:r A A A A A A A 'v ' '""v v -v n n s . " h , '"'v' 'VC'SfS,WWVWW yWVsJOv WWW WW w w wwwwwwwwwwwwwww w w w w w w v. - .-,;.() CZD) 1 -J ; (v s , , " t - f l.V'-a yi , ,t ' - ' i -4 ' - ' . ' - ' - j - - .. r .7. . 3 L 3 :;"r'-' ts". ':- , - 0ff C) , C) ;C) () o 1 o o . C) () O- o o o o C) o o o O' C) 8 () o o o o () o o o o o () o o o o 4 OF"-THE ,lHfTJ)( ' : ' ' :r in.'lirn a "n .' ' -n-Ov m: v ' " 'v : - ;. ' . ' ' . - ' f'-: - 4. -. ' ' .'. it . . .!'"". " ' - . S WEIDNESBAY, ' , ... , v . r 1 . . V- '- 4 4 V ... . " I4J . I ".iT ft L 4? ( ; COMPANY '.WA a . J ' , Nl mmm in ' - ....V.. ' ' . u s SEPTEMBER ' 1st, 1909 Brig , your tobacco to S upon that day and get thogu. price. The Fannon, MuUal To.cco Cop,.r w0l ,.n lW 0 al th, RIVERSIDE . . ;WAREH6dl3:foraerly occupied -b- Meadow. & Ilarri. under ih bw,, of E. S. FORD AND J- E. HARRIS m , 1 . . And the object of its existence, as the name implies, is to mutually aafnnrrl r The Farmers Mutual is an Indenendent rWn.' 4!: I 'T.1" " protect by Payin&him ful, value for his tobaccoving him a square deaLupon the floor and at . ,ini evwh.,. '7. 'T' I' over to the mercy of trust and combination. All farmers desiring stock in the Farmer., Mutual ToW 0, el " . " !' " DOMT f&JMSET TH OPEWIMS Sif IE SEPT. I, AT RIVERSIDE WAREHOUSE m?7IM umJl'lDinniuiii - ; ' . - . JMWID 'v. m .; . '"'v.?-V-l'.r ':' V.. Centerville Items. Misses Sadie and lLoulia Jarman are spending some time with- tbeir sister, Mrs. G. R Andrews. Miss Carrye May, of Spring Hope, is visiting at Dr. Wheltss' this wek, Mr, JohrWheless paid our town a flying visit last Saturday. Miss Josephine Peruell, of Louis burg, is spending some time at the home of Mr. TV. D, Fpcjhurch. H We are glad to welcome Mr: W. J. Shearin as h new neighbor in x our town. i . I Mr. P. G.Alston, of South Caro line, is spending some time with his daughter Mr. A. D. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Conneli and- daughter; of Warren County, paid our town a flying visit last Sunday. ' There will be a Grand Rally and. Picnic given on Aug. 27, at 'Center ville by The Farmers Union consist ing; of the following Lodges: Cen tprville, Woods, Dickens, , Sandf ek an( LaureJ. ; All members and their immediate families are invited"; -Those not members "will 'be invited by. written invitations. . V - Miss LUlian Jones, of Cedar Rccl was a Pleasant visitor , in our r town last Sunday. " t ' - There was a small dance in Jthe neighborhood last Saturday; night, all report a pleasant time. ?.'"-..- . - - . . - t ' - . - T I THE VIRGINIA BAY HOTEL Arrange to meet your,friend, relatives and' sweethearts at The Virginia Bav, Ocean View Va. Third season, under the "same manage ment. v Opens June 15th, 1909 Epr further information and rates, address JOHN A ibcKER, Manager Hotel roYyth'Wt4-$l. N, C After Jane 1st. Th VirglnW . By. Xn Vkw. V. i Capital $50,000.00 11 Si 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts .... -. , - . . i Bear in mind thft.W -Meadows & Harris at the .farmers v Warehouse this season. ; - .; His f Deafness Ca by local applications as' they cannot reach ,the diseased portion of - thenar There'Bu , only one wav JT- : B.u 4?tie,"Lavlnfif' Bank with .the GoVemmenfg supervision of a National Bank Flsr NATIONAL BANK S. R. HARRIS, Pres't S. T. PEACE Cosh'r ? - i AT THE 5TORE .9 Can-; Gt .Sonie " . mmi To -make vobm : fbrfiill ood ! - v:vgiiafsrfl AT A SACRIF CiF : r '.-;' Will rimnna'CJ i h ' 'f '-J -. . i.- . f. . . w " - ' I 1 -"; :.W!W of Deafness (naused br atarrh hl ' ?:P m Hbecured;y.. MlfSSSg, CurSf .Sow. is The Time To Get a Suit 4. I I I I i: a r) WW m my. fall fet ;rUt Va iov dwvl AcjrtH It!.. teMl fc.!J tL cl i For Half Price I tit 1 1 ic i cf j N l0l IU. ! ,. I..cr. 1 JJ fTit', C"t T.C4 v t jjc t dti Neck Ties tCt Ont tog - . f tt 4 Ul Now is Your Time m a III fo-.,;W0 WM2ssy ;.: .'Louisburg,s Clothier :.v.':J-V Come; -to -sej-eiyhe?m!;:V-'"'t' --.7' 5-": : . ' ' ' F.J.CeENEY& CO., Toledo 6- '4 ' ' 1 ' -s :c V- V t V- - j--- r : ' - - N - - A . - i' " ; V