THE HOME ' CIRCLE i COLUiiiiN. X v - it 1'.-? ...,-- i.v... 1'," 5 Pleasant Evening RBieriBsR GolummDedB & the Home-Birds at Eyemiigffle, .;-a,. To bnnfir what pleasure andr4cos- tentment we can into every lite is the best way to fill our. . own with beauty; - - , her heart over, puddings : andmend- ing baskets, and counts , the .Tiours ill be returns at night, and renews her youth in the I security ":he 'feels oi nis appro nation ana aamirauou. To make home happy is an ; art an art" a good many . people have either lost orjnever found. There is nothing gained in the gover nrnen t ofcChUdren by7 threaten ing that which is "not performed. Themother of mothers is shewho is the guide, the friend; the compan ion and confidant of her daughters the saintly ideal and sweetest living lesson to her son. - She : stands to them as the embodiment ot womanly purity and womanly wisdom. S : ' - If yOu want to give a ; iittle : boy from six to ten years old, a start for the penitentiary, just allow him . the privilege of running on the streets until late bedtime. It is there he learns his first crime. It is there he gets his firstlesson in vulgar, obscene lansuase and his start for prison is made. ...;v. -.SjU-v), . S -..-, --! LET TJS TAKE TIME. the evening Our sleep will be more rest- limit BtrerrSi. or IfrftitWeakivwk. rtrenzth. or J em Wfain noiilE f car. Pt ittrelr. sot oq weak hcrt ta a buadred Is. ta U- HiL-scnur ciseuoo.- it u-almost alwr hidden tiny litU tusm thai raiiy l all at UuX. Hiia obecare rtTp-tb Oardiac, cr Uan h'err trr?tly needs, and must h.a ra. xaor tcwar . roor axrenxro.. wiiaoojioasu liar man aium to xau. a: od U atntnacb aad slxSomra al thee same wtrtxolitor nerrtav ; lids efearlr explains why as a xaedkls.Ir. Ehoop t Beatcmtire bas In tb ls dontoxaoch for weak aikdaillajr Hearts. IJr. eiioop trst ouii th oatsa ot all tUs joalaful. paipltaunx. mSocu tug heart distreaa. Dr. Ehoop'a RataraUTViMs popular preqlpttgais alona dtnetad to tbeaa wear aaa wasunr nem ctsaerx. - it bciUs; ; n oners reaj. pdom Mart bip I i :" i'- aoca - ; ' ov -Z.-. Is If yoo would hiTa strops? Hearts. strooT dl restlon. strenxthoa tVi nrrm rs artimiiTi then: as Deeded, with.. .. - . Opecatioim 5i Til; 1 ""'- " ' ' THE BODDIE-PERRY DRUG CO. "Please state to the Court exactly what vou did between eisht and nine o'clock Wednesday. morning, said a lawyer to a delicate-lookin g little woman on the witness stand Well," she said, after a moments refleotion, I washed ay , two chil dren and got tem ready for. school, and seed a buttort on John's coat, and mended Nellie's dress. Then I tidied up my sitting room and made two beds and watered my house plants and glanced over the. morning paper. Then I du$ted ray parlor, and set things to rights in "it and washed some lamp chimneys and combed mv baby ?r hair and sewed a biUt?u on on? of for Htti? shoes ftad Iken I swept but my f font entry" and brushed and put away the children's Sunday clothes and wrote a note to John's; teacher asking her to excuse him for not bein r to school,, on Fri day. . Then I fed . my canary, bird and cleaned o2 thg breakfast table and gave the grocery man , an order, and 8 wept off the i back porch, and then I sat down ana rested a- few minutes before the clock struck nine. That's all." "All!" iaia the - dazed lawyer, "Excuse me, Judge; I must get my .breath before I caH the next Let us tase time for the good bye kiss. We shall iero to the day's work with a sweeter spirit tor it. Let us take time for prayer, ful it: we have claimed the guardian ship of God. Let us take time to speak sweet. foolish 'words to those we love. By- and-by, when they can no longer Bar us, our foolishness . will seem more wise than our best wisdom. Let us take time to read our Bi ble. IU treasures will last1 when'we shall have ceased to care for the war ofpqlitical parties, and rise and fall of stock, or the petty; happenings' of the day. "y Let us take time to be pleasant. jChe snall courtesies, which we often omit because they are small, will some day look larger to us than the wealth which we covet, or the fame for which we struggled. Let us tak time to get acquainted with our families. The r wealth you are accumulating, burdened father, maytbe a doubtful blessing to the son who is a stranger to you." Your rbeautif ully kept house, busy mother, can never be a home to the daugh ter wnom you have no time to caress. - 1t Eats Up Rust. 6-54 will makd' o. old. . nsiy Stove,' or Stove Pipe, look like new. because it cats up nut. When ycu setup y oar Stoves, thlFll, ve them a coat of 6-5-4; It Is appired like paint, will not rub elf and SHINES ITSELF, Italso i We serve nil kind of cold drinks. Phone your orders , for everything in our line. Saves Hard Work If your dealer Bro., ha ive. na&n t Loulsburg. U cKinn Tine Scog 0"(tim UU II witness.' THE SHADOWS WE CAST. In.thw great world of sunshine and shadowswe aire casting con- stanuy snaaows on tnose arouna us and receiving shadows from them in return. There is no pathway of life which is not sometimes in- the J shade, and there is no one who I wsXks oyer these 'paths, it matters not which way they tend,; who does not, now and then, cast his shadow with the rest. ;:rlo w : often do we, by a mere thoughtless word or care less act, cast a-Tshadow on some heart which is longing for sunshine? jaow oiien aoes tne nusoana, Dy a cold greeting, casta gloom over the happy, trusting f aca of his jvif e, who, it may be, has waited. . anxipusly for the sound of his foot steps to' give him a joyous welcome to 4 his home. TT I . 1 . 1 now oiien nas ine parent, Dy a harsh reproof, chilled the overflow iqg spring of. confidence .,and Teachers Examination The public examination for white teachers will be held at the office of the Board of "Education inLoui9burjr on ! Thursday, July 6th, beginning at 10:30 a. m. Examination for Colored teach ers will be held Saturday. July 10th. . AVtne same time . as above examina tions, opportunity wiU be riven for any who may desire to stand the examina tion for the Five Year State Teacher's Certificate. A R. B. WHITE, County Supt. NOTICE. ' r .... The place forbnnry men will be found at 6. S. WHITE'S RESTAURANT having recently moved in- Mead ows new building. A first-claw meal can and will be served fresh and bot, with the kt the market affords. Come to see me. Yours to please, O WHITE. NOTICE Having Qualified aa administrator up on the estate of James Smith, deceased all persons owing his estate are notified to pay tne same at once, and those holding claims against said estate most present tne same on or Del or May 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This ; May 28, 1909. W. W. SMITH, Adm. 2cts Laundry 2cts Prescriptions Rilled With Skill Co. "r"" "' "" Urn Perfection Oi Stoves The heat from a new perfection is concentrated and instead of heating your kitchen it cooks your meals. It takes very little oil to operate them "and there i absolutely no danger of explosions. Your wife can sit ina rooking chair and read the Franklin Times while a New Perfection does the work. They av wood, they save money f they save time For Sale by Md&imiini o) pothers We know if all well the air of ' po lite amazement or aimable inered nality which men receive the .state ment oi a woman's opinion---that in the home partnership thef wife, A and not the husband; pnlls the 'labbrinfij oar. Still it is true that, let a man's business be ever so grossing ever so Wearisomt, ever so laborious, -'the mere fact that he goe8,to it fi in. the morning and returns Yrotri it arnight sets him abovfrhis wife in ease . and comfort. , ,For him the slavery "of routine, has it breaks. , He gets a breath xl the world ?dutside; ; he has chaneii,of scene daily; he sees people and bears them talk; and f hisr home is distinctly his refuge " "and " shelter. Let a wife and mother love her home and her chUdren with the most " ab solute Xxinswervine "devotion, -$ and yjBerve.them 'with the:; most tmselfish .' fideuty, there, are nevertheless --wmes ' 1 when she is ,eary. "-- She knows betr ter than anyone else the "steps :? and i the stitches tUe' same K things v done : 6ver and oyer and.thepettinessbf h the trials that come,; ta i th ; nusefv; . and kitchehV ,They Tare.f sof insign ificant that she is ashamed i'tb . talk about them, and we fear "she some times .targets to Jellher Savior :hbw ; ' hard they press her; and so, "bearing ; her cross all alotie, its" jweightbe 1 comes crushing. Ar Jsunshmyiins r'S band mates Vmerfyi beaTitifui home , worth working m and "for, ?s If -the i:man ii breezv cherry, considerate and sympathetic, the : wife ' sings in ehich is bubbling up from the heart c8 01 me innocent prauier at nis ?xneef " " . . ' 7 . tt " We are agents for the People's Steam Laundry of Raleigh, N. C Brand new outfit, good and exper ienced workmen in all the depart- mentsv v We are the-people who love brought the price dowu from 21-2 to 2 cent and think we are en- LOUISBURG. SATISFACTION ,OR YOUR N. MONEY BACK- 1 : l- L r ; ""K"" J -:" ll .rrr ,,a on f- T - hope torn trora the clingiag grasp dry every Monday and Wednesday Choice and Fresh Ctit-f lOYYCTS A. 1 1 ' . I ' " ' t m 'till' I ui uib Buui8 01 loose worn out Dy mornings ana win aeuver same poverty and .the neverendmg : con- Saturday afternoon. If you have mot pi ire, uy me sungmc; riaicuiej 'UUUJ j v"""1 w bc uu Of Carnons. Rote. VioJeU, etc nr o,r;a I cau up pxioue auu wui nave a Vf vxjku DViuiu Civ lOO Ul IUUOO n UUOI . .r t n , u u u - 1 . . ooy mere in. a minuies. vii .now orcen, aoes xne cuiia JncrW King & Son evect after it has crown to the full z claa in bloom of manhoods and i ik . thentfstregth 'id beaa- So3S "FOUlitaill ready tottering on the brink of eter- nity? HThei beware, lest you eastr'a deeper shadow : over those--already J darkeninej in happiness! The sbacU ows . we cast can we l escapes, them? Floral dealjui and Flowers for all occ lions. Totted Ferns axvd alKklndf cf pot and out door bedding plant. V eUble pUnU in seaeoo. All orders promptly tilled. . ; - , BUGGY - ROBES For . . ColorcdiPeople H. STEINM ETZ; Fk)dst. The Best Policy' Buggy -Robes - - 3Scts n .... THE BARGAIN STORE W. O. COOKC uanwe,iooK oacK,.as;we walk oninK t x W1BU w anwimw 10 iae ;cqio- w i, Ct-i r.MM.. rf isebrjle of Franklin Countv thai. I I nCaFC5t-LOmiianV C-'; : mtttotj, ot ,Dhlg. Com. and have pUced it in ;lpany. my V - w building, on, Main Street, at '-the sThe streccta, coTjserratUm, and it. .( A - f A-failing tiny nerve--no we nnest siucen tnread "takes from "lVArv . w" rj1- fcv therheartilt' im$ulse,1 ''its "powiys; Its serve yon with all . the iate t " X ;'r t ' '" regularityi?'The8tomachr v- t r .: " , . , " Shoop who first toldusit.was wrong to 5 V - V T ; r r EqlljUUlC' UlC ASSaraHCC oOOtiy togaweak orfailmff stoma ' l- r- 11 r ,' fr-FP?--01:' catering for .the i colored .fountain ?x ;.0lTBe U. X. . . r. Hfrii,T tK. Mn. f,M-ii--tfraae, ana wui assure you - tna -Phese wealed and faltering, .inside eyerytning wiu pe;-, r- ; ; neryesCThisT no doubt clearly explains K'-&isr Jt , J4X - i . .rJL f-$ why the restoratrve has of late "'grown' "I, - ;A" I Up-lO-DatC i so rapidly m popularity. Drucnrists sav 4 Ks 'J - - W . mat . tnose who; .test . tne restorative - l will also ran a lunch counter f t Make it the safest company in which to Insure. Tbe liberality' acd adaptability of the ' ' " evenfor fewdays :s: with my Drink Par- KCW Ycrl St22dard PdlcT convinced of ite wonderful merit. Any- ' L S , . - : ; r ll7 way, don the -cause Tthe eS3 43 ble and successful way, ocoggm Lirug vo. Piribb al ACTS lia A wctnci .organ.? Treating 1: tho nttlv cmioL I UI IXlkV Or tiUU HCW a LUUUUlt lunch cheap. - A.. T. Neal, Make it the bct form to select. '.' ' ' ,k 4 "Full information 'and rates f oralih- ed upon request. Address XL H. DAVIS. H. C Would You Throw Rway ;;$1,000 t . -The Ran who caatate aoi tiaik ti f-tr tecaiL r,4 docro Ida it, U thrxntravy $03 rryrM-lb crcm ct mtt r tl,ao a rr tatrmt. 'tttn&.i mhKh aaocally r7. JKtcnzl Cirla s0t-ao f VLJiU . they to U. Why lUtt an aorvusl ti .nt5 eostcrriB CH 1,00 carets ft Yea r&a c;a ca twmi tu. , thcraaitcr. . s : ' i : 1' THE-: CiTI.ZENS - BANK ' ." v'.."' ". HCMDCR50M..-M1 C. " t t

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