JAMES A. THOMAS,. EDITOR 4 - V? THE COTTHTY, THE STATE, THE TraiOHV V v i , '-;,--v -I V .-f.' i - ; 4 - njnscEiprioH.i.oopiBTEiB VOL. XXXIX. -;v:S;r! r:rrr - - ' KUITBE2 21 BIG MASONIC ' RALLY. THURSDAY, JULY 1ST. A BIG DAY AT HAPLEVILLE. ' zsttz&zz couuty comrnissioriERs meeting together: is conducive to en- jUrge. and-promote, that brotherly UET7; IN REGULAR ' SESSION, Jove and affectlon'which the Masonic v MONDAY, JULY 5TH. Ord er so forcibly , teaches. Mr. C. J following of the Public InsUllatlon of Qfficers--; Barbecue Dinner J Served :-byi the Ladies of tfeefptern Star Big Crowd Ppeseit r vi; U was announced vhe Annual Masonic Rallf, which was given by aii the Masonic juoages oijae county, including the Central Cross-Lodge; which is just across the Nash line, l,llt ,s composed largely of Franklin county citizens, was held on July the 1st, 1909-at Jap ..;ii N. C. The wholea&air was 1C , , '-.-ly;-. ..... carried through without a oiteh and wa8 a sviccess in every respect The Lodge was opened in an ;ad-l inincf wouuh auu jwouou iuA hit Church near fey, where the immense aadienee was delightfully, entertain- hv snftpches from the gentlemen: Prof. Alderman Henderson was the speaker of dav and owing to the warm weather and the large crowd, he did not dei livr the speech he bad prepared 0r the day, but the audience was delighted with his remarks, as .evi denced by the various complwaents him hv those who heard binn- We want him atain. Rev. T. B Juatice from Franklin ton also , ad dressed the crowd with well chosen remarks. Judge C. M. Cooke, of Louisburs;, then took the speaker's aiand, and as he always does de liohted the audience, as he knew all the old folks, and as he knew most of their births, marriages,' their fath0CB, mothers jjiateis. cousins and, aunts, interested the ."H3me";: folks to whom he was'speaking. , Kev. G. M. Duke, v the Tnerable and beloved "Father in Israel! spoke to those present in his usual earnest convincing way, in which no one but "George Duke" can talk. We refrain from, commenting on his talk as we fear thafT we might detract from what this "grand old man" had to say: He was master of the Lodge cefomony, and all was carried through admirably. Mr. B. W. Ballard also made a few remarks which were enjoyed by those pres eut, who were delighted tovsee? and hear one who was born and " reared within two miles of this old historie meeting place, "Maple Springs." After the exercises of the Lodge which were held in the Church at Maple Springs, the large crowd te paired to the , tables wnicn .were placed in the beautiful erove of Mr. Willis Boone near the Church, and barbecued tier, lamb and beef with plenty of lemonade and ice water were served in abundance, and no one came away without being served plentifully, including all present. Masons and all. The dinner was served by the ladies of the Eastern Star Chapter of Louisburg N. C. ith the assistance of a number of young men. Especial thanks is ten derea the ladies of the Eastern Stai Chapter for their Table " assistance We canni-t mention all who joined in to make the whole affair grand success but think ; that 'Mr' Witiw Boone in his untiring efforts find personal attention, to almost all the arrangements, assisted by ; nis excel lent corps of able assistants deserve especial mention. Also Mr. . : N". Williams, Mr. Ira F. Fuller and W. T. Wilder, who conducted the ' bar becue, seeing that JtM;ofSir cooked and senf to the?tabIesdiK serve the thanks of aU . wh'orparticir pated in the dinner. ' They 5 ate ' all fine caterers and when they or eith-; er of them have a barbecuew try and secure;anjf mvitatiohrbese fallys or picnics' wills becdncted lJ at places named by Xtbe commit-, tee appointed for tbat purposed :4The Dnnging together of the f Masons f of the county and the visiting Masons, at these annual exercises,1 , is to be lllSM J3 y1? natters of no Great Importance active m seeihgthat all had Radges, ; tr- t, -' eten to1 the women-ahd children, and v - " , Mwas more attentive to 7? vc" CuBivea-oarav.u men, put we nive no 1 rnment to A ne -ooara or jounty uommtssion. e on this as we are Elnji; I ers me1t m regular session on Monday that line. V- JJuly th. All members being pres- . . . .Ik- . - - j.;liet us continue to have our meet-t?0 .'After the reading and approv- ings and mayt all b as much a uo-in8 tne nnnutes of their former meet- csi as tEe one .at Mapleville on lag the following-businewwas atten July 1st 1909; ed to. Booker Bunt was stricken from The Autompbll e - Road pauper, list being dead. Sir. ;Frank iVeldpni Secretary of . : N., B. Young was appointed a the Association -formed for the our- committee to look alter the road . i sie'Jscock7iAd bn made a bower l id' "H', 'T ! i of beaaty by tlje use of pf rftct good taste ia the arrangement of pmknd white earn a lions and pink and"whtte roses'and wjierf cream and cikt wef served by Meedaroee. Robt H, Dans,- Johb W. Ring,' W IL Fur gursbnjaod Mtac Fannie Bcddie. Throughout th bouse the soft glow from a miraid. of war' candles in shimmering candelabra added to the general beamifol ettecta. the: movmc PEOPLE. THEIR nOVBITENTS 1H OUT OP TOWN. AND Those Who Hare Visited Louis burs: the Past Week Those Who Hto Gone Elsevhere for Business or Measure, Mr. B. G. Hicks Uft Tmwday fof Wim, N. C to ntit Mr. Hickt Par- rnu. Mrs. W. L. Meadowy of Oxford, X. d,ia ritbg at Mr. 3. S. Mtd owm. W. It Mflls, Uft Wednesday for Bocky Mount, Va,, to vim fmndj and relativHi. Mra. C F. Iiet, of FrauklinUoa, la speoding tome iio with her peo ple in town. Mrs, C H. StrickUnd and daugh ter, of Vooogsvillt, rere io ton the put week. Mr. P. A. BeavU and faxuily r. Tiut to hit Scoggln-WUlIarns. uAU the world loves a Iovtr It was amid a scene of ncham ruent that the frieuds of. this popoJar couple gathered in historic Ktnrnan. uel Episcopal Church at high noon on the 80th init. to witness the cer emony . that made one of Warren ton s sweett maidens the wife of pose oi promoting the Capital' to leading from Pilot to RUey's Cross Mr. ua Edward Scomzin. of Capital highway of which association Roads and see if bridges are needed. Louisburg, N. C. Mr. 'Leonard-Tuf ts, of Pine Hursts rv-TpaflS.o1 ooth Never has Emmanuel church Wen residentvMited Louisbufg this week of Perry avenue on: the Raleigh filled with a more refined and cul- toi confer with our people relative to road be declared a public road with- ture, audience than gathered on having Louisburg on the Nt tional out cost to county. thia occasion. The church wt Highway. Mr. Weldon came to Stepheh Gupton was placed on beautifully decorated with flowers Louisburg to ascertain the sentiment outside pauper list with an allowance aDd lighted candles on the altar. of our people on this important sub- ( 9 L00 per month. Tne ceremony wa9 performed by I . jevc, auu ue seeraea pieasea wun tne "0FV?" Ul - - "liuaius, oaper- Ker u s. Bronson, auttted by the attitude of Franklin County. He intendent of county home, was re- rectorvEev. John C. Hortorj Mks has visited every countv between ceived and filed. 'He reports 11 xuttU Hnntr nf Pnnmnnth V Atlanta, Ga.t and this place, and re- wmte and lo colored inmates. Also ports finding the people all along the one death, and one white, and one line very enthusiastic and all de- colorel persons received since last sirouer of having the road except meeting. two counties. This movement is for The Board allowed the Military be ter roads, in whioh everybody Companies of Franklinton " " and should be interested VMr. Weldon Louisburg $200 each as annual appro discussed the n.atter; with a number priation. of our citizens, and outlined many of B. Young was appointed a the advantages which would result commiuee to iook anertne LK)uisDurg ater of the bride, was maid of hod from having "the: highway pass ;aieign roaas. or anj nttie Margaret Horne, of d.vkit to WricbUtUle. JwghJ&ijb August term oi JiockyMoui was flower grrU ral oputSBehaatraxMa P pnpenoronix. .was arawn. u Thuhers "were Mesare, "D. S. Highw ay through this section .would Ia"11 Bst appears m another column ( Congdon," of e wberne, Her bf rt L. be almost equal to another railroad of this issue.) - . . . - Scoggin, Edmund White, of War in bringing men and capital to this report ot xrr., ii. x . l ar borough, renton, ana Dr. R. F. Yarborongh, country, ' and in improved roads, poperintendent of Health, was re- 0f Louisburg. which would be a great blessing, to celvd and hied. He reports the all especially to ,the farmers in county home and jail in good condi marketing their crops. tion. In rder to get the road here, we Cooke was appointed a corn should immediately begin action to mittee to confer with like commit- piace our roads in order, as several tees from Granville and Vance coun- ed in wbiteraull and carried brido1! parties will pass through this section ties in regarrt.to the boundaries of maid rosea. Little Margaret Home, on inspection trips, with a view to 8a counties. the flower girl, carried tweet peat. locating the best road, and the best B- Young was appointed to The following out of town guettt road wiUr be the one selected. There- meet witn Mr. J. i. Williams, SQ- were prestnt: Mistes Katie- Battle, I Mr. Lytnao IIoom, of Thlroa, ax fore, let us act and act quickly. If permtendent of Roads, to lay off Rocky Mount; Nannie Smith, Soot- I vUiling lra, Webb at MtpJenUe this road is selected, it will mean road at errY 8 MiU hill. und Neck; Mamie Beckwtth, Petera- thtt wMk. government aia, ana mat win mean I ..cu uew Jail ourg, a; nana cauaru, rranaun- jjjt Marth Knit who baj a JNational boulevard through JLoais- wt, WUUJ41 waa wmpieiea rnaay. . ton; Mrs. V. b. Uongdon, of Kew- bQ Ti,hing Him Blanche Egcrtoa burg; and tlie only road that can be werai email accounts were allow- berne, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scoggin, of This is tbn of Loawbcr; UacLcrs at the traJiudao, Un. &t- dile a3 Mr. WIHUgj tatr4 some dayt ao The sdiicr ol iL Txrrt It ru3 awiy froo hotae btiag crtsiitd by that tkiIlJ IhjtcAatx, Dr. IL L. Piyne, Sr., la Norfolk, Vs. IU wriirt that hit gttkertl oooditJOQ is ioprtrrtd aai thai b hf laUi! bora in s trr hn w2. fTk bcHloi (mail ta L&suvrg; . aai Fran ilia county, will be lo wtloooe hia bac with hit tattH good btalth aoi ttra-agth. turned Monday from a mother at Gary. Elliott Lgerton, who hat be-n vis iting bis people here, returned to Wilton Tuesday. Miiwi Niua tod MrriJe I)y- nll I t . ! . " . presided at the organ and rendered '' ""S Mendelssohn's - weddine march. ' Mm,aM'' The bride entered the church lean- Mr- nd Mri- w- PUjwioU, Jr., mg upon t&e arm ot her brother, wrwm m intn Mr. Bolton VilIiamt, of Petersburg, county tntt wMk. Van who gve her away. I Captain and Mra. C. W. Rtnet She was met at the altar by the have gooe to Pauaoea Spring for groom and his headman, M"r. J. Pal- for several weeks. mer Scoggin. Mws Sue . Williams, Rev. and Mrs. F. A Bhor r- turned bome Friday frpcj an eztcrd- sjrkit to WrighUvUle. Meeara. Geo, Y, Fori, F. H. A!- lenaod W. H WaddtU &!t Sai&r. atd Oxford FaUs to Scare In one of the ffiUiMi of butt ball ever teen oo the b&me 4ia mood ocr bojt triated the briari ble GranvilUt'M to tbe taAe of 1 ta 0 lajrt WedoJsy etesssr,. The vuitort freeh frota t cli of taaav victorire wtrt coSisi of witii the gamt,batlhf tr tzptttTici nttet tsturuttted, aicc ittj ooly had ode opportunity to oare ta t5e wbolt cine tnaiagt wbtn reeisrMoot Thoap too upon a daxi& datb for lie bocae plaw m tirowo oct by tbe army Moatr froca Uft TTuaexp ton wu the orlr man fr tb rr:Ur bo rtcbd third bte whi'ie I-ob-bore had on on tXird MttrU tits. Tbte a ao oancg caul tbeUu ptrt ct the Vih torair; tt4 H hij-pta-ei ihsf. M oarer fr&iL Hcdta IL Ittrtsck by rt c-btd ball m pt lit tni wat t1 t i br HoUa 8. to fcofelbe witjotcg rati. Tcrorr c rt5c-i Hc4dcn to td ti wu c-l. pitched to IrtL hlsin tte btxt tain op h4 tkn two tlnkt ani thne balls t&i nsrt Vt9 wirt al rudy two rac& 4oo tb Ucacbrra X.erv'B(f tr lr?oir the rvMlt ot ibe oeti f iu;!x-a btll; etcQrooe wt$ on Up-fc antxlT vi'.dct Ht fs.1. The bnde as becomingly attired in a gTeen cloth traveling dresj, with gloves and hat to match, and carried a large boquet of bride'a roeet. The maid of honor was beautifully attir- d a y f or 1rgiaia llet ch. Mr. G. L. W. Perriia . wifi. o 1 . - . Utile eon are vitiung relauvee o4nwn mn. cm iz frienda iu IUchmond thit week. i tt,t 1 Vlt 4n, u- j ao-l ttort eorTttg tbe wtfltcK?i iHoldea ati eidtr; tie UUi atd ooti nthsjit;ic JTtoe cl WU errr Mist Mtude Wbiuker, ot McCall S. G, who bat been t tailing at Rev. L. W. Swope't, hat returned botae. Mr. aad Mr. II. H. White, of Rtl cigh, and Mist May White, of Ox ford, are vwiting at Mr. W. H. RuffinV Mr. and Mrs, Htonr Hosse and used the year round, which would ea ana tne rioara aa jounea to meet Louisburg; Mlis Ftnnte Scoggin, bring thousands of visitors through g"I on Monday, July 12th, 1909 Mr. Blackwell Scoggfci and Mr. and Louisburg. , Mr.; Weldon will a oon to hear complaints from the proper- Mrs. C. B. Scoggin, Palmer Spring, return to look further into the mat-J ty.owners of the county. ter and we hope that by .that time bur people will take definite steps to co-operate with him ; in this most commendable project. . v The Mclver Loan Fund. Va Mr. Hannah Arrington and Miss Lillie Arrington, Petersburg, Va.; and Mrs. Peter Arrington, New York. The youug ladies occupying the teats in the choir, were especial honor. Numerous and A Charming1 Reception. One of the most delightful after noon entertainments given in Louis burg in recent years, was Mrs. Wm. H. RufEn's-reception on Tuesday in I Kesta of On Sanirdftv thA 26th of .Tnn Mias I honor. of Mrs. P. R. White. From beautiful presents attested the popu Spier of the State Normal a la(e number uritJ of joang bouple. IuU- dustriaf College of Greensboro in the 01 xnenas ot tnis popular young bnae interest of the Mclver Loan Fund called, notwithstanding the inclem met the alumnae and former, stu- en weather, and were received in dents of the Normal College to per- the spacious hall by Miss Helen S. fe.ct an organization for this county. Crenshaw- and Miss May White, of Miss Florence Terrell was elected Oxford. Here a delightful fruit Chairman',. Mrs. Maurice S. Clitton ptinch was served. by Mrs William Vice president; Miss Frances Bod- Bailey. From tW hdl which "was die7 Secretary and . Treasurer, The elaborately decorated with cut flow- oreanfeation bromtsed to raise two 1 ers au1 Pitted, plants, . the burg society it to be congratulated upon the accession to its ranki of Mrs Jlattie Dallas Willbmt-Scoggin. Tiik Recobd joins the many friends of this couple in wishing their married life one of sweetest pleasure and eonWmeet. I he groom is- orur of the Ujelmg tt atoar nation promised to raise two 1 ers au1 potted, plants, . the color hundred dollars from this county to scheme being yellow (and green; the add this fund which ; is a fitting guests were ushered 40 the parlor by memorial to the Mclver. .This Mrs. K.U. Hart where -was seen a ambnht raised .from this : county will profusion of red phlorin settings of lIKsed 'yTmnnto-- fifteen, tastily arranged, ancl were to help ta edute and -uplift par f el- the parlor, Miss Mamie London . ea loelPMhia means; greati deal cjorted the gflests to the dining room tornandbf course an where irom a; table , laden withcut toklfbvura Sw8! .a.moetpIeMJ on t 5,te.ld gree:dainty;refreahmenu etitamiy helpflraish frtnabuiiOT Richmond ; Malone . and .Eleanor thuplif aWthe enmSty;aS e8t ?troduced by Miss Bet-1 drugiata of LouhHuTg. Record. . Mr. Scojigin k one of IaitbuTg's oopultr young drogmtu and bar many friends here who wish for him and his brida a long and happy life. Cotton Growing Easllr OVer " done : Figuring on the cotton grown in different counties in North Carolina The Charlotitt Chronlclo estimated that the outDut could be euJy doub led. ' Maybe) ko," but let u Cope that it will not be. even tl the price go tod5 cents the pound. Cotton it 4 all right as a poney crop, bat the all. cotton iarmmg system means porer tyand f debt. -The7 ;Landmark;' It gratified-and, ot course. The Chron icle is toothat the Stated does not live "up. to its ofportanitioc in cotton growing, ao long ta It meana, as we, believe it' does, more .corn, grain truekvgrasa, cattle, etc the past week, returned lo her home at IAurinburg Tacedar. Mr. C. B. Cheatham hat relumed from Buffalo Sprir.gt, reporting a pleasant time, and much bent St de rived from hit vacation. Ira Willi nu, an old Louiabarg boy, bat now with the lhildtipbU Evening Times it visiting hit parenu and relative m thia county. 5iiatSall Marun, ' of Hickory, who hat been vie ling Miit Blancht Egertoo, Uft Saturday for Wribta- ville to vitit friendt before returning borne. Mr. F. P. Graham tpeot Monday in town in the buresl of the Uni versity of North Carolina. While here he was the guett of Mr. Wel don Egerton. Jdr. K. P. HOI returned Friday from Philadelphia where Jt tncoeee folly uoderwtnt an operation. His many friends are pleated to him looking so well. Miss Mary . Yarborooch Utt lat Saturday for PhilapeJphxa. Sb will' there enter the TJmveraitj ct Peaciyjvini for the ii,weka aum mer eourae for teaeWra plrtd by tcaatrcr leatsj.. Mione fc-t Is"ulcrg ':t a gace thtl any ittjrtr fbo&li te proad of and tbe ruiiore were 1 bit anercy frco bxncirg lo rod. He yitUrd only focr Lilt rich c4 which wre two inriot tptn, while the tiding cf tat pontion m net only tpec.acslsr bot ntt lien tl at well. iinrt on tbct tiarrrd tot caly on tbe diamond bet al the bet alaa. He having ade two 01 c4 the tovt hut thai were taade o3 Wtniuo belrt playies hie prwiuco ts a cxanner thtt wml J ecti'Je htm to curtly occiiieraOen by the Crciizi PcbUe tpaSt tod patrvurm it al way ia aburdanr at Ixciatnrg and tiocie they have deadd to have a bate btll team thtv are dtlrmin4 lo tatke it lntrrwr:iag far a!l who croet btta wrih iheo. Here It hop ing thai everybody wvll c cl and tee ike gasee and cuke the UZlcrwi feel that we are riht with ihf ta. Misaea Alrnsr and Anee Pejraa have re'nrned fronr m vWt to friends and relative a v Henderson and MU dleborg; They werw- acawpanied home by Mitt Lacj' Wijint from Mwdlthnrg. v . v Miaa Fknrnce) Temlt Uft cm S- day tut for KnoxvQle . ,Tan Thora teacher rummer Firemcn'e ConTenUon. Lcaitbcrgt Ere ladd Ua are b) Atbe- ville lit ertek auendlng the Anxtal State OonrenUco. The followirj; ocx,bm frpsa Ixraiibcrg ar ta altrc-taor: S. p. BolJie, J. J. Ltactrter. J. A Tmrt B.N. W21 itches GL. IL CVc, Blair Teker, W. J. Oeptr, W. II Bartholomew; M. S. Dark, J. E. Thomaa, If. C Bowdea and II. E. IbL Tbe boya Uft oa rjfextl train Last S a adiy and are eipdcd bask to-day. Jim Terror hat r-r.-o-WI a full report ca Jm num. Mmitcrt H. EL Harris, G.IL Ccfw er. W. J. Opcr, S. P. A. IX, Hall, Miwos Graoe and Ljtn HiH rtaiU Farssaa, S se 'Attica, Ea Har- 1 ria, Inn Htrria, Anne - V tJt . II tms aad Haexra. J. H. Wtilhtrt and C. W. nih are rpendb tbe wtk la Atcrruia, tavrrg r-saa mia tLr she will take the J course, at the TJnirsrcty ct TcmUjj xtzr rpe-il trxb. 1

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