- 1 1. -t - V IN ON 3 de: . p a r t m e: n t - 'St ' - i - vednesday: ... V -'v A. V X V , I.. .! . " i! ' 'I ' .',--' I.:r.iv' .;! ''V : i J,...;;;,-" if ' ' r f , v. r ' 5 ' , f 4 1 I f ' -Chief XJooke killed ra mad dpg croaslnz oti Mason street, i - v Stephen Holden visited Creedmore Tuesday on wbusiness of course" v --JMr. G ,L Ennis, 'of Raleigh, " is ogineer on tfie Louisburg rbkd ;this week ia place of Mr. C E. Sign, who 4s at homer sick. . - ' U Supt. ,R. , White . wejit ; to . Apex Tuesday in answer to a mes sage stating that his father, had ; suf fered a slight stroke of parilysis. , . , Vi -Citizens of FrankUnton , this is the time of the year to keep; our premises clean. Remember "an ounce of preventiye is worth a pound of cure." ; ; .. 1 0 ' . ' A game of ball was played here yesterday between the small teams of Kittrell and Fran klinton, resulting in a score of - I3to 8 in tavor of i Franklinton. - Rev. Raymond Browning, of Tittle ton . is cond uctine ' a series of meetings in the Methoc'ist church ' here this week. He is a good speak er and we learn is preaching some very forceful and instructive sermons. We have been informed that all of the stores in "town - will close on the mornings from 10 to 11 o'clock, in order that all may have an. opportunity to attend "the pro tracted meeting now going on at the Methodist church. ' Judging from the appearance of our streets it would be a very good and acceptable idea for our town fathers or street committee to have the weeds and grass cut therefrom: Gentlemen if you think much of your town you ought to put it in position that others may think as much. Coletraine, pastor of the Methodist churclf hfter; after, whicfr his Temaina were ,taken to;- the A amiiy burying ground aOhe old Home "place near Mitchinera Cross Roads for interment, He was a:memberTof theT Ebenezer Methodist. church; The pallbearers der, Q3lL MicQhee A:r i. s Joyner, J. E.;Whitfield, ;iWhitfield, A; H. yinn, X- H; Cooke. x . : - - The i bereaved . family have d eeptrs t sy mpath y. our List of Letters " : Remajnins; , in , the pcwt . office at Franilwitop, N. uncalled for: t- -Anni Allen, Cornelius Bess, Cora Floyd; Cora Doden,, Maggie 'Dur ham, Jim Oliver,, Dan . Perry, , Lucy Perry, Lizzie Perry, Isaac r Tarbor ough, J. F. Stewart, .Alonza Wi!- Hams, (2) E. VVillbmson. . Persons calling for any of the above letters will please siy they saw .them advertised. " ; W. P. Epwrds, P. M. Personal. Miss Ruth Taylor, of Oxford, is visiting Miss Mary Kearney. C. F. Best and wife visited her people in-Louisbura; Sund ay. Misses Mattie and Kena Ballard are visiting relatives in Warrenton. JMrsv J. Leavistefr: of Raleigh, is viwting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Kear- Miss Mary Clegs;, of Chatham coun ty jjs visitina: her sister Mrs. R. A. Speed - v Supt. and Mrs. R. B. White re turned home from a trip te Canada Monday. Miss Elizabeth Alston, of Louis burg, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. L. Whitfield. Dr. W. H. Nicholson, of Hickory, was at the burial of his brother here yesterday. 'Misses Jennie and Junie Dunn returned to their home in Hender son. Saturday. .Robert and Carrie Brodie, of Smithfield, are visiting at Mr. J. O. ren's near town. Miss Lillian Taylor returned to her home in Oxford Friday, after a visit to relatives in town. Mr. D. P. Hicks, of Wise, attended the funeral of his nephew, Mr. Flet cher Kichol8on, yesterd ay: , YoungsyUle Items, Its a fine boy and Dr. R. E. Tim berlake is the proud father. ' Mrs. J S. Lumpkins and children are visiting relatives in Granvillw county. Mr; Guy Allen, of Panama, visited relatives in town the past week. MrJ. A. Cheatham returned yes terday from a trip to Oxford. Our ball team went to Oxford last Saturday for a game with Oxford but on account of rain the game was postponed. The farmers below Youngsville report the largest rain fall last Satur day in years, great damage being don9 to crops and lands. Mr. John Winston, who is travel ing Virginia tor the Griffith Mfg. Co., Came home last Saturday for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Winston left last "Mondav for Winston-SUm where they will spend some time with relatives. Misses Oza Cooke and Fannie Bell Allen, of Franklinton, spent last week in town, guests of Mrs. W?IfcWiriston. ' Mr. S. C. Holden and Miss Margie Macon, of Lou'sburg, spent last Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Raan left last Thursday for their home in Brownwood, Texas. At a regular communication of YoungsVille-Lodge No. 377 A. F. & A. M. held Friday night June 18tn the following officers were elected foi the ensuing year: ' I. F. Fuller W. M., J. R. Pierce S. W., H. B. Winston J. W., J. C. Winston Treas., S. E. Winston Sec, and the following appointments were made: L. E. Winston S. D Lee Jeffreys J. D Jones Cook and C. A. Moore Stewards., J. S. Lumpkins Chaplin J. E. Winslon Tyler. All the above officers will be installed at the Ma sonic picnio at Mapleville July 1st. Lieut . E. Winston enlisted the following recruits here last week for Company 5. '3rd 'Regiment N. C. National Guard: H. M. May, D. B. May,!. T. Winston, J. C. Winston? Ui. A. Bm M. Al Watkins, E. C. m M 0 :iC CELEBRATE THE - ''I'll-; ' - : 1' ' . vm 'ptnwwc 10 areas--we FOURTH BY BUYING ' YOURSELF NEW WEARABLES Glttn yon a Ulifr aUodioi? in voar j neichborhooL T t.,. . ' ' . . . 7 . ' " . 9 wj tntnnnii kind ct ccrfcrUW cJclL ova :S0Cks All colors, worth 10 c, 5 pairs for l5cis NccKvrcar New designs and .patterns just arrired worth 35 to 50c for 25 cts. ft Shirts Lot, all siz, fine negligee worth $1 to $1.50 for 68c ta. Big lot of soft collars and cuff shirt, worth 75 for 48 cents. 3 yfmrjif TZ" Cchrtd 10 to 20 orsl k:t. Ulkoti Out atif htt. w far WE ARE GOING TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH Hy offering snecial Tal It will be a mighty gorxj U to roacu ' ' tcJ 4 l i "THE FRANKLINTON'S STORE Bl OF QUALITY' AND Monday from a risit to Miss Fannie Fntchard at Portsmouth: " Misses Sasie McGhee and Martha Harris returned from" Oxford ths week, where they attended a house party. 'xr'' :" y'"'l'J , llr Fletcher Nicholson Dead. On Monday ' erening -at ; 7:30 o'clock Tat his home in Franklinton, Mr. Fletcher Nicholson, aged -26 years, passed from this world f to the great beyond. He was the son of Mr. and Mra. Jno. 0. Nicholton, and leares three brothers, Dr. W. H. Nicholson, of Hickory, Messrs. J. E. and O. T. ; Nicnolson, . of this place, .and four sisters, Mrs.-T. H. 6I1II, Mrs. G. U. Mitchiner, Misses Luey ?and Erelya; Nicholson. He had been a fieat sufferer for a number of f years Miss Josephine Henley returned'y Young, Arthur WrighL This is a nntsD fmm a vlai Mian 'CL'i'finA lfVtnr knnmTa J ..Ul 3 fine looking squads - of soldiers and are able to do all of Uncle Sams du- ties that come their way; ;i Mr. fnd Mrs. S. E. Winston gave a reception Monday night of last week in' honor of Mrl and Mrs. L. H. Bagan among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Winston, Mr. and Mrs. j; B. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patterson, MrV and MrsR.' C.1 XTn- derwood, Mr. and Mrs.'J.v E. Win ston, Mr. and'Mrs.B.r'P.! Alien, Mr. and Mrs. I. "E"poggett and. Mrs. JohniWinston. ! STORE 13 M I : ,1," BlV. lWiT . WITH .A3TOTHKR' MAN'8 "WIFE. S Lbttt: had;bbrne his afliictions" with the I TounesTai,Fiinktid'''countT: ar Knot At onirtffl Tho fnrtA1al aarminm I luifn1 V7 . 1 . - VHTLT " L: -' . .'A. best of spirits. The . funeral 'services -were 3 eonductei aW. the honle at 4 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon by Bets. ; The followinsrclioDini? ' is taken from :.the 'Durham,,,. correspondent I vu xtewB-vDserrer unaer aate of Jane 28lh::T::"r.'.H-'r;; V "t "Chief of Police' j; Winston"; of rested- Walter Qakley : here this morning on ' conipIa!nt t of . Willura Lambert upon the cbarge-'of 7 baVinz Winston was accompanied here by Mrs. Lamberts husband who took her and the children home, while the officer took Oakley, the prisoner. The woman, with two children, one of which is but eight weeks old, has spentthe day with the officers, who have been trying to reconcile her and her husband, who hasexhib. ited the best of temper in the light ot his troubles. The conduct of the wife is strange if it ta not unpreced ented . anl t frequent OakUy bad been a tenant on the lands of Mr Lambert; he is but 22 years old, and since he was seventeen", became in fatuated with the yoang wife of the Franklin tanner. He says that he began to love her at that time and nevei has ceased. They came here closely followed by the officer from Youngsville. They took a cab" and diove to some place in the city where they would be little troubled. The Policeman, believing the cab men would be good witnesses, went on "their trail and son had them locked up, thongh Mm. Lambert has 11 ot been kept In prison. 'loe omcer stye he thinks the young fellow persuaded the woman to, elope wittv htm. He declares that she belongs to as good a family as there is in that country or any where, and that her taking ap with a man of so much less her social and geqeral equal is unaccountable." A preliminary bearing was ar ranged herejeaterday before, Justice of the Peace J. It Tharringtoo, u n der a charge of felony, but the hear ing bing waived, Walter OakUy yuunu w court under a $300 bond,and upon not succeed jg w giving the bond hi was taken to Jail at touisburg by owuble ,;S. 'E.'Pearce. .;.. ::. , .'. How's TMj! W oCtr om tiqoiJivt) dollar rrl la r 87 olCnlMrrh hm eol b rvrrd by flair. CUiirbCr. F. J. Cb7 4 To . Tolfcjo u w, ib iKiirviHd. aT ktf r. J Catj far U lut 1 1 j9rm ej U4 v- kin tloB and lttatxiftllj hl to ertj ol tti bti ration n4 bv ki firm Waiaima- Sim A Uatn ... WVoW.Dncr-u.TcWo.0 : Un Ct a rrh Cor U al lot-raUj ctJer dlrtJj apeo IV x4 m4 roa ' rfo or X yttt. InliantUU t fr. Prir 7S nit pr botU SokJ kr J1 1 Mid mm Sak T. lUlT. Family PUIar ctl-.tio. - turrrK , rpUw-d WaJt.. i , , Omcers ofBaUr. to Attend r .utcb ::U!7I ?ti a?1, ! T: ' 5U co i. worn .11 tor rontd ., v 1 Encjunpmont. Capuin Frank W. Itowell, of the Fifteenth United Infanlrr. now in the Fort Leavenworth er. vice school, is ordered to Catnp Glenn, Morebead, July S to JLugutt 3, for regimental encampment to give special inftmcuortt to Tar Heel aoldiera. tf ..a . . . 1 capuin sionroe u. rvealD, mm tot chtel of the divit ion of mllttia will visit the camp July 23. aa w UlpUlO t, JJ. Wtttar. chtf of! division, will probibly jay ihe camj. a viait by ioiq date not yu fxitied. Charlotte Evening Chronide, V 'f ; V t. ' Palncan beeaaHyand cnlcilv ?tnn---stop headache,, womdnly pains, any Bowel Cflrapliiat la ChUflrta. , IVhen six months old the Utile daughter. of E. N. Dewev. a wU known merchant of ArnewvUle, Vs.. had an attack ol cholera Ufantam. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was given and effected a complete cut. Thla remedy has proven very auceewful In case of bowtl com plaint in children and whan riven ac cording to the plain printed directiocj can be relied upon with perfect cdn. dence. When reduced with water rl sweetened It la pleasant to taJte, which Is of rreat Importance when a medicine must be irfven to yotxrur childrtn. For sale by Scogzin Drux Co. v WE ARE CLOSING OUT Iw .Mi"aw ,Pr"r" ' ,,rT Jem.. prtlT pIUrn .sd ctnp. ' AARON DEITZ Tl Store of Goc Quality fcad Harrair. Xottisburg, Korth Carolina 1 1 i Kodak finishing for Amatucrj DR FORD DENTIST. Franklinton K. O, Offica in Btannton Bunding. piles m I i Our Vric ar aa Jow aa aarw lt a and our wtk i truaiJe.d. WRITE FOR PRICES iC Itail Orxltra onr rjiaJtr. S CORR ri"i'"",-,,i",i,"-""i11"1 THOMAS' CHILL PILLS Ph " PfrvaaUve or Cur. TbTot only Car. CLil, bal tjaiw andTeotUp yar-Sr,Um. Tt oy r 1 i t I i n !. t !. D R U G GISTS 7 , 4' r ' it: 11: liluiiiiiv. 111a nan iiui .uu ru: - a . x w si v v wirn n ih . nnra miiiva tfla aullaaaa XLav

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