.toi.Enla -New 0thf &elr danlef'-BfaiVe Bear to. v,i3,Jtrt,B..,.II14pait. ' Htleton:- Mr (4. TT. Miwm Li!u. N 1 nnA .hr,url - tek. was socompanied by hl wife. Mrs. H. A. Crenshaw, Mis Helen Crenshaw, Miss Besie Jaoocka, Messrs. K. K. Allen and A. W. Per son attended the opening German at the Panacea Springs Hotel on Friday night of last week. Mayor J. B. Yarboroagh, Senator B. T.'llolden and Mr. W. II. Yar- borough, Jr. returned Sunday from Raleigh br automobile where they bad been to meet the good roada can that pissed through here Sunday. The editor is still awaj. but he writes from Panacea Springs that he is improving, and that he regards it one of the bsat health reeorta in the state. He says the water is doing wonderr for a large number and that manager Gus Cooke, is conduct ing the hotel in fine shape. The editor says that he advises thoe who wish to rest and MrecuperaU ttr go to Panacea. " raawr, , I Jjier averting as.4 tr-c? mt.u tj, wn, IloWrt Clarke. . il c-f. t. !u cur cn. Little onbeatue Clare. Lv" Nuttiog, Elbibvlh A!l. ', , Children's Day G reruns. Era Fraaier pt..awi w-w. era Lee May, James uiu&- .... , . . j nr.tri7Tv;; m c;itI at , stCI tl p4l ll4Trtkef lc. burg and Harc4J Phelps, What a Friend HcJmaa tslhZl Addreaa The Ob;ca of or ChiJ- ' d dcrwo taLo tie lcs c4 Hi. tij J "VIU Mil lis drill L cm action. tlcj oee oore tiril. Let ua crewn Him ChorajL At the deit of vie effrcisM Ivey Allen, in bekalf of tie So&day WiJtror Sl j is4eJ s sad or. Isoaxe be sij-tj u pe Tfcia nt was wl. e ars cf 1ml ilr crJv luiie xr . " t I jJIXtkiU s IClwlUwUw '-renton, with MissRosa- Heathy bowhe ebuld - drinHa botileof Subscribe to he FBaarKLt k Tntis etesburg, ya.r Mr. Ernest Jones A nrta fjoW As WshoV was taken One doUar per vear.'' ' ' Louisburg: Play Ball. Monday nrght at a larte and enthus iastic mass" meeting of the citixensr of Louisburg ah" Athletic Association was organized and officers of the Ball Teira elected fr the present ' season. The followiug gentlemen were unan imously chosen: Mr. J. A. Turner, Mgir Dir. C.1' IL Ban SecV and Treas.;MrB.::T. Holdon, Cspxain, and Mr:E.S; Ford, Asst. Captain, all of whom are capital fellows and enjoy the sport and it is predicted that if .the are gifen a fifchttng School, exlended an inviutbo to all I 4rj present to dine with tie clUirea. j m . At t t V 1 AS mitxj ot ua rememcerw te c- w.v. TInU W.lf v iv. ert In lie faaSf. He wm nm s wl cZiea ilrcc f ImU pitality of lhee people and tie dinners served at I'rcwr-el on pv. vionj aocofiona m one ltd to 1 urged to aecpl. McmI fLings of which one bae beard mod tfore swing are disspyoiniirrc not so with s Prospect dinner, it is unique ta qointily and qoaJity. Ve noted among th crowd a large number wbj wr oooe atten dants of this church bat wo ar now liviog too far of! to attend. Mrs. Sol. Marshall, the mother of Mr. V. F. Marshall. sji91sU idiloc of the Proreote rarmer. wu among that oumbef. Thoogh rrpe inyears 'she poee reaarkaU j aa. Tie tMl c4 Ilka mental and physical eticcglh. rtf teen' of her grandchildren and six gTtit grandchildren were among the worshippers present. - PaovrxcTO. Fasuv 1o!Hst Aje-U ITih W. Tbis sal tent la;7ed on Meni$j a. o. Ja 7H, W7. IIm UyJe lent i5ircati tsJy srca weaa. Why tlis detrcfirg afi las so m in calory ruiLi lcr bt&e so ofJen we are fcc4 aware.. Ttie ivr. rsske l eitllooe la llw faay fc tie lat U3 vrars.. All 4 were ex-all fcfict. TV rmi ocr- halloo lo tas and tl twr.i4 o is tli, That w can lo rata us 1 onrw ccxse to tta.' W tn s Urs entics-fd iih cuHki&s cf ieaCf9j; UUle IxUre f LLs own wlo maVe nlv twi wlv He lock awey ll little tot frra lis Sced cOr, wlkh dicu dialed IxcrM la it txuoo ax4 temi H arend lb irfxni's llrcw. t , - . i . . . . . - - .

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