i sites A. THOMAS, EDITOR. X I-,, .Tr ' mrn-i'-Li ' -j - ' ' ., v - . - ' n M M . ' 1 mil m t .in.- i-.,, 11,. ... WHmHIIHHMBBMMMW oi. xxxix OBACCO MARKETOPEHS UlSBURG PEOPLE AREVERY ENTHUSIASTIC. Go0d Lot of the Golden Weed On all the Floors j and Good rices PrevailedGeneral Satisfaction. The Louisbnrg Tobaoco Market ened yeterdaj, according to the noancements previously made, in shape. From early morning late in the day drores of wagons . 1 1 j ."...11 1 armg ine gcuuau weou couia De , wending their way to the av warehouaes. OnLtbe floors of ch of ire warenouses cpnia oe teen arge lot of tobacco almost eqnal a mid-season break. ' And where prices for the tobacco did not l " U il in over uigu 11107 were generally needed by the best judges of the oed to be good and as much as Id be expected for the -grades at were offered, for sale. It was Isily noticed that the piles that flred up pretty good and clean ought a very good price. After rowing "heads" to see who should L.i. a i u: . kve nrst saie iuo nwuiug cummencaa Hart's Warehouse where a large 1 1 L iL 1 I?N. iimDer or ooiu tanners aau ciuzeos itnesped it. These sales continued itil one o'clock, when time was ken for dinner. Immediately ter dinner hour was ' over ie sale commenced at the X IT 1 1 - arners arenouse ana. con- med several hours. As at the sale fore a large crowd wast present d general satisf action 'preraied.-- Tbe F&rmera warehouse, under e management of Messrs- S. S. ws and J. N. Harris - two" ot rpioncei warehousemen"" made -a pod show at the start. These two mtlemen are well known all roagh this and adjoining counties i have proven themselves worthy b (he tobacco farmers. Thev " have ith them Messrs. W. D. Jackson lok-keeuer, Walter Farribow. of ' eter, assistant book-keeper and oor manager and E. L. Jones, so- itor. Neither of these need any com endations on oar part as they 'are ell known by all of the tobacco Iowen who have frequented our arkt in the past several years. At Hart's Warehouse under Mess W. If. Waddell and J. R. Collie FO Of OUr most nnnnUr an1 affintvn ' bacco warehousemen, was also a ane of olden times, as good lot of f 9 ?ol(Jen weed was spread upoa the "or of this well known .warehouse. er too the farmers always feel-, a afm welcome and as in the ttast efe all aatisfiftd with ih' inlt- days sale. These gentlemen ve with them this year the same r, Messrs. VV. E. Uzzell. book. Pr, W. D. Fuller, assistant book- P and floor manaerer. with th Mr. "Swen" Harrisori: ri to the farmer, as sofici- PT. Warehouse yesterday owing, to atTangemeQts for iU runninelhis a80n not being vet Derfected., We llerstan that this! welUlmowQ 0U8e will open under compe-' Management in a few davs. of Qe annonnftAtnAnt will Ha fed, -: il ile I on which ta sell his tobacco yon have net er tried: thui rxiarket doso and then you -will 4e in position 'to appreciate the valua of our remarks. The buyers present on , the floors yesterday weresai;rrTho Tyack, for the - American Tobacco Company, C. B, Cheaiham,. for the Imperial Tobacco Company, J. B. Thomas, and S. J.Parham, Inde pendent buyers. The visiting buy ers present on the opening were Mesirs. J. B. Massenburg and G. M. Perry, pfYoungsTilietfi- ' BaserBall Louisburg ys . Boanoke Rapids Thursday and Friday Aug. 12 and 13. Admission 15c and 25c. Let every body come out: and encourage our bays with th eir. presence and the cash which the treasury needs badly a fine exhibition orbailis promisedv Batteries; for Louisburg Thursday, Fitzgerald and Turner, Friday Hedgpeth and Surles. , Come out and see the great southpaw shoot them across. Below we give the score by innings in the two games with Spring Hope. In the first game we were fairly beat en but the boys think that with a little better order on the grounds, and a little less dust in the Umpires eyes we should have ; Scored two or possibly 3 runs. v 1st Game. . :,, ; RH E Spring Hope OQd 301 00 4 4- 4 Louisburg 0Q0 000 0006 5 3 ice afia . J ordan, Fitzgerald and Surles. ' Struck out. by balance .11, Fitz gerald 6, " . ' ' : Spring Hope OOO.OOO 000 -0 1 9i Louisburg ; ;;410 110 30 10 11 7 Batteries, Avria and Jordan, Hedgpeth and Surles. Struck out by Avria 3, Hedgpeth 12.. v' ' . A glance at the score will show that we lost the first game from fail utw.au uuuou ens as, we naa more hits and less errors than our oppo nents." - T:COTmTrr.THE STATIL THE innOTT. LOPISBURG; C;;;FRIDAyi-AUGb Q09. - the; : moviiiG u PEOPLE. Franklin county Mr. ndMra T. SmithareIsa at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Alston tq attend the wedding-- Wewg and OoaerYea.""V - - Mr.Boddie U on of Franklin coun- tie's industrious young men and b a brother to MeRsrs 'S-p. and W. Boddie, .and- we extend our con gratulations to the happy young cupie", " Chamber of Commerce. Base ball is a line sensation. Bat are we fair to ourselves, "ouffamilies and our town when we allow a sum nier sport to retard a movement which looks to the "upbuilding of the entire tmmunity. , . - On last Monday night in the Court' Hourethe organization of the Chamber of Commerce was perfected by the election of the following Officers: , J. R, Collie, President. Dr F. McKinne, 1st. V-President. T. W. Watson, 2nd. V-President. C. T. Stokee, 3rd V-Preaident. , Dr. A. H. Fleming, Secretary and Treasurei. The election of a Board of Direc tors was deferred until tonight, and it is the sincere hope of the offioers elected that at the ringing of the Court House bell tonight the citizens of Louisburg' will come out and let's all get together and go to wrk Jfor the common good of the town. With a long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together, boys, we can double our population, increase our holdings and reduce taxes. Graded School Opens Supf. W. R: Mills informs us that the Louisburg Graded Schools will open on Tuesdav, August 31st., and that the same force of teachers, who taught last year will be with them again this session. It is -important that all children who intend entering should do so the first day. Further an nouncements will appear in our next issue. Feh e88rs. C. E. Johnson ;KndlS,T. y Wl'l do the auctioneering for ' market this vear. Oar neanlA now Mr. Johnson. as att aue- f eer' to ay .wheVeetuliii Mue ot tobacco it has reached rn of thU whole1 lotion, and 10,18 Tear, h hAAI I "M Fr among our tobaccmefs!! 0rn outheremfreuf 'a!ei 0Q this market veryay "e week w"h the : exception j of u i- u mwf ourg imcieat Cw teti 4tJ foWnifi5ii there wiU be:lefteasoii on to seek another market Death otllrv E, Wilder. After an illness of four weeks E Wilder (Bud) died at the resl dence of his parents on 'Monday last at 30 o'clock.. He was 34 years of age and leaves a father and mother, three sisters and three broth era to mourn his sad death. "Bud," as his friends all called him, was well known and justly?popular, both h ere and-in the county, he will be missed not only around 9the home fireside, but by all who had ever been thrown with him. j - Large bearted, loyal Jto hia friends and generous to his : ene mies i if he ever had any. The f uner-4 alv was conducted from his - home on Thursday by Riev. L. : Swope and the ienterment was in the ceme tery. i rA large coucourse of friendii foli6wBd!his remamstslast rest-M Ing place and laid him i. tenderly to rest b. eneath' a verss fpf flowers; ? w -v'.- Boddtei-Smlth oaiIey is one of the 1dW ' " - . n l nurrn inn rvi ia nranpnri: , . ihie-. a ii. foroTtbat to linWthtlOxfoftd Olerung joaaie wuic.a wux iajf pice Alston near ; Louisburg,where tbe brid e is hetwineruniw llrs Jfcahd MrsR.5 S i Smith, of Oxford, and the groom is a most estimable the marriat youogan en arming in . Died. Mr. J. T. C. Johnson died at his residence about, four miles west of tuisburg on'Mondajr morning. He wasnbout 70 years old, an upright .man? And a good .neighbor. ifis re mains were interred at Perry's church on Tuesday. Mrs. Sidney Freeman Strickland, at Wake Forest on Monday last, her remains were brought to her old home near Louisburg and Interred on Tuesday. Grand Picnic and Barbecue. Posters are being widely circulated advertising the grand picnic and barbecue to be giyen at Henderson on Friday, August 20th, by the Business Men's Association and citizens to th e people of Vanc and adjoining counties. Besides dinner there will be speaking by some dis tinguished person on some subject pf public interest. Among .the! many free attractions, for the crowal will be musie by a good band, bate ball 'game bet ween strong teams and moving picture shows for the ladies and children. A big time is expect el and everybody and their friends are invited to be presant. Nothing will be left undone to make this day one to be. long remembered in the historvof- Henderson. The Utensils Needed in Can ning. Agate, enamel of earthen ware vessels are better than tin or iron. Wooden .spoons are, better than inetal, unless, poesibfy; stiver, and cloth suaineTs should te preferred to wire ones. If it is voeoessarv-- to use metal, be as quicc as. possiMe, and do not leave a metal spoon in a kettle of cooked fruit- r 7 Glass-top jars are best. .'Pint onus are more' economical for the ordinary iamiiy. l ne less lettering there is in a bottle the easier it is to eel QRubber jirigs should be new every yiwThey oecome I porouaaha' brittle ana the suga in' one jarVof ;'rAjr. coat aa mucn as dozen ringLhptheni in hot water. JefotB putting on )ottIey bat db net aiiownem.tof etand it.jf The 'frmt should be fresh, firm ahd not oveN ed places and cut k good section out .mtKytaoidy Vpotl"--Hrs,v;W. K Hutt; in RaleigK (K; dogressire Farmer;; THEIR' :tlOVEHBNTS IN ND 1 OUT OF TOWN. V S ThoseWho:Have Visited Louis bur W . Past Week Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for e Business or Pleasure. J. S. Strickland spent Sundav at Ocean View. . Air. Go. W. Ford vU ted Ocean View laiit week. - J, R. Collie went to Raleigh Wr1 rtesdav' on basiness, Dr. Joel D. Whitaker, pf IUliigh, was in town Monday. Miss Rath Mitchell, of Oxford, is visiting fnend in towu. - Miss Sue Webb, of Warren ton, U visiting Mrs. L E. Sooggin. Misa Lizzie Jojiea, of Oxford, U visiting friends in town this week. .Mlsa Glennie AycocVe returnid Tuesday from a visit to OcanvView. Mias Mary Forte, of Oxtord, is visiting the home of Mr. R. P. Tay lor. Messrs. C T. Stokes, J. L. Palmer and W. P. Hunt went to JUleigb Tuesday. Meara. Henry and Lewis Jon, of Oxfjrd, art visiting friends in town this week. J. S. Lancaster and wife returned yesterday from a visit to Ocean View, Va. Miss Martha Laird Robersoo, of Haw River, is visiting Mws Glenni Ayoocke. i Mr. E. T. Budd relumed from a trip to Norfolk Vs., one day th past week. 1 Mbaes l'anline Smiih and Ellu Alford returned this weak from a visit to Nshville. Mrs. D. C. High and daughter, 'Miss Lillian are trending aoxne time at Ocean View. Mr. Wilson Harris and brother, of Durham, are visiting friends and ret a tires in and near town. Mr. J. W. Hollingtwortb returned Tuesday from a visit U New York and other northern cities. Miss Mary Belle Macoa lett Tuet day for Rocky Mount where the wiJl visit Miss Martha Byrd SpruilL Editor R. E. Hanson, of the Spring Hope Leader wa.i a pleattnt calltr at the Times office tYedne. day. Misses Sallie Charles and Elisa beth Cheatham returned home tht week after a visit to relatirea ia Kit treU ' ' , . Misa Annie Belle Kine, who bat been visiting Mrs, Noma Turner, at McCnllers, returned home one dav the past week. J. A. Tiraberlake, of Savannah, Ga., stopped over do hit wj to Richmond and spent a few days the past week with his people near town. Mr. and Mis. Wra. Bailey accom panied by William left on Tuesday for - their annual summer vacation while away they will take in the ex position at Seattle. " . Dr. T. O. Coppedge and bVide ar rived in town on Tuesday from their bridal tour to. several northern cities. They drove to Dr. Coppdata home about twelve miles east of town' the earn j evening. -v- - Meesra. W. G. and H. L Tboaaat, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with their brother, ;th editor of the Tmxa. They returned home Monday mornl ing and were 'accompanied ' by-' Tittle liquwe .Thomia J who will tpeod some time wrtii" theai . " ..V. rMisa Mary V;rarlorotigb? teach er in thelJTiftii 'Grade '-at r towsbartt Graded School:, hat - returned home from the UniTeraity jo! Pennl at which place she his been taking ,tlj Teacher tamzner ciarae " She V re port s a pleaaaat. and proSuble ram Mr- W Sotherlin, of 1Urmbr. ham; Ala,, who has been Touting bis tttnt, Mra. R. C WBliama, left yf. tflrdsy to vit bit parcoU at Sathtr Uo, Va. Ha was aocompapUd- to lrgfnia by Miaeea Mary and . Bewk Williama, who will Ttait ralaiirMu Mra, Rosamond II. Ragidale, one of our efSdaot gradd achooi Uacb. Mfhai r tamed home from tbe Univeriiy of Tenn. at KootfliU. She has bert there for vertl wt kt Ukiog the courM for teachers, aM ince her arrival home hat had a very flattering offer to go to toot place at teacher of Ecglub literation, but defined same at old Franklin County was home to ber. A SUGGESTION TO IHPROVE THE HfcALTH AND WEALTH OF THE TOWN. There wn to b more tkkret In and around town than usual a&d we often hear it remarked thai lhtr will probably U a grt: del of tever and chillt ihu fall. It that skkne tt being aaiictrtud at a natural coojqof nee afur to occb raio. ThU may be true, bat r ttalu from oegtigence as well at frota nat ural ca uses, can be avoiled by prompt and timely actix. Our doctors will tell yoa to til your wellt and ot city water. ThU may be good advice tod trove to be one preveataure. But why hate oar wells colten to te jm dasgrj tinoe city water ti available? WelU in low pltcet, where tsrft&t water m tllowed to drain ia. ar dangerow to health an1 shoul-1 b condemned. Our rilv tuf may tt free from gtrca, but th aio u4 9da it coctaiot wTl at up yor ttomach to cofor4etly thtt roa wal not b able to oterooae vbe dtx f of germt tou may ri fros, taany other touroet which ar in cle touch to nearly every home in Le. burst. I could chew, swallow ar4 rtU a doxen gerrat from a wll f water rather than swallow oc (fota tj,, viJe pig r-ens ted offentive boe that are to near taant bco in town, and often oatr troot docft and bed rooms. It u a r -Section on xaj town to bout of city wafer atd eleo trie lights and still allow ejb oli teot to keep pig peat tl tU oigb bora door. It is all right for lhce who own Urge lrt, and krp clean pens, bat the average uwn lot m iki small. Everv oan will biiVi tU pen as far from bU own cose at ible, and in to doing will pui i a Tfctt tri c4 tbt town cricrjy Icteted toU Sim: sVU4 U wotkI cawlhU cS be taaJ, 4 cloe pUU tway tJ tUrw are oe Fttf Uilibj Ium alkt Ur; tata. ft It tW, i, U a rv'eJ the towa, aiooat forgotten tae hoU.be cbasp.4 t9 -iubce Row lU VNii are harm ti Inttetd of tu W&c taaie at.4 Wpt unratrl it U ac r.arrert w ta a cow ocnitseat a trath lf U'tre a4 cart lotds U tla carit, tKowiag what woadtelU ett they are taakiaj i ca3 tp fnct lrL We rfle wlw do m irt 0i Mau tirett hare to zertti . rseot to brrott w trcnr wtJ the i'jhu are ke-t sacb c.?l. Uca. lUktr aare oytM be ety ettrtdiv 1 VM f9Z lo tU tawn t.s tJd to tbe a::r4!jve,M that tn tti to U a t lci 9;rW a4)otei in tU fci.o tJ UJ. ia t cir IHl X'xzCm or no attotioa U li town whf!e oa toeostt f !u Libl ar4 lccitJtao tt U ce cf t ccm sirable tce tcrieE.i. Ttn wctll Mirrl tew bjt bsJT farxtj al near UtWt SctT if te tots tsim4Qf wo-sH llet.3 CVCf Ut ttJ Xoi en C 4iies.aute recTJ :t!tc:tt;i last aov U:ts i. Ibertiiia tin tin hf de btWets wit!tej at4 0$tmi fcf tealy a tear aM t: ntas i.i ihu CrcjtslMJtn ciar er w-ji tJOt KoV! a rretit-g l&sg e?Kt-b l StteM la txt fti crt,t llh tin tit c4 tcfc Vl. off tax cjt.il te iA m! ar f ttt -erif udefreHatiag ,u at 4 dir t We u Uumt ri, J are wUit-J l eTJ n,c; UKZar. if tje-ifhlcfb!w.J Tltfe u oar-b f it,t ere tt. doJ e ewr hot Ia W tvere. 4t e uo If tt tctt.ciniT are M ffctr t.y mcik fee iie o the lows, jhel cn;l t,j ciavU w;U ebeizbp Icaj fcct-b at4 luift ec -.0 r1 tirett tt.j away fna tbcr j.r ti tUff1Mt es.ee t will wxk tt4 y4aa ttl 4erde tis M ee.bi te ajrar,cie U-wa ai t4are t-ert to nroe Lre rathee tLn 5riv tbrra awtv. We wccild tfcH cbKt t ut if v 0WI4 wtef t: u,! iI&f fr;en J-ci c4 Uu s allow ei U def4enute vaJtee aJl lie whole. lc-iMbcrc m aa arwuaLc e'J town ttl Lbe t-te e.e 1 . .-... cko 10 nit ikeig&Ujra tJ tor oae i t& bei eh- ii..r eW4 pig pen ttbkt wort ibta jo-sr IfaUe La ruareo al 'ki , - cru ta ticatm at4 Ua vUe bw a wpm' ociov pep;e &ave & S6e for, or knowledge cf their own of. fence. ThU matter tboeU be lock- twwait thai liue tava at riet? larce eo-sjib tbea. Tbce ia atlhnr. wyih li.t pra ed after ana pt?t thoald be vcud Hy ea taLule4 out of town. If tbev eoa'd do ibe I hus.t, c tT ev ow noting they would dear oat be. jed ejb v start ? acy tw teercifce or w ap lie tci J;Ucnc4 l e u6 suraa'ave eo:ttt to bhitie tlt la ts.. tt rxy be that they are tfrai4 U Um&z wkl tej bate, la I rt m treAaV.e that they ara Umzzit a 4ea4 thai l?-ey cait t hav. We a few p,l teitt vb aatcraXly Me lo se Cwir . L?wo prow t4 wbe k iaa teuoo ot ute vetf, they are not bct eaoegh lo want to be daTeabl to their Ueibboft ce lie tbeaotelve la lthy pena. Our people sixfold wak op from their lethargy aai ae4lhat the towei U kept dean, tae pretaUea tboald often be mt peled sod the law en forced. A man carA raie aroad a bggy and tea iaiQ the btck yards. Jtare tviie eo6;b to k p w-hh It u true he we oore than fceete able to attend to. The bgh weeda aheold be cut and exrried cClf there should be a gtrbage Cell sod aotb fng emptied shcrt of i!;cow, trash li often taken frota ooe part of the to wra and carried to aaothtr. Tht tiying TrgaUtion is dacgeroaa t health. Af ter ao many heavy rai&s the earth la fall cf moutcre add I be high weeda and heavy gracac kawp the tao'a' heat : frota 'reiebbg the earth ad drying . tt oat and. lh mlaama arieiog froa strxh - aVcrort filial the ."sir with'Cpooiu' : ; Be& ou-er trcrnwwate lirwaiSL IUi Deed raoil of 2 a fw R.ta 2ua jxax kack t 1 oro U&tioaa, bal taea via are tc4 airw3 t eanh ad tir to lUrr Cat are aTc4; wtcrt X tare re fwfft a ikab; cx&le ILU It htrrmeiii i t wrg a&4 mra t a twliai csaa who rarwt avr-lr c f .r the antsal uux he tas cvtrbtriae.j ihi cb t ti UaxV ri. t tt e4 fcarofcte aod uxa lUsa vet ta. erally. .ilea. A. L. Barrut; thr pi aoea and are ostj c f th chief caotn aad meats far tUrtisg rea vases alas for the taasr Ui ax-preetira eaoa, 2ia.a3dHr.a- It. V. VTtuaa. to tbe damp and dirty pixcoa tore-j , We wtah'u UacxJ tr exsnore quitotwand Clrt live and 'ratltir4y. thaa i txt trisli ai atr.tbar and it is known 'that ttey. carTjl2 wLa wlli2rtra4 ' " V-M Will f i f f yi l -us Si,-,; V ' ' ' '