, t-"Vt c-f j..," ... - , " . , - ; ' - , t I ' m " - ' . siZ ..... ..." T " . . T it, . - ' f . '"- " 1 KmmmMmmmmmmmik4i. rp CUTTHWlrK! D. V- Dealer la? V. V 5" . . nmll Rial . Vsf af a . AJIaliAK A T.i Buyinar and Selling? Timber and timber lands, Loans negotiated. Liatinsrof property far Bale, or rent solicited. Prompt and careful attention g-uaran- Office over First National Bank, toxoBbursr.N.C. - -c si . TI4 C ' I UTcrnii -ri . . -. - ' ; D R. ARTHUR HYNESFLI?MINC i" r - x-vT' K ' r : - u$icuoa ana real nom . : , is , . Txt f th0 eon, AcU xvK 1S-43L ' n"" as -tlje (new Perfection Surg-eon Dentist, Office in Ford Building. Mamand " Nash "street, Louisburg-. N. C. -, i w Hours: to 43U. rnonc xso. 40. " M-Steam.. . : , V i.rwitcntn work, this fomnw srimmer, wilfbe better and quick . Copyright. 1909. by American Pre ArH. i D R. JOEL D. WHITAKERj T -Tlut Eicater personal jiye, Ear, Xoae andTThroat Specialist, Raleitrh.N.a u .uio.-you, coo: DV me ttnctntrattd 5. Si.; ); . . 1 1.. .k . . . ,-- ... - . . L 1 I : 1 . j - f 1) It. H. A. NEWELL, .spiritirthecruel treatment aad lm prisonmeiit:bf "Panr'anil Vh Louisburg, N. C. : . " ; phone KoV156 1 old-?l And the- areat workers nr ' ;RANKLINTQN HOTEL : ! lift- A y- V . ' y- " v Franklinton, tf. C, . : R. A. Speedr Proprietor.' Good Literyio connection always,, Uod - and . the deril. Tiirirf . . umgrater or less taearare : v"-IW1; 1 U '-i-- t.-' " " aupiicated erery day mitU flnaUy the V-'V thus It do7i Tirr.rftu!rr:,Wft,T yoa doo't tnust wj devjl,;and. CABINET TO p H. BANKS . DENTAL SURGEON nfflce.i n Hiola Building," Main Street LcaiPbnri?, N. C. H. COOKE ATTOBNET-AT-LAW Louisbnrg, N. C. sent tp-thrplace prepared for them and;the;Wngdom shall, be thA?T.iwv JYea,J all klnera shall-full lAm w. ; Him; all "nations shall serre Him" rs. ,ixxii, 11). in whatever fcartof the conflict we may find ourselrwr w mast at. any cost stand wholly apart Aronx aurinatas of the devil, for all that Is is either of God or theton no matter how it may look to our eyes. - rauus yi vxuu proceeciPd to the place of Draver a Tonmr Wnmon metUhem who crled These men are tne servants of the Most High God, with ahelf for IWlJ Uh'oTaCLZS - convenient droo ahlZTf,. .tj?ii i" Mwr c9",(-J two nickeled a7s to 14- wo ui t, a4 7 ?7l5f! Air. without Cabbn'Ti At ,mr of wnte our nearest a getter. s 1 n . . t .deI5a SoWly . made, beautifully nickeled. Your litioj-room wia bt pJcaaaater wita aRaro Lamp. ' If not with your Waaler, wrfu our aeareu aceocy. TANOAJFUD OIL COMPANY ( .'"''-(Inoorporald) 1 00 New- Buggies i .... 50 Sccoiid-Hand Buggies Any Price From Orer Cooper & Pleaaanta Store. Prompt T'8new unto4us the wa of salva ttention jfiven all legal business entrusted tion, and this; she did many '1 days. atten to me- D Now, this was the ztrnth that tered. as were also the wnHnf evil" spirit in Mark4 1, 24, Thoti art tne noty onet)f .God's but Jesus would have, none of that ami funi 'nMnM have noneof this, irecpgnlxlng it-to be Office in rear of Beasley-Alston Drue Store i k ' i SO.to' the name Of :Jesus .v.u. mo, epini 10 come vui. ci, ner, R. J. E. M ALONE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Loaisburjc, N. 0. D R. S. P. BURT PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N.;C. Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store JJR R. F. YARBOROUGH PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louishar.?:, N. 0. Otfioe in Tarborouflrh db Bicketr hniMln Nirht calls answered from T. W. fiickett's residence, pnone 74. I B B. MASSENBURG " 1 . va aaavs 1" gWU works, as men iudge; .do nptjieces- C sarilylndliate tfie spirit of God as the C Vne wno speaking and workihtr. No B 6ne ever said more beautiful and won- C aerf ul words, than Balaam, and yet he is associated in Jude 11 with C3aln and Core, and we are taught to beware of sucn as he. Those who do not honor Jesus, as God are not of God and tnererore must be of the evil one, and ye many, such are honored today as if they were truly sent of God, and to talk against them would cause noasihlv as great a tumult as did the casting out ox tnis demon at Philippi. Some say -; we must be broad minded and ac knowledge the good In afl religions, but as the truth Is -in Jesna in other so called leaders we must be THE VIRGINIA BAY HOTEL A7uDge. t0 et 0X2r friend'. relatives and at The Ylrinia BaJ. Ocean View va. Third season, under the -same manage-ment. ; auzjintiaEliaxI SALE ATTORNEY ATLAiV , . Loui8burg, N. C Will practice ia all the courts of . the I Stte as narrow asi Paul and as Jo-na ttt in tlgBW aml Lself, jsrho told the religious leadersof t .f 1 tllS fiav Thflr. t hav nrara i TFll rr. . I- v.wvfjww,u. 11 u n u KUFFIN When peon e's trains sm-M ATTora r.aw 1 SL apt. to become suddeniy m . - M uigaani against unrighteousness as , Louisburg, N. c. , viewed . from their, standpoint, lis the win pracUeein all courts of FrankHn and me" , or lesson did and later those adjoining coaaties. also in the SuDreme I at Ephesus (chaDter xtr. 23-2Q.. Paul ffiStrei Silas were therefore arrested. the public with Bank. x"8 uona' many stripes laid upon them, and they Opens June 15lh, 1909 For further informaUon and rates, address JOHN A TUCKER, Manager Motel f-oorlh, WW-Si. N. C. After JunTut. VlrVinta Bay. Ocn View. V $5 to $ AND-LIVERY were cast! Into theimier prison and tneir reet made fast in the stocks. Where now was the all bower" of Him who sent them forth, the "power over aa the power of the enemy?" (Matt. xxviiL 18; Luke x. 19. Aa well a$k the same concerning Joseph- and xtuei ana ,aji otners wno have been permltted-to "suffer for His sake Pnni knew that; he was: called to suffer for Christ's sake, and he assures us that it is our privilege also Acts 1x16; 0raw?VJ?S thln& and, Jf we can do that best by the Sapreme &x o : f108' Wtor to the Way. l With achinsr bodiea and . feeling that sprBiii building. A Hhex"lad been shamefully treated a m: uiey prayeu 10 uoa ..ana oy ins, grace were able to sing praises J B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW i Louisburg, N. C. Offlco on Main street in Cooper building. QPRUILL A HOLDEN ! ! X i 0 it-.. ": ATTORNEYS AT LAW" Louisburg, N. C. T-W.Bickett, Lonisbarg, N. f. jglCKETT & WHITE imj1 toayisoi6udly.thSt all the prisoners Frankhnton, N. 6. . 0 mciouw 4,utfi juujtu uexore iney -rT,-.. i ueuTenuive liinjnron xi. vi.' 221 Loutsburg. N. c. times an&'fcave Si praise xjonOntially mini!t!? meQli for executors, Ad- to moutti'r' (Ps.xx3cif . l)j Not alty anrt th "k" pec. umy were tney neara tnroughout' the Tio-7 n- Prison, .bt. in. heaven. also, and'sud- Mai l UUrOUgO iICKetti DUIIdlng I jiuu lyos BU"f(U OJT; OI " V- I cai LUUUaiLr!. fill -finnr f-irknnATl .' oni every one's bands lonwfi finm n& has said that, ".although they had not influence enough on earth tO; keep tnem out of Jail or to get . them put, they had: power enough from heaven to shake the prison to its very .founda- The jailer also-was shaken to his very soul and would have killed himself; but. finding his prisoners all safe,' he is convicted of sin and, falling down before Paul and Silas, asked what he. must-do to be saveL. father ing hislhousetiold "togetBer,11 theyi had the way of, salvation set before, them by these messengers of the Lord, and that night tie - and all his confessed Christ by; baptism, . , ' v , . A We may Judge from Paul's f preach ing! as recorded; elsewhere. Just what he would tell them of the condition of all men by nature, of the i grace of God to giving His Son, to, die for sin ners, the Just -for the unjust;, of His being '.made a -curse; for us. of x His t resurrection, -asrensfnn' nnA' " j again. Doubtless Paul would sav.CMTr , 1 was to Him we prayeddo'wn" thefe In the. dungeon, His praises we sang, and in heaven -Heheard usjand-did "this wonderful " thing and kept, you from killing, ryourselfthat you might be saved" and after .witnessing and suf f ering here for.siwhlle ahareF with Him His kingdom and. glory.! ;-To believe lsj toTCcelve (John ;t- 12)r ano there and then thi household received Jesus as their, Saviouir.- 'WhatJoyiin heaven as well as on earth arcordiner to . Lnke . xr; 7, 10K ylti was worth while ; to suf fer,, to be unjustly and cruelly treated and imprisoned, to bring this to pass. M. person - " ATTORNEY. AT, LAW Louisburg, N.C. ractice in all courts. , Office on Main Street tions. H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. -pi n-t iiir-i mum . ATTORNEY 1 LAW Louisburg, :Nt .C : ; . ;: ' JJIestal business intrusted to m receive Gl3r attention- fl Egerton M f HOUOK ON TRACTOR aad BUILDER LomnbTtrc f. Plies ia,5?IIV1?paU Wdibl building sup: Xi l?8tlc Mantles and iles.. ArehitcV- """sun Buomiccea. 1 e . j- I Cattle Wanted ant toiy 100 head of catr i 1 e, ranging from one Arear . old yearlings .Tor heifers; tha".!. it A .f 'it John R. VHIfams ' -.1 ' . First Class Tfiams Af All T;o AAU JL teams and polite and accommodating drivers. R.--F". FULLER THE PUBLIC If You Hnvn't Got the Money I WU1 Sell to You on Time Edward S. :ord Louisburg, N. C. 0 rt will Shows too many good, on Wd, o for the nt TWly Dar. 'wa .Under the contract made at the time of the purchase of the -Hu.w . Warehouse" property, we cannot allow, any obatructions on the lot of taid prop erty, and we must insist upon the removal of all lumber now on the nroDert AT ONCE, and that none be placed Uereon in' the future. Otherwise the tame win be considered aa a trespass and the trespasser kaU with according Thl. is meant for everybody. GRI FFI N BEASLEY 'orrn give: away $1.25 cents worth with each Fira 11'!.. fcAv c gold odx crlh f Shoe or lrj Gtdi FOR CASH. Oft.. . " "waoM aa 11 adkerc hie fa. E. P. Hill and J. H. Southall have opened a new fe : aate on you can find,.mce 1 and 2 horse turnouts. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. 1,"2, 3 and'4rseated vehicles, suitable for m.ni. K.rKflfin wf ball tnps, r marriages, etc - : Reasonable Rates Made. . L ' One tnce-to all. tfirmu oK A Qm vJt.' ' t i . er,and the . Doctor. If you hain't ihe moner, - fro. with your friend or walkc If you h anything see or phone J. h! SothaU : SPUTHALI: & CO PHONE 155 FMaMK'LIM 'TIMES aa Our prices on erocer .V. il . ""eTrbiefa. hi.iT 7rt.' ngroc eriee a.re aa low at Km lowtl aad tlt quWHt high aa the higheat ITe aiao . oat herae fcr todT 7 W. P. NEAL & CO. n c TO . . v .... .- joox monejr is now. Don't wait unta you rei nor. Touli t- ta to tpena what you har whilt wmiUng. W ilWti Wii laxfre depotita. Wa invito tou in Iwe - tw: If rT," TT he facOitaea a man or many times your means iaiovi - J- The FarmorsV : and r Oorcliants Bank 7 - V : V OUlQDURGL!f. O." uawial AUU .SUI PLUS - OVLT CiQ-C:3 - G1.00: PER YEAR