- ,-s ' - ' ' . " ' . , JAWIESA. lnuuiAo, flfuv ?LlJHE-.COTOTYf THE STATE THE'trIOIT. subscription; i.oo per year voTxxxix. e LQUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY. AUGUST 6t 1009. - KOKEEB 25 Tttt TOBACCO MARKET u 0pEN FOR THE SEASON NEXT THUKSUAi. Tear, in the history of Louisburg's to- Everything in Readiness Top a big Season on This Mapket Good Sales Expected On the Opening: Day. ; s will be noted f ron the an- uincements ox um waxeuuuooiucu vduch appear m this week's . paper, w onening sales at all the tobacco II L Til ..irehousif wm iaK.e piauouii iuuib- j ,v August, the twelfth. A pros peiouH season for both, farmers and ffarehoiwioen is looked forward to. j lSt reason was one of the best in i. ,i,,rv n r tiih i.i ii?ii-,ii iuiii&cl ai ' I ulace; the amount or tobacco i,l was nearly double that of the preceding year, prices were Detter, fllles were pullea on in nne styie, cm rooms were full several nights in the week, and averybody in town seemel interested m tobacco. It markei a revival in thetobaceo trade in houisburg and all signs indicates thai the uboom" is to continue this - i 1 " 1 n 1 srnn season Wtn Digger saieia auu even better satisfied farmers than those wh thronged the streets after every s j u:u sale last year, une uauer wuiuu threatened the market has been hap pily averted. It was feared at one time that the Farmers' Warehouse which did such a successful business an,i won such wide popularity ti.rmiah all this section, might not be run again, as the Farmers Mu tual Tobacco Company had not been able to secure the right sort of man Vfor manager. But at this point, iMeadowB'Snd Hams, who had , prer Boapd of Education, " Th. County Board of Education will meet at Cypress Chapel, in' Cy press Creek township, on VVebfnesdty August 18th, at 1:3G p. in to con! aider the reformation and consolida tion of districts in this township. Parlies interested are invited tov be present. GOUtlTY. COMMISSIONERS v '" JUET-JN REGULAR SESSION MON DAY, AUG. 2ND. ' JK. "'. . . . . pared to do business at the Kiverside Warehouse, came forward and- pro- M)Wid that rather than see the house cloeed, they would take over all con tracts of the company with drum mers, auctioneers, etc., move over " to. the Farmers Warehouse and run it themselves. Their proposition was accented ana ivl;huj o au 1x0.11.10 will therefore oonduct this season th Farmers Warehouse on Nash Street. This ulooks good" for the market, for with these experienced and pop ular warehousemen in charge of the popular farmers Warehouse, we h ive a combination which ought to make things "hum" this- fall and winter. This does not mean, however, at something will' not be doing at the I Jig Riverside for we are informed that it will be tuq by an experienc ed tobacconist whose announcement will appear next week. Messrs. Waddell and Collie will continue at Hart's Warehouse on Main street and expect to sell more tobacco than ever before. They have a large and in leasing patronage and it has w to he a saying among the farmers toaome sections that "if you sell with "wueii and tjollie once, you win 8dlwith them always." The baying end of the line will be presented by Mr. T. D. Tyack for the Ampvipan Tnharwi tomnanv. Mr-. U. Cheatham for the Imper-1 idl Messrs. S. J. Parham and J.-B. Thorrlfv frr Vi Tnrl ancnHoTltfl nnd there mnv nfK ;. 'ith three splended large ware houses. Well lifVvtQ1 n-nr coith ft 11 nnn- fences, run by the best" and ' most exPerienced warehousemen in the State, and a full corps of , buyers 'presenting almost the entire tobac- 00 trade of the world', there is no reason on earth why a man who can St to Louisburc should ever . carry hls tl)hacco to any other market,-; for nere is not anothei town kfthe -to 1 . oacco hftlt more courteous and honest treatment!' were his patronage , will : be; more -FF'wiated or where he will get a better there is rm ninn mkn.n nifn v . v his tobacco, he " can ,.;bny- .what 8oda he needs to btVr - advantao'iB V right here. ' ' " All together "now f or ' a banner A Pleasant Day act Bunn. Among the many-pleasant and en-! joyable things that liave happened at Bunn, the most pleasant and de lightful, a barbecue, was afforded our people and their friends "Hn Wednesday, July J28.,.' by Mr. Guy I. Buell, President of the Montgom ery Lumber Company, of VSpring Hope. Thi morning was bright and the good people of -Buun were" -wide awake and stirring by early dawn. Everyone trying to make a stfccess of the much anticipated picnic by arranging the table and things in which to serve the barbecue. Suddenly a slarp whistle was heard, and -'Peggie," the faithful little engine on olif new railroad, was seen coming in from Spring Hope with ten nicely dressed pigs ready for the hands of ' Uncle Dor sey," the cook, and the nice bed of oak coals waiting for them. Everyjthmg seemed jolly, and as the Bunn people and the people from neighboring communities began to assemble on the grounds of Bunn High School, the young people fur nished very sweet music in the Academy, and even the birds in the grove fieefedObe ' thrilled -gcvit the ?ir of the picnicahd barbecuej as their sweet strains were "heard, for th refreshing and most appetizing odor of the roasting pigs was now spread abroad over Bunn. About 10:30 o'clock several of our people went to the train "Peggie of course," to meet Mr. Buell, the au thor and giver of the pleasure for this delightful occasion. Mr. Buell was accompanied by seVeral of his friends from Spring Hope, Rocky Mount, Raleigh, Norfolk, and New York. About 12 o'clock we were highly entertained by Mr. Thomas, a distin guished singer of New York. Those fond of good singing appreciated and enjoyed the solos so well sung by Mr. Thomas. After the music was over the joy ful news that dinner was readv was announced. The barbecue and brnnswickr stew prepared by our beloved Mr. Buell were simply grand and the chicken, bread, biscuit, cake pie and pickle prepared by the ten der and dainty little hands of the ladies of our community were equal ly as fine.. With such refreshments as these spread before us, the tall, stately oaks stretching forthT their long brawny arms overhead to shade us, and while the flag of the Bunn High School, with its stars' of bltre and stripes of red and white were floating above, what could we' call this but earthly bliss? Yes it was entirely a success. Though the crowd was estimated at about BOO or 1,000 it was almost like "feeding the five thousand,' beeause after all were jfiiled "several" basketfuls . were taken 'up; " x - V"- -1 After the dinner hour Mr. Buel and his friends looked over our vil No Business of Any great Im portance Came Before the BoardVlAlI Members Answer- v " ed Roll Call. The Board of County Commission ers, met iit regular session on Mon day, Aug. 2nd all members" being present. After the reading and ap proving minutes of the last meeting the following businesswas transact ed: N . The Montgomery Lumber Com pany made request of the Board to accept the railroad crossing near Anderson's bridge, where the rail road crosses the county road, but the same was referred to the road supervisors. jl ne xoara asreea 10 iurmsn pip ing to fix crossing at Thad Dean's house on Louisburg road. T. S. Collie and N. B. Young were appointed a committee to look after Carpenter's Mill bridge. Report of E. N. Williams, Super-) games this week but it the Ford. on second played- tpperb ball for the home team, while Sarlea be- . . i . hind th - bat and Hale on thir ure both "star, Batteries for IUletgb Uiddlean Brockwell, for Lom burr Hamilton and Surl. AUo bn'Saturday Egerton park was the battlw ground of a wound game with Henderson. The firt game with this club, which van played about two week co, result ed in a victty for Iiuihur. Thi tin.e th-y got re-inforcjnient from Prnnklintoo, tut defc At wan the tun they dancffd to again. Th or waa5jto3 in favor ot louu-burs;. Battenes for Henderson Baker and Chanc', for Ivouijibarg Fitzgcmid and burlra. ' We are glad to 8 the citizen of the town giving the team such loyal support. Iveep it up and oar club 'wilt continue to play good ball. Ball playing is wholesome exercise for those who engage in it and a splen did recreation for those who itne the sport, U-side it U a good aivc tisemeot for the town and we cun well afford to contribute individual ly for its support. The raias have interfered with our reather THE r.lOVIHG PEOPLL AND THBIR HOVEMENTS IN OUT OF TOWN. la woet hri to aak a ras0y lit. loT.u4bo U aU i pi aKe4t is ih tata c all nbra yhus we ar mci 4it to flt whn taaj fa, I c-, yitTt btvd stock, or bail a sdo, or War two-bar cJn'.or. t4 tJLier. far ill Uik bf bar trr. lag dowa feoi at-ply n t t u a rry rr- tM t4 i1 vt h A'- t ilusrs fci crr, ci.1t lei V 1 . Mr. X. IL All.brooa Ufi Tclay j lh llMS ,v m to vtt.t hi. people at tl.r4 Nek. . b;Jk irra( hui UuU w t i-.v, Hon. T.V. HtckoJt returned btn !Ui:f m:lcift It m iL rir, l.o Tue4ay mgbl ani srot a fw dart, Jhattng nra x it u n. Jones ilacon c-irne orer from lial- t fsci o;otrifA rjr of eigh and spent Sordv with hit jopjo J flwc l.S?s. mxh a Hv. K. H. DaU an4 an, cf ;ck ol jo:irr. vj t t cv f - v ThoselWho Have Vlslu?d Loalt hurz the Past Week Thoj Who Hare Gone Elsewhere for Business or Weasuro. Mr. I). C. Strickland vi4tJ Ayx this week. .Mr. J. W. . Hollinriworiii i ii1 i iamrnore ine pa w-ic. r.ta 3 a U C"". rr- dtr.r - ih nisur, whs. mih to ct N-i of 1.ccl to d tTT to Goldsboro, are twuinj; at lege, Mr. J. U. IVnr. of MatleUUj vmted SoHolk and llood r" Urs c4 "w ' past wek. ' JB' mU' ia " ' T ... , .... , J la iSitrste a4 Uktt a !iv'J 4 t tt. Henderson, are viiiunK M- I--' .aa W. Peram. 'Vol 4o t. te! fatat2- Cvi ic . -- - - 1 rei-. t t -r .3 w n : . r ; J . - C ... 1 l . .1 mi . . . : 1. V mieuueui ui uuuuiy uoiue, was re- permiis mere win o a came nre 'iwik r raiin , m ffl .... v( ceived and fileox He' reports 11 J on the home diamond Friday with white and 14 colored inmates. nendron. They are determined J. H. Cooke was appointed a com- to lick us and say they will do u ruittee to look after bridge at Tay- Friday if they have to import a team ton this wek. Mers. William Baro son Gren telornfi f Ka eW f r ra a vuii to Jeima, A ti at, arvJ W ij. tpaalt etat t,ti 1, it !cn cf c4 t?i VAV- Aisuv , lor's creek. o do iL Lets all corae out and see Mr. ar3 Mrs. I. K. Johr.n. b y ta ccU hto. ata Joe Burnette and J W. Ayscue the rtaults. we predict th faste game ot the season. A pet, have returned hne. ' JTfo ytaaat. la c arJ a.a were relieved of poll tax for 1900. Elvest Crews and Lawerence Moye were relieved of poll tax until further action (both of the above Mrs. (;w A. IU. and cSu4rrn. ' t3J cf Uf of IUrderon. tmiJ rati in A l ,& " ... T ,w . v 1 w far-rs i.o e--.:ai .c.. la! pt X. H. Tucker, ho ta, tn n- ini h bro;hrr, J. C. TacVer. hr, I b c. t r t c. inr 4! 1 fall aat u -X t at U ali at co h t rtil3?rra t m a.-3 Bunn High School. We are anthomKi to announce having had one of their legs cut ff lhal tho Hnnn Hih School wUl or-m in a railroad accident.) for tho falI feriu on Mondav, p- E. M. GuDton was annointed al 1...- r..i. i : - f, . , r . , . """ left TosaJar for Ocafc V... Va ouitiiuiiwo w .uua d.ici uuuK. For the cotuujg year the principal . . taa. r. .rjpa W $uitrtx Coy Johnson's allowance as out- 0f the High School" will U, Mr. Sant-! Mr VS W Cxt c.tt i,rr,mc i,-.4,J r! side pauper waa increased from $1.00 ford Mlirlio. Taoio Chealh-! mn",ic in thc TnmIy 'f . ; .c-o r a to Si 50 Der month -- i n n k. w pwunc i uocie. jir. j r u;,r. w ox.ov per luuuiu. am and irgie Mills will have charge - The committee appointed at the 0f the public school department. Al , near WD- farmers institute to confer with the r,f tli0llft iher. ur v1(1..,,. ,fi-ri Mra, lmarr'a.i lUsla r:r! Board in reeard to establishing at?- fi .i .....- Sundar fr.m ths tniTerjfT o Tti ' mr va a vt vvtinivt va oawi4 as v ; av It :. rr.an bo wViir g ati .ar 1. irftft aJ.cc f T:t.a ricnltural experiment farms in the confidence of the people and 3f the nse. at KnctailU. wUre ha. f rc,,u , wIt uii ltt u,rt, county were present and placed the patrons of the school. ! f: ftaJ cr ' f(.i4.uU. urK.lt matter before the Board, but no ac- Mr. Martin U the son of the Coun-! Ir T iVf. c t'"'!; nWac. t. v.m -prr.. tion was taKen at this meeting tke ty Superintendent of Yadkin county. U.m, pawl thresh s.n en fcrrrt Boaid stating that they would con- rrraduated from Wakr Forft Cl- ' day en rot for Ho-rt.tilU; sider this at their next regui?r meet- lege, ma.na n t i.axpk, ha snc- he wm marrx! U M" Anna May log. A number of accounts were allow ed and the Board adjourned. Marriage Licenses cesstully passed the examination for State High School Certificate, and comes t j the county with hih rcc ommendations. jaa on rlr.!aT at tTicoi MiM. Mary Vbb., of Maj who recn'.lr n-lfntaa -f-t !i:o at the Johnaori-WV.Ji. iv,jr.';'3 at In Korr. t No selection could have given ( Hichrnor.d, aco - rar.M. MfS- The followiug is a list of marriage greater satisfaction to the people ! Mamie 1. Xal a&d M i.-ct iceoses issued by Register of Deeds I geuerally than that of Misa Taxaie Webb and iVrry fo'.rrl Boone duringthe month of July: I Cheatham, who heretofore uught two f bom the pav. "mi. White A. B. Herring and Wil-1 sessions at Bunn. She has proved . lia'E. Davis" Charlie Privett and Ci 1 herself a most excellent teacher in' The Editor At Home. Daniels, Eddie Wright and Pattie Bailev. Colored Been Harris and Perlie Harvie. I ot I-its-a t-i a 4 rc2, l..a litirs.. oi Mt l"v:.? ti. L Pat; to i"..'.r iatii PaU u t.l jti:-Ji at bcr. H -. ci acitt th: rwo-at.ba ttij bw icatV a n r i .t.. t- J of jhoroo from St. Vincent. ta;ucf ut. t t t,K ? Base Ball. Fellows, its a shame to take your every way. Miss Virgie Mills is a sister" Sunt. Mills, of the Iouwhur Grad.d i Norfolk. Va, lat Saturday afur ; 0,4 40, 0:4 t-ci ui iatii 4 Schiol!, and was elected npn the-novp, a ccn m pa n I by hi. little ici It t ? vai tirr, hearty recoraraenUiion t County ! aaoantcr, reanor. ana ir. j. r t t-c fa i i J tam. Superintendent, H. H Whiu. Malooe. He arrived at Fraak'i .... . x a a , T.he school is fortunate m having 'on ro. atwtJar ra-otmr-g ::,uc! rr r.M. M lk ! r a-fii. money" retnarktHi several fans to the secun-d so coo-l a foice of teachers was wed taken care of al 1 nome ciuo last rnaay evening tetore J and it is well preparel t tin rnost j ion imie. 07 .im iwaai. ww j ib a ar sa 4 ti. a the game between Raleigh and excellent work. ! met t Franklin.on by a nroWr cf 1 tc&c T kU t1j Franklio- II. i i ;b Wi Louisburg commenced. And to see The high school lepartnnnt is f friends from fsi.b-ar. hg awi- those giant athletes display their open to the whole county fre of panil him borne. Altbogh ry ability as ball players in the practice tuition. Board can be secareI at j weak he stool tb uip tetaat katlr before the game made all feel that exceedingly reasonable raos. The j well, owing to lha lender manaf tn we had tken in too much territory local surroundings are of the very! which b ti looW-4 altr br ibo and that our club was out-matched and would soon m out-played. Such was the feeling that prevailed when theimpire call 4 wpli.y ballP Hol-j den B., the first man up, landed on the first ball pitched for a line irire lover second baseman and quick hs a lest. at flash the- bleachers were inspired lae, and;lJien,to our sorrow they with new hope, -ajrid the confidence boarded the train for Spring 'Hope. I. wish to voice the , sentiments of tbe 'entire body . in expressing our heartiest -appreciation and sayinsc that the occasion wa ': thoroughly enjoyed in the highest by everyone: . Irrthe afternoon we - were enter- J tained' bv a game of - ball between Pine, Ridge and Bunn, and while we wre not flaccesgf nl ' in; the 'r game, witn all other things considered Twe had a good day ahd one never . to be forgotten, by thecpeoplef ot :uunn ; ' With best wishes to the Times and all of it& readers. . ; ! ij " v.. r . ? V rtJ01TX DOOLKT.'. of the visiting team shaken. Then followed several gnocessive hits scor List of Letters Remaining in the potoffce Louisburg, X. C-, uncalled for: R. Alston, O. F. Baily, lKn ard Cumintnga (4), Mrs. Lhe Davit, Sidney Edgiton, Rolert Kgerton, C. L. Fleming, Joe Fordge, W. S. Griflin, Z. R. Gupton, Jim.- Henry wno na4 ntxn in charge, tie aa awfalJy faligsel, bal siooa hi af rivad horoe hia phyalcian sart bu improvement has ben wondrfaL While of ooors be is rlill noos4 to his room bo is daily iot? ovisg ard ) hopes to b alJe lo b oal and ahake the hands of his fririi soco. He ask us to retain his sine' thaskj lo all ibosw who hate so ki&dlr tec deml tSerr love ari tjtapathy. He jtayii that sotae of the brtl la Hale. Joseph Harris. Annie Waite insr threernns in the first innmr: I Hunt, Jerry House. 'Eltubeth Jones which taade everybody feel that it John Leach, Moul ton Mr, H. Ci the world liTe la Kraiiklia caiasty was possible to keep the gaoi mt raYtl Jona.l.L MS?T Mra, Anru6 lod be came in oonUtct srith qit av No they d .mWr of H Frsnllb. rj gan, A. S. May, Prat Perrjl4 W. M. ?J?'!$V)ul till at the endini? of tht eichth. : ih Perrtr. Jaa LI Rrwuinbartf.lvan Hicks. : ; - . . 1 score being IT to 6 in favor of Louis- G. W. apence, t inamnpion, vtcav uno rpor .waa burg, the game waa xalle4 ' for, tbi L6 M. UnJ. I!- leigh;;cl SJ 'f14: . fiUefor.nin with, laillr.m wbattlero,WthVhea '. ,0 Urn a. be .hoold; bet It is xtU - t 1 ting on both'sidea; waathe feature Mw- them advertised. that delighted the BpecUtors. , E. S. I , R. R. H aiait t P. M. man above al rata, who &4t lo do better firmkat. Tb cua, wh hia Ha. t.air a lai t" ra.i m fa3;lt t cm tz. p4t?j at tl oAd lore Cam is Crra lek uri.4p r t t.s,c c4 a lavrg- ccTaUtn cf raaa ai fr?ia IUt O. M. Itk f:tdt.cd lie ft. raJ aaacna. Jt-cUr: ?c hkzs cf baa frioda f tr4 tat a laid wbxi wt rdavCd en V Tiv., H laiaasi a tcJLcr. fut? ib: trotSrs la surs aJ a tcl cf frv!a fevaiirt ta otnirs tb-if Wna. bat are fe.i lial litt Icms is La tu.rt.aJ fxijK. We caa&o d?atjJ m Ij Vtl aStjU t uk3 trco t Jtui ia lit aad wot wbt t wj ..a5frinji. , We stall asaas tha la euacj wart yrt we k&ow ,ll it Q&9 w-pfki i&i lie will all r tarraw WaX Miy titwatkia ci tle Lcrd -mtsi orroisg cot ia4 caay tbay la4 CKwlrt la lia 99 dotJbv all Ltt wt'L V

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