, f- - . ' t ' , ' - , . t - 14S ' i T ' WEDNESDAY, JULY -tQOO. ' - " x.,, i 1; - - . , . 1. 1 i . ry" i H i I m n , j'- " I 4- Use printer's infc. ; It?, pays, big dividends. . Nor ward Euller. andrMiss Pattie Bain4 Best Sunday -'-Jz:u-t. jic-cQoiapany F. Franklin Guards UlJeave,,ftnndyiWofe bead on their annual encaihpnrent, s , binc5B tne wrecfc tne ouisDurg tram ha had two very nice cars for the accommodation of its passen-f v lt would Je a.pretty good thing for Franklinton if the. Street' Com mittee-could .raajce as goou a. report as the Sanitary Committe. vr . : rrThe work on the pass track siding is almost - completed.: -This track iwill add much to the yard for shifting and passing of trams. The good roads'5 movement is progressing pretty well and 4 bef or, very long the people 5 in this town ship will be glad "they have ' them' We were informed that the Sanitary Committee made a round of investigation on Monday evening and they report everything in. pretty good shpe, ' ' The . Citizens Bank "has just installed a BurrougV adding ma chine and is in position to. nndle the business of the public with more accuracy and haste. Let every citizen of Franklinton try to remember the local happenings and make a note of same for our re porter on Tuesdays, and then see to it that he gets them. The Junior Order will hold their regular meeting on Friday night, July 16th, instead of on Mon day night, on account of so many of its members - going off on encamp ment. Mr. B. W. Ballard informs us that he has about completed the large steel tower and water tank that he is putting up at the real of his residence on Main street and has installed a gasoline engine to do the pumping. Personal. Carter Cooper went to Louisburg yesterday. Miss Mabel Cooke, of Youngsvilie, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. E. W. Morris left yesterday to visit his brother in Durham. Miss Lena Williams, of Richmond, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Mitchell. Miss Margie Speed is visiting friend8 :and relatives in Henderson. " - kessrs. C. F. 1 Best and J. R. Cooke went to Louisburg' last night. Kev. J. Rt Mitchiner and family are visiting their people near town. Mrs. O. S. Smith, of Weldon. vis ited Mrs R. A, Speed the past week. Mr. K. G.-Winstead : is spending some time with his people in WiUon. Mr, Ri5 W. Morris of 4Augusta, iy a.,' spent Sunday with - his people - v here. - - ? ; --. .. : ... Miss SueRoysteri, of ToWnsVille, is visiting ; her cbusfri,: Miss i : Sue itiss M'ittie Xnl a' Pattard,' of "lies ter; is visiting her uncle, Maj. B. . 'F. Bullock'. " ' . Mr. Menter Burns, of Chatham County visited Mrs. R. A. Speed the past week. Mr. L. H. Cutler. Jr., of New- berne, is-visiting his, sister Hw. A. R. "Winston. ( . :; , ...... . . , Miss Pattie1 " Fuller; ; of ' Rocky Mount,' is visiting her people hi ': : and near Franklinton. ' " - - 'Miss' Ruby Wmstbn, of :: Youhgs : ville; 'is visiting friends and " relatives in and near townV' jeu J Mr. and Mrs. C'. H. Pratt and l'lit tie son, of Athens, Ga.3 :' aret ' 'visiting her father,' Mr. G. Jk Ward' v. ." ' , iss. tyrlWk,' iW)iq,..has .beenvisiting berswterv31rs. - Jiam.Roberson, at Ejnporia,'iY., re t ' turned home Monday. - s iiams, rl& ILiKearneV, Ai:Hp Vann! - sand E. ST,: Cheatham r-lefra-vesterdav moirmng iorzVViIaoii &bytr -automobile v, LouUbur train Wrecked. Qlpon leaving nere? ori -Friday v afi ternpoiRon its s 3f o'clock trip tbp Louisburg tram - was ; wrecked at thes witch.-where -; f the v: -train leaves the main track for' Louisburg. The -wreck was caused y by. a negro boy, named Henry P. Dentj : closing the switch while only half 'of the passenger car had crossed,' causing the truck i at the front1 end ' to run over on theT Lotiisburg1 track 1 and the nock on the rear end to' go on up the skiing tintil they"" got at " such, a distance that it caused'" resistance which1 threw the baggage,. orv accom modation car; off, toone . "fiide-turn-: ing it over. i-In rthis car -was several pieces.of baggage: and several "pas sengers. Among those whor receiv ed injuries-were-Div:S C. Ford and J. C," Conway, baggage master, while their injuries ,were painful ,it is not thought the were serious. There was also two or three vcolored , pas sengers shaken up a little but not badly hurt. .., , . r ... We heard it stated that the boy was seen to turn ; the switch, too i. quick and was called-to by the" Con ductor and others but to no avail. The wrecking crew from Italeigh arrived on the spot about 4:30 o'clock and in a. tew hours of heroic work had the tram up and the track clear ed.;" The evening trip to and from Louisburg was annulled on account of the wreck. The Louisburg train arrived' in Louisburg that night about 10:30 o'clock, with a crowd of excursionists who had been held over in Franklinton for the wreck to be cleared. Dent was arrested in Louisburg Monday night, but we learn was turned loose. Value of the Newspaper. Schenectady, N. Y., June 7tb', '8. Editor-Appeal: Am contemplat ing moving South, and would like to get an idea of the state of affairs in your, locality, and consider the lead ing paper of a city as about the best means of getting such information, except a personal visit. J. H. Leahy. Commenting on the above the Roanoke (Ya.) Times says: The Petersburg Index-Appeal uses this letter as the subject of an editorial, in which the value of the newspaper to the community at large is forcibly presented.. And this letter bears out the con tention we have made, that the oat side world draws its estimate of any city or community by the size and quality of the newspaper, or newspa pers, published therein. The lead ing newspaper bf any city, is a true index of the public spirit of the com munity; and the' world knows full well that a community which Will riot support its newspapers is not a desirable one in which to live and engage in business. Our contempo rary puts up this sensible argument: "There has been much talk of a biggei and "better newspaper in this city," and - proposals to raise large sums to be invested in a corporation for that purpose. Now, that fs aH very well as a starter But the way to make a bigger and better newspa per and maintain if is for every mer chant and business man in the city to advertise in'it and subscribe for it, and,' if judgment based on thirty-six year's experience is worth anything, there is no tiettet way to do the trick except by reckless ''expenditure and eventual work and ruin." Tle Index Appeal is ndt the newspaper which we should like to1 i make it,; but " ' to perfectly' frank,' v,it 1 is "a much better newspaper than the people of T" ' " I '" "' ' M ' i 1 1 ' Petersburg pay for.' ' : '"Kbw, if everbuiiness: in an who vrould be Vbenefited iby"adTerti8i'rfe wb'ttld sperid S5 cents a'day,. bV'eveni peal, this paper could be 'do improv. ed in size and aualit w to'b i' 'crd. it tdifthe Vitj VhereTer'it went j aid i the best advertisementr; f or-'he ; city thatthe mind q man- eqiud dey iwy? 3 Horse Power "Master -.Workman Gasoline Engine' and SteM Cbrdwood t L?T . fit' 1.11 - J. mr -.a ow Frame; : ougnuy useo o f montns.; y J ri . ' I lit " . ' - . - - ' - ' . ! ' . ' I - DOES YOUR WIFE I?:. mVE ':0 DARN Ys ; li: before, is due to A PLEASING INCIDENT. orrepondnt NV w-Obwrtf. To the Editor: At the recnt t ion of the N. O. Teachers1 Asem ' bly at Morehead City there whs one pleasing and hopeful incident tlut has not been noticd in the report of the meeting so far as I have seen that I desire to mention briefly. On Thursday morning the presid ing officer of the Assembly noticed in the audience thw chaiiman of the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School, James 1. Cooke, Esq., of Concord. Mr. Cook was invited to tell the teachers something of the work of the school and for thirty minutes he held their undivided, attention as ho vividlv placed before iLem the nurnlwr of pathetic incidents were recited show ing how in many cases mere boys far a slight offense had been sent in the past to spend months with hai- dened criminals in convict camp, ' i-ue i a little vl pin; thus shutting them off from all hope I A 0ti an ef,,l tnftej; m life, and turning them to thv wavi A bu,i lhe birlh u( U("jm of darker days among those ' for i Life m,ur of wlint?' whom there could be but little hoiw A tru?o lht2 a crown; i ne wors aireauy accompusnetf at the Jackson Training School was de scribed, the' plana for the fature out-' Pued, and altogether Chairman Cook made a profound impression upon the North Carolina teachers I'ard won their hearty sympathy or tne great work be is doing. At the conclusion of the address State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner spoke t briefl?ef pressing hi- great pleasure at' what had been done thus fir, and pledging his ,warm support for the futore. of the echool, and ask ing the same. from the laige audience It was a. very fortunate occasion for tho" Jackson Traininc School and I felt should' riot to eo "unnoticed !a the 'publio press. f-The wisdom of those who have v strugglejd r under many, ad verse conditions will be rich If demonsUated tn " many ' lives throutrh tbV comin'e years V turned in to-the paths of noble 'citxztfafbiptib the work nf this noble enttrprise,'; v, ' r . , W. T. Whits ett. - One pair of socks of the kind von aro now weai iiv? Do YOU know? SPOi does- Yoii can do away with durniiiir now b)' using the new hosiery for men, which will wear much longer than you have ever used The the marvelous TlAmIKter?L with vhich evervpairis equipped, them yet get a pair and test them. "THE STORE OF QUALITY" FRANKLINTON'S BIGGEST AND BEST STORE i " How-s Thi? Wr oCr ni hcrfxl doUr rr l !-. ftOT f of Catarrh thai -uut t rr r 4 bj HnU'a UUtfpb Cur- . J Chtvr A Co . ToJUJtv ' We. th und-fijt-.1 fct kuo y J. Cb t)y f th lal 1 'j itrt, abj bl tita pHxrtly honorbl is aJl hm trmtmeue tiot)M nod J5nai--jn)jr bl to rrrj oq I obMjratiorf a4 hy hi4 Brtn W al.ii nw KiOOaO k Morris. Wboat Dtmc&'. ToWo. ' HrU'b Cfttnrrh t'arv i ittrrr'. j K acting Jirrctly tjf-oo ih S;x-fcrJ .aJ tor3 arfaraa of tfc titb 1 otiml it In. Vric To cof j-tr txtt; $44 ht Tnk HaJlU Faatilj- lor c-tJf mMaa LlFc. (Iiallimore JSun.) Life is a lilt of labor. Life M a little of cni; Life i a-rc?t in tKty rsio i. A roJHj in the vlevf drtm. Life is a ftoiiitep utartin At firt at the foot of the hill, Till it vnd in the twilight m?vlow, A traveler wearv and utill. Life ia a litlle of UogUler, . ... A little grn crave in the valley. berea straagr hat Jid him down. Life is a ileep nnd a watng. A battle with swords thrut; A flute and a far-flung banner " A cros and a grain of doiiL " Life is tbe clobd'shd" the Hshtnin . The pillar and stnok snd flsrae ' If lore, with ilsSnfinite-le4in, Was ther when th barfdjt4il came,' -.- - . A book on rhsntnatUtni by Dt- Kboop of Racine, a tells om pUta truUo, and la a plain and practical mjr. cjet this booklet, and a trea trial trraunrr.t of Dr. Shoop's Ilhti2xstk Rmciy for some diihcartcwd iuflcrer in your vi 110117;'. Make atrstcful aod srrrrcia tive friend of some ens who Is duccar aged because of the fallonss of others to help him. tHelp ins to rsaksttiis test, and I'll ccrtainit hsln wy sUer Ing f riend. Tho Scoggin Drug Co; f - Y-,Kr- Franklinton, "C4' ; wearing strengt h If you haven't tried ummer lot of n f!!hir:-. !? ; Jaddrd. woJl 'avl m-h-.c. If-nt ftrfir iu tUck or I.... tll on ighi tfrtir : WE ARE CLOSING Our low c ji i iipp4rt at M u I i Louisburg, Kodak finishing for Amatuc Our pnc jk Jo . ivio :s tlr at.d our i t;t5,rjctllfij, WRITE FOR PRICES 5lC 3MaO Order cur txsJtr. S COBB, LOUISBURG THOMAS' CHILL PILLS i Hkrm tits qaal rorCLIH. Tbsr aotcnjy Corv CHlis i,t f-.u: and Tcot Up ycur Tor r . t- ; tU ;r it " :'' 4 t ''i i f ) t '-1 I u x ! f i : it I V L a X OUT 5i 1 3 i u . n Mid Sale' AARON DEITZ North Caroli:.: r at IVrteallts or t r

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