'X -,1 r -T -air -"mc ' . .-' THE HOWIE COLUMN. o - - - t . . - - o If, CIRCLE ', '.ft- . . Pleasant EwnirieppiBSH- Gmpedi?) Gated to the Home 4 3B ol f mil '"I'll 111 I L-r7T X,J 1f CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM THE ;EDIT0RI4XPEN Revenge is tbe only debt which it is wrong to pay. . It is nice to be handsome but it is a good deal handsomer to be nice. "5? Man, like the fire,.is apt to tot ruenovofnen by going out at night, A step taken for mother is a pearl dropped into your future diadem i . . ve are When charity is thrown over our faults, and only'bur virtues are remembered. Would to God that the world would be so merciful while yet wq live"5 ; ! f: ' Strict attention to business, self culture, gnd an eye to the future, are the key notes to success in life, and it behooves every young man if . he wants" tcr get ' on to bear " this yi mind. - ; . .. . ; . . , "There is a kind of fondness that ruins children as surely as there . is a fondness that blesses them. There is sometimes more real sweetness in a geritle repressive rebuke than in the warmest praise, oftentimes more love in the rod than in a reward. We. help our children most when we help them to take an honest view of themselves, and this we can never do by tlhtiering their too easily flatter ed welf- conceit." sympathy for it, and it will grpw ? PP; without any kmi feeling . toward that parent. But on the other hand lei the child come to the parents for advice,1 and if kind !words are spoken the child will never ' '.forget it, and will always look . with respect on tht parent. If the? little child gets a burap'or a fall, or a cut or a skin ned finger; mother will say: "Come to your mother and let her pet you," and she will kiss- tbe bumped bead and wrap up the hurt finger, with , Hl & Ilia few kindord Tnhe child dead th Veik Qt j, wi .i s 4 . H i Knows you iovo 11, anu 11 win love vou and alwavs, .respect .-von, and One of the greatest mistakes made by young men at the present day is not looking to the future. So long as the present is pretty comfortable, they let the future take care of it self. He that observeth the wind shall not so w, and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." Though chilly winds prevail and dark clouds hang over the way acd unpropitious seems! the. weather, yet your, duty, our work is before U3, and we hesi tate to perform it until the. time Jnat we deem more suspicious, our labor then may go for naught, and ingrain we may strive for the harvest, but the yet." "SowAiit-the : morn ; thy seed? and blight the grain not yet matured and our reaping will be re grets for lost opportunities that we did notraspbecause thfy appeared to us premature, and we were led to cry "time enough yet.' "Sow in the mornrhylseedand it will i be ready for the bright sunshine soon to come and in the harvest great will be thy reward for' thy, labor .Will not. have been .in vain - when'years have ;pass6d and gone and thev have i rown ,-,to . .manhood and womanhood they will look bacW to their childhood days as the hap piest days of their lives. A word of comfort kindly spoken, Will many a moment cheer; h A word of scorn to a heart, that's ' ' broken, ' - - ; Will cause grief for many a year. Hard thought it be, to love those who hate you, it is harder still to hate those, who love vou. . HOME INFLUENCES. We may laugh at the manly, ways of our boys, and make merry over their attempts to copy our own ac tions, but when we reflect that, with the manners of childhood, thev have lost its innocence, our laughter will at once yield to bitter tears. The precocious dissipation and vice of our youth is a frequent theme of the preacher and moralist, and is one worthy of - all their efforts. There is. something more required, however, than the sermon and the lecture; this something more is the influence of home, and we, must contrive some means to . keep the children there that they may feel its full force. Is it that the strict foraality of our domestic manners is not sufficiently accomodating tp youthful -impulse? I . 1 . 1 X : M ;Yhat Jerfed Adlastmenl. Means g.lf;yoti'vover had Sio misfortune to own aheaply: cbnibiicfted sewing, machine,; -ybu!U know what it means to 'have parts , constantly breaking,.pr tlie machine.re fuse to run for some seemingly unac countable reason. " ' nper quality and the perfect adjustment c every Singer machine save you such ' v. : racing experiocices. Every Singer illus so light and castas to require prac ti, r.!ly no effort on your part to do the Lv-i-, iefi sewing. " ir.r.y women use a Singer who haven't clrcngth'enoiih 3 operate ordinary ma - chides. SinToriioes all the work, II,.. mttf v ( V 1 runr. noiselessly and "docs not easily get ; out of order. Y 3 Should repairs or new, parts, needles, etc., ever be needed tiiere's always a Singer store nearby to cave you annoying delays. 4;7 C) o () () o C) o o o o o o o v5 o 3 O (S p"5 esi 1 I c o n a J- 7 It Hc.vse uC lie. 1 iO io o ;o ;o jo lOSeOOCOOCOGGO c O0OOQGOOOOOOO CODCOOOOOOOO DAVID G. PEARCE LOUISBURG. N. C. COCCOCOOCOOO Sold r nty a t 6iQer Sewing Machine Company MAIN STREET. Notice llaving qualitieil as executrix of H. C. May, deceased, late of Franklin county, if. C, this is to notify all per sons having- claims against satel estate to present the same to me on or before the 25th of June, 1910 or this notice iviu oe pieaa m oar oi ineir recoven,-. All persons indebted to said'estate wil J jjict? uih.t5 immeuiaie paymeni to me i n.. w i i- t . unaersignecl. This June Uoth, 1 " h-v'i"i' MRS. C. A. .fctY. Kxtrx. ! flor.ftl oflen.nC" arrnnped in bent 913 ie i finort noiicr. rammrr ,o IO o O iO iO ,o o Headquarters For Everything CHOICES Cut Flowers ! ! Roaefi, carnations antl violet i North Carolina Franklin Countv I In Superior Court ( Aunust Term, l'.MH) Dollie Williams vs Notice of Publication Sam Williams ) m, The defendant, in the alxive entitll action, Sam Williams, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled cause, was issued aaaint him on the 0 day of July, UW. by the Clerk of Super ior Court, of -Franklin County, which summons is returnable lefore His Honor C. M. Cooke, Jade presiding at a court to be held for Franklin Countv on the 23rd da'- of August, 19CK). The defendant will further take notice that the complaint in said action, which is for divorce, has been filed in the oiiiet? of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county. "Let . the defemlant take notice that he is reauired to mnear and if' Is it that our youthis merely eduiauswer or demur to said complaint, or '.si ' . i, V H the telief demanded will be srranted. vaiw w, uo uijnuu vuuu ui o i o- i'i nis otn day of J uly, 1909, gard for home as lada in school, who are only taught to conjugate "1 love j g. an3 never feeL-it? Whaterer may be the canse, there is no doubt of the 'O 'o o o o o o llowerinp bulbs, bedding plant, ?Q rofto buehc&t nnd every thing in tlie J LO'QUINN & COjo PHONE 149 Q Raleigh, North Carolina, j q lr: ' a! ? Mc.t.f 1 A v t PHdN E 4-7 .My 1 1 t thf loit er H t . i(k o r JNO. W. KING LOUISBRG, N. C. Spring and Summer IV yi -mi WHYTDO THJS '-CHILVEKSr LOYE, YOVj Aswe loQk at some families wher the children. s$em to jnst worship their;)arents, and again 'we see ' othr ers where.ithe children seem to J. J. BAUROW. Clerk Superior Court B. MASSENBUKG, IMaintiffs Atfv. "THE Lt0 OP THE SKV TBES.VPHIRE C0UW thinkvmoreof everybody else than theVido of their ;parents,: and ; we pause and e5ClaimCrhy 'si Httt Tar-i entft:3o voii!ish for vnnr children r- -.-j-j w- . -.-i to lore and' reapqoyou? -If :youTd67 when your diild comes to you for advice be sure-to givj good advice; don;Jt say, "jb, go away, don't bother me, go ask 0iir mother," or some such! answeiil ; Or if they come ) to their mothers perhaps she says "go to ydur father, I am busy." Thej " t : childlwill 80Qn get atraid to ask ad vice ior feat 'of bei2rrbakeplD; it will be aptj to seek advice some where else. 1 li you take an intereit in your cuuuren men mey wiir taKe fact :that our' yoiing people areTin the habit of seeking elsewhere than un der the parental roof for means of gratifying their taste for pleasure. It would startleriiothers (fathers are too hardened by tbe .world to be so sensitive) if they could go into some of the'd ail haun ta etv0ur metropoU itan you'.h, and see with what prac ticed easetheir children, like a brood X)f young serpents, rafef gliding1 into the pathways of vice. One cause, of this is the change that has taken place around the do mestio hearth. 'The masteV of thq house Tarely diries at home,'audAhe. boys, as they grow up, find it pleas ant to . eet .tne.ir duiner somewhere else. For'tbeir home has no" "ehiov- ment, and . they pass as little time theres risiblerv - -r, jiiajKe every nome- wnere mere are feqys, cjieerf uj, comfortable and en joyable. ' KeHember the T good ex ample; , taught ;.ua by: the best . ; of books, let, us kill the "fatted calf" for the prodigals. Then they will not frequent billiard arid' drinking sa loons, bat will love1 and enjoy the .friendship of the tireside. . Sale of Valuable Real Estate "Under and by virtue" o a decree of the Superior Court of Franklin county, North Carolina, made in the special proceeding entitled S. L. Duke vs It. II. Duke et als the undersigned commis sioners will on Monday, .the -nd day of August, 1900, at about the hour of noon sell at public auction at Dickie's store at Epsom, near the Franklin and Vance county line, a certain tract or parcel of Ianosituated'partly .in Vrapklin county and partly in Vance county, said State, adjehninp the lands of Ueo. Avscue, H. F. Stainback, R. II. Duke and others, and containing eig)ity-ix itcre", more or-iess. Terms of .Sale: One fourth cash. balance on credit of six months tvith in terest from day. of sale at the rati of six er cent per annum, payable aruioallv. itle reserved unti' -purchase mice is pakl in full: Tliis June 2Sth, "oi). : ' T. " Kl PITTM-YN; V. H. YARBOROl'UHi Jr Commissioners North . Car. Mountains I o o lo io UNPARALLELED i Q And Particularly sa it This nmtSX a SOUTHERN RAILWAY OOCOOOOOOSSOQO OOQOnnnM. ' - w w w W COOCOOOOOOOOO OOOOCOGGOOOOO Big Lot of SCENERY Tobacco - Twine Bcantifcl-tt Any Stason 0PEB.ULS THROUGH TRA'NS 0 o IO O IO with Coaches and I'arlor Car. botirea ) O (toldnboro and Athevillc, N. C-. via f () Raleigh, Durham. treniKro and Sal isbury, on fallowing schrdule. Come to Set- ISeforo Uuyinp an interest you; c We have seen little child reji jwhUe running at play, or perhaps dr'tan errand for theit parents, getia & all .ancl bdrnp'a head or skm a Jiqger, , and when ; they would go toftheiT:pari)ts jorift.kmd worq oi comiori iney wouia saj: Well, next time look where you are along now aria hu8b.,, . Thai chila will certainly ' find l out sooner later that; its parents have . Any .lady;can. geta sivexedt'io-dxip.'i Racine, Vis. Send no money, simply ask for the No-dnpv; coupon nrivileee. Kiying youlnarnef-and ' axldresSi .: Dx, bhoopjwul-also eiid free his ;new and Very intereitinr little boWdescTibine ro at i.Ti ctcm tint LAND STALE t .o6 m TCirih V .&S a m Lv . , DurtAxn - , T2.30 p ra Lv Grir6 .. .50 p m Lv Soil v burr .&. p m !. StatMvUVn .4J p m Ar ,Nwton j.0T p m'Ar !!ckary v B p m Ar iJorvr. ;tm , p m Ar Mrn ?S.15 p m Ar A.'hrvilk Ar S Ar Ar J. Ar' Xl Ar 1.15 Ar IMS L 11 Ir lit! L Kl tn m n ra n m i in m ; tn rn ; m t O O O O O iO o O o Brantley Phone No. 100 ococcooooocoo G. Hicks, Louisfxirg, N. C. ooocococcoooo Other Convenient nd Th fw s h Cr A rr J t D SchoppV Health Goffee. - Health coffee is such a close imitation of real coffee, tht it reguiresWexpert to tell thei difference;-. Arid; neither there ,a graiiiof real coffee in lti Made from ure toasted grains, malt and nuts,- its flavor and . taste is exceedingly gratify-ngf'No'tediously'boilingw.eithex; ''made m -a-miriute'- says-Df.-Sh6oiC i w rite Toaay ior tne dook ; and 'No drip" coupon, , All grocers.1, Smiths'LithaWater fo6alej:vW VI Under andlry-'.yiTtue and authority of the power granted in w certain morttraire l ii toil. i r i. !i CAecuieu uu me ioiii uay ui Januarv, 1906. b.y . Dallas IV Ward anjVAvifK and duly recorded in tbe olrice;j the Register of Deeds of Franklin cdunty. N..C, in. book .-.142, .page 824, default having . been made in tlie paynent thereof, i I. oiler for sale at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for caUh, at the court'house door of said county, in Louisburg, the property convened in the said' mortgage and described ;bc low on Thursday; August 5th, 1909,1 jat H pclQckj a. m. The property descrihl as f6Hows: i s All of the interest of tho said - Dalian ij;;uajca:ana;wnerri7rsi nam n that bnck store house auu lot id the town, of anklinton, C., ami r situ ated the corner of Mason and; t'ront strejets and jrunning along Front! itreet liearlTvwest to T. J. Hights linej thence at right angles and along T. J. illights line to the corner of the saidt Trick building; thence at light angles; along Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets Will be on Sale May 15th . t . For information as to fares, jschedales, etc., call on any ajnt of this Company or the undersigned B I Ycrnia, ' J B Xui. SB EkBotts rPA DPA (,T,TA Charlotte. v4bvil!. . ZlaJeicb Kinfc. It ia highly recommended by all physicians. , Good "for. all; aches and said, bnck- bmkjine osi -Whittleias r cotner4n.D;X5 Vardi line- thence at right angles along Ward and Whitllelds " I ( I Wo The , Time To Deposit ! right angles along line,' to Ward and . W hitfielfls corner, thence at left angles ' and along Wanl an'dWhitfLelds :lin.cto.tMaron : street, th'eilfee'afiigt angles and along Mason street. to the, beginning, being, all that part of the brick store 4 house and lot owned by vthc-said-Dallas T. Ward and now occupied by bjaraa a sUrrt.'1" : - : S; O. 6PRUILL. Surriving Mortgagee NOT I C E! ' ' wish to giro notice to OUR CUSTOMERS That we ?ill not do any wore monthljr,. fTOTk after June 30th. Because' it sec ma to be so much iliHkaiisfaction to so'tne .of our old line of trade, but, will be glad, to eall, I,? ;i ,$." . -. .. i TICKETS AT ST.. for 12 shArca,;' and thej are : for cash. We rill gitc tho best grade of yotk.' ; Hair Cutting and ShAT ing tione'tobeat it, ' Shim poo and hair dreasirig to 'cocipclo urith tbe world.; ,.c V- . :c t.. , -. t ALSTON &TAEB0EO occccoocoocoo occcccocoocoo o o o o C) o o o o o o o o C) a o f J taaajr fenwii of t ot rrt r ThB Farmers and Merchants Bank APH'AL: A!l D i SUR PLUS 0 YER: : S40 000 Vil" BXIltr. PrtilitU ; "vV.Ti YT WATS OK; Citttf wwwwwwwww O O CCCCCCCOC OO o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 c o o o o o G O 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q G o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 G o o 0 o o 0 0 0 o o o o o G 0 ' w 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 v.- 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o o 0 0 no ""lwi r.ri Jm 4 Rbeumatisiri especiajly, J WlHENRY.T. POWEIX, Atty. .:: no love or? fcrng ;t(. v. (tf v; N C, . ' :; H r;Trx i;rc--.:v;7, s ,

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