professidnalv ard L D. T. SMITHWICK. 'V Dealer in V Bonds. Real Estate. CoHetion of Rents, s and Selling Timber and timber lands, liioans Buylf tid Listinarof property for sale-' or rent i Prompt and careful attention guana t1 Firat National Bank; Louisbur2.N.C v ........ D R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING . Surgeon Dentist," - - jn Ford BuiHin. Main and KashBtreet, S'u)N4:80.' PhoncNo. 40. V ' V .': Ear, Xoe and Tbroat Specialist, . Raleigh. N. C. be in Louisburgr. at the office of Dr. Arthur . thf flint Mnnilav in tanh mnnfK fcy- gyn B H A. NEWELL, . PHYSICIAN. Phone No. 156 F RANK UNTON HOTEL . v.. Franklinton, N. C. K A. Speed, Proprietor. Good Livery in connection C H BANKS DENTAL SUEQEON Louistmnr, N. C. IlicH8 Building, Mtin Street. r H. COOKE t. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisbnrg, N. C. Over Cooper & Pleasante Store. Prompt Bttent.ioo (jiven all legal buainese entrusted to u" . D B. J. E. M ALONE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisbur, N. C. Office in rear o( Beasley-Alston Drag Store. D R. S. P. BURT PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N.JC. Offline over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store D R. R. F. YARBOROUGH PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louiebarfl:, N. C. Offlw in Yarborouajh & Bickett building. Ni(fht oallH answered from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. B B. MASSENBURG ATTORNEY ATjL&tT,. Louisburg, N. C. - " - fill practice in all the courts of the Office n hgerton Building State M. HAYWOOD RtrPFtN' " ATTORNEY. AT LAW . i" " Lonisbnrg, N. C. Will practice in all courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the Snnreme Court and in the United States District and Circuit Court. Office oyer First National Bank. B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisbarg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. gPRUILL 4 H OLDEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Louiaburg, N. C. Will attend the (Vnrfa nf PnnMin V' Oranviiie, Warre.. and -Wake counties, also toe Sapreme Couit of North Carolina. rrojnpt attention given to collections Office n Sprnill building. R. B. White Franklinton, N. T. W. Bickett, Lou in burg, N. (.. TJfCKETT 4 WHITE XJ lawyers: Louisburg, N. C. v 1 he settlement mmmtrators and Guardians is made a spec- C2n- thLebni required by law can be. fwured in the office. UfflCfi in Vl a a street. rouKn a Bickett building If pactid c m all courts. Office on Main Street M H- YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburir. N. C. All t - .. ' PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisbnrg, N . C. ' uil(i ing. ness intrusted ta ma receive attention. Office in Egerton II f rad p- HOUCK CONTRACTOR asd BUILDER Lonisbnrg, N. C.- inn- n a. - . . :r. KrtLTi:or a 1 tmds Of building snp- dBR ai?nwe8 ana IA"es. Architt. Cattle Wanted ,Want to buy 100 head of cat e' ra nging frorri 0ti var n11 lHryealllnSs or V heifers. John R. Villiams Louisburg,?N.-C.'.; ' THE SOODiiY SCHOOL, w s f -S' - .. ,, - 'Vn, vr. Li Lesson IH.r-Third o'uarter.For ; ; V .Juyi 18, 1S09. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Tixt of the Lesson, Acts xvlL 1-15. Memory Verse,; 11Go!ef en Texl. P. 1 1 commentary Prepared by R.v, O. M. Stearns, 'O'J lCfcprih 1909, by American Was AMatfanj Passing through the twalacea men tioned they sojourn, 'tor a time at Thessalonlca, where Sabbath, attert Baooatn they proved from the Scrip tures that Jesns of Nazareth Is the Christ, the promised Messiah of Isra el, aud;; that, according to'the Scriptures, it .was necessary for Him to suffer and 4.I-Ise asa from the dead .The Lord Jesas Himaeff after He'rose from the ead, pursue this very pUn and from Mosfes, and, alt, the prophets expounded in, ail-the Scrirftuea the things concern ing Himself,. Wiowing that aU the' .things, .which r written therein cort perning. 'Him must needs be fulfilled J . roj. xne good uewaconcernmg vJesus Christ took hold of them in the ftower jbf theSrlirif for, they received th indeed the word of man, and, from'f them through all Macedonia elsewhere (I Thess. L 5, simple and yet how full concerning them, "Ye t from idols to serve the li message aitls and hot of sounded Wt d Achala and ii, 18). How i statement ed to God and true wu sou : to wait for His Son from ueaven, wnom , Ue raised Thm the dead, even Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to comer(l Thess. L 9, 10). Here we have the threefold sal vation most clearly stated, saved by His sacrifice when we come toGod by Him,, then in' all th6 daily life living unto Him, serving Him, and all the time waiting for and expecting tlie re turn of Christ from heaven (I Thess. Iv, 16-18). - ; Theret . were many who believed and continued to give heed to the teaching, of Paul aid Silas; i but there were Jews who believed not and, being filled with envy and Instigated by the great adversary, set all the city in an uproar, accusing these men of turning the world upside down by3 proclaiming as king one Jesus, he world is in deed upside down andJ Wrong, and notwithstanding the boasted progress of the day the whole woVW still lieth In the .wicked one (I John19, R. V.), and God has said, "I wulerturn, overturn, overturn, untllife'scome whose right it Is, andA l?Wltve-lt Cirn (Ezek. xxt Trete only rie who is capable of makmg'ailsTonp things right on this long , sin iursed earth, and He is the Klnsr mtidfahsdl reiguin righteousness and7 shall bring peace ana quietness Ntt the wrajg, earth, for He shall be King of kings and Lord of lords, and . all kings and all nations shall serve Him Isai xxxtij l. it; Bev. xlx, 16; Ps. lxxli, 11). Ac cording to our Lord's commaad. "When, they persecute y In this city,: flee yeJ to another (Matt, x, 23), Paul and Silas passed on to Berea. and there pursued the same course, opening' to' them the same . Scriptures- concerning the same Jesus. Here also many men and women believed and received the word readily and thus brought joy to themselves. ( the Joy and peace wlch come by believing (Bom, xv, 13), but they also were a comfort to the Lprd Himself, for when on earth vlh His . humiliation He- said to His Father in Heaven, I have given unto ' them the words which Thou gaveat me. and they have received them (John xvilj o. L.e us rememDer inax wnenever we receive His i word meekly and as the very word of God we please. Him. There was at least one point la which the Eereans excelled, and that was in their searching the Scriptures daily, that they might see for them selves the things which Paul ' taught and believo them, not because I Paul taught them, but because God Him self had told them in His word. ; The -only way to be established is' to be lieve God, believe what He says torus' in Hie word, accepting it as if He had spoken it to us directly by a voicer from heaven. Then when ,wp can t say, as did the people of Samaria. "We have heard Him oursolYes" we shall not be , tossed about by every wind of doctrine (John iv, 42; II Chron. xx, 20; Isa. vii, 9). The majority of -church' goers are too prone to believe what the preacher says instead of doing as the Bereans did. and therefore so few seem to be established. They also ask, 'How do we? know what to believe when different teachers .teach so dif ferently The answer is In Isa, viii, 20, R. "To the law and to the testi mony, . If they speak not ' according to this work It Is because there i is no morning for them. ;; ' r The Scriptures are the only Infallible guide, and our', Lord said, that when people err it is because they know not ,the Scriptures nor the power of God. The professed messengers of God will, if they are true messengers, carry only the "Lord's message; ; otherwise; they "are prophets of the deceit of their owit hearts, and the Lord never sent them (Jerxxill. 21-29). The' devil does ,cer talnly hate the word of God and so he stirred his followers at Thessalonlca to go toBeHa and oppose the- servants of the Lord, there.. This resulted in Paul going . on to Athens, - while ; Silas and Timothy, abode for aPUme at Be-, vrea untn Paul sent for them to come . to Aim : with all fipeed.ri; The: devil's hatred of God. and His ' word "Is very : manifest, from Gen,: 1L" 2,- 4, onward, and, I hare no hesitation in saying that all opposition . to and, destructive criti cism of' the word of God4 today are wholly cl the deTlL Contrast Isa. Ixvi, ft ,-. ,V 1 - -w--. ''' , ' J t f:..VV h':l, f iv,,"'-. ...... ... . . II yxm axo dcKron to (jot TreD, Son scat Oi couTse you do. : fxim widi tohiaxld of tho pain and 9nisei79";aiid,)6:liapp jt agahL ' v ' : 7- : v if your illness 13 caused by,f emalo tpouhlQ. UardiiL ltlhis; great inedidne,"for women, ;ha3 cH ueyed or curef tliousands of ladies, suffering iDial TA 0 0 For Women's IDs - aimmiie: Ellis,, bf Poster, Aik. suffered aWr ?. M sercn years with female, trouble, Everr month I wtmM rr M &y& my heaa and back. I took 12 bottles of -J. cured. Cardui 23 a God-send to suffering women. Try it Ml j At1 AT.Tl TkTTT flmATinM R T" T" T- -T- T V- VX. 'X.' 'XT 1 1 1 11 11 ii in int 11 11 11 11 i- t. ,t i r 1 tTTjrTirjTZTTTirr c 'jj Txrrr 1 THE VIRGINIA BAY HOTEL Arrange to meet;your friend?, relatives and sweethearts at The Virginia Bay, Ocean View Va. Third season, under the same manage ment. Opens June 15th, 1909 For further information and rates, address JOHN A TUCKER, Manager Motel rorsyth. WlaaUA-Salctn. N. C After J una lt, Th Virginia" Bay. Ocu Viw. Va SALE AND LIVERY I have decided to run again a Sale and Livery serve the public with Stable and am prepared to First Class Teams At All Times Vili Ue jrlad to hae a liberal share of patronage and guarantee satbftction. Safe ana polite and accommodating drivers. . R. F. FULLER 1 reams . 'V. . ; ' j H E PUBLIC Under the contract made at the time of the purchase of the "Hughes Storage Warehouse' property, we cannot allow any obstructions on the lot of said prop erty, and we must insist upon the removal of all lumher now on the property. AT ONCE, and that none be placed thereon in the future. Otherwise the same will be considered as a trespass and the trespasser dealt with accorSinly. This r is meant for everybody. v 'GRIFFIN &, BEASLEY annd Get a Faun 1 J Sr r v. . and Keep Cool - - "We haye a few thousand fans that we will give to the hottest peo ple who, call fcthemf you will have to call soon or you will be . left. While in, take "aloqk over our little furniture-shop.' '-. : i Nice lot. of Cbuchesure leather Couchesfilze'of our pure leather cchlches-: 80 inches .lon36-inches wide, full rbody.this oouoh is hand t tiffed, with quartered sawed oak fjamea'aijd claw feetot; colonial, design ball bearing wastors, handsomely tand carved with, piano polish finishV Our fcure leather couthes $30, Terms the easiest :r.-'- r -- :-.-. . sJjWf H0L.LINGSWORTH 1 i ll-Yent;to.VSeI! . 100 New Buggies 50 Second-Hand Buggies Any Price From $5 to $1 25. If You Hnvn't Got the Money I Will Sell to You on Time Edward S. Louisburg, N. C. :ord MB Shows too many goods on hand", so for the next Thirty Dayi Ee will GIVE AWAY $15 cents worth with each Fiye Dollar worth of Shm or Irr Gocdi sold - FOR CASH. tt, . Wo Uf, hATt 8ome ooderfal bartiiu in Udim SkirU. Shirt WaisU and Howery, and men's ShirU, Half.hote and Hax Jk.rrb.r Our prices on groceries are a low as the lowet aad tL quality as high as the highest We alto, have one bore fcr salt. W. P. NEAL & CO. New Livery Firm i K. P. Hill and J. U. Southall have opened a new fd ad ntr stables under the style of J. H, SoBthaU and Cotariay. and froa IhU aate on you can find nice I and 2 horae turnout, .FIRST CLASS. SERVICE; . .1, 2, 3 and 4 seated vehicJei. suitable for pic-nlct. baxbci2Aa. K&ja. ball trips, marriagea, etc Reasonable Rates Hade. One price to all. terms cash to Sam and John' a! r.i iirr . ,. im w ' w "w- wan W" UW S 1 WS TP'S 4iliM(jKJ9 tor and the Doctor. II Ton harn't the tnoiie.. ifii r- ji or wait If yoa wish anything. . see or phone J. IL Southall J H : ; SiOUTH ALL & CO i i ' m.. ' I. PHONE 155 i 1 V