' - " J THE COMPETENT HAN;" -HTOw'bMo ! 1 5a of course, one wno Knows Hiifiiness in which he Field wisu to call, particular atten- hft -amount ot I tn .-i:' : - '"'i I - : .mwb?; hsiATrry I ar to batik. that tne DuBlucsJO icuuupof iBianTM in wvrftttliil.ci?MW-v kn nature Ane wuu - w weak and alllMwi tat with th w-r be eomulned. One is local, on is mmfltrv Inot be "competent" m anyeccu determine ; tbeaW of such, a pas lion, and one who hasrnot.had th? ture; the" ultof , whjcshuld be fig?. very graniying to southern .farmer who have a monopoly on such a pas toreThe Northern farmer . cahno these are not the main require- grow pej planted in corn; but must gSwatSS Most men in any line of work give i6m the use of the land during SSSSSLSS&S . then Is at least on l toat war. two treatments. bat both am aa lormer ur-snoop's lilxat CUie lsatppieal corope- nia nQriiiiif. iih 'bu8iDe8S or I in that occupation. v TVI1L Bot afl raucn mwjiiieucw as , uiai the entire growing season. ork requires, ana most oi xnem After the com was gathered, fifty ,.noW the things they need to know one spring pigs .were turned into the . 1. - ftTAT IT I 1 II I III! Ill I iriMII . 34 lH I -v a...A. mi - j0 tue " pa uow ui oevemeeu acre8.'t ineVJ 'IV Tl tTTfc trP r. Th Nittt Cnrrf. U Ita mm tm-rsMoa' Antm tta Work, while yon sleep. 1 soothes sore and laflam tureMTheortherntmercnnDt renewea rarar and amtamsi. ns abootxaawed eDenrr. T&k Dr. Khoon tothesTStem. , YozpositiTelocsJIielliJseaiwaa S tto TS.Ts f . 1 1 ir -i .iiiuuuhuus uiuu a.sa l u in i uiiii innnoi tjlv TlOt 'U' - - " I VF CCU. A 11 JiUil r 4 nh1h Kn k.lAnn I .' . 3 . 1 m mm ami Uaoations 10 maae ironi ..me peas was 2,893 I Hh dUDDIE-PERRY nRIIR Hfl I And the ditterence Detween ( compe- pounds, or 1T0 pounds per acre. At mt and incompetent is, in? the main 5 nts per pound, thgivea a Talue ; OinCIIESTtrin' QPILIQ Th competent man is the one this is net, as fhe nogs did their own bo cares wneiuer iuiub axo uoho uoi v etiviu. aiso -me mature ana right or noi. auo iuwuijiomv man 1 uuuiuo.uum bium viuoo auu eeu one wno aoes noi care, xue were lexi on ,me iana. rsy tests the DIAMOND SpPl BRAND 00 Y ATVTT?5 ff . AnMs) ov a m m a i k naA vvkA wtofti a. . m a. . a m - w . COOK wu" - -0- - - DIAMOND BRAOT PILLS InRen iiiH Sa 0r bad usually maces tnem determme; the vame:6t; pea xcar- xwaraea as Best. Safest. Alwa-ri RrH.KV SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS PVPRYUUtTDC WORTH TIME TRLSL Karl nanallv makes'. thm I deterrnina "-tne vaTrtft hf npns ornwrt in H' he carpenier wno cares corn, as a ierniizer. m-jjas neen iounu rffj" " r cm-ciLi.T! tner ni3 0'uis ui ojc uoi, wuwu iubi- tuey mcreaso me suuceeumg r-. t-V.'IIA ;i'"i;Ji. make them ni. wiwuvji ujr. jlau puuuua yi 11m The merchant who cares whether Per acre. The land used was old hi9 customers are saiiBnea or not -r ty .y oii satisfies them. The house- iU a proune snort variety who cares whether her U1 wlloa w8 oea in tne test, r lg monthly bills are large or small, us- uring the increase at 9 cents per finds them small. Clean milk ; Pna, me peas naa aiertULsmg fm th dairv which cares vaiue oi f y.yu per acre, rne above whether it is clean or dirty. And eloquently suggests a means of im- a u ' nrnvincr nnr Innrls wnrn Kw nna tho newspaper repunei wuu careu i - - - whether he gets things right or croP imi at a pront instead ot an is tbe one who gets them expense. After all, the question of richer lands is the biggest problem that si v twenty-Jivo mm I H wrong right. l.. ho. m-jn who p.nrpH rtnlv t,n i - i a M . confronts the farmer, and the hog is i.ia ir.li nnd does not care if ' " ' AoA not t0 De overlooked in its econorai- L1BWU T . mon r. cal solution Bulletin 107,Mississippi it.. . rn him is t.nfi man whn I . ' 1L. Agricultural Experiment Station. ii. rAra r n l Miru u 11 ir at in iiui -- f m .a ia likely to be tne nrst to lose tne Ajiy lady can get a, sivered 'No-drip'' iob The best wages, and the most conee strainer py writing ut. bnoop, J , , ... Racine, Wis. Send no money, simply -jermaneni auu reouoiuio puomuuB ag ior "JNo-driD" courxnorivilefire. Iuo to the men who care fof the work grvinypur - name and address. Dr. & T , , , i u j Snoop will also send free his new and itself who would rather work hard very interesting little book describing ..... i ty CAn. u i4-u n Ar. q rfnrt inh than Tn WOriC "i. u-"wu o Jicauu vjuu.cc. XACcm.il 6 J. . .... - coif ee is such a close imitation of real to do a poor job, even n tne pay coffee, that it requires an expert to tell were the same. All good work is e ditterence. And .neither is there interested work work inspired Dy pure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its o intaroat. in th fhinor flnne. nnfl I iiavui ajua www: ia citowuugiy giaiuv " . . . ing. No tediously boiling either. not merely in what is. got fordoing y?made ina mintrtef saysf)r. Shoop5,i HUYLERS CANDY ALWAYS FRESH A T The Scoggin Drug Company t mm Is I Now Op tyo We serve all kind of cold drinks. Phone your orders for everything in our line. oo The Scoggimi Drug PrcscripUons Hilled With Skill Co. o 000XKhmkKh Nsw NOTICE. drip" coupon. All grocers tora highest to lowest the re wards of life go to the man who Tlme T B tareiUl. cants, me man wno regaras nis n wiuu hi ubbu giveu pa work as an evil, mitigated only by ents by the Health Commissioner as the pay he gets for it, is likely to to the care that should be exercised find that mitigation grows less and j during the hot weather over the less. The man whose "work is a joy fppd of the children, k it is also ot finds inspiration in doing the , work prime importance "that adults should itselt, and the work that is done re- be careful now, for warm days as gardlessof pay is the work that is these are fruitful of many ailments. best worth pay. Ex. Moderation should prevail in all things for the thermometor up m the T, . , nineties is a heavv dratt . upon the The Future ot the Automobile. . flvatnm Thft Phl.Ia4ftlnWn Asa vehicle of modern traval the Press gives some good advice as fol- possibilities of the automobile seem lows: to be absolutely unlimited; and to "Heat like that of the past two realize what the next ten years may days never harms those who ivoid witness in the elevation of this won- the lesser risk of food, drink, sleep derful motor engine, it is only neces- and exposure. For one man whp sary to review what the past ten has 'heat prostration' there are jeara have revealed. ' thousands who sutter loss of strength In 1898 there were only 25 plants loss in heart action, suffer from ner- eneaged in th mannfaftrnrfl of auto vous overstrain or some upset in di gestion. These are all liable as a re sult of heat, but they come to those who have lowered physical resist ence by some careless act. .- "In hot weather every alcoholic drink has its peril. All animal food likely to be effected by the may bring in The place for bnuvry men will found at ,fi S. WHITE'S RESTAURANT be A. J; Under Entire New Management COOKE, Lessee and Proprietor having recently moved in Mead ows new building. A first-class meal can and ill be served fresh and hot, with the fcet the market affords. Come to see me. Tonrs to please, O. fi. WHITE. 2cts Laundry 2cts The New Panacea, a Summer and Winter Resort Hotel at Panacea Springs, Warren County, C. Now Open Under Entire New cars. j , Today there are 253. The aggregate capital invested in this industry in 1898 was only $2,- oo,ooo. Today it is $20,000,000. w years ago there were only heat if kept in hot day8 'automobiles in the entire coun- or aoQte noisoninz. causing from Main to California; but at digestion from some one of the many uc urpflpnt tima fhara ara I Mil mill I . 1 " ' torms We are agents for the People's Steam Laundry, of Raleigh, N. C. Brand new outfit, good and exper ienced workmen in all the depart- a- T xl i v I r Lueuuj. e are me ueupie wuo brought the price dowu from 2 1-2 cts. to 2 cent and think we are en titled to part of your business. We will appreciate any business you will give us. We go after Laun dry every Monday and Wednesday .v-...v. " I iiiuii.v: uiHi i rtii um.i lurrus Saturday afternoon. If you have any laundry vou want to get on or call urj Dhone 47 and will have a i i i . V.rw in 3. m nufps UI Carnations. Koses. loieta, etc. j Inn W Kin & Son Floral deslJ?n3 and Flower9 for I t i r-. 1 1 i- a . sicns. roitea rents ana an ki-ioji oi pot and out door bedding: plants. Veg etable plants in season. All orders promptly filled. H. STEIN METZ, riortst. RaieisK N. C. pfcoraaines take. Loss UT!r in use on the continent of Jffiu- wbich is said to be twice the rope heat. of the Haste and hurry will do the same.? Steady, continous hard work, There are 70,000 registered cars physical or mental, harms no one, m ew York State alone. I provided it is carried on within the h is said that th valnA alt this usual hours under sanitary oondi- year'a output of machines will not tions and without strain or pressure taU short of $130,000,000. " But a hot day is no time to double Within the past three years the up on anything, food, drink, work, Of the nntrimrvhilp in mnhincr worrv. or anxietV. Avoid -these, do . " o I " ' - long trips across the country has be- the regular job and no more and l z. -''.'-.- .... . C0ne quite apnprai man can do '"as much m not weatner Tha a i. ' -j, as in cold.M Norfolk Ledger-Dis 1 ne sentiment which is rapidly dB , cr)8talizing in favor of good roads is pE C uue largely to the demand which the A book on rheumatism, by Dr- Snoop automobile has highways; and "0tt i9 time '' by 'SWWi lQis modern innovation it-will beUinity. Make a grateful and apprecia- - to the inceaa impetai wtich I MmM some one wo j- ' ltnnarto It ' n . i "6?" ; ki. r w w uavei uuiuiivr mi o.iaRSfs i - ham him imn me iu uiatcwo -Atlanta Gasman - . A testand IM1 certainly, help your suffer creatpd for imnrnvpd of Racine, Wis., tells someniamtrutns, created for improved m & practical way Get it the natrnnacrft nf fh v? WvViAt. "and a free trial treatment Management SPLENDID ORCHESTRA DANCING NIGHTLY THE NEW PANACEA i, is overv rtipct Ujcb-sraJe, raotlrrn hct-rl. cjhrvl rd furnished tastily and comfortably, equalling nr hoiitlrr in th North or Souli. Kterr room is lighted by electricity, and hwi hot and cold runnjnt; ratr frota parklitg f nt,$r. The building oontains 100 rooms, ainglo and cn-aii mth pnaU Lath aid a!J txtz are outside rooms, with twi or mor window a. The drat oor coLUir.t 42 delightfully comfortable rooms, spacious lobby, reception roorun, Jinninc rwn and well apr--i&lIl writing rooms for the exclusire uae of our guU. THE NEW PANACEA is conducted upon the American plan. nh frata.lW ra! rwad is run upon the broadest principle. Iia mce ax.d cu;iii ar nr-t clUi l y aiir resort hotel in the South. For rates, by day, week or ..onth;or for reHraUort,or ant ad litior.a- itforTaliot.aldrr A.J. COOKE, Panacea Springs, N. C. - r BUGGY - ROBES New Soda Fountain Buggy Kobes For Colored People The Best Policy THE BARGAIN STORE W. D. COOKE I wish to announce to the colo red people of Franklin County that Tho afpct f nmnanV 1 have purchased the Soda Foun- "IC Jt 1UllipailJT tain of the Scoggin Drug Com panv and have placed it in my building on Main Street, at the bridere. where I will be glad to t . serye you with all the late t Fountain Drinks i " " The strength, confarvatiam, economical management of the and I am the only person m town catering for the colored fountain. trade and will assure you that everything will be Up-To-Date I will also run a lunch counter in connection, with my Drink Par lor and you can call in any time of day or night and get a good nice luTrch cheap. ? : . , Equitable Life Assurance Society of The U. S. A: :Tv;NeaIt:y Make it the safest company in which to insure, ine iiDeraiuy ana uyiuukj of the New Yort Standard Policy . ... A Make it the best form tOMlect. . fiFuil mformation andratee furrilil upon requesL .Address . c YL tl-. DAVIS, uwt. uue imong allrclasses to help him. Help me to make this ',V,' v v , ' v ' - tk ' Would You Throw Away $1,000 The roan who can aae a4 trk 1. jt ncaUt docA't do it, t throin awaj- pr ynar it (-rcw rana injjf powrf of 1 1 X0 6 p" eal vaUrtt. J tatili wbkii annttallr j 6 jt ccul fcr ett tM y tifl they umxI Id t hr net tUrt aa ith a&4 conrrrr thif fl.COD rmrnicg' Yea r c j-rr: x vrvxit ith 6 ilrpoait or Wt. Ccts.f -e s4 Wh t tJi cttt thr matlr. THE - CITIZENS - BANK I HCNDCRSON. H. C J. R OWEta PrtmUtat . W. a. tirjJfT, Caatnr a O $ o o t o o o o o o o o o t o o o o o o t t o o o o