v FRANK Kl XON D El FA R T M E N T" . r ; 'A .1 ,, f , -; i. '.a v; : .i1! A 4. - The band,, the band, where is the-band? , ' ' ' VVe will be glad - to have all who will, gather items for us each week. Grease the bearings, o tyonr. bus iness with printer's ink and see; how m ucb easier it will be. Quite a number of our people expect to take in the Sunday School excursion to Raleigh to-day, A force of hands were busy at work on the northern end ot the yard laying a side track for the Sea board yesterday. The first game of ball of a se ries with the Oxford team was play ed last Friday in Oxford and result ed in a score of 10 to 2 in Oxford's favor. The colored game of ball be tween Kittrall and. Franklinton here Friday resulted in Kjttrell defeating the home team 6 to 3. Cooke, the home boy's pitcher, was off. Let each citizen see if they can not get at least one item for our re porter each week. If you will only do this you will find a big difference in the news service of this depart ment. The work on tle "good roads" has been commenced by the survey ing of the old Chavia road from the river to town. We learn that the building will commence as soon as the 8urvving is complete. A game of ball was played here yesterday between .the home team and the Oxford team, which resulted in a score of 7 to 4 in favor of Ox ford. Although the weather was verv unfavorable auite a nice crowd enjoyed the game. On account of the series of meetings being held at the Methodist church the regular meeting (at which the newly elected ofiicers were to have been installed) of the Jr. O. XT. A. M. was postponed until next Monday night. All newly elected officers are requested to be present to be installed. Business men of Franklinton this is the time of the year to adver tise and by not doing so you are greatly in your own light. Think the matter over soundly and see if you don't agree with us. An adver tisement is an index to your business eo that a person can see what they want and whkbb to get it. The meetings at the Methodist church are still going on and we learn that much good is already in evidence. The sermons preached by Rev. Mr. Browning are able and convincing, and oar people are show ing their appreciations by giving him good audiences. We learn that the meetings will probably come to a close Friday night. Boys what has become of the band? This is too good an enter prise to let drop. Let all tkose who have taken part in the- workings ' of the band begin anew and run the organization to a finish. Gentlemen ot Franklinton it appears to us that it is up to you to see that an organi zation of this kind should jbe Kept up. Lend the boys some encourage ment, and thereby gite .them some thing to work for. -Co. F. had a regular target practice last Friday evening in their armory on their gallery range. Thw is the first regular practice the have had although some members of the Company have used the range every few days since it was erected and some have made some very good scores. Capt Kearney wants every member present next Friday and - Friday week at 3 o'clock p. m. for drill, especially .the. new ; members f The Company will leave at 11:20 . : o'clock p. in. on July 18th for More : head City to spend several days in camp there. Quite ' a , number, of town people, have expressed their intention of going with the fCm- Personal, 6 ' lMriu T.vFBbwen is Uiti'ng I hit aiatef in Durham. Mm i T lt-: . . fPul?S vv r epeiiing is an accomplishment,, and ; by d lyjC st Panacea Springs . ; , ' ;v , -H'B. Conway and J Jl(X Beckham wenrto.Lbii8burg-,Mbiiday,7 ': "". -r- Mr. A; H. jVann, : returned from a.trip to Baltimore. the past week. Messrs. W. H. Byrum, B. W 3al lard, End's. C.Vann went to Raleigh Friday. '. - m ; il , v Mr. C. A. Conway, of Athens, Ga., is spending a few days with his peo ple here. Mrs. Eugene Hicks and children, of Monroe, are visiting at Mr. C. J. Ward's. Miss Grace Ward, who has been visiting a Athens, Ga., returned home yesterday; Misses Mary Ray, of Raleigh, and Lucy Stovall, of Stovall are visiting Miss Margaret Justice. Mrs. L. C. Pine and little ter, is visiting her parents daugh in the Western part of the State. Rev. G. B. Starling, of Kittrell, was in town Tuesday to attend the meetings in the Methodist church. Miss Mattie Conway -cune ovtr from Wake Forest and spent Satur day and Sunday with her people here. Mr. Jacob Thompson, of Pittsboro, State Oil.Inspector, was in town yes terday, attending to the duties of his office. Capt. I. H. Kearney,' and daugh ter, Miss Mary, and Miss Ruth Tay lor, of Oxford, visited Louisburg Sat urday. Mrs. R. E. Hester, of Kittrell, came over Monday to attend the series of meetings at the Methodist church. Misses Lucy and Evelyn Nichol son will leave tomorrow for Hickory to visit their brother, Dr. W. H. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Summerland, of Mount Olive, who have been vis iting friends and relatives here, re turned to their home Tuesday. Hon. 6. C. Rankin, Washington, D. C. Men in high life, who are at a con stant nervous tensionr soon suffer from indigestion. Hon. Geo. C. RaDkin, for merly of Monmouth, I1L, now holding a high position with the "government at Washington, became amcted in that way. He wants it known that he cured himself with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, and recommends it to others simi larly afflicted. It is absolutely guaran teed to do what is claimed, and if ou want to try it before buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to Pepsin Syrup Co., 119 Caldwell Bldg., Monticello, I1L It is sold by Scoggin Drug Co., at 50c and $1 a bottle. A Thought on Spelling:. When the old blue-back spelling book of Noah Webster, a volume that had a sale second U the Holy Bible only, was a textbook in erery American primary school the pupils were much more accomplished spell ers than they are under the new fad of "intensive education." In those days the pupil was set to barn the alphabet before he was allowed to spell "botany" or "asperity." Now they put them to reading aphorisms oeiore ne can xeii you a -o ' irom a "d," or a p" from a q." A good speller is an exception, more less rare, and is always deficit in the faculty of imagination, and qenerally deliberate of thought one whose hand mores as swift as bis mind thinks. All of us recall what . .. .. a .miserable speller Marlborough was, and Napoleon Bonaparte's mind thought with such lightnibg rapidity that ere he had fashioned one word, when writing,1 he had; At tacnea to it a syllable or a part' ox a syllable of the sncceeding word. That was one reason why his manu scupt was the despair of those Whose part it aa to decipher it. j But after all, spelling, in some re spects, is to the Writer what the pedigree is to . the"' horse. On the turf the racer without 'a pedigree that can beat, a riVal with a 'pedigree' is the better horse, and a w ork by a mail like,. De Foe, f witb ; half the words misspelled, is infinitely, more Taluabie to thVthiieiW than ' a (coU umn by a ham ! novelist Iwith every 8enteiic0 pKBrfecty in :: grammar : and every Jwbweikct in " orthography It is tiot the vehicle, bat the pawan er, that gives importance tor an er- mm before. is due to with them oftentimes freaks are poesessed it Washington Po Pain can be easily and quicklv stop ped. Pink Pain Tablets Dr. Shoopa -stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula it s fine. Sold by Scoggin Drug Co. SOMETHING NEW IN WED DINGS. A Wisconsin couple on the eve of their marriage the other day made an announcement of a novel depart ure from the ordinary procedure on such occasions. They let it ,be known that no invitation to the wedding would be sent ou,t and no presents guld be expected, out that an admission fee would be colUcted at the church door fro all who wished to witness the ceremony. This was done, as stated in the an nouncement, for the purpose of rais ing a fund upon which the couple might begin their married life. So, instead of getting a lot o! useless jpesentSj'they received a nice little 8am in caslr, and with it they were able to purchase such articles as they needed. Of course this was horrible, disgusting, etc., but there was a good deal of common sense in it. -Did you ever look over a bride's display cf wedding presents wunoui Demg sirucic with the num ber of useless things there were in the lot and thinking of how much money had been wasted by' friends in the purchase of gifts for which there would never be any oee? Be sides, this Wisconsin girt will be saved the trouble of taking care of a loi of extra pickle forks, butter knivesjlasa bowls, oyster forks jel ly spoony V ladles and the like. Charlotte .Olerver. Proper Treatment for Dysentery end v" "; r:'Vp!mhoet.'' v The great mortality . from" dysenUry and uiarrhoea la due to a lack of prop er treatment at the first stages , of the disease,; ; Chamberlain's CoUc; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a. reliable. and effectual medicine, and when given in reasonable time ,wlll prevent any dan gerous eonsequencea, ' It hiibeei la -a wMnj years . ana nas always met with unrarrin? nece-Pnr - uIa ScogjinOrugCoT'- ; . - . a . 1 1 1 u D of DOES YOUR WIPE 0 One pair of socks of the kind you are now wearing Do YOU know? SHE does! You win do awav with darning now by using the new hosiery for men, which will wear much longer than you have ever used The marvelous the ft ft 3 'AliD 11 Mil io,u.fAT. nnn vhich eveivpairis equipped, yet get a pair and test them. THE STORE OF QUALITY" FRANKLINTON'S BIGGEST AND BEST STORE How'i This? otfr oo londrcl dollar prl lor 07 cam of Ctrrb IhmX r&eol b by Uall'Ctiivb Car. F. J. Cbrj 1 Co . Toledo. U. th oBrlod. bmrm koe F J. Choj far tb IS mr, mxxi M bin rrf"ctljr booormbU io aJI Loito lrcr tioo od floAOicJIj mhl to crrj out mry btiatloo md by bt fins. WJdioe. Kltta a Uaria. WboUwiW trooiii. ToUdo. O Hall' Cftfarrb Tor ( 'Akva ittraly. actio ft dlroctly o poo xbm blood ed tnra orfacM of t jtts. ltimolU x frr. Pric 75 toU pr bottU Jtold b? all 4mcirta. Take Hail' Family Til for na.tlp atioo Progress In Cuba. With the Ueinning of the preenti fical vesr the Republic of Cuba tablished a Boreaa of Information a uorean 01 inionnation: President Gomel appointing Leon J. ConoTa, an American newtpaper man, wno naa reataea tn uoa eieren years and haa a wide acquainUnoe with the Island, aa its director. Parties -wishing information of any I nature concerning Cuba can obtain : same, free of charge, bv writing to Leon J. Canora, V. and I. I3areauf (Utility and Information flareauDe partment of Agriculture, Commerce and Iabor, ilarana, Cuba. Bowtl Comptiintia Childrn. When six months old the little daughter of E, N. Dewev. a well known merchant of AgnewviDe, Va,, bad an attack of cholera infantum. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholara and Diar rhoea Remedy was given and effected a complete cure. This remedy has proves very successful In case of bowel com plaint In children and when siren ac cording to the plain printed directions can be relied upon with perfect codii dence. Wbea reduced with water and sweetened It Is pleaant to take, which la of jrreat importance when a medicine muat be given to yooojr chiklrm. For sale by ScogRin Ircyr Co. DR FORD DENTIST, TranUinton, N. !, Office in Staoitoa Utxildirt. lLXa3 Dr. Sleep's IkflcOIsIzsa. atop tixm xmglk aviva tweJU luaa BAIRN wearing strength orr. J. If you haven't tried ymmeir When we ilv me.rchandie at anttjiual In pric. V har mrt rttsr w.'...: .- loi 01 CD cloUjiug. tbry ar t asd nobby ia LL- Ull weight which can worn a41 tar rooad. W Io Lst u?l J?,1",!: f Wuc,M(l J?,S1, W C MHL Ol-JoIiMCa OUT Our low cut aho. iht il&Q kirH for 11.75, 2ZQ tor 27'. 1315. CtiMrv&t aJipptra in all ait tarr cheap o& trrV r 1 ia c. c ju.i rciTts4 fe Bt)e l.'t of kirta it t.t mer ar of Wuek, blue acd brown to t, Kodak finishing for Amatuers They mot only Ctr CHIla, indTcneUp yet SjiUa. ! t .Li. IT K quahlr AARON DEITZ TLe Store of Good Quilit; a.rxl Haraxca. Louisburg, North Carolina Our priw axe aa low a. aajrwher in lb ccmctrt . and our work la utrcailr-d. WRITE FOrPRICES &C Mil Order J oar rriJty. S. COBB, LOUISBURG, N C THOMAS' CHILL PILLS Rf Ko Etial M a rvAeattre or Cur. forCbUla. bat Batid ? U Q G I STS ft.,.! .V..ii . ..t '-.I ' ) , ....... ................ ... : . t

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