THE HOME CIRCLE v r- COLUMN mill Pleasant Evening Reveries R Column Dedi- caied to Tired Mothers as Theu Join the Home Circle at'Evening Tide: CRUDE THOUGHTS IHOH THE EDITORIAL PEN Woman was made oat of the rib, taken from the Bide of man; Dot oat of his bead to role him, bat oat of his side to be his equal, under his arm to be protected, and near bis heart to be lored. v Girls, listen to your mothers; yon will never regret it. No matter what your advantages are above what hers were, you are no better. Ton can rest assured that . it is not book learning or knowledge of fashion that will keep your feet away from the many pitfalls that she can warn you from, in a tender, loving fashion, that yo" would do well to heed. No matter how mothers may speak, you may rest assured their hearts are in the right place and that they want their daughters to be innocent and good, rather than fashionable. If you would gather up all ten der memories, all the lights and shades of the heart, all banquetings and reunions, all filial, fraternal, pa ternal and conjugal affections and you had only jast four letters with which to spell out that height and depth and length and breadth and magnitude and eternity of meaning, you woulcwitb streaming eyes and trembling voice, and agitated hand, write it out m those four living capitals, H-O-M-E. i What a different world this would be if only all of us would cultivate the grace of good nature! It is the best tonic for nerrous disorders, the surest preservation of home happi ness, and the most effective remedy for the divorce disease now unhappi ly prevalent. He who has learned how to take even the most disagree able things and grievous disappoint ments good naturedly may never be a millionaire, but he will be what is much better, both happy and a source of happiness, and the atmos phere he carries with him will be like a bit of sunshine in the mam moth cave. There is no earthly need of so much poverty and grumbling, as one hears on all sides to-day. There is plenty of food m this great and glo rious world for all its people. It is the fault of education of oar child ren: they are brought p wrong. The children should be broken into some useful labor and taught to re spect and hoaor the useful more than the ornamental. Every boy and girl should be made to work at something that woulu be of profit, till the second nature forms with them. A man or woman so edu cated becomes actually fond of la bor or at least pleased with results, then it becomes a pleasure to per form it. All children at an early age should have a bank and be taught to save its money, or, at best the larger part of it. They shpuld not be allowed to waste anything, food, clothing, or any other article of value. It is the early impressions formed on the mind that are endur ing. Very few children trained in the right direction will become pau pers, unless caused by sickness or iwme unavoidable accident. - One reason why some men do hot get along better in this world is be cause they have not the proper timniant m their homes. Their homes lack those little touches of refinement which bring the best out of them. Neatness - and , taste 'are possible In the poorest homes. Let a woman make the atmosphere a dftint.V an bar maana alliur t will raise her hmsband to the same standard. And as she elevates him the effect is felt upon- herself, , her children, her homej and5 her future, v Some men respond more slowly to the touch of a 'woman's band dis played in their homes and !upon their surroundings. The task may seem hopeless to the wife at times. But sooner or later the effect will show itself. There is something in every man which responds to a high er gentler influence. Let bis home be rough and he will be rough. But infuse into that home a softening touch, be it ever so simple, and the man feels it even though he may not directly notice it. He imbibes it unconsciously, and its effect is sure upon him. DON't REPROVE AT BEDT1US. To send children happy to bed should be one of the mother's most ordinary tasks. No little one should dread the bedtime hour, nor fear the dark, nor be allowed to go to rest under a sense of disgrace or alien a tion from household love. What ever the child's daytime naughti ness may have been, at nightfall he should be forgiven, and go to rest with the mother's kiss on her lips and her tender voice in his ears. Hardly anything can be worse for a young child than to be scolded or punished at bedtime. The moth er does well to be a little blind at times, remembering that a good deal of childish culpability is superfi cial only, and washes off almost as easily as does the dirt which the evening bath removes from the skin. The main thing with children is to have them Well started with good principles, which they will carry through life. Obediency, truth, un selfishness, purity are essentials, and these can all be lovingly cultivated, and will flourish in the right home atmosphere. CITY ATTK ACTIONS. The illustration of the sea-bird drawn to its doom by the glare of the beacon light finds no truer pho totype than in the case of the coun try girl lured from her home by dreams of fortune 10 be realized in the great city. As ignorant of the wiles of evil as a mouse is of the mechanism of a trap, unsophisticated in the blandishments of sins, holding blankly to the belief that sleep and goats never mingle the drops into the maelstrom of a city existence as a snowflake settles into the river "One moment white, then gone for ever." There lie in wait for inno cence , the wide world over, a legion of plotting devils arrayed in livery of light, honest appearing advertise ments that are tent hooks with which the devil angles for souls; employers who scarcely take the pains to hide the fangs of wolves behind their miling lips; boarding-houses infest ed with other and more hideous ver min than the rat and the roach; com panionship of more fatal effect to the soul than hydrant water to the health; counsellors who spin view less webs and plot ruin as the spider works destruction to the stupid fly. All these, and a great many more, pitfalls lie in the. way of the country girl as she turns her light step from the cowslip and the green - tart to take her place in the ranks of those who walk the path of daily toil. Of Interest to Farmers and Uechanlcs. , Farmers and mechanics "frequently meet with slight accidents and injuries which cause them much annoyance and loss of time. A cut or bruise may. be cured in about one third the N time usually required by applying Chamber lain s Liniment as soon R ha fnr. is received. This liniment is- also val- uauie ior sprains, soreness of the mus cles and rneiirrtAfo nai'na Tkn. , r. . w : U 19 11U aancrpr at ivm-f nAiaA: . from an injury when . Chamberlain's j. wumraeaff ana . 8WOUen sale by Scowrin Drug Co. v For; NOTICE " - : FtTTTrirTh nrtTimffliiMB ft in ett dliBd. 11 is atnost fthrai hidden tin- Iff I - - n -. Tmiobtewenuw tha Cardiac, ar llmrt hrr lnrplr rwwdi. ao6 torsi teT&im mm. aw nciutr. mors eoDtroUkt, xaaf rcrrtrain tofeU. and U stomach and kidney, also htT towekaa4BiUnXIaarta. Dr. Shoo fiat met popular prescription 1j sJom diretcd to Umm Jx and wastta dctt canters. It KikSsi wniaau! n offers real. rmrOam hmxt If Tm VmVt K.M m-rrm IT . 7 Jht - mmm im AMNUi ' I uoa m n nccL wsm Resttorative THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO. ft Eats Up Rust 65-4 will make an old, rwfy Stove, orStove Pipe, look like new, .because it eats up rest. When you stup your Stoves, this Fall. pve them a coat of 6-5-4; It Is spplled Uko paint, will not rub off and SHINES ITSELF. ItaUo Saves Hard Work Ii vour arale.- uasn t Bro., have. Louisbarc. t cKinnt NOTICE. The place for baory men will be (onnd at 6. S. WHITE'S RESTAURANT having recentlv moved in Mead ows new building. A first-class meal can and will be served fresh and hot, with the best the market affords. Come to see me. Yoors to please. O. 8. WHITK. J. P. Has Them I; Our Wtsw FoMoltaio i Now in Operation We serve all kind of cold drinks. Phone your orders for everything in our lino. The Scoggin Drug Co. Prescriptions Hilled With Skill Mew Perfection il Stoves In addition to a large lot of j i clothing, shoes, suspenders and . patent medicines, I have for sale a Piano, a pair of computing scales one Babcock Buggy, one Soda j Fountain and one iron Safe. Come : quick if you wsnt a bargain. j J. P. Winston. The heat from a new perfection is concentrated and instead of heating your kitchen it cooks vour mwils It takes very little oil to operate them and there is absolutely no dangor of explosions. Your wife -win sit in a rocking chair and read the Franklin Time, while a New Perfection docs the work. They wiv, wood, they save money, they save time For Sale by 2cts Laundry 2cts We are acrenta for the People's Steam Laundry, of Raleich. N. ( Brand new outfit, good and exper ienced workmen in all the depart ments. We are the people who brought the price dowu from 2 1-2 cts. to 2 cent and think we are en titled to part of your business. iVe will appreciate any business you will give us. V e go after Laun dry every Monday and Wednesday mornings and will deliver same Saturday afternoon. If you have any laundry you want to cet off call up phone 47 and will nave a boy there on 6 minutes. Jno W King & Son MflcWninie Brothers LOU SATISFACTION ISBU RG. fsi . c. OR 'YOUR MONEY BACK New Soda Fountain For Colored People Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers Of Carntioas. Koc. VoleU. ctr. Floral detign rJ Flower for all occa sions. Potted Ferns and all kiocU of pot and out door boddine plants. Veg etable plants in season. All orders promptly filled. H.STflNMFTZ, florist. RJrh. N. C. Having qualified as administrator ud- v vuo cam 13 01 james smitn, deceased all persons owing his estate are notified to pay x the' same at once, and tho noiding claims against said estate must foi a uv aame onor hefore Mav 28, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar iccovery. mis - May 28; 1909. " W. W. SMITH ' AHm r I wish to announce to the colo red oeoole of Franklin Countv that a Ja I have purchased the Soda Foun tain of the Scoggin Umg Com pany and hare placed it in ray building on Main Street, at the bridge, where I will be glad to serye you with ail tne late t Fountain Drinks I am the only person in town catering for the colored fountain trade and will assure you that everything will be Up-To-Date I willalso run a lunch counUr in connection ;with xnj Drink Par lor and you can call in any time of day or night and get a good nice lunch cheap. A. T. Neal,; The Best Policy stesaMsassjssssssHsssHssssssssiSMSBaaiBssaawBMaasasM The Safest Company JUST RECEIVED BIG BARGAINS Tin, U,g9 !fjU of rdcrra l.ti v ta sold low. paira of La rurUan. u. ma4 ttm M, rz,u u, f 2 , r-r. rn "f touio. cvc u, THE BARGAIN STORE W. D. COOKC The strength, conarratlinv. aid economical management of the i Loaisbort ' North, Ortllai v. - . ; ' Equitable Life Assurance Society of Tnc U. S. Make It the safest onipaj ia wbkh to Insure, The liberality and adaptability of the - ; NevYort Sundirtl Policy Make it the bMtfortn to Mice L - FnU Informs tloo and rate famish ed upon request. ! AdMreas ft H. DAVIS, Would You Throw flway $1,000 THE - CITIZENS - BANK J. IL IWnl . . it rx'T rv , J SCLJ) (LJ) CkJ kJ) a 'j 'j 'j 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0