v ,r..,rviile Items. - everyeitort to have a fine market. - i -tha Davis, of Wake Forest, MrrJ B. Massenburg spent , Sat? f,wn villi rvi inn 1 Lll uav ?i l if I nnnnoir or ai ,a Kitchen. wnamoeriain s uouc; Uhoiera and , Di t j. Winston, a stroll over town, ona some of oar the neni move xo c sanitary ;,; in last citizens got i Joseph Yarborough .1 - Sc This is arrnoea Kemedy; Never- Known to ' w, ---Fail.,; " nave, used Chamberlain's Colic. UTAILOH.' :V'AT.,NEA;Ju"lIdin4 . . A ahnrtA Via Vnt rruywi xtemeay since It t gictnenH u - -rr- was nrst introduced to tne.. public ml sing, ckaning and' tailoring atjw' very reasonabl v 'ratea. All -wort I i r.' . . . '- 21M: yf11 tpeedily ffuar'anteed.- Givf me a trial and I i 1. vvaiKina auu , j. eneiea nv- ira-nse.; f. Jivrv coinrw oui : . ancp, never start out on a trip without - . tifnto. Mpm w, iwiu;vi. - v4ium. xno. xer. j?or lfc.tr 8UUBWi. ; ;- nafihTThflSenmnW nmrt. r , ilv -r it "- w. I tt. " ' 1.. r . on,i R E. Williams, jr., are - , . xxaving quaiinea as executor oi n(jg , wcuafi. nuca twins, v i euuia x osier, aeceasea, late oi J. A. Coppedee. of Greensboro J "wKiin county, jthis is to notify -' . . . - i ii i - . . . Oi rlrr uMflulcsiiiini Notice. is Aim ' Operatioini the roui CAUlUlb bXlBllJ. IAJ LI1 H Tl XlClflRI f7Xl I ,,1 to see the error of their J; oivor uexore ine oistaay .oi'iuiy. v Tturn before it was to late W. B. Coppedge has four acres of 110, or this notice will be plead in 1 and turn Detore u as to xaie . Dar of their recovery. AU persons ffb bis plain ana lorci.ue preacn- . vy-y. indebted to said estate: will please - auum. u omitn nastne state Peat lrnaV immflmf flemanf 7 on a corncrop and our friend: J; H. 31st day of July, '09. wooa nas tnirty nve - sneep . wnicn This i serve all kind of cold drinks. Phone your orders for every thing, in our line. Reha Duke, of Durham, is jliss Helen Winston this rs. Maggie iirK ana nuie son, rov; are visiting at Mr. L. G. A Timber-lake, of Baltimore, nding his vacation other. here with look like pictures in spite of the dogs. " . : J. D. H. I The above item's were intended for last week but were "misplaced Editor. JOSEPH b AVIS, V Administrator of Dennis Foster. Mi Spruill & Holden, Atty's. Wotico of Sale By virtue of the power conferred up on .us in a mortgage deed executed to us on the 23rd day of February, 1906, by Dock Whitley and wife, Lucinda Whitley, and recorded in the registry Servod ns nffao f ,k 01 J?rantim Uountv, m book 152. paee Maggie Finch, of Henderson, Utitute known to. grocers ayerywhere as wwiU ?londfty 6th day of t vr;aa Dr. ShooD's Health Coffee will tnVV Septembet, 1909, at noon, at the court .uogin iowu, Bu. even a coffee extort. Nota rJ house door in Iuisburg, .X. O., sell at Holden. real coffee in it either. Pure healtnf ul ?ubllc . au1cut lon nto . e bidder Vanna toasted grains, malt, etc. have been so iur uaau " t uescnoea iraci Van. cleverly blended as to eive a wonderfnl. ,r Parcel llan,d vme .nd n with ly satisfying coffee taste and flavor. vypress ree townsmp, iranklm Anrt it ?a "mo-ia ; o 1 county, and known and designated as E.T. Alford. No tedious 20 to thirty minutes boil- Ma miA Dickens and Annie lnS- old by all Grocers. iu. - last Die ;.c Ma ml e Edwards, of iO ty, is spending the week Prescriptions Milled With Skill Co. tt of Fran Klin ton, spent in town. uses Bebe Staunton and Maude Us, of Franklinton, are visiting Ids and relatives in town. . J. Jeffreys, of Raleigh, and B. effreya and wife, of Hamlet, came Lis weeFto visit their parents. hief of Police J. E. Winston- has ed hife family into the residence erly occupied by Mr. G. C Pat- n. . j e Seaboard A ir Line construc- YOUNG MEN ' LEARN TELEGRAPHY ! Telegraph Operators Are in Great Demand - Boys, this is your opportunity to learn, a first-class trade that pays a good salary every month in the year. There will be a greater demand for Telegraph Operators this fall and win ter than there has been for many years past. The prominent, railroads :' of the South and Other parts jofi the; : United tarettbg t8ftaalifyJ following;. Adjoining the landVof John Koss on the east, north and west, the lands of Brooks Heading. Cal Benton and Cal Harris on th south, containing I one hundred, seven and one half acres and known as the Mary Jane Odom old place. July 31, '09. SPRtNGHOPE BANKING CO. Bunn & Sptuill, Atty's. o New Paoacea Hotel ! A. J. Under Entire New Management COOKE, Lessee and Proprietor IHJYLfRS CANDY: 4 , ALWAYS fnrna hod hnioho1 .', , 4-Via inttnn t I manv vonnf men of conn p.harafttpr fnr trust that the reliable, ambitious boys ! last see this long needed work of the South will rally to this golden' mecce and think we deserve an opportunity., , . ' ilvfourto six months- W crtATaTt.fp ed io patiently for. - ; ; positions. Graduates begin on $45 to. hemeetinz at the Baptist church 1 165 per month 'easy and pleasant work ch was commenced here on Mon-1 permanent employment, rapid promo- nf lat wp.V hv Rv.T.,-R. Tnfl J tion. Our tuition ,s reasonable, board I of' frkw Tafifl Nprnnon ia orfio-mklv paior,ana on account oi healthful; fine climate; excellent drink- nees of the pastor, and was com-1 ing water. . Write at once for our( new ed by Rev. D. B. Parker, pastor I iliustrated catalog. A letter or postal e Methodist church, came to al wil1 tri.nS lt- lt is FREE- on Friday night. It was : 30UlllCni JCnOOl Qt leiegrapny. 10,000,000 poundJ'of any kind of old Tlnr 9.79. X FAVN A N da OUr IftUPI The New Panacea, a Summer and inter Resort Hotel FRE S H AT The Scoggin Drug Company r t WANTED! : -at Panacea Springs, Warren County, N. C. Now Open Under Entire New Management SPLENDID ORCHESTRA DANCING NIGHTLY ew mnaxrea meaa Terrtinoc cal Uvc c4 rritr The " drank the health-sirinir watrr tTacfir by onerintr those who rrr ery respect. The room art? Urr ervicc, eta. Tbo who wUh lo t qawt aad r frtn Uvr t v cf 4 rk it the prittlnfrt oJ rvta'o-ri c4 uodrt9 lC.x i t Wo-d 'w t :r. airy atxi ril forcihM. Th ui-U it crf muh t t here and while rotin; drink oC the worU-ra wmUr a&d ct t-wJ: p, te r- '-r. Vv, Thoee who wish to enjoy the soctal of life will flc Uv pntikm is. t: iwj rwo im incung a great ourawr 01 TTur-x fT K. w t.iip t lev. successful meeting and much was in evidence. T. at once, pounds, Notice to Teaehers. . . - 1 ji B. Justice, pastor, of the On Saturday, Sept. 4, 1909, at 3 t church here, tendered his P H11 Copper ui veuai xtucji.. iu w j-ijlujj win. iue 1 1 1 Kubber at. flfidar Rrifik : Aeademv to eleo.i Lead tt on October 1st. He . is a good teachers for the township. All J . or and a fine gentleman nd our applicants,; please -enclose certiifi- Greeniciw Hides e regret to give him: up. cate witn application. - I Dry j - ... . . I v va- c.'iuovuu 1 , 1 ii wi imueieatea x oungsvuie in a J. R. Earle - V Committee. at Epsom last Saturday by a W. W. Boone j M2tol. - . : N ' - ; . T . . : Louisburg Kepair bhop. 'ting Miss Lucy. Moss. TWr: ko. ftTo do Winston qualified as "Mag- Plumbing Carpentering, Painting Nn Wednesday of last week, and many other things too nnmer; ous tc- .jention. -uooit iorine sign "TTftrnfiRs Shot)." . East Nash St.. - ! 1 - i ore, is visiting her sister, OT,a inrtt. ohnvn "Dfinositorv. Twr ... . - . 1 r: - - - - V ' w. woodliet. , : X ours to serve, iMDaiaw R.; irMvnrt V' . JLascaktes & vvuxiams. I - I r1 Mies Beulah Moore the rait I will pay 25 cts. per hundred Bones 25 cts. per hundred 6 cents 8 4 2 1 20 8 10 10 per pound reranai lit oy me beam or a cunoun moon at u rKlTo-o. of rooW tm Ovf-i a UUrJ party. Some oi the arrival today irr C W. TratU, TrlcU?. M S. W. Wr C-n-w. Trv Mre. Meyers and daoifhUr, Newport New. Va; 11. IAty fUWfc. CU. lW7 U.v burg; IL U'Wester. Hrndcrwu, W. H. Wynne, lUlrtfb. tin (Wi RWrh &. T rt t.w nth, (Ja; P. T. Fox. wife and ehiM. Fouporia, Va; T MiMi Hyward, Chicago, Lrx tt5tf. A. J. COOKE, LP Lessee and rictor Panacea Springs, N. C ii 4 I pay cash for all of the above. I. SPIRE Choice and Fresh Cut-Flo wcrs i 01 C E Cut Flowers ! ! cm i v,.'i.-.-- Rubber Tires. You do not have to. send your Roses, carnations and violets a specialty.' -Wedding bouquets and flora offerings arranged in best stvie at- short notice. bummer DO, n . a aw:.-!"- I w 5pivey& limberiake naa buggy wheels away to have rubber flowering bulbs, bedding plants, nev hearse on exhibition, on the tires -put on them.: H. 0. Taylor roso bushes, and eyerything; in the 18 this week and it made a very - "will do H as good as the factory florist1 line, at - aPpearance. unt. very Read their adver- and little cheaper. i jjepairing at All "kinds - of wany triends are clad to see ierman Winston, (kid) catcher e iOUncravillfi koll .'tatm'Ant arVi8 accident in the Ep- pae last Saturday ' which1 ' re- u ,n a sprained knee and 1 cans- Rame to ho UaJ '? b hinnig- Hesaysbeill'be t0 Play ball by next week.' John Winstdh. after anendinV , 7F a j "v1D vvuu .uia ..lamujr, w 1 uesaay to Pennsylvania FrtbacCJ marked has ' opened r "est -and we are having good "cry day except Mondavs. r 18 nothing being sold ndw,ex o-v.Co Wl t primings na Ue Belltog well and the farmers BLart ott sri tro - mm -w : W A A H. C. TAYLOR J LO'QUINN & CO PHONE-149 Of Carnations," Rosea, Violets, etc Floral designs and Flowers for all occa s ions. Potted Ferns and . all kinds of pot and out door bedding plants. Veg etable plants in season. All orders promptly' filled. H.STDNMiTrZ, Florist. Raid Eft, N. C The Best Policy I SEW FALL L1SE . New fall lin Apl Hal ;utt fit4 at THE BARGAIN STORE- W. . COOKE Ralcish' N Caronn: The Safest Company ' t ..JLIUUC . North CaroUna I ' In Superior Court The school committee ; of Sandy 1 Franklin County August Term, 1909 Creek township will meet at .Mt DolUejWUliams 7;n A Adlfimv rn . Sofnrnav. ; .Nfvn- l. VS. tember 4fch for tne purpose ting .teachers 6 teach in said 4 uliams ) v - . - . ' . ofelec-P8!1 V . The strength, cotawrvatisTn, economical management of the . and AllCtWWn, vThdefendknt the above entitled . V r .All parties wishing tiorit 6am Wiims, wiU take notifi. EatlitablC Ufe ASSOTanCC; SOClttV id township pll make that a summons-in .-.the above, entitled ' rT? MUV -J thftt dn.v ; ' - -V day ofjuly, l909;by the Clerkof Super- - ; r VV,ut fore thatday. v . , s-.p. ioctai3tK:CoMty; which r, , , sV ,'r E. IN WILLIAMb, Ohm. s mon i9:-returnable before His v i v ' - - . 'V ' comen . are . putting forth tt i i r - t j ; i . .. . . . ' . t -- TfcA ,x ' TM0rd'?-'- npfl:V V,cai f v I Make It tne sal est company m wnica w livUvu ; ly, a vvuw h, i a conn w oe ueia- iorran&un iooxiit i . Tu - The schooi;committe6 for liayes- defendantwulfurthW take notice "that of tto ville township will meet at itf usual the complaint in said action," which is - C I f 1 AI.J I 'ii Alt' r V: xi, . OQ rtf f of theCrerk of the Superior Court for lemuer iur tuc Fwr": L : rr: io5 nnntv; Xet : the tl The liberality and adaptability - V New YorX Standard Poller eniDerioriue FP".- ;Vrf said county. Let the; defendant take teachers to tne . several sonoom . m that hels reauired to antjear and Raifl Townshio; All applications to answer or demur to said eomplaint, or come before this committee must odupon: bem the hands of the Secretary by1 This 6th day of Julj, j,-.... 5 ' E. M. CLARKL Hake it the beat form to select. . Fnll inf ormaUon and rates famish- request,' Address . 12 o'clock, m. Clerk Superior Court B. B. MASSENBURG, Plaintiff's AU'y. R. H. DAVIS, tvrt. w. c. The Man Vho Wants To Borrow Money , Acd the cua "wbo rarU a xfe f-ire ta kesrp tig t ey. a wbrre be caa kun U wUi crta'ty ci . " grttinjr all or say trl cf Ud arvjr Uw a?w aj ' rrrUtJ pnlroca at thiol tlak. Vt a fratraJ ro 'jnrrtiaJ baiiairx bUa, W ctKtmi t'J J lit our cotae la Ue etc-J4x ef tUir toi rfwt. We ar comUJstJy nJtisx enr rnrttai tiiall l THE - CITIZENS - BANK J. B. rrmUrrit . VT. A. IJr.VT. CV.

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