x ; r , . vvv yvv V-Q-Q 'mm?' FRANKLIN r IMES j. A.THOMAS ED." & OWNER ii " Friday, August, 20 1909. . ..mDKX TO NEW Al'VEKTIgEMEMTS - ; Jos. T. Inscbe Notice. S--::xf Gro. II. Cooper Lost. V. T. Hugtes For Kent: ?s . Mrs. J. S. Barrow Noticev-r .Meadows & Harris -Local8."f ; Npivey & TimberlakeIjpprtantt?'--. arnival Co. Carnival. - ., ? , ,. Dr. K. M. Clarke Notice to Teach- i armers Mutual Tobacco CaSpi- in- Sale. f,rj. jp- o i:. . Williams Notice to teachers, Important. ' . TAR DRQPS. L't Read his advertisement. nrH,w v. - . - . , - worthy of the patronage of the pub-- " T 1 ft i oungsvuie pe6ple at- the ball games here tins ( uurt convenes Monday. Chamber of Commerce tonight ritir-men. Go out. -- X. v The Chamber of ' Commerce t" tonight at 8 o'clock. Come out. - Fran blin Superior Court will ciivene Monday with Hon. C. 51. ('mike on the bench. " ; " v ' k Will Cooke says don't Buy your fil! !i;i'h until you see his line" of sariif'les. Juite a nu.nber of the . Frank- lint' r i and tf-M'lt' I lev. Josiah Crudup, of Rocking ham, is conducting a series of meet-v-rj." it Flat Rock church' near town t!iis week. ' ,v llliam, the little son of Mr. W. K. White, who was run ovr by a l.t.rs- Tuesday morning, we are glad to h tv, received no serious injuries i.'iilv a rew bruises. Wh herewith acknowledge the reuMpt of some very fine cantaloupes sent to us this week by Mr. E. N n iiiicuiio. j. uey were nne ana we enjoyed them very much. - -Mr. 1$. F. Wilder, Jr., has been appointed carrier on v Route No. 2 until an examination can be hadpin the place of Mr. Ji E. Wilder-' whose vacancy was caused by death Tt ... ine attention of our rp.Ara is calied to the' adMr;fiCilp? m tins i88uevHe says he is prepared ii . w put new ruDoer tires on vour old i bueg-ea and do most any dter v,re- pairincr -There will be a Very important meeting 0t the Chamber of Com! raerce in the Court House tonight' uteverbody go out and take a hl"1 in fying tof di something to l"sh Louisburg forward. . -The members of the Fire de partmem met in special7' session Wednesday night to consider a l'n.positionfrom a Carnival Co., and 'earn they expect to get it here "" tira in the., near future7 . Dr. A. H. Fleming has had his Saline yatch completed and is en- Jvmg the mornirg and evening with hi8 lady and : gentlemen nends. It has proven successful anrl a source ot great pleasure so far. -The Chamber of Commerce will je f,1'ly organized tonight and then u 11 be left with the committees" 10 do the work. Look . out gentle men? the responsibility . rests upon Jou. Now lets see what is gointo be done. . N ... - , r- ""t'leu ku waut to see Of nnt. ua:zz. 'J;-?M;k uuwucbb wen. wnen thora ,Udn game in town, unl . - ' J w he is at home sick, the nninl. -j uuu mm is to go to . the -nen a md mhiyjnllna ..,v a DuaKfl was the catch; A second.good bite:hWht: tV .o ' result: So friepdgheaves rolled M POs and went HoraetiHW "PMSpeyenlve tile saiTtA -rr.Atkrw.j : ' - . , - uv we ,: want tD KUpwwnits brother rChpaou I36 predicted . - . : ..i ... : : .ynamDer of Commerce, like, ever thing else, would be Zk$ fa1ln Iuistorg if everb'c wilVget such an idea " as that. n there heads'and stay: a wIy, lthirfgtAo" fftermanwill do : his duty and-go out take a part in the rk and posh it, what a glorious success we will have. There is " noth ing under, the sun that - could C down a set of men like this' with a dter i ninatipn to do something. Just try it and see. .- Imoortant rcThe Inrlef?idfi Aa? am.tr will i ' - - w - t. III VII- DOSSlhkV nan o :i ! ' ' - . v i " ni-i euwr ineir cnildren hn tTia 'fii jr- . - WILLIAMSChm: 'Mnnrlaw . ru . - i ' ... . xaCtOTVanr? f?in, Mill 1,1 n. . . .o. . The finder trill be JewardtKi Please return, and oblige. . " UliU. H. CXX)PEIL , J A B Carnival. :.J The Maryland -Amusement Com pany is attracting, great, crowds every night and surely'no show that nas ever visiter. W0m : He. Evervbodr ac tne big shows this week and tlicre is fun and pleasure for; old as well as young. . Prof. Kennell in his high dire, pitching headforemost from dizzy ladder of 108 feet, must be seen to be appreciated. This is free to all. . You must certainlv see Luner to- appreciate the grace and charm -of this pretty .flying lady. The moving pictures art good and the Plantation Minstrels are drawing cards. Of course the merry-go-round and the ferris wheel attract the children and some of the grown up people The music by the Rose mary brass band is up-to-date and snrely eucb a band- of fine looking young men and one lady, who adds much to the organization is credit to any town. . The management of the Maryland Amusement Company is. courteous anu. iu oe commended. The two Mitchells, intho brak-awav ladder wv,.. mo xjig dippoarome, is a teature that, all onnu ..v duuuiu oce. These shows are here uder the an. spicks, of tne Weldon Military or ganization and shoud be liberallv Dat- ronized by all. Every day this week and afternoons, on the Culloro lot. Pay a visit to the bic show grounds and meet vour friends W.in News. -... Notice ' : "tfefed ai executor of the will, of Lucy Smith, deceased, ail persons harinir plolfna . : i 41 ' , estate, will- urownt nfhiL191i- -thjs Dotice wi Pead jn.bar of their recovery. AH per sons owing the said estate will please settle w th th ,,-nUw,;, j e This Aug, 19th, " JOS..T; IXSCOE,Ex'r. " - 1 11 . : For Rent I have decided t n rent tv- .7 r.. 1 Img on Main street, Louisbare,X. I ' A n J . r . Or auu am open tor the best prop osition fmm a desirable renter for same, either furnished or unf of nished. I might entertain- a prop osition to rent out aij the house but two rooms. This dwelling has grooms nicely furnished, most of them.includmg halls nicely carpet ed.. Electric lights, water and bath room, attached. It also has a fine garden and stable. Address , x- W. T. HUGHES ' Chase City, Ya." v Frovfldled , . "og'llj open ocoonu for iuit JwiritcM i.V .Z tsj wm-.u A CHECKING ACCOUNT FIRST UNDER NATIONAL LOUISBURG, N. C SUPERVISION OF U. S. BANK GOVERNMENT TO Pprtsmouth-NorfolkjH ! On Sunday will Continue Until September 5th The low Sunday Rates of $2 from Franfclinton to Portsmouth-Norfolk Via SEABOARD o which have proved so popular tnis un-1 m niu -uc-cuuunueu on sale SUNDAY'S, AUGUST 22-i-9audtfEPT 5 -Tickets' are' sold for Xo 3J leaving i m, good returning onlv on 33 learifiir Pyortsmouth at 9 p m'on date of safe j only A delightful Sunday outing and I an" opportunity to visit the Virginia ! ocasuure resorts. Special coaches will be provided and tram will be run in sections if necessary to comfortable handle the tourist. C. II. GATTIS, D. P. A. " Raleigh, N. C. Pern WaDOaTeSP Don't- forget that: Meadows & Harris have moved to the Farmers Warehouse. Intense Colicky, fains Relieved For i- i ' X1UI1J III- tense COilfilfft Paino wii-.K "iiiwjj. wymu curne On at times ahn frnm TxrKinh T .,,1 J i , . ... " i WU1U JIUU no relief," says I. a Mason, of BeAver Ky . Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera. .v.v.w. ivmcuy rr.rtjs 1 CUCUIIle '1 11- ed to me by a friend. After taking a few doses, of the remedy I was entire ly relieyed. - That was fonr years ago and there has been no return , of the symptoms since that time." This rem edy is for sale by The coggin, . Drug SPECIAL LOW RATES VIA SEA BOARD CHARLOTTE; N. C. .. account of Confederate Vet erans Annual State Reunion. AUGUST 25-26 Th Kin.t Tr (iron. lib. 1-23!,. 141b. lJl sUl t CHASE & SANBORN'S TEA I- Tra GUhh SaurM nd Spnts M,;k Shl tv.. U.c Lp P. HICKS. ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUISBURG. IM. m ' ' ' Meadows & Harris" are running the Partners Warehouse this season .SPECIALS. Tl A lr of-a rn coIa A HMn'i OO no n . Ticket ond o -civ o lu i 1 k Kates rrom . Principal Points Raleigh. $ 3 FranVHntnn game. But we will not guarantee ball "u can bnner him awavL 1 n KlVftrsMo iWai.aK0; beat tobacco warehouses m ltle Stat. will K. .-kdf1 -1 wo iuu tuioyearjojr: Farmers' Mutual Tobacco Co.; the 1 . s rQ1 It will : . '.- -iA.5?-: - ..av0 its opening saieifon House i, j T " k.,;, laisers ueear notsh Poor f Maryland Amnseraent iCo. Sunday's will please leave toeir .or e Perfected UirV der3:ith:iIKin5SatoTArt:o ivytiuiK. jruuiia. taKe ai 1j. sf. ..llicks Tobacco Twinjp and Lanterns at L. P" s Bfcycle;siieatrii,Hic Rori.!T,,,ffT T ir:.i . . A smiths t,itha Water forsale by JWi .fflg. it is JughTy recommended by ali: i" nairLLr RhAnTnoti'om . '. S - rrr i :J Strawberries fresh'froni Chas. Macon I TO'V OYTOTT 4.k.. J i" ' u -T- fr" '-aay. -..wave your order with .Tnn. IV TTinrr . ... . .... ; . r . .v 1 A. J. Reachs Base 1 Balls Prices right. J. W. Xing. , ?' easily-make $15 to $25 . perweek - ' " DrawerA, Raleigh th 0n solid 'lave rift f ".uuooiuoiirf .yu., heir ;.;:"! iiPiS" olid u..n ' : -i ; r,ood times they '.will g,ve t-- ... . v 1. ".uig. uatuiuay -even- mg or call Phone 47 Snndav- My.Wagonii lish Car Bicycle n eeji beginning .Monday, wneeibarrows stand ready to deliver l9t 23rd, and will nU-t ' u 1: vou somethmgvfoir dinner, supper and it of ana wJiv play( for, the I breakfast and so easy to 4arry a W 01 the Louisburg - Fire De- ? 1 POndTof Ice- p J W King. : A. J .-j REACHS" Base Ball goods i at--Jt James f!Uo,U . ' A some of the fTiah i ' Jf ' , reek t,'. , -'-" vruoKea si,; : On -May .6th' jeiloVoiaterd' escaped 'Reasonable Teward for re turn."1 - ' i; , v"-": , . . V, - E, X Cheatham. ; " 4 -r; " - -Franklinton, NT C. Aug. 12th', 1909. Franknton nenaerson . . . Louisburg r. . Oxford ....... Littleton Wake Forest . Weldon . ... . . Norlina . Warren Plains Rates pther points. J or further ' information call on local agent or write . , a H. GATHS. JD. P. A. , ;: ' " Raleigh, X. C. 4.30 4 15 4.50 3.65 4.S0 4.10 5.131 4.a 4i4Q V III n n tt . III A Louisburg College An Ideal Home School For Oris , Fall I' Term Beins Wednesday, September ;- , 8th, 1909 T tr. . - v.u ine puri06e is to secure rortM attr- a aent healthful conditions, : a happj hocn, y 'm.rs ia . ' it. 1 . . A vwbum liuiuence. . a uueru cuiiar. and r :" thozpturb edacation at a moderate cost. X i r ou ventages in ittiuic, Jn ana uaon. preparatory lepartment rtu T special care for yooiurer arirls.. m. ,-:ujr preparea lor roanst women. fit- tinst : thanselvea for saUie nAAA school work. Ample grounds for euUtoar - a. ' recreation . and. ithUlM tv. - i i ... . - 1. 1 e , feature of this nfhnrJ t tA;iA.,.i 'r T I . - : mvuw U4 . Mrs; Mi D. Xllen; -Prei5fjcnt k - - Leuisbur Nl C .- j iVUcKDNNE - BROTHERS 1EC3ES1AL r s" r : - y ;v "iv-' 'rt" 'v " ; - - 1 O o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o . o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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