- TIMES IjTthomas ED. & OWNER sspSday. Juke lfl09' I. Spi- -Attenticttwl"; TAR DROPS. Quite a large crowd went trom ntord yesterday on the ex- U'B a Hue little girl and Mr. F. Herman seems to be the proudest 1 man in town. A fiSnit? U L iAti noo trJ "-v0" between the small boys ana toe arger boys here m wnicn tne score in favor of the small mmmmi neeting or the : Normal Alum nae of Franklin V County Called: taib(pHeid"ihVluIs- burR,Satuaay June 26,1- .:LV?. - - 6f & was resulted 7 to 0 boy- l' , Kead the new advertisement of M C. Pleasants in this issue. He in nrder to cret rid of a lot gaj8 Him or 0f hia stock he will sell yon at al ffloet your own price. Hob Buidette says, "The Lord ted mud wnen ne maae a man so mean as t0 teI1 the postmaster to re turn his paper marked "Refused" when he owes for two or three years subscription." f : Q- E- FQklin of Mt' Olive, ba9 u'kQ a position' afi registered drnggiflt with the Scoggin Drug Co., forhe present. He was accom panied here by his wife who will re main with him daring his stay here. Aaron Deitz informs us that he has ne of the prettiest stocks' of erts summer 3 The Alumnae Association Sutr Normal and Iudustrjal College, shortly after President MclTer'a death decided to raise a Molver Loan Fund. " xhe object of this fund is to make iLpossible for strong ambitious young women of the State to receire the advantages .offered at The State Normal College, and at the same time keep fresh in the minds of all the name of the man who gave his life to the upbuilding of North Car olina. T - . . .-: . A field secrttary of the Alumnae Association has visited ( 40 counties and $18,765 has been ; promised by thdjie counties: Guilford leads with 4 pledge of $40,000, Nfsw Hanover, Wake, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg and Wayne nave each pledged $1,000. Tne other counties - visited by the gecretary have romiied from $100 10 uuv eacn. . a wo years , is givan f or the ipayment of the pledges made but some have already paid the amount pledgeofand Ve continuing to add to tbis iuWr; . It is pfdpd8e3 thai the money trom eacn county De used oy young women from that county by which it is given. I his Bhould be an in- flRTTTTATlV' V..-V' j CAt LaurcL on JMonday-i- June. 7tlT iwv, tne death angel entered line home of Joseph " B. .and Laura -B. Jones, and .bore from it ' the gentle, pure spirit of ' d ear little " Joseph ummert taking it back to God who gave ii; 0q Nofiinler rritb,1908f this -railpnt "precious infant' came into -our midst, not quite seven monthsi erer.. he i wa called - to Jeus. Such a short time; yet, long enough too, to so entwine himself in. and around the hearta'of us who loved O him, that . e feel, in giving him opJO that our very hearts are being torn from us. " " All that loving hearts could prompt, or willing bands could do we did, in our efEorta to keep him with us; but God willed it otherwise and He makes no mistakes... May God ih His great mercy and tender love, draw, very near to the devoted, loving father, the tender mother, (whose bandB never grew weary ' in ministering to the dear loved suffer, ing one) comfort, bless and sustain them, and all of us, whose hearts are yearning ' for dear little Joe, and giv us perfect submission to this Unerring will. The remains were .enterred in the Louiaburgxemetery Tuesday p. m., at four 0 Olokt Services conducted by Rev. J. H. London. One who loved him. Offers . OF LOUISBURG, N C Its Services To The We deaire th.t lhe people make the fuller iu of our biiUoe fr4l,.. pnuiege, come m, and let. ' J Public WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST on time depoaiU. Money can be Withdrawn any tio dvr4. Oft dcJlar U tvSLd.&t to start an account and all your monsy, including th. r.t dollar, it ybU B decked Our Banking Facilities are Complete in Every Uep't. FIRST o i UNDER SUPERVISION NATIONAL BANK LOUISBURG, N.C OF U. S. GOVERNMENT furnishings to be 1.1 H found anywhere ana mat ne is sell ing it at a sacrifice. He will have a change of ad in our next- issue,; 80 watch for it and learn of1 the good things he has for you. - The Virginia Bay Hotel, at Ocean View, Va., opened on the 15th, and is again in charge of that experienced hotelist, Mr. Jno. A T.1fv0r n Franklin county boy. He reports that quite a number of guests have already arrived and that the Virginia Bay will, as heretofore, be headquarters for Tar -Heel visitors to tneseaiSorer" "J " &:-!h- "b - On Monday afternoon Mr"B. F. Harper, a farmer pf the Castalia stction of Nash county, was killed m , by a fall from his buggy, his head catching between the wheels and breaking his neck. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, after which thft remains were interred in the cemetery at Castalia. The d e ceased was about thirty six years old and was a member of a large and prominent family in that section of the county. He leaves a wife and a daughter, ten years old, to mourn their loss. EFFECTS OF PROHIBITION. Commenting on tbe above the ducement to liberality as it will be- Monroe Enquirer says: "Col. Toot come to a certain extent a matter of Black says the negro excursion of local pride. As the money is return- seven coaches which went - to Sail ed it will be loaned to others, and bury yesterday under his protection hence its benefits will be continuous, was the most orderly crowd of , ne- In every oommunity the alumnae groes he has ever seen. Not a fight themselves have responded most gen- nor a drank the whole day, he said, erously and enthusiastically but oth- and those niggers ought to be com- ers have also ben most liberal. pliraented.' " The " field secretary, Miss Etta The foregoing is a news item n Spier will meet the Franklin county the Charlotte Observer of last Tues- alumnae iri Louisburg at the Graded day. It was not ever thus. If there ' School, Saturday June 26 at 11 a. m. had been barrooms in Salisbury, Col. AU public spirited citizens interest- loru tsiacK wouia-nave tola an en- d in the educational advancement tirely different story. Prohibition! of the county are invited to bo pres- laws have not entirely stopped ihe ent and lend their co-operation and sale of liqtbr in North Carolina no . assistance. . The Molver Loan Kund more than has the law aeainst theft j M atteVbj altogether, out .the. meaning too much to the State to be flaw making the sale of liquor illegal carried on by the alumnae alone, sol has chauged matte is greatly in this ' we hope there will be a good at- flood State. It has come to ax. tendance at thii meeting for Franklin in J" orth Carolina that women anJj oo-oo-oo-oo-oooo-oo-o-o-oo SHERWIN WILLIAMS Brog htm ye Fiooshes The kind you see advertise!. Sherwin Williams Pajte Paint". Granitoid Floor Paint. Drie? Hrrd aj Iron. Knri County. says of the What Mr. Joyner Mclver Loan Fund. "I wish to express my hearty ap proval of the movement of the alum nae of the State Normal and Indus- children can go on excursions, attend reat gatherings and celebrations un attended by men and get along all j right. When the barrooms were j cut out more was done for the wo- J men and children than was done for j any other class. Many a woman and many a child has been denied JAPLAC In All Sizes and All Colors Buggy and Wagon PainU, Shellac Varnih, Kurmtur Pohtb. Inucrt, lluih Tub Enamel. lux Seed Oil. Japan Drter, Hard Oil, Eic ALABASTINE -'The Sanitary Wall Coating viel rAllAnrA tr AHtnViliih at. that in. .. , the pleasure of a day s outing, Borne stitution a memorial to Dr. Charles I . . .. ... r . Cedar Roek Items- Our farmers are very busy cutting erass as we are havins some more fine weather. The saw-mill hands near Raleigh are taking their vacation now, and Bro. Will A. Stalliners is at home agaio. Mr. and Mrs. p. M.Gattis, of Mapleville, spent Sunday with Mr. J. W. Sledge. Miea Pattie L. Smith, of Red Bud, spent Sunday with Miss Nonie Par riih. Misies Belle Strickland and Pau line Smith, of Louisburg, are visiting Hiag Annie Stone. llr. and Mrs. Walter Jenkiiis and Mr. Ilerndon Jenkins, of Centreyille spent Sunday with Mr. W. A.'Par h. fpr . --y': Hev. G. M. Duke filled his regu 'af appointment at, Cedar Rock Sup dAy, and was lid'-lto people out. - Misa Lillie Glasgow is visiting fee siter in Rocky Mount. Mn. W. P. Hayman, of Columbia C, is visitine her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. dean: - Miss Annie Perry, oMapleTilliBV s visitine her aister. Mrs. W. P. Long. -t-!0-:: " ' Miss Irene Sledge, of Mapleville spent Sunday with Miss -Nellie Sledge. Miss Bettie Urale, of NashvUle, ia visiting her aunt, Mrs.' J. R. Earl. r With kindest regards and best wishes to the Editor and ' the 'good D. Mclver, itt first president, in the form of a loan fund to be used . to aid worthy young women of limited means to secure an education and training at the institution. The es tablishment of such a memorial will be in perfect accord with the great idea for which Dr. Mclver gave the best of his life and thought equal ity of opportunity to capable North Carolina women, rich or poor." L- P. CKS, Fuller-West. On Sunday Morning, June 13t,hat Corinth church; Mr. W. E. Fuller and. Miss Minnie Olia West were married, by the itev.lilrPoe, pastor of that church. thing they would have gready enjoy ed and something they r eally needed, because the barrooms were there. A, better day has dawned in our good state. The women and childrendo not have to stay at home on great gala days and away from big gatherings, as they did when liquor was openly sold, for fear of being terrorized by drunken men. In the days of bar rooms many a good woman and her children stayed at home wanting to go to town and hear the speaking, Minting to near tne band play and see the big crowds, the decorations and to take part in the celebration or whatever great occasion it was while ihe husband and father went off alone to attend the gathering. It is not so now. The time has coo;e wnen me women ana cnuaren can go along, too and that without fear ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUISBURG, N. C. Card of Thanks. - I wishi to : extendf my sincerest thanks .to my neighbors and all those of be bothereil by drunken men. who so kindly assisted me daring jt indeed a better day Xnviodj my recent uinessTana recovery. . want t0 g0 back to ihe , timeTivhen Respectfully, barkeeper was the greatest cain tJ , o er. when there was a great - gathsrinc of all the people? Anybody . not willing for the women and children N. L. Mosley. "V Card of Thanks. We wisfi !;to extend bur thanks and appreciations to bur friend and neighbors who so kindly rendered. n assistance in the recent illness of I our son.... ... . MiCrD MEsf J. T. Hjlrws.2 i. I . l ! . . io nave tne privilege oi going un molested on excursions, to the Fourth of J uly celebrations and other great occasions and not be insulted by drunken fools? ' Does anybody,' want the happiness taken away from the women and cnildren on tne . hanov. If You are Worth $BO,OOO Don!t Read . , , " a"pPT; ii ipu.oio ,"u,.fcW . sj go-lucky gala"days and the broad T,;. y;ir i, - staile.pntonthefaceof tbe barkeep SKyS?.m f " the coin ratUe. into H,, are a man of moderate means and can- it used to do on such occasions? wm be nleased children came into their .wuu- own. Cnoiera'. ana.tiarj:noea xwiuw cure it. This remedy haa been jn use for wvW PineaalvVitnuiii mxnq i v i ivo v v 1 A. J. o X X V Paoaoea Under Entire New Management COOKE, Lessee and Proprietor The New Panacea, a Summer and Winter Resort Hotel at Panacea Springs, Warren County, N. C. Now Open Under Entire New Management SPLENDID ORCHESTRA DANCING NIGHTLY THE NEW PANACEA i, in every rpt a kigb-jrraJ, modem toUl, fcnii4 x4 furnished tastily and comfortably, equalling any botlry in Uu North or Scmtb- T.ktj room is lighUd by electricity, and his hot and cold running itr frota fTklta tpriaira, The building contain 100 rooms, single and cn-uiu with pritau bth snd all rcoot are outaide rooma, with twe or more window. The fixit fioor conuins 11 dli ibtfully comfortablejrooma, spacioua lobbj, receptioa room., dinning room and w3 spoiaUd writing rooma for the exclusive uo of our nfts, THE NEW PANACEA ia conducUl upon the American pJaa. ivh raocai4 raicit and is run upon thevbroadoat principU. Its terrioo n4 roiain arc net riocUtd by any reaort hotel in the South, ' For rates, by day, wek or uionthr for rKrralionavPr ant addttkrnxl InturaMicxkA&rm A; J. COOKE,. LPrd Panacea SprinSs, N. C ' o O o o o o o t o t o o o o O OW RAKKLCl TlMKS. F. M, scoffffin Jjruff kaj - , 4-a ITS. - . 1 - -'''x i j - mxuxvii iu fab jrf - , ir "- -7 ?1 t. C: in' a J f -rA