. i -- A i i -Knal fifTAvt itr tVift GTfixsrti'i cottonarra r tobacco maraet. inmoer mills, wagon factory, foundry, tobac co sterameiies, etc? 7 V V more lactones. i 7 Mb." Editoe:--I understand that the town in order to inn ace its - ;citi zens to take water and lights,; have offered, to bave, the taps , made and the, pipe furnished and run to C the side, walks "free of charge and .to .wire the houses, andhare, vnoth- 'fug for the . work "and 1 only charge .V.'-.;.".. - - J u ..- J- ' for the v material funiisnect, .s: ine cost d of the ,-taps and the pipe to the side walk will cost them at least $5.00 but they are anxious to get the water and lights on a "paying basis. And then they say it Is so much , heaIthier.vrAndhile3. Jam" afraid the town naseer? moire liberal with its citizens than it was able? r-. I cer tainlv do think that everyone who is able to afford ,it should at , once avail themselv es of this liberal offer. 1 And I would almost be . willing; ' to : v; guarantee that not a single individ yi'-r'XkP:)i of this offer, iili regret it. If you will do awav '"with the pad smelling . kerosene 4 V ! Iamp, and spilling oil, for a . month -.'iTybuiiViieyer want to return td it Of course we" need and X deem t cotton:, factories, f umi- tnre factories, and a score of other kinds necessity tbat we 'must have it we want to continue to 'grow. Andjby niting f or the unbuilding ot the towa' and a -determinatioh to leave off grumbling, and " appreciate what we have,, we willleet alone 11 right. j ' . Now Ifctv us all pull; together; to build up our townv, Iiet .us get " the new railroad from Sprin ghope; the antomobile route and have . the fac- tories. , " :' F. N.- Egkrtox. jricter, Hid t Sick ; 0iy.M . .You hefiaurlots of peepla say they never had a sick day in their life. Ask hem further- and you will una out tney never have constipation and that they can easily dnest everythiMr tfaey, eat- That is the. keynote of 'health perfect digestion, perfect elimination.. To ob tain these use Dr. Caldwell 'a byruo - : - . v - I: ' rerein. wmcn cures an siomaca,- uver and bowel troubles in old or ; younr. It is'absolately craaranteed "to do what is claimed;, and if you want to try it b- fore buy iniTi send your ; address for., a e bottle to retain byrup Co: " 119 Caldwell Bldff., Monticello. 1U. It is sold by Scoggin Drug Co. ; at 60c SPEC ALS ATTTENTION COUNTRYMEN . -" vr -Wt 1,000.000 Pounds ' We 'pay hijrhest price (or l-crwax. hide, acrap rroa -of . all ,orU, beme. rubber shoc anl -booU, . bicrde tirt. wool, ahcep skins, tallow, copper, but sine and lead. I al o buy chiekcas and egys and pay beet market price. - I Under TordVWaiehouae, K. Kaah St. " ; w . '.Louiaburs.-y. C. v NOTICE again V And. ts O the water, there is noth ing jbut praise for it. If you do your own.', workv it will pay . ypuv many times oh er the cost. ' "Think- of woman drawing" water". frora; a - well or if hubby is good and draws it himself, he has to go to his work and if you have any fresh . water during the day "you fiave to draw it. And who is it that does not know that the labor and trouble caused to : the wife bad nice tlme at Mrs. Bettie va vuuui vu cuv i-i vs i gAcaitii vuau viiu cost of the water. .The fact is if ym have to go out in tho yard and draw all the water you use there is not as much going to' bemused as is good for 'health. Think how much eas ier it is just to turn a faucet . and get all the water yoiC want. A great many hire' servants because it is so hard 46 get water, and the servant "question is so uncertain now that IT0E-3 even if vou are able to hire vou can- Vina la tr DONT EXPERIMENT. make 'your wife as independent as possible. With the convenience of You Will Make No Mistake water and lights most any woman if . You Follow This Advice. ieels a great deal more independent kt VftDT vidW ---- yl 3 . Margaret .Item's Me. Editor: As we have not seen anything in the paper from here in so long.We will "send you a few; items. v .' 1 HPho jTnr ofnnnd hero, r Irvnlrincr very well, although a little grassy. ' Miss Harriet Ross, of fctbkes coun ty, is visiting friends and relatives In our vicinity. ' tMiss Lucile Stell,. of Wakefield recently visited her aunt Mrs. S. R. We were sorrj to learn of Mrs. W. R. Bunn's illness. - Mr. S. R.' Perry expects to com plete his new residence in the near future. Quite a crowd of young 'people "tasting" ice Moore's on Monday June 28th. Mrs. Alma Montgomery expects to leave Sunday for Zebulon to vwit relatives and friends. With best wishes for the Tims. T. Tot. The above items were intended for last week's issue, but were re ceived too late for publication. Er- Base Ball supplies at L. T.IIicks$ ?iew lot of Gun SheUs all sixes at L. P.- Hicks. . . v - - . i " Bicycle euppliea at L. P. Iltcks. tarr Snuff L. Pllicks: :t . A. J. REACHS Baae Ball goods - at J. ,Wi King-. ,. "i Strawberries fresh froraChas. Macon farm every other day, leave your rder with Jno..m Kin. '. " llTSllluA' r ISfLL Balli' it II uns a Prices right J. W. King. t J -rt .... . i .. f 'Yon will find the tharpot ratom at Wilkina and tecaU'a and yota will aloo tindour haircuttior, tharnpoolff;. maa eajnnir and nair-drriMticir to be firtt class. We ytxll also add another chair. and. also bare a nice poutc porter. ' ... . All Work Guaranteed - -..'V .Your serranta StcSall Wo .wuh to.vxe notice to T1 G E AGENTS WANTED: MEN OR WO meu to work in Frauklincounty; . Cai easily, make SIS to S25 per- week Address 'W, Drawer VAt'tHzZte My Wagon, Fuah Cart, Bjeycie- -and " Wheelbarrows HtanrT reiAvta Holivor you something -for dinner, supper and !riin t o rr n r- r- o breakfast and so easy -to carry . alone lUUn: AUO I'UIVIunO 6 to 100 pounds of Ice J W King I , ellcellcel Parties wanUnjr Ice forHoa ,wo "w Sunday's will please leave their or-1 monthly , . work after Jane ders with J W. Kinr ; Saturday even I Because it 'seems to be so ii r m . more 30th. much inor call Phone 47 Sunday a ra Smiths Litha Water for sale by J W King. It is highly recommended by all physicians, Qood for all aches and pam, Rheumatism especial y, J W King . for 12 sharex. Sale of Valuable Real Estate cash. We will give the bm fmde of work. Hair Cutting and SbtT- the Superior Court of Franklin county, ig one to beat it, Shampoo and North Carolina, made in the special I hair drosini? to compete with the proceeamg enutiea . uute ys l. II. Duke et als the dissalisftction'to some of our old line of trade, but will ! cud to sell TICKETS AT SI and tbT are for tymz- Awy With yo nccil of further vorry aixiut gtrttin? &(i .'fthuttlca for tour wtriap; rn:uchbe; trc am- ts, - This means for your machine. Mi' Kline A T A eiajstne undersizneo: comrnis- sioners will, on Monday, the 2nd day of IT QTAV V 1 HHP H August, iyw, at about the nouTofnoon V& XXV It t JV ILv sell at public auction at Dickie s store at Epsom, near the Franklin and Vance ; world. ior she knows that this is about the hardest part of house keeping, and she is relieved of a great burden ., - - when she can get water and lights , ithout any trouble. t If:you have pain in the back, uri nary disorders, dizziness and nervous ness, it's time to act and no time to experiment. These are all. symptom of kidney trouble,- and yon should seek a remedy which 'is known to ., A great many people are complain in g about the taxes and expenses, cure the Sidneys-. and they are high and the times are hara. And With the kicking and 1 tit nne. No need; to experiment- county line a certain tractor parcel of lana suaateu partly in r ranklin coutftj and partly in Vance county, said State adjoining th lands of Geo Ayscue, B. stainback, R. H. Duke and others, ana containing eighty-six acres, more or less. Terms of Sale: One fourth cash, balance on credit of six months with in terest from day of sale at the.rate of six per cent per annum, payable annual! liue reserved unti parchase once pam in lull. This J une J3thT 09. T. Mw PTTTAIAN W. H. YARBORDUGH, Jr Commissioners S Spring and Summer ndiH. Shanimm and INorth Car. Mountains Tit US Of tie sir TBEUfraiu CTDtrrr SCENERY UNPARALLELED Dolbirj tot la All Make otSrmlrti MaLcHtcv It Is Just Wonderful nd if ou will virit our Fumitcrt Pirfors L wtc will take pleasure in shotrin;: tisd' ujh not onlv with nwdlc. bul nil other Mfa-rhrr,. any machine made. Wc ran U Vina with t. N11 Thrt-H worth its wrnt Vtf Needle It ii w ;,iut ftwwi Ve i lave junl a HXmt and Parlor Suits. Call t ... . tivw lot of rU-fi and w thrm. 1. Eo White Furniture Co. XL-t-. . 4 . l2Z-'JJUJrt -t-i rrt. t. -t. -t. -t. -t. t-. -f . t. t. v:' mununnnn nzr n q n: rxnan no n a till nnnnn LAND SALE Under and by rirtue and authority of the power granted in a certain mortfue executed on the ISth day of January, 1906, by Dallas T. Ward and wife, and duly recorded in tht otfic of the Rejrister of Deeds of Franklin countr. Doan'sKidnev Pills is the remedy 1 N. C., in book 142, page 324, default T uttYui uwu miue m uie paynjeni A 1 1 uwr " i r i a v i: ' bticicviv A- uuci jui baic v puouc sue And IT, sotPmmm SOUTHERN RAILWAY $ FLUTES - ? THROUGH TRA'NS CLEARANC t SALE tion, to the highest bidder for cash, at tne court bousa door of said county, in with Coaehc ami i'atlof Cfu. bwc GoSUhoro and AthcrilK, . C.."tia ibnsing the town they are not get I na8 cured many stubborn cases in -wug u.w, - lvl vicinity, Louisbor. the Drotrtr eonve' I Rafciriu Durham. xrt the present water works and electric Can Louisburg residents demand the said mortgage and described below I i.Wt on Mlowio chedalc i.gmpemps yottd.aorW forther proof than that, contained in k. "TrGrt ;,eriW not. We voted as we thought best, the following testimonial? as followa: and now we have one of the best N. A; ISpenoerrSrn 323 So. Wil- T.Varf" WaM systems inthe state andialready on. mington StT, Kaleigh, N. C. Says: that; brick atora houaa ana iot in the town of Franklintoa. N. C. and situ- 7 . j-r -iuuj unmoicr uau m iu a ted on the comer of Mason and Front -erty has been sajed from hre by the f0r years and although I used various streets and running along Front street heroic and timely work of our voluiv, remedies, I was unable to obtain re- atralllwlndVo teer ure mpjiuy pa iui tuo wDfcnilei me Sidney secretions aeposit. une 10 ine corner of tie said bnek rsupp08e w.th ,ho doll fme. almoat ed a .ediment .and ;w. herwiae SIWCSiSSSi half f our town on this side of the disordered but -the most annoying corner in D. T. WanU line; thenee at driver had been bnrned; the .oa; mill symLtoms of my trouble were dull, S0!!?',61 i a&& 3B 9 4.40 p- a. r & 1U It L w Lr nl m L ca A m At tm At m Af Ar .. i gtt tlkWr . MmiuM Ar Af fJ . At XI Ar IU At tl U L ua tv U-Tl i t WE ARE' MAKING A STlfi SBUilNG 1000 YARDS OF 10-i:. "Is OtMrCaTWt a4 Throve itwc nd no teUmg what lse .might havelnag angles and along Ward Round Trip Summer TonriTTcXtlS lAuu utkuc ins ii un iia iih iui a hi rvw t m m - been burned on the south side of the throuffb: mV bod whenever! atooued a? .7 l5el" l,n.e to .M VD a j . j , V . . . t w8" l angiea ana along aiasoa nver. Suppose we had not bad. the or lifted. Iarninc? of Doaa's Kid street U the beirinmo. ina u h.t .: - . . . - . i . .... -r . , : : . LAWNS at tfill be on Sale fliy lSth mail . - .. o t h.. 7 wu, i . d .tw ssawssjs rr;r nPr 5 cents per yard c hi been just about wiped out, r and if we using them a short timer I passed now occupied by him aa a store. othe undenlcrml : I III vlJi10 X Ijil lVialJ li barf aH it mv M urnh SOth. 1 905. wa . O. SPROILL. " i.t . - SurriTine Morteaxrca would nave eavea o,uvu tnat went time on I steadily improved, vuntil HENRY T. POWELL.;AttT. orthe nndertlfftml up in smoke and ashes. Let u-all I my trouble was a thing of the "past. Henderson X. C tLTcma. DP A o? a tl frttara TP4 uio&o up uux iMiiiuo uiat. wo vf xi uii, x nave since recommenoea : ioan'8 lrsrrrrrsr-ss. yLrrA nbtiablhe town and that etwmj VOwwwwwww wwv If we NriU4othWwe will get along V; Formate bv all. dealers. Price' 50 y a-:great deal better. Let all who Cents:i Foster-Milburn C.. Buffalo V owe iue iuwu au7uiiuK mac New York, sole agents for thj ! possible effort to pay it,and ,tnosef United States who haven't taken water and lignts -Reraember "ihe name-Doan', io so as soon as uey cau. .abu j. an(j fee no other. believe if we do this and look for the edverlminga to the .clouds that so j Chamberlain's , Colit, , Ckalcra tnd - themselves that they, will: find : that things are not so bad "as we try , to ' -y make ipfiH7' i Think' ot the advantages we have i.V,y:'(r j1 h f One of the best systems of 'water and ' ' 1 iK a' . nmrrli&VA ' ; Jin jo TAnn1 K4na w . - " . ' . . . m. . "-".. 1 ' i nnnlr nt tha . ratar tnrmanan na n hot equalled"by bufone place Jn the . 1 . t' State;. - We have one of the 'best fire ' - "w 1 . 'Companies m tne atate, composed j 01 "Your best citizens and are" fidt 1 paid schools, for both white and colored, vIt affords me pleasure to state that f VV I consider Jthe -preparatioii ; known as V I Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- C ) : "y rhoea Remedy the best - and surest ' of good results of any. I have eyer used in " that is not surpassed jm, the state. ( )-V f . v Its cures-are so prompt" and effectual V J ;Vt that people' take pleasure ; in recom- f v;? my family," says E. Herrington, of j Mount AeiiaVKLy This is the nniver- ool-wornict rT nil Whrk nan . Vm ) - 0. C:-:-; '; - - - n m ' v s r . V,".-.-' 1 ,. ,...:"-.:".'"- o; ()! () your raonrr r now. jjq1' . C ) .wait until -von rxt jnorv. v) ' lftn will ri lafrirl tr r tpeaaw!iaX yon title while f waiucjf. mo accf.ru rmau as veil as 'Urpoilla. a-WHt yoa Wlbecoaxo a lerK;torfcana(o Jcr yon a! tne lacwuci a man .01 ) ( ( ( ( ,maoy ttnuiof yout fcocaai . enjoya. . Koiiceftdf Jopert j Owners fThe Coaid f Clommissioners ior ( y . 1 W lalrniors and I.Tctchants Ban!;' .- LOUISOURQ. . tl. C. ( ( ( ( ( ( m&i .CAPITAL A11D SURPLUS OJVER ?S40-000 to make same will appear .on that day. 'vv?? niil vv Or.M.VV ' V u- itr u " 1 r By order of the Boatd. ' - i C r u BAILu. Preilaeat . T 7 WATSOH, Cutitsr. . () ;$A$..t T.'S..COIJLIEt''Chalnnan fc- ( -"r ''r- . - V-.j ...,,.-; . v.- -,J ( WMOONE, ClerkT-: ; t WV i ( And a lot of birtfai:, m kit ircod.4 lirr trit: tag, lo-.tTit l.t-, ,f lt;ry. tita id Ur in a trj4j- .1 u NEW GOODS NEW GOO OS Lad it and Gata Flora. t.ttr iill a4 .i. rrri rxxJt la all U t faJ Blwdiin, Shirting, Giahiins, India L:r:.' Fold and 40 Inch, At 8,- 10,. 12 and 1 1 Ther wtta all bonftht btlari si rtvj,t tx I oow aad bay fa. tla p iot a pcig to t. C C f F. Tv'. - - R. Z'. Eaerton Louisburg, N- C ) 1 t , goodhurches, good people, a good v i-k Li Uk Li. L. ix i ii U t a I till I Hi A