FRANKLIN S TIMES J A THOMAS ED:;i OWN EB arr months, THSKB MONTHS, i.oo 1 Frtoay, June 25, 1909. ?Thk article published m. the, Trass should have bimcrdited to the Wash ington Post-- "WE MUST HANG TOGETHER, OR HANG SEPARATELY.' This forceful proposition applies with emDhasis to tbe business men of Louisbursf. A very real crisisjson fronts the town and it is for our own , citizens to determine whether Louis-- burg shall remain simply .5a village on the Tar" or take on hew life and assume its rightful position among the thrifty, progressive towns of the State. " ..-.. This depends on co-operation. Let our wise men put their heads to gether. Let a spirit of harmony and mutual helpfulness pervade te tows. We have rare advantages. 1st, The gravest problems s. that today confront! cities is how .to get a Louisburg is blesseu as few towns are. Our water supply is pronounced to be of the yery purest and most "wholesome characters. It is unlim ited in quantity and of the very best quality. 2nd. Our Graded Schools. These are second to none and the town-Oan well feel proud of what it is doing toward giving the next generation the right sort of start in the world. 3rd. Our electric light system. We believe this system is the equal of any in the State in its efficiency. With all these modern advantages and surrounded by a country of rare natural fertility there is no reason why Louisburg sbonld not be the very centre of prosperity. We want to nrg$ our business men, week in the "eifori v & uib" relAlive to ho w Butler: j Raptured htiis M later The sentence should have readby abusing the leaders and workers of the party, instead of "alaring the leaders, and maters of t ie party." Thb 15-year-old Tennessee boy who armed .himself witbra repeating shotgun, called-out another lad of about, the same age, and deliberately killed him,' because the neighbor boy had offeoded him, was only carrying out the theory f exemplified by the killing ot Senator Carmack in the same city only a few months ago Cooper, who killed Carmack tor as slight a; cause, is permitted to qo about the streets of Nash vile under small bail, snd perhaps the boy was only trying to . emulate him., The day may come again in this country when murder, wiir b CQngidred i t M;lPunj8Q crime. Washington pure water supply. : Id this respect J 6 .FARlflNG.iSk BUSINESS. ' If 'always riles us a littlet mer wa&tiiot as nucha, business man as & -merchant r manufacturer ori bitikerNow, we know: there ar i some itrmere, so-called, who are not business men; but these let reel y de- serve to' be called "farmers' Either; hearkstagffarmefaa - s - , , . M Unction Jo eacotfwr as if the far- VCf ' j Ty m O O li A O 5 l-r'MingBp .mm. uoitiinmrog 'croppers'" would be more fitting FROM PANACEA (Editorial Correspondence) The big write up" in the Raleigh NewtObserver of Panacea Springs, the fine hotel, fcc, a few days ago, gave a pretty good description ot the "bonanza," but in. oqler for oue to realize what Panacea is it is neces sary to mtke a visit here. For over twenty-five or thirty years we have heard that the "Panacea Water" was a cure for various ailments, and that many who came hre almost in yalids went away thoroughly curea, and are today singing its praises. This writer believes that he will be able to do likewise, as already he designation. Farming is a business, and to be made profitable must be gone at in a business way. The farmer whose on ly aira it is to tee how much land he catr: cultivate or how manV ' bales of cotton be can raise, is not likely to make his farming permanently profit able. Th good farmer's first con sideration in any line of his work it tbe profit he is goicg toi;et"but of it; and he does not count profits until he? has paid tor the labor expended in the growing and marketing of the crop, the interest oo the monoy in vested in it, the wear of t'ie too's UBed in ita making, and the plant food taken from the soul bv it Many farmer have no idea of how much any of these thin s amount to, and consequently bo intelligent idea of. the cost of. their crop9. They have no way of comparing with any accuracy the profits from one crop with tK3e from another, and too of ten they -have no idea of how to adjust the different branches ot farm work to each other so as to get the. most out of each. The result is that they go along in a haphazard manner without any definite plans or any real understanding of tbo work in ' which they are engaged. Business farming means busineai like methods, it means that tbe far- mer must be abi-: to ten witn some This siiTbe a notable ftalc for many rworm. h will nlTard y opportunity to inspect all atocVfaad figure out jurt what you WEal wnai you want to pay. It will afTorti parent of boy, u&ltrnttH tuniuea to buy new Tall echool clothing cheaper than real season. Come early ; ; : : : crj JLti i they cjuj bur il in School Suits Boys Suits medium weUhi soJU ituu: tAVw-l ' v hhwiik mm mm mm h kwb. m mi Satisfaction - Guaranteed mmm M. . . ..... Men's Suits pa Suits w ontd. CA-imerp. chrrioui. tic, 1 I I ll the new net ffU; iciu C-aI Hie Wtn'-ni ?ccU iU 1 rr In evenr way rt-Kixlir I12LSO rH. Trtrj rrs, -u h n u- Thfo fuilM wer pcrchxl at a rrt cil l-l f t-L Mm' -tm4 acrificc u!' of a prtiTaiJwol Nw 5 r rm.ti rst t York hoaw, there for - A lmi'..J oci. rr t f arr leilin tra at a ( 111 U a.4 v. 1 Kit fACrificc prif I VtUU Silit-r trrs a. 1UV to tell feels that it was good that he came, (degree of certainty what his cotton Therft are auite a number of atipstx I rrnn tJ him and hi Mm rron. anil Wt build iany more stores r6 and many more have engaged his pea crop; it means thai be must Wo WfoAss just bow. Stores rarely make a town. If you have a town the stores will come. 2nd. Build a faCtoty. If you don't employ but ten men, build it. We believe that just now three in dustries would pay. ' 1st. A knitting mill. It does not require much capital. 2nd. A small up-to-date machine shop run in connection with the plow factory. 3rd. A small smoking tobacco factory. This does not take much capital and we are in the very midst ot the finest smoking tobacco in the world. Men of Louisburg think on these things and let us all pull together. rooms.' As' stated in a tormer article have some way of judging with a the manager, Mr. A. J. Cooke, an fair degree of accuracy as to how he experienced hotelist, is in charge, can fesd bis stock most economical and he is taking care of his guests in l means that he must have some "tip-top style." , assurance at the end of the year as .The opening German last Friday to whether his farm i more or Us night proved to be very delightful oo fertile than at the beginning. v cassion for the young people who These things are not too difficult participated, and the spectators for the average farmer to learn. As came in, for their part of the pleas- we sav on another pace, three or re four hour's honest study will give On Monday afternoon of this week any reader t fair conception of the the Chamber of Commerce of Lit- underlying principles of stock feed- tleton, gave a barbecue in the Pa- To raa8ter all the details will villion, near the Springs, oomphmen- reqQire year8 0f study; but one good tary Xo a number of friends, and to hour of real, concentrated, deter which the male guests of the hotel mme thought would enable thoua were all invited. The "seortched" andg Df farmers to save many dollars pig was most elegantly served to- each vear on fee ne of their gether with the usual "condiments, gQck. and it was a most enjoyable affair. After all bad partaken a number of Louisburg Clothier It is the farmer who devotes this Our New line ! 1 1 i i . aa.he used to "istuav Ia"lDroblera in arithmetic when he went to sckoola is the man who will put his farm on ! a business basis. It is not enough to tbiuk about how long it is going to take t) plougH a field and how much seed it will take to plant it. There sheuld be a definite reason for the crop that goes on the fie!d, a well-thought-out selection of seeds PAYING FOR GOOD ROADS. es the opinion that ,if Maryland gentlemen " were r called , upon, and gbtwf Iwhow counties want good roads they will those who were not "too full for ut- BKr'" .niiu.a uv, have to build them themselves rnr.n. Sm. VftTV sies hisfarraingCoperatibnf J just Same here. The Norfolk Virginian- good talks" werev made, that of " Mr. Pilot holds that view also, and hits Moore, a . prominent merchant of tbe nail squarely on the head when Littleton, and a sformer Franklin it lays upon these propositions: county citizen, upon "Good Roads" "Public improvements cost ; money being among the beat. -and about the only way for any com- Among the guests were Messrs. raunity to et them is to shell out U. S. Leard and C. HGattis, of the the price; this is a fact which Virgin- Seaboard Air Line, both 'of whom ia localities would do ell A to bear made short talks, and promised to do in mind ih Connection With both all in their nnwer in m'tinfr 'mPoty good roads and the ffood-sehoolnrob- Lpoannartffho laaHin rnn t and ferUlixers, a rationally planned lems; whea they want them bad tbe South. ?y8tera of cultlvat,on and harvest- enough to be willing to pay for them - Messrs. M. C. Braiwell and Eu- in2 they will get: 'both. Tarid not until gene Johnston, j the new owners of In short, until the farmer is able then." We may "resolute on the Panacea , SpringfiT were present; and to calculate with something like c- subject until the cows come home," were no doubt highly pleased at tbe curacy, not only tho cost of the crop but no number of resolutions not many, pleasant things said about and the returns from it, but also it backed by money will ever build a their "Gold Mine." effects upon his other crop and oth foot of roads. The editor has been the recipient er lines of work, there is strong .roa- However, we are glad to see 'that of Inany courtesies isincei coming to son for thinking that fie need first the Virginia people ' are "gradually PanaceaVand he V especially indebt- and most of all, to put his mind as awakening to a realization of this, ed to Messrs. Eugene Johnston and well as his muscles to work. fact. They are making progress in R. J. Lewis for very kind "remem. Thought pays better than mere uuroausconsiruction, and' just in brances." J. A. T. hard Dhvsical labor and tbe cratt r profits ome U the farmer who works proportion as the benefits of imprdv- f 1 -''- ed highways become, the more man , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best his bands in harmonv wuh hw head. w w-.uc wi mcreasea ais- ontheUarket v Procressive Fanner. position on tb part of the tax-pay- . i hayer used; Chamberlaia'a Cough ers to foot the bills for extension - of Remedy and find it to be 'the best on the system. This has been the se The 'ZnGs , Ahy laky reader of this paper will re iuerery State in which good ' roads "Our babyihad several colds , the. past ceive, ufJrieveT '"XzP&l winter ! and Chamberlain's uougn "x? " rl r- . Remedy alwavs'eave it relief at once Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis., It ia-. silver Penn1v;. and eoi ed it ih a'ahort time. . I alwava plated,.verv pretty, and potiUTCiy.pre. W , millions of dollar k n''.""T f recommend it when opportunity pre- wta all dripping of tea and' eeff eei ' mmions ot dollars have been1 invest- k . fwin The Doctor sends It. with hia new free f ed ia tbe cao.e durine thrn f.w Diie cST'-'" ' - , " book on-Hffp" . .toPw v t- years. The more spent, the crreatAr r. coffee. Dr. Shocm! Ilealth Ct4Te Is the willingness to spendsRich.' mond News-Leader. , 3 . it . -Vi - v - : r ? w ajujxi . x xmjch. v; x. vne aoiiar, per year. . For Sale craining its great popularity because of: Mv house and lot on .Kenmore Ave- 5SSle f!!5fw?i?i!5- nue and Tarboro street. The house has JSixik ; five good large, room and the Jot is l"o &u' r large ana roomy, ucap.xor quicBiQ boiling. "Made in a miaateM aays Dr. - Dr. ja. S. PORTIS, . shoon: Tryit atybtrr rtoccx,. for. s ' s Salisbury, N. C pleasant surprise. All grocers. " li 0 S E Y We have recently decided to carry in connection with our lint' of Ladies Shoes a fnll and complete line of I.AMKS MKXS- AND CHILHRKNS HOSIKRY SBiOtES We .have just gotten in onr first; shipment and will be glnd!to liave yon call and in spect .them, yon will find the . whole line new "' BMSMBM HBH BMHHM SSWHBBWilWBSHSBSaiSBiMaBBSBSBiiMaMSlilBBSBO ... - - I . .P.. S. & . K. . EC. .. ALLEN - .... .. i . . Louisburg; C ... . m. m i I 8

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