- m m 1 ' fRANKLIN TIMES Thomas ed. & OWNER FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1909, V -tumj 4 nVRRTTSV.MKSTTS DK v ' , , T - la ' CIVO , - r, .lAtiro imuuiwuiw , .7 .... ! c II. Strickland-Sad Iron. . - ;. JSrfe 11 & Collie-Opening Sale. . X& Uarris-flpeninftSale. :,. tar DROPS ' I I " . ' - 0 " j number of the farmers bacco 'more Ouite a . .i,; section are.curiner to- this eeK. ;-.,"V 7 . U our business men-will make f 1 1 I Cl TiUUV i JU'-WUDUlLDDi ' finu a g11 , , , uf'.u-lH Jake JBiVans mtorms us i . w that he has opeuw a oliuo , , nuup u i hnilrlinrr onr( unit tilt? VlH'' J VV.AVV lUV. he tilacl to see all his old friendrf. -. We would be glad to see some f .ur progressive citizens make forward fnr the town . ..iiii HI IV i v " - . v . . M . 1,1 II I IV. 1 ' (Jentlemen who will make the start. Krom what we can learn our, tobacco men intend making the j0jHburg tobacco market a' source . . ii i . je i.- ii i of interest to au louacuo larmera iuw season. -Mr. J. S. Howell has purchased r I A.V. - ll.i 1 ie tocK or gooua ui lue Aisbuu. vo., under Ford's "Warehouse and will be trlnl to tee his many friends. See )1S ;U1 in another column. . 0ur citizens could db nothing letter for themselves and their town. than to all "club in" and put up some n,l of manufacturing enterprise that will give employment to a large number of employees., , If there is any home in the comity that the Times does- not go intj) wfi wojLI be more than glad to mv it there. Kernember tne price is only one dollar per year an amount that will nothurt anyone. There w about thirty days more avail There are, several q . oux corres : ppnclnts whd seem 'to f brcet; that Jt jo a omul, rui wita. a newspaper to. require the name of . the " wriur: ac company, all manuscripts; We are always glad to have all - the: cbrres pondents'wa can get, and will gladly withhold the names of all, save their, writers signature, but we must' insist thafalt' per sons sending in articles, whether items or what i, shall?, "send their names. in full with such v articles This requirement may not1 be under- pstood ba number but is very essen tial to the newspaperman. .,v ' ' The Seaboard Air Line Railway will.run an excursion' from Raleigh and -vDocrhamvtq Portsmouth bn'Tues day, . August 3rd, - .returning on Thursdays August 5th:. This excur sion will take passengers at , all in termediate eta iions and is scheduled to arrive at Portsmouth at 3:30; The rou nd, trip fare ; from Louisburg is $3.00 and from Franklinton $2.75. The price from Youngsville is the same as from Iiouisburg. Pullman cais will be. attached .to this tram. and the rrice of these seats each way will be 75 cents. This will . be a line excursion, go if you can. grandmother Mrs. fc .F. Ellington pear Ingleside. ' r, - Miss Minnie Neal,-of Mapleville, fepent the past two weeks with fief aunt MrVj.,R." Earle. : - : Mr. and Mrs. : C." r M Ga'ttis, ' of Ma'pleyille, spent Sar.day with Mrs. Withkideat , regards and S best wishes to the editor and - the good old Fbanklin Times. - ' F. M t TTfLJinZ BAlMK AGGOU1MI .Pain can be easily and quickly stop ped. v Pink Pain Tablets Dr. Snoop's stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, m, minutes sure- Formula op the 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula it's fine. Sold by Scogein Drug' Co. - Red Bud Items. I will send you a' few' items as I have not-seen anything fromdhere iri Ihe paper for some time. Messrs. Ed LaricasterM . Sam Col -4 lins an.d Jot) P. Leonard left Sunday with the Louisburg military company for Morehead. " ' An ice cream supper will be given on the 24th for the farmers of this section'at Mr. Irving GrimnV Mrsr;W. A. Mitchell has been very ill the past week, but is much improved. - Quite a lftu e crowd attended the funeral se,i vices of Mr. J. C. Long at'Mtrlleh-on church ltt Sun iiv. ... , r . The funeral was conducted liy the v -ma r i ww pastori'Kev. Mr. sieage. lie was a man'7.7. yeara, of age, and had served fbur years in the civil war, in Cedar Rock Items. the paper from here in a ; good long time, wewill send you a, few. items The cr ops around liere are look- me very wen, ana tne tarmers are anxious to lay them by. . Miss Evie Stallings, ot Franklin- which he d tQ be a faith. tuu,i8 v.muKiiauv neie. tul soldier and had received four Mis. Fannie Leonard and daugh- wounds. He was well known by all. ter, Miss Lillie, are visiting Mrs. W. ixarriHu. Va., who has been spending some Misses mc&elor and Marper, ot time with Mr. W. A. Mitchell, for Uastalia, are visiting Miss Nannie his health, will return home soon x AttIli8U' With best wishes for the good old Mr. Johnnie (Joppeltgev and son, Franklin Times and its editor. ot ureensooro are visitors at .Mr. y. E. M. B. Coppedge. " ' T- " Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and la the Cmt Up toward tzce. mod forttc. -Protocta jour family in emcrKtneif a. Eilucilcs your children. ' Makea Touindepeoitcot Gives you a itnding in iht community, i la a Taluablo aid in any enterprise ncderUlfa. Any where, by anybody, under any circutsjtacc. If you have nci now a bank account. UX n ugjtt tbat yoa tUxl fe with ua immediately. CaU on tiif and maer br that it it a pk.itsr so serve you in any waywe may aaUt you. Call or write ui. FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOUISBURG, N.C UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. GOVERNMENT ir which our citizens can themselves of the liberal offer of the Saturday with her parents near i A . i nleville. town in regain io auu mB t ; "Tt iflPoTda m nleasurft tn tte that Lacv and daughter, I consider the preparatioa known aa Ma- Oiarrhbea, Remedy the Best and Sur est. v Mrs. M. A. "t t ty cn: x ) We learn that jtjs expected to to their home in Oxford Thursday. VVovo thfl rnaH nnri Krirlrra a . "Porrw'o I W ft flTft ROrrv to IP.am that UU ' V MUM y. w J . 1 " - . , J - v and all those who have not 'already done so should have them .installed Miss Janie, who have ten " v ' at Mr. Ct. B. H. Stallinc s rfiturned trood Tipsnlts of anvl have ever uupA in my family, says P. E. Hemngton, of Mount Aeiial. Ky. This is the univer onrTsal verdict of all who use this remedy. Mill completed m time for. the far- pastor is ill, and we all hope he. will that neonle take treasure in recom- mrs nf that section to haul their soon be able to be out again. mending it. For sale by Scoggin Drug . . - ' - Co. crops to markets I hen they can There were many visitors on the appreciate the difference good and bad roads, . Wanted between Efock Sunday. , , . -. r . Tofcnow if there is another Milne We are glad to say tnat tne sick Foster in this county besides my wife. The ladies of the Methodist peoDle are better.-and hone thev H there is I will appreciate your drop- church conducted an old clothes sale willsoon be well. .i mi i !i j: o tw ... in meopruni Duimmg on, oaiuraay Look out bovs for the widowers last for the benefit of the church. or the Dr ha8 got yoar aB(j lhe sale was a success, considering ping me a postal card with her address. B. . FOOTER, , Louisburar, N. C. gcvne The tarmers are busy curing to- . . ..... bacco, and are anxious to get ic in ' -before the worms take it. Best wishes for the Franklin Times. ' t;- ' ' Rose Bud the stock in trade and the advertis mg it had, and about $17.50 was realized. : : g,- Mr. L. F. Hicks will begin the remodeling and building of avnew residence on the site of his present residence on Elm street"" this week. Mr. M. S. Davis will superintend the erection of same and we learn that Our Farmers are very busy laying when completed it -will cost about by their crops, and curing t6bacco. $5000 and will be an ornament to The young people around here that part of the town. are enjoying the Ice-cream suppers -Louisburg now has two gasoline 85 we hav nad right many this sum: yatchs. These yatchs are run. on er. . Tar liiyer and are proving very in , Miss Annie Dean is at hbnie teresting to those who are so lucky again, afterpending Several weeks as to be able to "take in the sights" visiting . friends, and relatives . m the river on them. Tbey. are Elizabeth City. owned by Dr. A. II . Fleming and Mrs, J. REarle and Miss ; Minnie Mr. Geo. H. Cooper. The; river is 1 3eai snd little Miss Eleanor v TJzzle, nigable to these boats about five Lpent Wednesday and Thursday with or x miles and affords much recrea- hyf t Earle's sister, MrsC. 0.- Cock - t,on t0 the awnersUud their friends rV iNaVhviile,:N. C.-, ' t J : -The Louisburg military company Mrs. J. B. Glasgo w is. yisitiirg her left ou Sunday night Jor Camp daughter in Rocky Mount " ' Glenn,at Morehead, for their annual lsW.FEQington and - 'Misses encampment, with a - tail company Annie-and Venora' EUingtoiCofTIn- iue oojsare pretty well drilled -and! gleside,spfent Saturdayland; Sunday, make Notice I have impounded one large Black, Essex Boar near the town of j Louisburg, N. C, the owner un known. Unless claimed by owner, I shall on Thursday the oth day of August, 1909, sell said Boar at the Court House door in the town of Louisburg, N. C, at public auc tion. to the highest bidder for cash under section 1680 Revisal. 1 his July 15, 1909. M. F. HOUCK V , : . IMPORTANT I wish to inform my friends throughout Franklin and adjoining counties that I have boughtout the stock of goods of the Alston Company.in-the store under G. W. Ford's " Warehouse and will con tinue a genera merchandising business at this stand. Come to see me I will be glad to talk with you and fill your orders. -. - Yours to Serve, lO J. S. HOWELL ;0 O) J9 0000C0COOC0-OCOOO-OO' The Finest Tea Grown, lib, t-2ib, Uilb. 1Mb SUrd it. CHASE & SANBORN'S TEA Ice Tea Gliumen. Saucer And Spoor, Milk Shk Of . T, P CKS, ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUISBURG, N. C. rO Fobacco Farmers are pretty well drilled-ahd glside, srjfent Saturday an6?; Sunda a good show for 'rapklin. with Hrs. .W ! pl;booke. " Couty. Among 1 those .; who fwent f 'Sf?Li" "a nnVk nB f.ini I Wi w company were ; Messrs. ,B:: th-'apent the past: week' witli.Miss' - Beaalev. Wo vara ; rromiaAd thft me9 of all thmh W 'inMi: - "Mamie ooke 18 visiUngVher v..w 1IUVUAUV.U ' ffl', I - " " ' " . 5 3 .... ' P Vs.'-. i - r i i h T 3 O O cation but for some r not yet shown up. "-a Sunday night of - son they have, ea "hut Hon. G. C. Ranking Washington, ; D. C. 3 -J ' fy - '" u Mpti m hie-tr me. wno are ax - a -.con- wso . . 7l i : fr y g'oe8, Phil. AUton . an Bm V.BCta uo "rune lau ana maae tneir-iwar-j wwv ;.-4vM--'i-!r--, oattn u - a" 2sLa high. position witn tne government as around and visit.in fri Anda 'i until wis, - He wants it known that he cured U ay t ml returned to .fail .and was aaiQ locked up, but Evans, m not yet been captured, JThe ' escape was himsW with Dr. ; Caldwell's5 Syrup i'epr or?4 if. tn others si mi- larly aflaftted. It is . absolutely guaran- teed to do wVat is claimed, and" if-' vou want to try itWore buying, sendyour o C 2. p B D CD Z - , O 3! o O V P B.o to O O , 0 D3 OF so f5 - M p - ' , k F1 " C rtv ra ... cro Franljin And Adjoining Counties We WRD to call your attention t he fact that w cow btv ess largo number of FLUES. AIo ft plenty of fio froa aud four irood ffkta, and can supply you on rfiort notice with aajlhiog froo balf a jcicl U a tnU tL We also have in stock a lar quantity of Xhe htl ToUw Twit. , Themometers and Tobacco Trucks .-' McKflome Brotlhers " ... '... . ;:. '. - ; - - Satisfaction or Your Money Back o o O-, o o o o o o o o o o o o z o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o & o o o & o o o o o s o t o o