z ' - .11' - - ' 1 " ' 1 1 ' ' '. ' " 1 1 1,1 1 ' 1 " " 1 - 1 . . MES A. THOMAS, EDITOR -THE. COTJIiTT, THE STATE, THE TOIOH. : . - r SUBSCEIPTIOKUOO FEE TfUH VOL. XXXIX ' - ,. ,.. ' " T ." - ' "-. 1 r 1 1 . '.1 ' . . - - ." 1 1 "" HELP PAY FOR ROADS. lUtomoblle Drivers Must Come Across With meir snare. ? There w uo use 1MUs "v""' make ' automobile come across bum i4p ,iui IriverH 5 the roaas who readily turned the property over 10 me owner. - -v :peraonl. - : Mr:R a Bi8Aett Tislted Chairman Hutchison,1 of fcharlotte, who has had charge of the Loa(i building in Mecklenburg, Lands a "note of alarm.-; He - sas L has no objection to the auto, but (that he has been inrestigatrag from L,.oi nhHervation, jtnd "that these iij rabber-tired machines . simply I lav ""mash with a macadam road. frt) fast speed and larger tires is Lhat does it, says Mr. Hutchison, and to back up his assertion Je .quotes ly Leveral articles worn ine.iingineer WHecordof New York, an ac knowledged authority on such things. Ibe man who drives his machine ilotig at eight or ten miles an hour, doert no harm; it is the chap Who Cies that plays thunder. The fast peed creates a suotiou that draws lie " "j blimraerinj;. ouz mr. nuiuaison a tnot alone in iuiii uiaiiu ui uijuy 'the roads; a great many other men iave talked it and are still at it, all of which is preliminary to placing a road tax on every automoDue in tne country. Hold tight to your leg, ia 'oine to be pulled. Death of .Mrs, W R. Clifton. ; There was general sorrow - on the 1 londay, July 5th. part of those who heard it when Dunns W Williams J. H. oecame known, on y Wednesday- at-1 Balentine, J. B. PrWett. ternoon, that; Mrs.: Clifton, ; wife of School Comixiltte The following is a list; of the Mr:?R. O. BisAett visited Oxford School CommitteeV appointee! jrj the Taesayi r I uoara 01 Jixincation at its meeting on Mia OvU Alford 1. viiitin rl.. thres iri ash county. Dr. WJ R. Clifton, had succomed : to a prolonged illness and was no morev The end came to her at 1:40 o'clock p. t m on the 1 d ay named at . the stately and beautiful old Southern Harris J. B. King, JUL Cliftotf, D. E. Harris. ; ''" V 'YoungsvilTe C. O. Winston, T. S, Gill, JenadBs C. Winston. . K 1 FrankbntonB. W. Ballard, JkO. homeof thefarady, on North Third jGren, J. H. Cooke. street, where she had dwelt so many Hayeavflle R. S. Foster," R. G. years. '-"; : ' r - - Winn, K. MClark. . The passing of Mrs. Clifton elicited ' Sandy Creek A. T. Wilson, J. J. many evidences - and expressions.' of Cooper, E. N, Williams. sorrow and esteem. It was general-1 Gold Mine J . R. Whelesa. Joe. wn that she was in feeble I Brewer, D. B..Pearce. health and that there was great solic- Cedar Rock John Earl, Jos. T. itude as to the outcome,; but as a inscoej w. W. Boone. rule the community did not realize Cypress Creek Ervin Wilder, mat tne ena mignt come any aay Mathew-Sykes, Charles Whelesa. and many of her old-time friends were shocked when they heard the announcement of death. Around the bedside of the final moment were hose who were near, est and dearest tq her . in , life, who Louisburg L. P." Hicks, C. P. Harris, W. H. Fargurson. it Reception Near Louisbupg. 1 County Commissioners The l$oard ot County Corarais- had exhausted every resource of skill sioners met on Monday in an ad and effort in her behalf, who had journed meeting and transacted the rendered every office 6f devoted following business: ove- ,; The tax lists of the various "tow n- The' funeral rites were celebrated J ships' were all received. at nan past nve o ciock, inursaay Contract was let to the Roanoke afternoon, July 1, at the home above Bridge' Company to build bridge at named and were largely attended by perry's Mill for $2300. The center friends and acquaintances.- The flo- span of this bridge, which is 100 feet, The party of young laaies pemg ral orlenngs were -numerous and will be built of iron, and the bridge t'otertainea Dy Mr. ana airs. tt . j Deauuiui, ioe casjraoeing covereaiwui De raisea aoout niten teet ustice at their beautnui nome -vcim I witn tne toJKens i love ana esteem. aDov tne 01a one, wnicn win prac- rove" near Louisburg, weregxven 3Vrs. Oiftorir hdtljeen a lifelong tically do awayi. with the " hills on delightful reception Monday even- member of the1 M E. church, South, both sides. g, July the fifth this being were heard and of a happy ton daVsfcp adjusted and the Board adjourned to loantry aElm Grove" is ' an I B. -Andrews pastors ; respectively of I nAIt recrnlar mant-inc tne JTittn street ana Austin avenue u MafhrwIiAt. p.hnrp.hps. Barbecue at Four Bridges Were thrown wide, to receive the cemetery, where the hnar religious . Mr. ana airs. m. r. uouck gave a bany guests who had called during ceremonies were bnet and simple. very nice ana enjoyaoie oaroecue at Eli2abeth and Hoe, are TWitinc her he week Mrs. Clifton had resided in Waco Four Bridges to quite a number of L. n-Mr Danville. Va.. thw week Mrs. J. J. Person returned Satur elose of a happy ton davs spent he country- ileal place for a "House party" and he climax was reached Monday vening when its hospitable doors . MUs Annie Pecram is voting reV atiree in Portsmouth, Va "j ..CWetion Egerton led Tuesday for YusdD; i visit his brothers. Mi&rNetsie Parish, of Durham. U TMitincr relatives m town Mr.- SM.Washington is vlaitiog his people in Granville con my. Mrs.'W. W. Jenkins, of Weldoo, is visitipg Mrs. B. F. Carpenter- Mrs.tr.M. Person is visiting Mrs. P. H. Mangum at Wake Forest. Mr.Q. W. Newell, of ManlevUle, is visiting her son, Dr. H. A. New-ell. Mr. and Mrs. R D. Little, of IU1 eigh, are visiting Mrs. J. S. Lancas Miss Maitie Hester, is vuiiing Mus Sibyl Gates, at Manteo, this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hicks returned Tuesday from a visit to his people at Wise. Miss Biah Person is viaiUns her sister, Mrs. W. J. Nicholson, at Ply mouth. M'eses Eleanor and Camilla Yar- borough are visiting their grtd- mother at Stovall. Mrs. J. C. Conway returned home one day this week from a visit to her sister at Durham! Misses Onnie and Beulab Tucker left Saturday for a visit to rlativts at Oxford:and Kittrell. Mr; Mi:K. Pletwants and wife, of Hickory, spent several days the 'past week with his people here. Prof. Caswell Ellis and wife, of the University of Texas, at Austin, are visiting his parents here. Mrs. W. U. Furgnrson and little Prof. E. L. Best aad sitter Mkt Mary Best returned the past wek from Chapel Hill, where they at- tended the Saamir School at the University. Mrs.' Carolina Hayes and Mist Ia- bella Wortbam, of Chae Qty, Yl, and Mtas Mry Green, of Fraakiio- ton, are visiting at the home of Sfr. John W. King. fay, Loulsborsr Boys To Camp. The Loaiaborg Military Company will leave bene Sunday nibt at l(h- 45 o'clock for Camp Glenn, at M ore- head City, where they will atteod uieir regular - annual encamproenL From what w can learn this will be a very nioe trip for the bora and all who can poAsioly do so should go. Capt C. H. Banks requests us to state that all members are ordered to meet at their armory ta Louisburg for drill on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. And aUo that they are ordered to be in their armory not later than 8 o'clock on Sunday night July 18th prepared to go on this en campment. An Enjoyable Evening, On the evening of July the ninth, the home of Mr. and Mr. 1). C. Thxrrmgten waa the cane of a most eojoyabis entertainment. The yoang people of the vicinity of Hickory Hock were eaPArtained in honor of Mtu Sallie Wood, of Naih County, and Miaa Annie Wilder, f Kranklinton. At eight thirty o clock the rt gueeta arrived, and aoon the hall. parlor, and porch rang with peals of merry Laoghur. : The hall end parlor were tkiti- ly decorated in Japan Hlite arvi Star Jeeearaine. The bright lights mud pretty decoralioaa helped to Ml forth the boutv of the charming young ladiea, all 01 wrtom wre dreeaed in white. "Procrmiiv Mr. and Mrs. Justice and Miss nearly four decades. ihe was a na- mends on luesaay m nonor ot tneir 1 - - 1 1 All . TT Bailie V. Harris greeted the guests tive of Alabama, a daughter of Col. guests, musses Aioerta ana v irginia nthe hall, while Misses . Briggs, A. G.. Henry and wife, of Gunters- Kern and Mrs. E. K. McMillan, of Futrell, and Timberlake received in ville, Alabama. She is survived by Winston-Sal em. I he "cue" was the parlor! ' her husband, Dr. Wm. R. Clifton; fine and well prepared. The party The lawn with its rows of stately a son, Albert Clifton, and a sister, engaged m fishing with hook and ms was illuminated by Japanese Mrs. J. U. Ueli, all OI YVaCO. "no w paoo iue uuir away aiiu re- ' lanterns the whole effect beins ex- In lite, as a wife and a mother, as port a very nice catch. It is was in- Ireasire of s nmmer'g happiness and a friend and neighbor, as a church tended that they would have a oy. ' woman and member of society her big seining frol 10, but on account ot Refreghments were served by Mrs. devotion and fidelity to every duty! a Btorm rising this had to be aban- astioa and Urs I P TimhArlata. I wata mark fid and her influence was 1 dOned. Mter which the guests departed with all good wishes for the host and hos- e88 and hoping they will entertain he same party next summer. Miss Ella Harris was the first of he party to go leaving for Ashe- ille Sunday. Miss Emily-S. Briggi left Tuesday for Winston-Salem, of truly beneficiant character. These are the lives that make the lives of those around them better worth the living. Waco, Texas Tribune Dr. W. R. Clifton wasa former Franklin countv bov, and a brother Farmers Institute The Farmers Institute will meet in Louisburg on Wednesday, July 21st, and we are informed that they will have two cars. One car will contain implements for the day from a visit to her daughter. Mrs. P. H. Mangum, at Wake For est Messrs. S. B. Nash and family, and L. J. Pern ell and wite left Tuesday to spend a week at Ocean View. Mr. Lewis E. Sooggiu and brid arrived in tewn on the Shoofly Sat urday evening after an extended bridal tour. Misses Alberta and Virginia Kern and Mrs. E. K. McMillan, of Wm ston-Salem, are viaitirc at Mr. M. F. Houck's. Mr. G. L. W. Pegram, wife and Hlnei-HouM - A cost beactifal hots wtdiieg was Cut ef Mks Sarah CkabttU popular add ehamlag datgbur of Mr. and Mrs. XL A. Hom, of Frrak- tin, and Mr. Walur Le Uor, For Oaks, N. C. which occcrvd at the hoes of th bode WdnWi Jur 50th, 1P09. The parlor waa bra utifIly Jo raled.witb fiovers add fm. The briie and groxa eotrted ibe pari or jual as the un was riakiog oot cf ighL The oaraaony was bapreie ptrtortaed I7 Rtv. G. M. Duke of the Baptirt Charch. Mias Chr WbtlMa.pt Caalalxa, N. C, locchingly rtadtrrd the wJ. dbg march. The attendants rrt J. D. Hinea; ot Locubarg, with MiaaUmla HotMw Zoilie WU.'Mia, of Caatalia, with UUm Blooni Wbltc; Jartr GHa wiib Mwt WoilMf, cf KkreU; Hubart Moor wiib Mbi Ftia Wnelcaa. Mint Gav HI&m, ait tar of the bnd, vu tnaad of honor, Mr. Arthur Ilou, brothtr of groom, waa btt can. Immediately aftar tb tori rr plighted for life the briJaj party tth a number of invited frieodt mairtl a U the hospitable home of Mr. add Mrs. P. T. Syk, where a lavith and bountifal reotptior u pin them. The groota m the wn of Mr. i Mra V. K. Ho-at. IU U an tnul ligent and ooc(al coachuiwe of Four Oak, N. C and a vtrr worth v rain. The happr cospl wCl make their fnicre hcoe at For Oak, JohtiAoo County. May tbtr lna and pathway ever he i!re n wrtb fiowets of TerYrtal Moosa, thai taty bring tfcem abarvlini feioly aJid loTe X to the late Dr. J. B. Clifton, and has L.. men Cn the farm, and the other Carroll, returned home Tuesday lisaes Sallie V. Harris and Marv manv friends and relatives in this c.a -f- . from a visit to Richmond. left for their home in CQunty who will learn of his hereave-1 commojate ne ia(fie8 meeting with Mrs. Bettie Ballard, ot Greem. sufficient room for demonstrating, horo, and Mrs. Bettie Blacknall and A Pleasant Occasion. Laat Wednelay afurrcn frcaa 3 ontU 6 o'dck a! in aliW Ic.s:m oonveraation" waji the amoaement of j Macon eoUrtamed ht iro& at the evening. Tne game proved lot ber home tar Iogi34e in hcoc-r ot her fo-urteatb btribdav. Thce who eo)otTKl ber Lor;4tal:iy were MWe Saithwick, llatM, Ma4 owa, Geoevieve Maooa, cf Lot i burg, Fradewe Mitchell, of Oxford, Hod scie illiatat ao4 Mary Kvr too, of Laurel, May W2a, c-f Kesr ney, XUeie Iee Alatoo, Marjaret AUtoo, F of tar aal Caroline Mac-xv, of Kfara, Sallte Mava ari Klttabetb Wtlaoa, cf Incleaile. Meira. Joae I!rrvo, c4 LasreJ, Than ton ar,d Willie WT-fcco. of Kearaey, Bat BoctherUnd, cf Ha dtraon, Jamt Tvcker, oi Ict burj, Jo IWti Beajhley, Kraeet Pot ior, Eo?ae ari Alexaxidef ox iccia. i&e jsrrwou were both pretty aad auractive and were be very entertaining and amusing. It was agreed that MLm Iei4e Wilder bad converged wiih the greatest number of gentlemen; while Mr. Norman Neai succeeded ia ha v. ing a converation with the greateei number of ladiee. At ten thirty o'clock Mm. L. K Suthall led the way to the dinning room. Mrs. Joo. Hedgepwth had preceded the truetu there, and her artUtio taate and akill had maUrial ized into a scene of great beaulv. The long taUe, extending the length of the room, was the caott conapicious article of furutiare there. In its covering of anowy linen, aparkling glass and ailver waie, It seemed to aflently invite the urta Vniberlake jToungaville Jrell ftft. fr.r ille and Miss Katherine Fu- ment with much regret and' sympa- eli left for her home in Scotland thy. ck, Thursday.. Revival Meetings. - - Evangelist C. N. Riggan, "ii Found Watch. Evangelist U. JN. "iggan, oi Mr. W. D. Morrta, of FrankUnton, aW0. VwiU 0n ame over yesterday to recover a " Ntchhehad lost on Thursday of u T T r- ulu a B!"CD "A t week. From what we can learn l? tne Academy at Woods store. t seems as if ho I off tha vrntnh in bin nn tl , and brina thea unsaved , triendfli wu luursaay morning 01 last 1 eek .nd during a period of a few " J " wwm Pours before his sister Every farmer should make it con- son, Charles, otJvutrell, are viamng venient tobe at this meeting and Mr. Frank Baliard, near town, alsq bring along his wife anddaugh- Misses Loesie and Elisabeth Cooke, ten. TEV instructions given both who have been at the Method Lit along industrial" '? lines will be Orpbange at Raleigh, are visiting worth many times the amount of j their father, Mr. D. F. Cooke. time you. will lose from your work at to partake of the good things that it S&lT spftaaiel. Attrf ecmrag bore. Golden pers neeUinj? araooff Btmc ouWdocr-caaes rtfmh- wreaths of jejaamioe formed the ca- rat3lJ WiT 00 hy &tr unA rhamM mmrm I "hen the boJ for detortrt caae arranred Uoeath larce boquets of lirJ Uh &&K went into the of J. T. arthe Franklin oom to straighten it up the watch t w - as takn k. , Hid wara Harris, son nown, but circumstances pointed sol Florence E. Harris, died v;uT l0 a colored cirl workine uum ui fU. Pu .u 1fcre that an attempt to " mate her county, near JoungsviUJune 18th, pe it up was made, but no . arrest 190y m 6th ear 01 . Se: a " u inpDosed thRt. hA hficama He came home; last mmer, peing cared and got rid of it " In tho Unable to continue his twprk inx:ih0 f ean time Mr. Morris sent' 'out the Goyernrnent canal ydredgmg seryice pmpuonto several jewelers ..and lJ pn5er U,BS ;ug" t" h Wednft-riow a K. ""vl nrei m vafloua"ladtude9 f on different r-as brouiyht t w -rt t? if,iiA. narts ot tne Atlantic coast, Drougai jeweler here, for renarrs: where- UVa'vserioii8Uung ;lTOuM fPon the owner was informed. f caused hjs death.y.'He jraB':. steady 4i home. i Tocomoke Items Thefreau'en'i rains have caused i Messrs. W. D. Jackson and E. B. Hart and Misses Mary Belle Macon and Sarah Jones, made an "extend ed" tour to Franklinton this week. . Hon. T. W. Biokett arrived home much grass in this section,; and the Tuesday from .a visit to" A U antic farmers have been despondent, but Chy. He reporta a fine trip and the the old saying, uthere is a silver health of tra. Bickett much improv linihg io:eyery .cloud,w Jias proven ed.. ' true. ; ..The weather has cleared up, Ir ,y. D. Harrington, who has the crops -are being cleaned and n al wori: n this county (or some every one teems to be in good spir- prganixing the Farmers Union, j a v , ief( Saturday for his home at Ml ;.to:TS'Bay -jand.r wife,-(nee Pleasants .- V - Miss Cornnna Jones,) are visiting, at r Mr. Gl W. 'Ford andv wife' and Pocomokev Mr. Morri. I industrious young man - and - his end 14 found the watch ' on th " dnnt 1 loved ones to " the same , Heavenly t FrankUnton while waiting tatiierwhoni he wa willihgto trust; her to take the train for Louiaburt?: ? ' J D. B. P r grandson; J George r Ford, Jr and -":Miaa' iLouise WiihamsV-who liaa Mr. Fa Hi Allen and family returned been visitinc hersiater in Tennessee, I Tuesdav from ; a week ; visit to has returned home.; -T -I ' Ocean Viewi- VO f - " ' : "v Mr. Icfl. iHolmes , liss ;Ethel Mr. A. W. Perry,,- Jr, - who now Holmes and - Harold oHolniea J weni baa a pbaition atlJerwyn, Oklahoraav on the 1 excursion toKalt igh ';, last b at.hqme ;on . visiL ; ; lit say v, it week,- They "reMrt aVleaiant xtrip. U a very pretty country; but not ububx v I like "nome." ... Hydrangea and liliet. In a pleasing manner cieam, cake, pkkle, and fruits, were served bv medamee Ball, Tharrington and Hedgepeth. At the bewitching hour ef tall. night, the party came to a doe. Many' were the words of probe the farewells were said. The young people had spent a taoet delightful evening. The writer noticed the following among thoee present. Mlaaee Sal lie Wood. Annie Wilder. Irene Sledge, Minnie and Albe Hicks, Lula Uedceneth, Luct. JtstU and Lesale Wilder, Louise taaav days. aare 5alJe pieuxat birth. Slmmona Hot Concern td. Senator Siamoae we do dm be lieve has lost grottad by hit vole against free lumber. He Las ta criticUed and has re pood d to Lis crixioa moel beoocaiagly. Hit rpech in the diaooaaioa over free laabtr waa a ttroag fcwaeaurioa cf thjt qoe4too as aeta by bha. Ia a few word, Seaaior Ebuaoos Is cppof4 to tret Jura ber wtta thoae artides . ImaIu.I H. W. s-,j.t Urn. - - - Eltxa Insooe, Mocara, rioman, and ' Robt, Veal, Hlcka, W. E. "'ZC Til Sledge," Johnnie Cottrell, Lucas id 1 T,TV J !t f 7. ' . . 7 n, . sell bftag oq the Crwe I in. la a Johnnit Ptrdot,; honnxn Tuckxr,! . . . , , Arthur JonKoman n-dgspsth, f .V . vT 7J r- tr.i.. r.thtpoai5oht tatk. la Ilia caUcr :- Pwo f . , I Mr. Simsaa rrtrrsd tha his tcAm wis net ax rariaaoe wuh th Dsarcr plaifortaw Ooaaml Trrtnt - 8ttbtcribt to the Fa-imxTtxi, ScUcnbt to the aVitmur Trwax. ct dollar per year, strictly cash la J one doUar per yrxr, tV.: Jy ctxh la adraac.-, 1 ad razee. ' ' Thomas Nelca,' A.W. v . K