-1 ; " i . - 3 J 1 , f . ' - '.. 'V. , 'j ' " 5 - l ' i WHlPPIHGjmsCHbbLS. i This from the Montgomery Ad Tertiaers editorial page: . So.e of the, brethren are dia. massing the aobjeet oi whipping children at school, and ; atwally t&ere are a variety of opioicmaon mark, to quote ta own language, haa u 'ifggested a step which should solve the question pretty satisfactorily in the publio schools. There should be a regulation requiring teachers to honor the written request of a parent that the writer's child be not whip ped, but be sent h6me f for punish ment when whipping would seem to be needed. It should be understood that if a child thus exempt from phy sical punishment does not become tractable after being S3nt home for discipline, the child must withdraw ! from the school." I "The Richmond Journal man calls to miud some experiences of his youthful days, and declares that there was never a time in his school days. when such a request from a parent would have halted the teach er's switching operations, but adds. "We understand that a . rule or custom in the Richmond sehools is to allow a parent to appeal at school to administer a whipping to liis re fractory child in the presence of the teacher. This is not done in all cases, but is a procedure that is fol lowed occasionally." "If a pupil ia a kind of boy ? who really deserves punishment, would barring him from school - have anv good results? If he is a bad youth on whom moral suasion has ho effect expelling him from school would please him better than anif ' other course, and the result would be that he would grow up without education and without discipline. That, it seems to us, would be a natural re sult, and it would not be best for the boy himself." Where does the parent come in? Has the parents no rights when we come to the question of "what is best for the boy"? Of course, if parentsiare unfit to have control of their children, if par are immonal or deranged, or, if the children are admittedly incorrigible, we hare special cases to deal with. Requiring the State to assume spec ial authority. But some ? citizens in good standing; who -profess their ability to attend to their own family affairs, are not to be set aside in con sidenng what is best for the boy. Same parents are willing for their boys to be corporally admonished in school, admitted the need. Other parents are not willing; and as a matter of fact, we do not believe that one person in a hundred ,ia fit to entrust with arbitrary jower to administer bodily chaatisemen to other people's children. The Mont gomery Advertiser itself, when it carries its editorial into reminiscence gives an example of the danger in herent in such powerthis danger that discipline will degenerate into brutal tyranny: "Among our readers tfiere ar no doubt to be found some jvho attend ed the 1 country or . village schools -three-score or more H years ago. and v who had- rot, then teachers men who seemed to think that no boy could be educated without a liberal amount of thrasMng.Vv.' rf ; . .. , "This? writer served an "eight 'months ; terra in a .boy's, country School in iiussell county in the ear ly 40's, and if a single day passed without at least one boy being whip ped, we have no recollection of it sometimes three or four caught it in one day. The teacher was a fine classical scholar and prepared a nam v- her of y oUng men, for s College, -and we nave;more than once v seen vbim jwhip mtiwha01 easily , have turned the tables oh him if they had been bo disposed, but they submitted y find may have been the - better for it " for all we know. . Tlns teacher was an extremist in x his ideas of discipline. - We do not l know iWhtheif he was naturally cruel auu uvu-utsiuiuj , or wuetuer ne really 'believed that the only 'way to teach boTS and-to keep them under: properdi8cipline was vrbya libera use of the switch. , We onlv., know that he. was a persistent and expert ; whipperp -and that j.. he frequently i v jvhppe boys JEor :,the "moat- trivial ' . offenses of for the slightest infraction of his' unwritten "TUles' IiigT idea seemed to be that of the -boy- - Hd n't need .the whipping when be received it, he would need it later.1 : : KThis man waa jin extremist--i tyrant, for that matter. His system was that of ' Drato, and we know ttat Among .the. younger boys there wre jbome.wno were Kept in sncn a constant "state of Carrot an i dread that they learned but ie-and were whipped for not learmngl Such a teacher could hardly praotice his vocation in this day and should not be allowed to teach at all." t However, as the teacher was. all right with thej exception of physical tyranny, itrinot obvioas that his ar bitrary power of castigation worked to the injury of his pupils? . The conclusion of the veteran writer of the interesting editorial from which we have quoted is that "there are extremes both ways, and that the teacher who canv find and practice the happy medium is the best one?' That may be true, "but it does not answer the broader ques tion al issue which is whether the average teacher is better or worse for being trusted with the power of corporal, punishment. The Virginia School Journal, pub lished under the authority of the Department of Public Instruction, editorially agree s with The Land mark that this power does, more harm than good. Certainly the wish es of respectable parents should be respected as to corporal punishment, and if this means that a few children have to be expelled from schoolso be it. Norfolk Landmark. DESIRABLE COMMUNITIES. We take our hat off to School District No. 8, Grandtham township, Wayne county. A few days asjo the citizens voted on the question of a special tar to maintain the schools and the proposition carried unani mously in favor of the tax. There was not one dissenting vote. We quite agree with the Mount Olive Tribune when it makes this comment: "This speaits well for the good people of that section, for it is indeed a rare case for an election of this na ture to carry without one dissenting vote. It shows their great interet in securing better educational facili ties and the result of Wednesday's election will prore'a benediction and blessing to tis and future genera tions. The people of the district are going to have a nice new school building, and will eventually have one of the best schools' in the State." The election in Grantham town ship clearly indicates the- public spir it of the people and naturally it ra dicates that the commonitv is where a man need not fear to locate with his family. We have known people to moveaway from a com munity because there was- no- school for their children. They moved to other communities where tie advan tages were greater. It is singular that people- in some sections cannot realize the- imDor- tance and advantages of sehools for the enlightenment of then ehiidren, but some communities would preter to do without schools thaa to- levy upon themselves- a tax fwr which they get the benefit in the education and uplift ot their children Yet k Districts No8. 2 and in New Hope township, Wayne- county on the same Wednesday, the school tax proposition was lest by large major ities. 1 man intending te move io- to Wayne county would go to Dit- trict 13V. Grantham township- than to take his family to the other;. two districts. Wouldn't youS'. Note, the impression -.whielxDis- trict No. 8 makes inv contrast whh the delinquent: 'districts. The peo ple should make their communities desirable unless they are content to take a back seat and keep it. Wil. Star: - '. ' : .. jTBYMENi n i ye:Wi: ob6,bo6:Pounds J I We pay "highest prices for heeswax; hides, scrap iron of all sorts, bones, jobber ahoes and boots, bicycle v tires wool, sheep skins, tallow,copper, biasa zmc, and lead,' c. I aI,o buy chiekens and 1 INSPIRE ATTENTION -, In sickness. If a certain htadea nerr jroes wrong:, then the orsran that.tfcU nerve: controls will also surely faQ- It maybe ' Stomach nerve, or it ;may have Riven strength and support to the Heart or JLidneya. It was Or. Shoop that first pointed to r.thfa Tital ? troth. Dr. Shootra Restoratiw was not cxade to dose the stomach nor to temporal ty stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. ' That old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dn Shoop'a EeatoratiyV jc directly to the&a lailmj? insider neryesi The re markable success of. this prescription demonstrates the wUdod of treatias: the actual cause of these failing or gans. , And it is indeed easy to prove.' A simple five or ten diys teat will sure ly tell. Try it pnee. .and; see! - Soki by The Scojrgin Drug Co. . .SPEC IALS. BinderVTwine at L. P.Hicka." . Fresh Bread and Rolls at I P. Hick; Chase and Sandborn'a and Perri Wal la Teas and Coffees atL.tP. Hicks. Pratt's Food at L. P. Hick. Shredded wheat Poat . Toaatle. Corn Flakes, PotAto ChipjjCreara of Wheat, Grajx Nuts at L. P. Hlcka. .Big lot Screen Doors and Screen Windows at L. P. Hicks'. Base ball goods at L. P,Hicks. Rovster's Candv alwavi frmh at vP Hlcks . - A. J. REACHS Base Ball Roods at J. W. Kin. Strawberries fresh from Chas. Macon farm every other day, leave your order with.Jno. W. King. I SELL A. J. Reacha Bae Ball, Prices right J. W. King. AGENTS WANTED: MEN OR WO raen to work in Franklin county. Can easily make $15 to $25 per week Address "V," Drawer "A," Raleigh, N. C My Wmron, Push Cart, Bkycle and Wheelbarrows stand rvady to deliver VOUJ something for dinner. lanrrinH breakfast and so easy to earrr along I 6 to 100 pounds of Ice J W Ice! Ice! Icel Parties wantrocr Ice for den with JtkSc King:. It is highly recommended by all iuuww, tpecj.j, rr Teachers Examination The public examination for whittf teachers will be held sit the office of thr Board of Education in Louisburjr on Thursday, July 6th, beginn'mr at 1Q:30 a. m. Examination for Colored teach ers will be held Saturday, July 10th. At the same time as aixye examina tions, opportunity will be eiron for anv who may desire to stand the examina--ticra for the Bye Year SCat Teacher' Certificate. R. B. WHITE, Ccantj Supt. Spring and Summer North Car. Mountains "IK LASS OF THE SKr" SCENERY UNPARALLELED Bastifc! tt Any Scasor Awf futkshdj so at This- Ttat SOUTHERN RAILWAY - OPEEITES - : THROUGH TRA'NS witlr Cb aches, and Parlor Cara, between GoJdiSoro- and AsKeTille, K. CU. ria RaTeigft,, DarLarre iireenaborb arnl 51- isbuiyvoa following" schedule. CTCPK T1HC O. 1V C m nL . Gokhhoro. Art a p rm S.SS m mjLT BaWch . ft.S5 a bxLf Dsarn . 12. SO p m,Lr. Gf wvaboro . 3Ld p JLr. . SmSmbnry . S.6 p mLt. Statarrill 4.4ft p wXr NwtQ... iJTZ p wAr.y . Uicfcorr .. 6.ES p n'Ar, f- ?emnto . 6.2$ 9 m(Ar Marino . . . p nAr jjawrfl Art 6 30 Art p m Art I1IV A J 1 IS t BK t ArC 15 p n .L11I.3S a m L iXMK a, a Llltt m m Lnr at w 'I a in Othar Ctrnint aoATarooa-h Car a Rcsnd Trip Sinamcr Tourist rickets fill be oq Sale May tSHi Fe information as to fareow aehedulea, etc., call on any agent of tkia Crcnpany or the undersigned K L Teraoi, J Q Wood, KI Mara DP A DPA - T P4 RaW Charlotte' .V KOOOOK0M LOW GET RID v - On this special 'eale I have plaeed my line of ahoe. whth you will find to be a frreat deal cheaper than ever before. AUo Hamburgsand Laces . Iliava a-Tbtfthi Above thaU wflah.to f-t-nd of.at onc?. Those who come firt gets thte bargains. Accidents? Vill llcppen en the Glorieos FoVilh. . Btter U pfW pared with a so cply of JbsetdoU, srai ca! JotJoa ao4orbent cotton: t. Cv ter rett thea now, too, 4To 4slay Is YOU" WILL riND AT THIS I'LACK eTerythin nredM for erarrrneie. Wf will makeyott op a uiuhic t.ortmtnt if you ay 00 Beaslcy-Alston Drug Co. - - - , , NOTICE You will flud the tharpeJt taior tt I Wilkins and ?trar ami you will alo I nmi our nair-raiunr, untmax, rca. nannjr and hatr-GwwiirMf to hr firtt- vs-. ne win aaa acovafr errwr. and alK hare a nice yolAf r-ortrr. J All Work Guaranteed Vour wmau Wilkins & Stegall Bids Wanted. I Fthr,,i .f . ,, fc, , ; 880 x 12 ft. ail wood, or 20 ft wvj 1 . tieher than the lifct ptlUr oi Ih old bridge ow i landing. All pi !r it I bputitend eondiUon. iValrJ Ud to be h ndt-d in to tb bulWin vrarit tee at Frankimtfo, S'. C . W Txrmj ' rftcrrtirur. Jufy U. lDt? at 10 o'clock t roriariner tniormjuo vp - J. f. Cooke of Fnr4k!!i!ii. 6rT. II Crd-jp of Kittrell. N. f. lU(fhtji rcerrrd n -vje-t any an4 all Wd. J. H. Cocke, Krankltn Coonty W. H DairiKL, Varc cocntr' T. H. CufTkCr. Vane county NOTICE "Xo wtsh to jiite notice OUR CUSTOMERS 'That wP vri not do arjr rof-r' after June 3tb. ' mbnt&lr work Because it seema V o much t diaaatifction to of our old j line of tnulcbut wl) be glail to j hell TICKETS AT $1 : for 12 ahanvi,. antl! thnj are U t , caah. AVe will gire the let crxdc of vrori. Hair Ctittfcx? ami Shar-, inp noce to beat it. Shampo ar.d i hair dirrnairjg to coraoi-c vitii th Torld. ALSTON fcYIItlH) HO; The Korth Caniina 1 State Normal i j and I Industrial College MainUmed by the State w the- Womn ! of Nortb Carolioa. F'ou resxjUr courw i leading to Drrrtsra, SpwctaJ roar- far Teachera. Fall cjod Iwina Septem- ber I-'itla, ID00. 4Thoe deainnjr to rni-cr should spply aa early m pomiM". Tor 5 eatalopa a ad othtr trarrra.t-oo adlrtvi t- F0U5T, Prtsdcnt Greenaborow C Notice Harto ciualified a fxrmtnx of H. C May., deceaArd, . tat of Prank iio county, N. C, thia b to noUfy all per sona hating claims asainat uid eatate to preaent the same to-me oa or he fore th Sth of June. 2)10 or thi aote will be plml in bar their reeovry. All peraona iodebtM tn ai.titaL t,i plea. make immediate parment to ta uuiKiwgnru. inja juix -Ui . V.W " 4 O WKS- (XX MAY. Kxtrx. I TO OF GOODS GES O o o . ... . - ' No W of funhcr worrr aUnjt rrtUri? tU This me!in for vour maxhiof. I I Nafla. SHontM and Ahm tor la All HaW of Srtni Mmk It Is Just Wonderful aud ICyav will viMi Kjr FuniitefC Pirforj jti L ..... not oalj with nlUf. Kut V h-j -!Art,.--. any macfricc rr..vi. NccxUc reader A e have jat froikn a Koom and Parlor Suit.. alj J ' Jf MILLINERY Nrwlin of Mtd Sotr,ner Xym juJ rerrtrr-d at pre that d!r ctojiiUoa. 'ir U(cr Uu , auch a Milliaery rn, Mu Iiwxirr. ad hr al . i f rain on tii deparurecl SHOES We r lhj wt atl )v cut Ahs atrrtttiartain Jd Ue hot weatbrr tvj joit comtaofd. Crts-e lo sftCM fw' cocafort, yU tht Wit taitc is , ie ccofttry. Worry Boirte Away With aaaaa carrv t I - ' t . W. E. White Furniture Co. Special Mid-Summer CLEARANCE SALE AT E(iERT0XS EMPOKIl'M OF FASHION to rua i, cat.t"t le i t t a oi.t ic.fc , 3?i i iJlf lk t t V J 't-f J Ivrla. . al r tf'tTrti ae t r-f MILLINERY - 4

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