-MAS ED. & -OWNER FRIDAY, JULY V 1909- - -n.X TO NBW ADTKKTIginE5T8 , TinlS"".. T ir:ii tiToQ w Pi Harrow Notice of Summon?. advertising do your-busi- William Walton intant son IvV H. Fuller, died Sunday. LThe man who is always grumb- has no time for anythingelse. g OllIC iwwvv tiers. Property m .... VSeveralpf oar advettiseraThar madVchanges;in- It will be worth your: while to read tbem all TAR DROPS. id the ice cream, supper of , rrUUs Helen Crenshaw entPrraJn!' ed a numbeVpi her friends at bridge' on Wednesday night m honor of Miss MayWhiteof Oxford? MpI dames ReQ.;Hart and M;Vs; Clifton received thi'prizes for ' ihenihest scoro, Mrs.. Clifton presefited, hers to the'gnest of 6riW:f :baintv -refreshments from Bughi's, of Raleigh were served. -v-v- BpirdofEaucatIon; ; : : j"Hjr wu uue uetjinning or a? new school year with the Ijoard of wnThe Weinberg Messrs. ; &c "were reappoinsea uy the last gisUturand' took Joath of omc before Clerk: of v Court iXr'.Jl Barrow, 2 ; '-.A 1 -- '-V - bhn C. Winston. " was jeelected Chairman and R..B. White; iSuper vTbe chief business of the daV was the selection of 'schools committees for the county. ... A:com plete list of these will be published in the .Limbs I nttweek. After the usual routine businesT the Board ' adjourned to meet the first Mopday in August. -. v 5 Captain C.;H. Banks informs us that, his company, the "Louisburg W-A ucd, , wui ,eave ior ; ump; Ulenn noar Morehead on Sunday night Jnly 4 18th at 10:45 n m t,tvif . Camp Monday - morning at 7:80. Lotffsburg has cause to feelverv IeIplhe Daseoau. J"7 offioerand &ia w'eU drSled set Lding the ice cream supper tonight, of -Gentlemen. Andwe understand tfiatit has all the -members " allowed under the array regulations with a large MPt of waiting-applicants. While passing the store of Mr; J ;.MJoyner on Monday: afternoon we noticed-quite a number of articles rnHcr (1. M. Cooke will address negroen in the court house next i The attention oi our readers ad to the new ad ,of Lr.r Female College in tnis issue. is Louis- Bowling seems to be quite pop. Spiled up in front'of i his 'door which L with many ot oar young people ( some are sending the score away -Lot VV. O. W., (Wood men of eWorld) pin. iinder will please Lnrnsame to J. S. Strujkland, at wEs office. " -Where is the Chamber ot Com- r, .1 J U 1 I. 3 prce. ueniieLaeu uuu t iot ii urop. helps other towns and why should . . T 1 not help i.ouisourg. Kev. U. B. John, Presiding El x of this district, preached two le and interesting sermons here in Methodist chnrch Sunday. -Gentlemen of Louisburg the j way to build up the town is by king together and working fa ther, and then keep everlastingly it. ' , An ice cream supper will be k-ved on the Macon hotel lawn to- ht at eight o'clock for the benefit the baseball team. Let every-' Ay go. - ': ' We feel like congratulating the et committee, oq thjB,etfeetiy& rt they are doing on- .the streets 1 have only to add "Jet the good ilk continue." Capt. C. H. Banks requests us state that a drill of Company D, be had Bnday, (today) evening o'clock, and all members are ex ited to be present. As will be seen from "their ;ad another column Wilkins r Stegali ve moved their barber shop to the eadows building on Court street, ere they have furnished quite a :e shop. , Gentlemen of Louisburg don't the interest in the upbuilding of '"r town lag, but put renewed en- V m your actions and bring 'into lity florae of the hidden- wishes u have. -The State Association of Rural ee Dalivery Mail Carriers held hr State Convention in Charlotte M Week. Franklin tnrrattr' aaonnio - uvuf asovua" was represented by "Capt," Nicholson. ! ' -vjucDMSU tU BU11U vuab next Tuesday night is the regular ru"g of the Woodmen - of thA rldallmtmbera are urged to be seD Initiatory work and other t'uriant mattwra will AA L order. was locked, and we afterwards learn ed that ?t had been relocked with a second' lock; anda pieco ot crepe ueu xo ne,; aoor, Upon examina tion we found a card'attachedto the door which read "Sale will com mence at 12 o'clock, sharp, tomor row, goods must be' sold." And after Mr. Joyner returned we learned he had been to a ball game; and while absence a number, of boys had taken advantage of his absence and played a practical joke upon him. However it created right much fun for many when he returned and saw the changes tha-t had tasen place; in bis absence. , FarmerVInsliitute. The Farmer's Institute will ' be held in Louisburg on Wednesday, July 21st There will be a session for men held in the Court: House and one for the ladies held in the Sunday School room of the Baptist church, and it is hoped that a- largeX crowd will be in attendance. " Mrs. Hurt and Miss Stone will have '"cfiaree" of .Quit . .. ana. jur. iretree , will . have charge of the men's "meeting. Therei will be morning and after noon meeting"iT7 ' . The same meetings as announced above will be held at Franklihton on Tuesday, July 20th. The time and places will be announced later. The Times hopes that very many of our people, will avail themselves of , this opportunity to hear these speakers. Why Atb Provisions So Hijrli? One reason is that there are so many more eaters than workers consumers than producers. But few are doing the labor. Thousands are doing the eating and spending. If a baseball is held hundreds of thous ands will visit that, lose their time, spend some money, and. not be prof ited one cent b such folly; so' with numbers of other wavs of wasting ""J tinae and spending money. Instead of farmers preparing wheat land in time and aowing wheat they will spend their time in goiny to town and negJect farm work, nod say their lapd will not produce wheat. When I was a youth a far mer that bought his flour, pork, eta, was counted a worthlees farmer. If our farmers would . raise their own provisions at home speculators might get a corner on wheat or pork but that would not hurt them. - If we would use common sanee and re gard Bible teaching about what far mers should cultivate, high tariff and gambling would not hurt us. It looks like we" might learn to do bet ter, v Experience teaches a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. Where is the vigor and raanliees that once marked and distinguished our faimeis? , ' V ' Jut after the war of 1861, it wae. said by the large farmers, "kill out your hogs, raise cotton and compel laborers, to pay. a high price for meat, The advice was followed bv tno 'iljnJ.V'owthex say we cannot grpw wpeat. .jl us r, grow cotton and? tabavf 1 Bholu the effect of such silly ad vice. . jWeinevef gain by leaving the old Bible paths of prudence and wisdom. Eider P. D. Gold in ion's Landmark. ID). 1 . " J v r J i . eairall Tresiimsiiiii: Asotatc Safety. In every department of banking we arc prepared to rc the roPle in an acceptable way. Ve make a special effort to properly care forevery one or our customers. ' We invite all j uvout kj ium' uih; ui a oaaK to CJIDCT CA11 It is a pleasure to ecvvc small aa well a large depositom. or write us. FIRST NATIONAL LOUISBURG, N.C BANK UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. GOVERNMENT O- O f of ball at the latter nlace on I'Mav nf loaf . U j t. f Marriages. - - During the month of June our ef ficient Register of Deeds issued mar riage licenses to the following cou ples. . White Dr. Hodge A. Newell and Jannette Hayes, John Doyle and I Hettie Ray, Earnest Fuller and Min nie O. West, G. W. May and Lizzie P. Hollings worth, Luther H. Rig gah and p"ufaula Winston, Ben. W. Brown and Annie B. Strickland, Percy R. White d MarxSlli? Ma lone, W. J. 'Shearin and Liilie A: Bailey, i.W alter L.- Hosej and; SafahV E. Hines, C. R. Alford and Col umber Carter. . "- -. . . Colored M. A. Fuller arid El- nor a Brooks Ben Marin and Margie G. Chavis, ZollieffToung andSavan na Harris, MathewEster and Vic toria llockaday. . , i Y score stood 3 to 4 in favor "enderaon in the elevnth Snnmr' !ttrie(; Eoaom. WbiVar A Jkner; Henderson, Barbee - and ill J. - -j4Bk Letall the farmr whn t mbv a .. v ho attend tne meetings o.o Auainuie io oe neid 1 0n Wednesday, July21st, and o-- iu unug aiong your and daghter, as there , will. ,h matters that will-be" bene- Itoboth. , - 7 Um. R. L. rf nrriann T fit ers of the TT Q - A yi Survey, ate now at work g a map 0f Fr.ntli fae are verv'niQ - ' , . j cw geuuemen ana ao,Qg a wort tW t i til i ilia Listt of Jurors. The following is a list of jurors drawn by the Board of County Com missioners Monday for r the August term of Franklin Superior Court: ' -B. C. Joyner, W. H;V Wilder, J. Perry, WrE. Weldon, S. T. Gupton, Ok J. Copped ge, ? A. H.. Sandling, C. R. Sandling, H. E. - Hight, E. S. GreeJj.R. E. PearceyJ. E. Hall, W. W. lineVwJ R.uIghum, Peter Collins, J. P. Pleasants, W. J:J;Gos wick, WetJY le wis, Wyatt W est; jc. Wheless. D. ,T. Hollings worth, AbelBowden, ATB. Perryi A; ;Q. Perry, ;AVJW. W heless,, F.;; B; JMc Kinne; E.L; Wipston, R., H.; .Rich ardson, E. Bl Preddy,' A C.xleon ard, JiH'-Massey, M' C" Gupton, J. T.; Fisher, O. S. Macon, J. S. Lay- ' Wanted Five girls and three boys to work in Hosiery Milt steady work, good pay. STANDARD HOSIERY MILLS CO. Creedmoore, N. C. 3A1F0F LAUD FOR TAXES. In accordance with an ordinance passed by the Board of Town Commissioners, and by authority of theCbart-r of the town of Louisbnrg. 1 will on Monday, August, 9tb, 1909, sell at the Court Houe door ia Louis burg, the following town lots, for non-pay ment oibaxes ane inereon lor lyue. Louis Boon?, 1 lot Main St. $ June Davis-1 lot Mineral Springs Washington Davis, 1 lot Hmberlake Avenue . Gitta Dental lot Halifax Road Harry Duaston, est. 1 lot River St. Geo. Egerton, 1 lot limberlake Ave. Chanie Egerton 1 lot Egerton land AuBtea Green," 1 lot Mineral fSprings Geo.' Hart, 1 lot river road lieuce Hazxlewood, Sr. 1 lot Newport Betsey Jones, 1 lot N ear R R. SijQ Kearney, 1 lot Turboro KohJ Dmpbrey McDowel. 1 lot slab town Angy May, 1 lot Main St. Richard Perry, 1 lot iTox Bamp Serin a Strickland 1 lot s'ab town Norfleet Shaw, 1 lot slab town Richard Skinner, 1 lot R. R.. Mrs. Berry VTilcox. l tot short Sr. . C. High. Tax Collect r. J 3.00 9 44 v 9 48 9.36 12 20 3 00 3.10 6.40 7.65 9.71 2.40 .10.00 5.90 542 8 96 5.20 1.84 9.66 1 0.36 Notice Having qualified as executrix of H. C. May, deceased, late of Franklin county, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having; claims against said estate to presentthe.same to me on or before the 25th of June, 1910 or this notice wilFbe plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This June 25th, 1909. MRS. C. A. MAY, Sxtrx. North Carolina Franklin County DolliVilliams I: In Superior Court August Term, 1909 Qiams ) vs -' s notice of Publication Sam Williams - The defendant, in the above entitled action," Sam Williams, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled cause,' was issued against him on the 6 day of July,. 1909. by; the Clerk pf Super ior Court, v.' of v Franklin County, which summons is returnable .before His Honor Co.51., Cooke, Jadge presidinjr:at a court to be held,, for Franklin County on the 23rd da- of August, 1909. The defendant will further take notice, that the complaint in Vaid action, which is for divorce, has been -filed in the omce of theiCterk of the SuperioTv Court for said county. ?J Let the defendant ' take notice that he is required to appearand answer or demur to said complaint, or the relief demandedi-will h orAnfWl This 6th day Of July, , 1909.; ; , J.' J. BARROW ; ntTTirt .wi'i . ... FRU T - JAR Tops, Extra Rubbers, Stone jura, Tobacco Twine, Thermometers, Heavy White Duck For Making Substantial Cots GRANDPA'S TAR SOAP will take tobacco gum off your hands. New lot of Screen Doors, Windows, Wire and Fly Paper. L- R LJ1 In CKS, ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUISBURG, N. C. O o o. o t o o o o o t t o rt 4 Tobacco FaroiKgirs OF franklin And Adjoining Counties We wish to call your attention, to tbo fact that we now bT on -large number of FLUES. Also a plenty of fiue iron and four good workmen, and can suppiy you on short notice with anything from half a joint to a full mL . We also have in stock a large quantity of the bt Tobacco Twin. 4 Themomcters and Tobacco Trucks lVkE5irae ' Broltlhiers r """ Satisfaction or Your Money Back i j : . . - ijici v nil I rill r iinrr county.: Y:fy' VK-'i ton, JrG: Stellinct.: ;f j ;r r J BB?MASSENBURG.r PlintuTsAtt'v: r - X-1 . tl , . ; r -' - - ' "- i"s.- -v-- '-;.--".- -r;-,.-- V "I . , . A 6 ' fi ,-. . ... . - .- . .. . , -3 '" A x 'C '"'" '0 'C' '0 "

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