U,IE5 A. THOMAS, EDITOR VOL. XXXIX ' '- - " - THE COUNTY. THE STATE. THT! TTNTfm - . . - ...... - SuRSnr?TPTfnwt en e. ... : 1 : 1 - wrt.wM r i.Aja X . J LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY. AUGUST 27. 1909. r WM'1i''al' MR. J. A. THOMAS DEAD Night Passed Away on Tuesday at 10:30 O'clock After an Illness of About Three Months Funeral Proces sion One of the Largest in Many YearsServices at Methodist Church Business in General Suspended Floral Tributes Profuse. Departed this life on Tuesday night at 10:30, James Adolph'os Thomas owner and editor of this pap er. Mr. Thomas was 53 years old, and his entire life's work has been done in this county, and the hearts of its citizens are stunned with grief "hs the heart of one man." For weeks-the shadow of th coming: sorrow has hung over us. We have hoped against hope that "the cup might pass," but such as not the will of our TIeavenlv Father. The true, loving heart has ceased t beat, the strong helping hand Avill never more- grasp oiiih in tender sympathy. When trials and difficulties drive us -al-nihsi to despair, we can no longer rely upon his broad mind and s .U'idi l judgment to point to the path which will lead from dark iss to liht. F. r thirty years he has so edited the -Franklin Times that it has Wtn an inspiration to brotherly love and progress. Each week it has entered our homes to cheer ind uplift. lie was h more.d thioughont the State, but it is in Franklin C.iintv, in Louisourg, in" his Church and above, all in his family that ml ie mourned and missed. . "TiiH iiand of the reaper takes the sheaf that is' hoary . And the voice of the weeper, wails manhood in Glory." His u o, k is finished, he has gone in and out among us for all lit- W 1, V. SI ( 7 1 thhse years. No wors of ours can add to, or detract from his life's record which is, and has been an open book. He jovtd to live dnd it was hard, very hard to leave hischild ren and other near and dear relatives, but, he had so lived. That when the summons came to join the innumerable caravan, that moves, To that mysterious realm, where each shall take I lis chamber m the siient halls of death. Thou 0 nor, like the qnarry'-sjave at night, Scourged, lo his dungeon, but sustained and sootned, I an unfaltering trusf,.approach thy grave, Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch, About him, and lies dpwn to pleasant dreams." The end cam not apon hirtf as a "thief in the night.' Yeeks ago he beiran to put his house in order, and beautifully did his be 1 ved Pastor in his remarks pertey what had shone in , his face all lh weary week. 'Thy will be done." V T 'T.et me die the death of the righteous, and let'my end be like MM Ahe funeral4 services were heldin the Methodist; church - 6nv dne8(tay evening at 5 o'clock and were. conducted, by Rev..F. A. i!ilu'l', his pastor. From thence his remains were -taken;; to the ijv wiu w i cow fJj uo owOiUi uio yiio wuu Lijtu jrvueutju nly about two and one. half rears affoib The following wetm him the j Cooke "e flora 1 tributes wp.rA rmuat nrnfnaa'nnd hnrt AVidnhnA rf thA h esteem JnwhiQe3vas1ii4S w,on was one of the longest fleenhere-irr manyyears. i uere was ; a laree number of friftrYda from all oveKthe.countv ) JI? abra present tb fitness the last sad rites to so good" a, man; , , ue aiasuis attended; theQrvices inlody, jinowi corps's and -wa family to pt-i tbrch'thdr. r?.hbls:t'tI:o chTdi.- ' ' s'r FRAHKLIH SUjP'R COURT. CON VENED ON MONDAY AUGUSTJ 23RD, 1909. Hon. C. M. Cooke, Judge Pre siding" and Solicitor C. C. Daniels, both present, and "Court Opened on Time. The August terra of Franklin Superior Court, for the trial of crim inal cases, onl-, convened here on Monday morning promptly at 10 well kept and all the record in firt claya ahape. " :- VV have visited thm f f rwm. a. ' - -w wM V V ft If 1 Aed and nfirm nd find the ume well kept and in good amiury con. ditton and the Inmates well cared pfor and patiaritl. We recommend that the C anly Commissioners purchase tome com fortable chair for the Pelir Jorv to mike then comfortable during-their deliberation!. Als4 that the jurr room he whitewashed. Upon your chartje as to matUrs concerninR thv fundji disbursed tc of the Town of Louisbartr. W. o'clock The charge to the .jury by Hon. S f,aVw ll,orouchly examined into the C. M. Cooke, Judge presiding was mat.ter and '"''gently searchei the Kecordd, and hnil tnat ttiere are no charges of Fraud, or that any funds both strong and instructive and was highly complimented by many who heard it. Solicitor C. C. Daniels, of Wilson, arrived Sunday and was present at the opening ot court. He represented the interests of the State in his usual 6trong and energetic manner. The Grand Jury w is com posed of the following: O. S. Macon, E. S. Green, J. C. Wheless, J. E. Hall, Peter Collins, J. T. Fisher, H. H. Richardson, J. C. Leonard, D. T. Hollingsworjtb, R. A. Pearce, A. B. Perry, M. C. Gupton, E. B. Preddy, J. C. Layton, T. V. Wheless, C. li. Sandling. E. S. Green was made foreman. After the charges to the juries and the retirement of the grand jury to its room the following cases were takbn up and disposed of: State vs Bill Evans, disturbing public worship, capias and contin ued. - State vs W. J. Nash, c c. w., de fendant pleads guilty, fined 15 and costs. State vs W. R. Baker, Bennie Baker, Nick W heeler, Wesley Hol lo way and Phil Ayescue, assault Ayescue and Wheeler guilty of as sault with deadly weapon Ayescue sentenced 'o fifteen days in jail, Wheeler to pay $15 and one-half costs. Holloway guilty of simple assault and was fined ?6 and one-' half costs. W. R. and Bennie Baker not guilty. State vs Henry Pope, murder, found guilty of murder in second de gree In this case the bolicitor stated to the court that the State would not ask for a verdict in the first degree. State vs William Green, I. and r. pleads guilty, 6 months cn roads. State vs Ralph High, 1. and r., pleaas guilty, 12 months on roads. State vs Jordan Yarborough,.c. c w., guilty, fined 15-and costs State vs Jordan Yai borough, 1. and r., not guilty. v -State vs Walter Harris, a. d. w guilty. . State vs John Perry, failure to furnish team to half share tennant, not guilty. v State vs Villie Capell, defendant called and failedjudgment nisi scifa and capias instanter. Statue vs Earl Hall, a. d. w., de fendant pleads guilty, judgment sus pended. State d Earl Hall, c. c w pleads guilty, find $20 and costs. State is Pn il Alston, murder, guil ty of murder in the swcond degree. The Grand Jarj'Jiui&hed up ; their work on Wednesday evening and after visiting the jail and county home presented the following report to the Jadge presiding: v " " ; BKPOET OF GRAND . JUBT. To the Honorable C. M.- Caoke Judge -presiding !' and ; holdincr the AuguatTerm of Franklin Superior Court: ; .r.-- -!v -' ;;N I FRAIIKLimS TAXABLES. VALUE OF ALL PROPERTY REAL AND PERSONAL. As Plgnred out by the Regiticr of Deedt for the Year 1900 Small Increase Orer Lijt Year. According to the figcr- t-( t Hegt.ier of Deeds, who.'wjih Km force has completed the ji fcf J I tK9, the county's Uii)4 rfrtr. I real and personal, it follow. Whtu polU, 2 s2 1 Acres f Und, whtu. town lots 6S iul Jos cf ft) VsJ cf til crtLer yaJrvtr. It, vbiiam, llU CSTiT TtJft 4 fisJ 1,$ jmt. oil trc-t-etiT, eJcJ. 11,42;. ToUl nUs d rtU st4 tKrsviO frcr-rty c4 jh r t,V2l,tKJ U: sbow irfrM 4 I ?! V.J J 0 x r tsr rti!ro.Jt, i ckt-uws.s iftS-aic A. B. Collier Dad. Ui at Km rcaJcw wa ti''Jl Si, ctJsy. At-tf. jctL. At& H Collar ifur s-a illr d two wi nmrmrl - rf Vit .. o t t t l.t Hi ft wii -! t . were sqtundered or are Wing mis- Vsloe of miners!. umUr q3rrt ' l" U He nwrf.i 4,tJfiu, t.f appropriated. We find that the j lands io wich nhls to ul k. ,n on.' Uu l r. Meruit , 4 frstkhu town affairs, by KOo,l practical ex- irson and other nK!. ,n .... 1 tiy. Seise ciiiiMt, , - , . - , y , . - " ' ...v-.v-. mfc,, nnvj IUI ' Kind sz.isa. more economy used can be of much : Value of mineral. tinUr cr qc,rrt benefit to the Taxpayers. We I Unds or interest... etc . $ l'JMJ find ihat all othcers who handle j Hore.. 1,3 vsjoe 1 1 Z.!Z2. funds are bornil except the Super- Mole. l.TSJvaUe IUT.T22. intendent of Water and Klectric j Jack, and JeniitU. i-VaJte Light. The Treasurer's account for j II SO. the past two years has ben audited. t;oatm 13U ,tt lt; and the auditing Committee are -ion- He wtt a g-c.-.i ci-.fn. sr.4 w U nille4 Lt L erte . rl trr . diligently at work au.liting the ac count f Jtht Supei intendent .f Light ai d Water, bift have not rt completed the work. This informa tion was obtainei by having l!ie Mayor, all of the Town Commission ers Iveforenir liy that were in Town. Respectfully submitted, K. S. Grkkn F'rvraan (irand Jurv. ; Cattle. 6.i i. vsitte r,,i;i : Hog,7.u4i -j5e I.Ts-; Sheep. I'l'l ale 11,401 IfS. Ss vsloe tT42. Bicycles. IS :ue $4.; Val- of fafmm;; ur.;J '2'.5ll ala of of mhtno 12.70 aloe of hoasehol-1 tf furniiure, wranngr pfr2 . brarie I103,i'7. ' Value of protmone. Ill a Charcber of Commerce. ' ca:.e.l V. rr."x toi cdcf i, zz. svr.f c ! Sfv rc-vl Ic k't tnra;.cinfy i it-.t sM-jf.je4 Mcn T li AUr-. W f Hif-t, a, IV Personal. Tom Cai-ull, of Woldon, vsiitnv: , friends in town. Mr. I). ('. Strickland Irft M ondav for New York. Miss Pearl Lasxiter, of Durham. is visiting Mr. Julia Scott. Miss Meta Gulley. of Ualeih. u visiting Mr. Rosamond R.i dale. Miss Beatrice Varboro. of Spring " Hone, is vUitint it fr I? V v.. ' alue Mr. Henry Perrv and family, of a-.-.-i lienoerson, spent Satur lav with Mr . aiu aliie o! c:rnl;Sc tr.atystna&la. $1,M4 Money on hand. 1 17. 14? Solvent cxedila, f ? 1 ot :ac. Money ir.i etrJ in t-lc . fUU' alo of c-;:i-r. in alue of utacifv. ieaf or tr.ar.fao-lure-J. 2l,.24 Valae f I ran it an! httUt fi7 N alu of rmvaical ir.:rrrt i 7' ' ra tvrj jb t t. iir4 i fa.. !o jdi rtja-r ti E. C. Perrv Misses Beth English and Lessie Houston, of Monroe, are visiting Miss Eleanor Cooke. f piair-l ant Urwar of walrhr ar I ',rT ' tl5.087. Value of c cl ar ar4 tr reopecuauy reppn-.: tne following: hafe exlimined all Billa gtven ua in charge, and hve inquired intc -all matters that have come to our knowl- v;We have visited the County J Jail in a body, and .find i.'iame Vin . good conditionSanitary and .otherrrr c. TJ candiae. U2.377. Private har.ia r.rcf.mi. Mr. and Mrs. C. (;. IVopl r.tt-.s:t.j 1 r a - - . . . . t . iv'-- - -."4 i a.ixce J . TitMj. a cr a, iWi af tk fn. dt' T Kit wotr itu a Jtlf Vff, f rf f irf Tta:rt. . W r4T i t.ak t;.-i at t.e meur-g ca ceil Kriat t"e 1. a tc-t-M U.'c-r. iL J.:lt a ct.aa.rit v j. r.,i Vc aJr tf- 1'., I ..... ,4t rirl whari: M raT-fJ fcrl cTedi'.. ' a.4c.. ijr-Ts.nt MUir.. S. P. Bod- )n crr.rr.! Jackson, visited at Mr die's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Farrts. of Har r'wburg. Pa., are visiting Miss Mollie Strickland, near town. Mra. D. C. High and Mr. J. C. Tncker and wife returned home from a visit to Ooean View one dar last week. Miss Lucy Hawkins, who has been visiting friends and reatives in town the paat week, left Monday for her home at PittsboTO. Misj Mamie High, the trained nurse who has been attending the editor for the pastUwo weks return ed to her jiome in Kranklinton yes terday morning. - Mr. and Mra. IL G. Allen left Saturday for an extended visit Washington and Oregon, and take in the exposition at Seattle. They expect to be away about a month. j Mr. Hubert Martin, Pirate Sec retary to Senator Iee S. Overman arrived in town yesterday to the great delight of his many fronds hero who are always clad to shake I tbe hand of Hobsrt : Mr. W. G. - Thomaa, wifa and daughter, Misa Mamie, ' Mr. II. K Thomas, of Ualeljrh and Mra. X. II. Lockamy, of Lamberta Pobt, Va were in town to attend' the funeral o! theh brother, Mr. J. A."Thomaa, this week.; . ' ' Amootr those who left hera.Tae. day morning to attend tli con fed er- ate veterans reunion at Charlotte, this week, were Merara. C. C Wil liams, II. S. Gupton, A. S. S troth cr, w. ir. nm, t. p. n.-rrK irnM.- Value of aei&f , n:,, ic . fi Yaloe of alt othr pcraonal f rcpr ty, whatsoever. l'VS,9l?. Ajreate talue cf real atJ t onal propertr, onftl by whiu. " l.o32,016. Below we give Use uiaUe pcIa ) and properly of the colored: Colored polls, I.S39. Actcs of land. l.M7. town let. value of real rrcprriTj to ill 160 total 230t290. Horses. 717Valos 11157 Mole, 320 Yaloe 122,624. Goat., 14 Valos 117. Caltls, 1,722 Valoe (22,1. ifcs, 2,791 Valoe l,213 Dogs Valoe U6. Bieyde, 11 Vales 164. Valoe of farming sttnadf, 13.4!. Value of tools of mechaoaos, 1722. Valoe of boose hold and kltben furniture, weanog appars) aad libraries 111,42V. Value of proTtsioaa, 4470. Value of firrarma, 12,210. Valoe of cisntic WHtroctata, 21. Monty on hand, Mfv7. Solvent crvdila, tGl. Money inveatments, stock, bo ad, eta, 1525. Yaloe cf cotton in Med err list, .Value of tobacco, leal or oanoiao UrrJ, 154. , V v VaJnt" ot raojiral lastrcta.nta, 15,407 . , ; . , Valoe of platel and sIlTerwarr, lie.- . x . als of watcV.rt " p.z. 1 Lawn Party. TT trwi -.!. 4 at a a: lo hcoe t tlfcs jat at.:t.. Ht Ot. I at4 Mtf Jrt. 9rZ.UllA-iZ.cZ cf itw ' t'S-biara. Mis Mil a : wtcz ocicvr?a4 tla MtU:t.t s?5 1MM f l' tU twecir tt;iri f li.a occlii Tbe 'r m WttU- t taws Mt. tattus. at c-se atJ t I U A Matft J f-3fcch V-owl. wLacii tvnj.:ii oe f i a ttblif trntf ta ita c f a fcL T-e c4 isweirs w m j p!ared Ht. T. C. GC1 wnis;: tte i'st tnxe at4 Maw Peru! RP UJ Vohy Tlca rea&t w r Uaer Massie atvJ Hailie Dat. 1VM1 Ilew. latJ, Ma4e Harraa, Mary Jcfree CtlreU. OCX Crs 1 Hsr, Helen aa4 Cirne Jooa, Heaya. Tbocu Gia, BaccWaoi ILsy Ilotr. lacd, Joe, Frank a&d Hsry M kicked. PeiT Fwur, Kccrta rad Dei Tia tvetl. b'fcccaUa, Ve JaaW K. Waruhaa, Allea Harr, Jcl ai FtiWr iWaZty. Mtaxr u farrUb td by fb Xfsaao ld, Af Ut r;. es-o t eajorai it rrtiusj the gst dspartf d iilbx tar the two jrcag lad cxtiy tr yean cf haMa. k .Vaa. w e . .Tbrrt will an eiiaui;; a Tr&lCVc ah utern at J-ctuVt. cnTLrn-iir, rTt. fCT v!;r; 1. f