WaKV t v.;:.;V 1 .a.- V;; --a:"-' -a "l-"" . a a ' ' - jT 7 V 9 ' ' " ' r - . ' v " - ' x , ; -- ' - . ' - - t - - 1 , J . - - ! ' - 1 1 " " " " ..... . , j AMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. :, -; , i; yU UVC;;J ; THE:C0UNT5T Tin: STATE, THE XIHiOir." ' v ; SUESCRIPTIOHI.OO PES TEAB VOL. XXXIX r:V,'LOUISBDRGt HC FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909. ' : - . : ; V A a - KUEEEH 23 . T-r- - OUR TOBACCO WARKETi 4 ..".-'.; ' V- , OPENING SALES V ANNOUNCED FOR AUGUST 12, -"190. . Usual Number of Warehouses with About the Same: Blanasre ment and Forced-Good Market to be Maintanedrf v a will be seen fronv advertise- merits elsewhere in. ;thi8 ; issue - the. j ouiuburg tobacco market .will . open Thursday August thiA is an event looked forward -0 each year I, v t lie people of Louisbuf g with 4 a great deal of pleasurej astit is the Min:1l to throw off the -hthargy of Hunimer aud get ready ,for good wholesome work. - ',, Tle personnel of the market ie the Bame as last year with possibly some few minor changes which will be announced later. Lbuisbmg.is .just- lv proud of her tobacco market. It is in the hands of a clever, and capa ble lot of gentlemen, not transients, but men who give all of their tiin to it. They talk and work tobacco fro a the first of January to the. last of December each year; They are property owners, community builders and one of the main . factors in' the business growth and prosperity of this town, and we bespeak" for. them :m.l the market this season the same .... -' - prosperity which characterizes .any business backed by honesty, capital and hard wrork. ThA Lnuisburcr market needs no ''blowing1' to the farmers who have sold tobacco here, and. we feel that we are more than safe in : saying;that not only these but all others who h7 try this market this season : will co away equally as well satisfied. The men who have charge are men who are always,readaiid williligStd make tilings move in ther line' of business and are progressive in all things. ' ",: - A v '-; PATRONS ri not perfectly fresh, and free i" "from iiupuriiies. jmeraiiK mat is eiTn the children rcannorbe. too 5 car ef ully treated- and - handled; When"!-the milk 19 delivered it raaybe perfectly I : good but it all. Wo. feequentlai- g , i.AU &ose who owe the TirnKfor iubscriptioD, ' & lowea to stand m "open vessels-nntjl Jj f :" T' ; i " -j r- . s 7 it is absolutely -poisonous Wore it is V? advertising or jobtwork,or ,wHo;ma)r owe the edi- $ giren to the baby. , A tt 1 J tor personally, j.will confer a very v great favor if P . Milk, should be'paateurizeandlM'-'IiI-'r v -V' ' "ii : v' .x : f3 w o;,;. : i tf - , they will pav the same, or a portion of it now. U place; It should never be kent Ion?- C It.isTe'jTOMly'needed.-and you know that erthan tmrty -six. hours 5 as after that K an "ffriftTid'-in "need. 5a a'frienil - indeed! thirty time its condition is notjjoofl. t ;i 1 be milk -can be" pasteurized by an v one. To ,? render ; it practically germ free it must be heated to ?a temperature of 160 '.7: degrees vThis temperature isreachedAwheh itne milk has,thusbeenl"treate4 ii should be put in, the air tiht bottles and al lowed to cool. The observation bl this precaution aviII materially reduce the dangers that threaten the baby.? Bluefield Leader. . ri Baseball. : On Friday morning a game "of baseball was played on the diamond here in Egerton's park between the Jjouisburg andjOswego teams.' The game was not close by any means and; the boys on both' sides enjoyed themselves by piling - up . runs. . The game resulted in a score, of .11 to 18 in favor of Louisburg. Saturday the Louisburg bail team went out to Epsom t and played a game with theT team bl; ,tlie latter mer Franklin county, man, but no w : living at Fpwler;;CalrV-'::- - ;V "I will tell von; how fruit : is dried here.V It is" gathered in the orchard and put in fifty 'pound boxes and carried to a shed, where ladies cut it up: w-Th'ey. pay from 7 to 10. cents per box for te cutting, according to the size of the fruit. It is then put on trays 26x84 inches and put bn a car the . car accommddating three stacks pf 25 trays each and is car-ried-tw a sulphur house where it is put on skidaind about as much sul phur, as you could take up on an or dinary shovel is put to burning. Th 'doors are then shut and the fruit is allowed to stay in there about six or eightjiburs, usually all night Then it, is taken out and the tray are spread on the grouna in 'the sun where it is allowed to remain about two jdays, and is then stacked . again game. --;V-A A" A: On Mondav the smair bovs went ' .. v 1 rnts over to-Kittrell and played a game "l:2iri are somewhat blue as fruitalikma haither not reached the fnr two daVR. After this th frnk ifl y n Ilia o rv V4-r1 &'r rtr r tvAif I . " rr,, - -i tfttv rt . dry enongh to-pack in boxes for the "mm-lcAf.. Anrinnta a.ift about dled ii.psom's tavor at the ena or the , , .... I . - Apricots are worth here from 7 toi There was hardW a crop in tnis section tuia Farmers Instltutei& The meeting ot the iriatitufe : 6 Wednesday was attenaea Dymre: than 225 people and was mstrtftstif and entertaining. Prof. Hutt, 8tate horticulturist was in "charge and be was assisted by Prof. Couover (A the U. S. Agricultural Depart ment, who spoke on matters pertain ing to dairying. Prof. Hudson, of the State Agricultural Department, spoke on corn growing. Mr. Petree of tftokes county, spoke on the ; cul ture of tobacco and Mr. Ke well, the demonstrating agent in "Warren county, spoke on the advantages the demonstration system arid it was the ODinion of thosfl nresent that it would be advisable for this county to take advantage "of " the offer . of Prof. Hudson to pay one half ibf the expense of that work -- provided the county would pay the otherhalf. A committee of Messrs. J.. O; Green,; T. Wilsou and H. D. Egerton waa aPpointed to bring the ..matter be f ore the Board of " County r Commis sioners. ' Alt? Jirg. Hutt and M?b. Scott conduc- ted the Woman's Institute and the hd'es wlio attended were profase in tneir praise of :the - work V done. Tuesa Institutes arehelpful m many a)s and the annual increasing i quince snows that the people ap Preciate them. The Traifis glad 10 ay that Prof. Hutt "reports , the "tendance here ther largest so far on 018 tnp. Thej spoke -at Franklin WQ on Tuesday. 7- The boys. report'-a' gaod time,; Jut -.'7. '.7- - r" ' A' - .i x e it . -.xC- V-.'. lost toe game oy a score, oi ,jl i ;toii "On Wednesday the ball - team , bf Henderson came over and1 was en tertained by the Louisburg team to -A m r 7' ' c " m i . tune oi o to a. ine game was a very' interesting one and was enjoyed by quite , a large number. -. The Henderson boys put up a" good game normal season. The medicine that cured extract of pig's kinder. him likely to have beta ' the fore-rttimr of the doctrine of no; medkiat Uua to hm Iwa th example of the practice of lew rnedicW - - V V V Of cour, it miy be Utr wot derful pouncy in a gTata of ootacaoa alt properly dtejolvwl in a unk ot du tilled wateran the kJcuoq ad romutrid in drop dot. At Uit there a plonty of tsUmony of boo eat winetM- who vooJd declare tht they know of tbelr own p no oil experience that each dotes do pro duce a powerful effect. There u 1 o plenty of teeUraouy from booel witnei who would tveir thit they nave been cured of the. taoet exUe- ordtaary affliction bj tomebodya THE r.lOYHIG PEOPLE." THEIR : KOVEHEKTS IH AHD . ' OUT OF TOWH. v Thepbysieian who adminisUred .Wabent treatment.n And the gen the medicine, and who perfected' it. was Dr. John Mohr, formerly iaper intendent of the Marine Hospital at Cleveland and now in private prac tice in this cjtv. It may Hot be complimentary to man to tell him that the Mood of a pig is more 1 early like bWown: ihtn any other animal. It is ul requeutly," showmjj perhaps a oouiinahip. Alio the pig is healthy. HU digestion U well-nigh perfect. The first pig kid ney extract was a nauseous doae, It was prepared ic the -following mu nerf s A fresh kidney waa "choppi fine, and allowed to remain-" in sttr- lized water for several hours. A quantity of salt was then added, and after it wag thoroughly dissolved the solution was drawn off and adminis tered to the patient. Thia medicine was soon Improved upon, but Bright' disease remained in the caUlogue of "Iucurablee." Dr. Mohr experimented with pig's kidney and scored a few successes. e crmi paDiio win Deiteve nnui some scientific explanation of the dtfltr ence U offered, that the two cue are identical This Minfiaittrirol dose school of practitioner roc, we believe, under the nime of Hahne- msnn Society; end it the inSoh imaln dosee poass a potency, then it roust be quo to some oytunocs compounding onlv known to the Hahnemann followers, and at pres ent unknown to physicists, chemists tnd phjsioiozisis. Hut until lb discovery is made, the popular jwdg ment will be that no medicine and in infinitesimal doee, amoort Co the same tbin. Hut it ,oes to show hal w ere becoming lea a nation of drog ustra, for when our teachers and medical practitioners ct into dispute over the amount of drugs to be cted, it discloses the fact in the minds of many that oar physical ailmenu really demand a leM quantity, while in othen mitvls there will l?de the They were not decisive, as the are. all. low. .Apricots have brought as high as 24-cents per pound, but as there is no great dissatisfaction when they get 10 eents for them. "We have the farmers un'on here, about as they have the cotton union out there. All recognize it as the proper thing, but are hard to get belief that we can cet along without id- J Hoanote (Ta.) Time. Thoso Who IUto YltliM leulu ' - burs the 'Put Week Thwt Who HaTe Gone Elsewhere for Bnilneti or Heasure. Mr. "Wnilara Eirrow wtt to Ilal eigh tteUrday. Mr. J. li. Allen Ufl Vend ay fctt for a short trip to Oca YUw9 Vsu Mr. A. W. Gmo, cf Lrulttca, ai. rived lo town Tc!ay ta visit Lit people. MUs Loa Itrown, cf VVamstn, is visiucg her Lmhtr, Mr. G. W. Brown. Mr. K. P. UC! tv&l fstsOy left Friday to tpeod socse tiae at Oosaa View, Va. Meters. G K. Cooke ar4 W. B. Cocke iiiud Vahrsjtx Oiy the past wk. Mrs, Ilcftr U. IJcrroichscf Hto. dersoa, is t biting Ltx tir, Mrs, J. L. Pal an. 11. T. Hoiden, dpi. 1. Jor&r. J. U. Prn, O. I- Ay oxA wat vo iUltih Tursday. Mtrs Hobtrt izi WalUr Ker?, of Whtttoa Jla, - are Tjut.2 st Mr. M. F. HWV. Mrs. D. Y. JleKitse arJ JKOe ?n, CliTroe, left ttw wek-to si i her pep3t t iViso:oa. Mra, W. M. U aal Mim Maaie Dickesj, of FraakUaLBa, tictel Mrsu C P. Best the pstt wwi. Mr. F.W. Hil ti 9it, Miis Maode, mde a short tiiit lo frvsds in Kwh cccnty it'vt wi. Mr. C. II Jobton, wha hv btt or fthAm intr nnH Htand-nftt.M Wall it jand ior V saveral innings had "the . , . .; . . , . v v-;.z---. , ' v ,', is begmning to get .hot here, the urbre people seared for fear of tbermoroet'er Tegi,le l01 dregree tosthe game. The attendance ... - . V . d 4 ' . climate than in a damp one. I do not mean to go against old North Carolina, and would feel much bet ter if I had several more" tar heels with me. There is a custom here iv . ; i . f F'or the weeleiiding July 14th that I like and that is when anyone aneatimi ut two-liundred and fifty and e sura was realized. Nerllonh Carolina Indus- tries. the'Cbattao reports dies the' neighbors bring in enough the foUowmghetluWie cooked thines to supply the family lished in ;6rth;&jpSa-, I f or V;' time. -1 will close now and .llbwoke;Rai46q cotton m mj next letter I will try and tell ills , "; ; 'SfS " .- you something. of the game here. . Wishing the Editor and the many readers of the Times much success I am, yours truly sMaxton $125,000; corJinaeed on mui. Tarboro$100,000 manu Drapanyv vaoced stage t)f Bright' d isease suffered from complications. Finally the chance came to give the new discovery a eter.ily fail test. The patient, the railroad- man refer- ed to was dying of Bright' disease, and there were no oomnlicationa. At Leah's, Dr. D. B. Zoliicoflerof Weldon, will addrees the people al Lebfs church in Youngsrille circuit, on Jnly 30lh on the subject of the Laymen's movement. Public is cor The Use of Drug. .Spi, spent Again we publish a list of the Cfet'v1) , - dustries established in North CaroM; A Curiosity. J; J. Edward 8. nsufor 7 thel week' fend ingas . stated above, ; and . fail to ' see . -Louisburg mentioned A therein. Gentlemen, what are'.you going to dox about it? ire you' going wraiio w " sucu conu i tions to continue AS, ' The Baby's , Milfc a here is a frightful. in creasein the mortality of babied during toe ,sum- - months and especially- during months of 1 July and Angust 1 nere are many reasons for. this and a peat many of them can be lessened . not completely, eradicated jrgiV-' o w me mue ones care ana prop attention. I f ' 'L':y 1 Vne of the most- common causes & the illness ot babiei 'is milk that is A Delightful Social Affair. v. . -A :very deligbtf ukparjy - was given Tuesday evening at the home of Miss May me Timberlake in honor, of ?. her guest, Miss Willie Thompaon ! The guests were received at the d ?6r by jtiisBCo iuuoiiv a miiroiia&o iii lie Williams. ' The house-was tastily decorated with smilar and cut -flow-' ersl- lapaneese i lanterns shed jl melio glow z Wer J the" scene land made it ;a veritable ;f airys ;bower. oweet musio- w huumw uiugu- out the evening - and .delicious re freshments werel served also. hoy played games of many kinds: and on leaving all pronounced vMiss TimberV lake a charming' hostess.'- A A' - riv'Swep'' Harrison,' of Nash CoSiotyJwas in town this week and wasN&owing what proved to be a curiostto more than a few of -.our peppievvlt wis a pair of gafiiea for chickehetfsd wra used by Mr.- N; W. Arrinm-irf a bijg , cockfight . in Memphis, vlejon ; JVrhe time, before the civil:war;vt-wJ(Lbe intereaiinc to knoTwthatt worp theBe" gafilei - won i! 4f figbt and some thing like $10,000 changed hinda as a result ot the yictoryVfil.'r; : To many; 'of our perthejr i were real curiosities aa theybad.never aeon any thing of the.kind. .it,:;,: V.HOw-TnB.riir-uay. save lu; . xnis may souna une - a-meaic is kdvertisementibut it 'isn't. It h paean to the pig. His relatives were at hw bedside and dlaIIt to bear thi able speak the funeral arrangements bad been I er partially made. The customary ex- pedienta had been tried, and they Vacation for Women. had failed. An exchange expresses our snii- Then the railroad man's brother nienta in the following: told Dr. Mohr to take full charge. There are hundred of hard-work- The pig kidney extract wa admicts I ttro( women who toil in h tered, and in twenty-four hours ' the home day after day and year after patient was on the road to recovery. Jr, wko never allow (betnselres to A month later he was back in his think of a vacation. Because they office. New York World. have reached the oondujion that their manifold duties do not admit of it, and by tome strange process of reasoning, their husbands thmic the There seems to prevail a general Mme thine. belief that Americana are a nation of By all m ana take a vacation a drng users, hut ot tola charge there day, or a week, or a month, or what- is considerable doubt. Ihore .r.t MH MrKnm.nni mr t w srv s ftww i m esf j -m pea to be a tendency ui on the part fJt Qo somewhere for a chaaf;e. ot medical practitioners to roinimite You have earned it a thociacd Usee the use of drues in their - practice, over. If you live b' the country. To prescribing the. smallest dceri that to the city; if yoe live In the city; could be ettective, and there may I get away to tiie country. If yon come a time wbenthe prefeesion Ute ia the mounums, go to the sea- may give np the use of drugs alto- Uhore. It along the wajLhore, go to geiuer. 9 mountain, ror vacation con i 'The claim is often made ihat if I tista in finding a change of environs. tneiuhomeophation movement ' which j if resells are desired. caused tne reaction against the nor-1 zoo are not able to give your rible miiturea administered by phr-i wife a vacation? You cannot afford sicians prior to that movement. Poe- i it? Yon cannot spare her from the sibly there U some truth in the claim, home?. Certainly if is lord to get though itls difficult to seet how'a I away from the job- of mother and red action -of , a dose oi calomel from 1 housewife, It U the only job that nve grains to one grain, given in ten i cannot oe resrgneu oxsairteo. . vina divided doses; could Ixrm uch affect-1 there la hardly any posaibHity of to ed by a theory which uucht that even I terxuptioi? it entirely, even for a va- 1 1 California Letter. '-J. publish ' the 1 following Utter sent us by Mr; J. J. Edwards,: a foj i BrightV; 7 disease--generall re gardedjaa incurablehas been cuijoa by the pi.t'FivthernoVev; the.''pig has given up hfi life that ; man, dy ing ot JBnght'a disease, might : livel --'At" Bellevue.Hoe'pital' are-- the re cprd bt tbe Uttp case inrthhiilory. Of 'medical science where a man . dy ing "of Wright's 'disease' was cured. a tentli of a grtin waa ten timea too much. ..Whether ; you ; ; prescribe luychnine by the pound, the ton or the carload, u a matter of bo; impor tance since the peund U so prepos- eroua an ' orerdoee that a carload fo aid' be -no worse." And accord bg poVJla4 iheory ! of homeopathy,' the tmuAdose'of anything prefcribed bv mocv n physiciana is 'already ao many tA; si too large that .the three orfouf thcVs ; larger: dote- formerly ptescr.Ujtl cu i carccjy vbeVworief So if; the doclrha of the iafinltctoi- catioa. Bo t there are wayt of par; tial temporary relief that really pve tbe.boue-wif, if not all the raca Uon she needs 'at lecet all she ta likely te content to Lake,' : " And there li the 'queaUoa."- How is boose-wife, with children, to get a vacation that involve any ralkt or change forJier. from the- wotk c! caring for house 'and children? ;J Par hape oq) ot our readers hare evolv ed a sotuuoa ot tae probietn. it so, let the other tired taoihers.kno hoir you cianarGU to do 'ao . iriihot pntting the' children away ia coll prndto th ratn&atr at Sfivrf si days ia ton the tart el. Mr. F. IL PleKixu If ft Tetmlay for GrresVro to tint f f .Sii!T. who are tr,ndiag skjo i 10 f wilb his tfe's ptfotw Mr. L. J. Pemdl eo4 wife, as 4 Mr. Jv B. Na-sh acd fss:2y, rt termed home Sacisr, after a vn'i twit to Ocesn Viwf V. ileitis Bridie. Sarah Jc4 KrnfSline Hsfee, aaJ Mr. W. I). Jsckson are etundifis a bo&e party at Mrs. Iixxi4 Jocee hose orxr Of. fnrd. Mr. W. J. Cocyr wife, who atter siuodtcg the rtsea'e losjrs ment at Ashenlle, vitiud Stliahsry anl other poinu ia Wwura North Carol ta a, re".med hooe Saturday night. Mr. atd Mrs. G. B. Jtuiaoe at4 0 children, of Haltifb, ad U Wi Lecie i? to vail, ei t to vail, eaJ Mrrcs rst Jcjtloe, cf FraaUir.ln, are tkU ing at Mf. F. W Jcrtkw's, rtr own. Mrs. W. S. Holr ai 51 iw Ktla FciUr vU;td thetr sister, Mr. Ar- melia NowJ), la Fratjkls:t3 NMcii- day. They wrre oocrsriseed baee on tbtir return by the chiUren of Mrs- XowrH, who wHJ iis3t their re. a tit re in and ccxr Iooiibcrp Mr. O. H Franalic, who fcvs trn CUinj the position as rrpsWrred phtr maciit for the ivcocpa Drrg Co here for the pa4t month, Ufl 7W day for Chariot u whsre t t!l tike a like position with W. L. Hasi & Co. While here Mr. Frasllia cxade many frUdds who rt gm very ctkch lo aee him leave, bst wish csr hla abar-dact rsooMa to hit sew hose." mal doee.haa anxCTsct. tt ia'Taore storage for a week. Fanncrt Alliance. -The FraaVIia Cocaty Farcers Alliaxvoe held iu aa&sal tz'S?.z with Cyprvsw Grove V. oo Jdy f iK The ' oSoera elected fcr the tzrb ytir are Rev. a C. NTC:tr-,st PrmieJ; Jeel Wilisr, Yloe-rrtilt; W. H. SLiTusfTs Seers txry ao-I Trrxsrrrr; IL D. Kctrtoa, Je-ccrrr; K De raeat, Chajlain; J."1L LLass, I;cr Keeper; IL W. Wilier, ' -VsarUit Door Keeper; J. A. CVekc3ire, SHwd; bslfattt U SiiU AI rtxnoe IL AHiara o3 W. H. Sullbc. - S. t i A v

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