T. SMITH WICK1 'w - Dealer in D ctcks Bonds, Real Estate, CoUeboiKof Bents. iSmr and Sellias Timber and timber landa,Loan loHated. Listing of property for sale or rent gSd Prompt and careful attention sruaran- Office over First National Bank. Louisburgr.N D R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Dentist, Office in Ford Building, Main and Nash street. $t Phone No 40. . THE SUNDAY SCHOOL R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, -m.r . .1 x. 9 a . . ye, tMT, noaw auu iurui specialist, Raleigh, N. C iH be in Louisburg-, at the office of Dr. Arthur 0ynes Fleming:, the first Monday in each month, D D R H. A. NEWELL, 1 PHY8IC1AN Loiiicbiirg, N. C. Phone No 156 I 1!NKL1NT0N HOTEL I) Franklin ton, N. C. U. A. Speed, Proprietor. Good Liyery in connection li. c H. BANKS J3 a DENTAL SURGEON Lcuiebnnr, N. C. JgjQ nffii-ejin Hicics Building, Main Street. P H, COOKE ATTORNEY-A.T-LAW Louisburg, N. C. s Over Cooper & Pleasants 'Store.Prompt attention given all legal business entrusted to rae. D r. J. E. M ALONE -PHYSICIAN and SURGEON gg Louisburjr, N. r. W'"1 m- Office in rear of Beasley-Alston Drug Store. D R. S. P. BURT PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N.C. Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store DR. R. F. YARBOROUGH h PHYSI'UAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N. C. Office in Yarborough & Bickett building. Nitrht calls answered from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. B. MASS EN BURG ATTORNEY ATJLA BEIga laLoaiaburg. JK . C.J '.&mZZ$m Will practice in all t tie courts of the State Office in Egerton Building feSS " yl HA r WOOD RUPEIN ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Will practice in all courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in tbe Supreme Court and in the United States District and Circuit Court. Office oyer First National Bank. p B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. gPRUILL & B OLDEN . ATTORNEYS AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warrei. and Wake counties, also the Sanreme Crnit. nf Wmfch r.n.rntina Prompt attention given to collections Office "prani DOliaing. Lesson I. Third Quarter, W , July 4, ,1909. . THE- INTERNATIONAL- SERIESL Text of the Lesson, Acts xv, 33, to xvl. 15 Memory . Verses, ' j 9, ' 10 Golden Text, Acts xVir- 9 Commentary Prs- parea Dy ev. u. M. Stearns. Copyright. 1909. by Americas Press AaocbtWI OTr. -' . , wnen we iert this wonderful story v iUC vwuuueu uoings ana teaching oi ine ascenaea Lord by His Spirit lurougn tiis servants a few weeks ago, we saw Paul and Barnabas and others teaching and preachlnir the word of the Lord at Antioch (xv, 35). xsow we are to have five consecutive lessons on Paul's second miasfonmnr journey as recorded in , chapters xvi- xvm. out we have some preliminaries In the closing Verses of cnantoi- Some Christians are tempted to think that God can only use perfect people, and while they are lookintr for vaoy or waiting to become such themselves souls are perishing for , lack of some kind of a pole to hold ro the hrazn serpent that the perishing may see the serpent, not the pole, and live. I sup pose that in considering this record of tne quarrel between Paul and Barna bas concerning John Mark some wonld take one side and some the other, but tne Lora overruled it to send out four missionaries instead of two, and He loved them all in snite of their sins and doubtless blessed them as thev went forth in HJs name, Paul and Silas tnrougn Syria and Cilicla and Barna- oas and Mark to Cyprus. If Paul passed through Tarsus on his, way to Derbe and Ivstra.,the rec ord does not speak of .his preaching there. He seems to have pressed on to Derbe, bis farthest point on his first tour, and then to Lystra, where he had been stoned to death. From thence he took Timothy, who had known the Scriptures from his childhood, hating Deen well taught both by bis mother and his grandmother (II Tim. 1, 5; ill lp); he had possibly witnessed the stoning of Paul and his return to life and It may have led to his conversion or to a more decided stand for Christ Paul calls him "my own son In the faith" (I Tim. L 2), as if he had been tne instrument in Iearlins- him tn Christ. On the principle of I Cor. ix. 20. Paul had him eirenmcisfxl fnr tha F . w-v & V A. 1 V sake of winning the circumcised to Christ, but. not that he for one moment thought circumcision essential to sal vation (Gal. v, 6; vL 15). I have never been able to understand why twentv two years ago the Lord led me into a church using a liturgy and asked me to submit to wearing a gown unless He did so that He might thus reach some with the simplicity of' the gos pel and the glorious truths of the king dom and the second coming of Christ who might not , otherwise have been reached. His service is perfect free dom, and we ought to be willing to submit to anything, anywhere, any how, if only He can thus be glorified. As they passed from place to place the believers were more firmly established- (by the word preached, no doubt), and the number of them in creased, the Lord manifestly working with them. With a map of Asia Mi nor, which Is necessary In this study. one can see that, having passed well through the provinces to the west, they were forbidden, at that time, to go south Into the province of Asia and not suffered to go north Sw6arIVtl& WftTnpTi mrfiTrvn f :fimns ailments- 'Somertvouipn ?mffflr.Wr:,.itrrrl? more oonstonUy than others. But -whether vou have shouU,take Whw of Caraui and get rehcf 7 : - ..varaui is;a'Bafe, natural medidno, for wompiL prepared scientiflcallv' from iinrMer? Si .fMw 4110 feinale;organ3 and etHfflgth and tone to tho whole syztShT ! , " t.,'"i,tf. jI. The Woman's Tonic 'Ifm. Vmii Walloon C.M. m u.in . toi taken with female inflammation and coxSSu dLTbt mjhooaoirotk. Since then my. trouble has nerer returned. Rtjiti ax XLlxb UBXJG STORES GO I v Want .."to Sll a a AT owe on 100 New Buggies 50 Second-Hand Buggies Any Price From n la n n n n u w jj n n rr x T. W. Bickett, ZZfl- B. White Louisburg, N. C. rankUnton, N. C. T)ICKETT iwm-nw - JLAWYERSXT BCZCILouisburg. N. C The settlement nf nat .f-Ad for KTBpnfnra AH mmistrator8 and Guardians is made a spec- i-j. iiuu cne nouns required By law can be secured in the nrtl. . Office in Yarborough & Bickett buflding PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N C. Practice in all courts. Office on Main Street w7 YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. in i. , . . . . . i" "jnai baainess intrusted to m, receive Prompt attention Office in Egerton M THE VIRGINIA BAY HOTEL Arrange to meet your friendp, relatives and sweethearts at The Virnia Bay, Ocean View Va. Third season, under tbe same manage ment. Opens June 15th, 1909 For further information and rates, address JOHN A TUCKER, Manager Hotel rorsyth. Wttto-Sl. N. C After June 1st. The Virgin U By. Ocr VUn. V $5 to $1 25. If You Hnvn't Got the Monev I Yill mtttm Sell to You on Time SALE AND LIVERY Liven- Stable and am prepared to I have decided to run again a Sale and serve the public with Edward S. :ord First Class Teams At All Times Will be glad to have a liberal share of natronae-e and tmarantN satisfaction Kaf teams ana polite and accommodating drivers. R. F. FULLER Louisburg, N. C. Our TO THE PUBLIC my Under the contract made at the time of the purchase of the "Hughes Storage Warehouse" property, we cannot allow any obstructions on the lot of said prop erty, and we must insist upon the removal of all lumber now on the property. Ar UNL-fcj, and that none be placed thereon in the future. OtherwU the same into will De considered as a trespass and the trespasser dealt with according. This GRIFFIN 3c BEASLEY New Livery fir mm HOUCK CONTRACTOR aid BUILDER Louisburg, N. C. Iiipf 'ng?Qt ,or M inds ol building sup t. rfl ;ftl8tlc Mantles and 4Tiles. Architec tural des.gns submitted. ' Cattle Wanted ' 1 want to buy 100 head of cat tle5 ranging from one year old -yearlings " or heifers jg them in quick and eet the cash. ' - John R. Villfams ' Louisburg, N; C. rmuy ma, me sspinx navmg tus own I . plan for them. It should be our aim 13 meant f or everybodj. co uve in rne wui ana purpose of God and rely upon Pa. xxxiL 8; Isa. xxx, 21; xlvilL 17. In tbe matter of guidance, for what seems to us good and wise and for the glory of God may toot be His way for us just then. He opens or shuts as seems best to Him, and we simply dwell with Him for His wora and yield to Him that He may work In and through us His good pleasure (I enron. lv, 23; Phil. , n, 13: Heb. xUL 21). Having come, down to lud oca ai-j.iuu. xaui na.vr 1 ii h v isiih: i a man of Macedonia, In Europe, who K. P. Hill and J. H. Southall have opened a new feed and liYtry said, "Come oyer Into Macedonia and stables under the style of J. H. Southall and Con.panv. and from this 1 T 9, mi t-r Sit I " ; i a , imS date on you can find nice 1 and 2 horse turnouts, ately we endeavored to go into Mace- J donia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them" (verse 10). The Dronoun ,Ve" instead of "they' as heretofore, would seem to Indicate that Luke had now. joined them, Luke the" beloved physician, the writer of this book and of the gospel bearing, his name. There came a time when Paul wrote, "Only Luke is with me" (II Tim. XT, 11). Note that they were called to preach the gospel, not to establish schools, as ene has said. To teach the uneducated to' read, that they may be able to read the Bible and to Instruct them that they may Instruct others In that which is essential, seems to be al5 right, but some are learning that edu cation without Christ only makes more clever - heathen or unbelievers. Our commission Is to proclaim the good news or Goa concerning his son , tnat through Him souls may be saved. Haying crossed by ship to Keapolis, .they proceeded to Pniiippi, tne enlez city of that part of Macedonia, and thor thev abode certain days. The man of . the vision was not there to j welcome them, nor was tnere a convi mittee to receive them. No posters an iomnced the arriyal of ; the distingTilsh ed : messengers, not did any; herald prct claim that on of them beec 8tOBtd;t6 death and had come to life again. They were CTidentlj not ex pected, and nobody cared. Was it aQ a mistake and the vision, a delusion! Let us watt and. watch, as they did. Shows too mint ffnoda nn hm.4 n (nr lV, TV.-. I will ' GIVE AWAY $1.25 cents worth with ea-ch Fire Dollars wcrtii of Shr.. r TVr ri- old FOR CASH. We also have aorae wonderful Ixarcains in t v,w. Waists and Hosiery, and men Shirts, UaiMloM aad HAxdk7Yhfa Our prices on groceries ar a.s low m the 1om aad th auhlf as high m the highest We also hv one hor fcr W. P. NEAL & CO. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. 1, 2, 3 and 4 seated vehicles, suitable for pic-nics, barbecues, bane- ball trips, marriages, etc Reasonable Rates Made. One mice to all. terms cash to Sam and John, alao ta Colonel. Mia ter and the Doctor. If von havn't the monv. crn with vonr frinil or waiK. n you wisn anytnmg, see or pnone J. n. Southall J H SOUTHALL & CO ' PHONE 155 llnlll II lliiwil TO DEPOS T your money i now. Don t wait until you got norm. T trail tt Usj pl ea to spena wnai you tukte wnue waiung. 9 aoorpt ssjJI t wtM m 4 ir- el to snend what you Bvocldk finishing Tor Amatuers w, u, .tJ . tM - I qq lacuiuea a man ox many uxaea your cra&s rsjora The Farmers and Merchants Bank j s Our prices are as low as anywhere in the country, and our work is unequalled. WRITE FOR PRICES &C Mail Orderi our specialty. COBB, LOUISBURG, N LOUiOQURQ. tti. O. CAPITAL AI1D SURPLUS OVER S40JOO UUJ BAlltT, PmUut ' T.-O BinOI, CiUitf V: . I. ' I ; .. ' . :