THE COUNTY, THE ST ATEt THE THXIOH. strcscEiPTiOKi.oo rra yu .ml.. XXXIX. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1909; KUHtra is A3!ES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. igyilTY GOMriltSSldriERS ,ET IN SPECIAL SESSION MON DAY, AUGUST 30th. 3 Griffin was elected Treas-, urer on the Seyenth Ballot to Fill the Unexpired Term of ?yr j. A. Thomas, Deceased. The loard of County Comraission- Irsrnet in special session bn Monday, ntfait oOth for the purpose of elect- r 1 1 n officers to an vacancies ail i ... k,.in(T nrfldflP.t. iemDer '"s i Cpon motion ot J. H. Lizzel it was erel that a county attorney be ccted for the remainder or tne Mr. W. H. Ruffin I 1 i I 1 1 ,8 unanimously eiecieu uy auuiama n: aJori7 for th rmaindp.r lion. 'lls ai" J tin year was fixed at $50.00. The matter of electing a Treasnr to till the racancy caused by the ,;ith ot Mr. J. A. Thomas was then Uen up, ana tne appucauouB iue 0win;4 gentlemen was taken from file and read to the Board: J h Collie, P. B. Griffin, anl J, D. Lton. In the seventh ballot Mr . J. (irittin received a majority of 1C VOlc" nil'- UjJ'n UJUHVU V v. I'zzell liis election was mad nanimous. Mr. urimn is a yery ever and efficient gentleman and ,) doubt the action of the Board till i commended by the public .rurally. K. N. Williams was elected chie .mm Warden for franklin county . 11. I'zzell and T. S. Collie wtre : . . i i . i -H-mted a committee 10 seuie up, inks of the deceased -Treasurer, J. . Thomas, and turn Same 'oVertd Y. (iriffin. - T.j. (.'. dhe, U. B. White and W. . Ruffin were appointed a com- mm - 1 bitrce 10 olratt resolutions lor tne Board upon the death of the late ounty Treasurer, Mr. J. A. Thomas. I h Board then adjourned to their ext regular meeting which will be n next Monday. of Monroe, guests -of Miss . Eleanor Bryant Coote. The dance was ' led by Mr. E. - S. Ford with Miss Francis Boddie and the music was furnished byXevjn's Orchestra,, of Raleigh. Those present were K. K. Allen with Miss Beth English, W. D. Jack son with' Miss Legale Houston, Wil son Green with Miss Eleanor Cooke E. S. Ford with Miss Francis Bod die, B. T. Holden, with Miss Nan Malone, E. B. Hart with Miss Annie Allen, Dr. F. K. Cooke with Miss Lula Bet Person, A. W. Person with -Miss- Bessie Jacocks, Willie Wilson with Miss Lillie'Hayesi S. S. Williams with Miss Ernestine Hayes, T. G. Boddie with Miss Esther Har ris, of Franklinton, W. E. Egerton with Miss-Louis Williams, of Wake Forest, Sid Holden with Miss Ava AycoGke, O. Y. Yarbpro with Miss Grlennie Avcjcke, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Boddie. Chaperons Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Cooke. THE LATE EDITOR THOMAS. Farmers Union Rally. On August 27th, at Centreville, iere wa a big barbecue given by I'entreville, Wood, and Sandy Creek iOcaiH. Early in the morning, the farmers rom nearly every part of the county itli their wives, sons, and daugh- "s, began to assemble in the targe, )ady Grove near the academy. In the wagons and buggies were be seen boxes and .baskets filled Mi -rood tilings to eat, while at the ime time, in the grove were' pigs ffltl Shfeei) hpinrr rrrr cli rwar- tha'hnt mbers. 1 he CrnwH hnvinrr aaaamKlof TVTr ftiilie Upchurch ascended the plat- extended a cordial welcome to visitors, and introduced Mr. T. iledga. Sledge in a few well chosen or, introduced the speaker of fie day, l)r. Templeton. of Carey. fireen, State Organizer of the Niters Union, but when Dr. Tem- etn had ended his able, eloquent f 4 forceful address, the people did "vi ieasi aisappoinieu. crowd then gathered around e table where a most bounteous a8t been spread, and every one f Qntil he could eat no more, leav- g many basketf ula t n Ha tklcri nn lid (n.;, j ',.'' lr the aft Fpanklin Superior Court. The August term of Franklin Superior Court came to a close on Saturday evening,.atter finishing its won?. The cases disposed ot since our last report are as follows: State vs Charlie Lewis, rape, con tinued. ' State vs Walter Harris, a. d. w., guilty, ninety days on roads. :- State vsCis3 Perry, bigamy, con tinued to January Court. . State vs Walter Oakley, felo ny nol pros. State vs Bud Capell, a. d. w., pleads guilty, fined. $10 and costs. State 'vs Walter Oakley, f . and a., not guilty. State vs Addie Boooitt, . murder in second (degree, two years in the penitentiary. Stat3 vs C. C. Hudson, simple as sault, fined $10 and costs. State vs Ernest Jackson and C P. Harris, scifa, judgment to pay $30 and costs in each case. State vs Lula Gay and Dock Whitley, scifa, dischargaou payment of costs. State vs Cassie Pope and Jennie Pope, nol pros with leave. State vs Bose McKnight, selling liquor, capias and continued. State vs Bud Pope, murder, guilty in second degree, twelve years in the penitentiary. State vs Jordan Yarborough, c. c. w., guilty, six months in jail with leave to hire but. The Judge gave Phil Alston, who was convicted of murder m the sec ond degree on Thursday, a sentence I of seven years in the State peniten- tiary, Solicitqr C. C. Daniels reported to the court that he had examined the oUce of, the Clerk of the Superior Court and found the same in good condition, the records properly kept and indexed, and the duties of the office well and satisfactorily performed. A Brief Tribute from Three Friends who Knew Him Well. (News and Observer The death of the late Mr. J. A. Thomas, editor of the Lonisburg "Times, has removed one of the most useful and patnotio men in North Carolina. This paper has already given its estimate of the life and services of Mr. Thomas. It requested three Franklin men, who knew Mr. Thom as well to write a brief tribute or penpicture of Mr. Thomas as they thought would be ju9t to him. They are at follows: WILL MEMOBEMISSXD THAN ANY MAN IN THE COUNTY. To the Editor: Mr. Thomas will be more missed than any man who has liyed or died in Franklin county in half a century. I?eflecting upon the secret of his power and influ. ence, I have concluded that they grew out of two qualities: (1) The unfaltering and unselfish loyalty of nis support of any friends that he chose. (2) The caution with which he for med his plans and gave his promises and the intense persistence with which he wrought m their execu tion. He was a partisan, but his align ment was always with that element that stood tor the best. - He was an honest man, with the courage of his convictions, and that sort of fighting Quality that first or- gmized for the fray, then considered compromise pnly when. defeat was inevitable. "." His sympathies were as quick and have often wondred how h lul l it persistently. After awhtla thy could ondenttnd n better, for back of it were years ot ert ica and bjck of that service was a gri Iutre for his own people. Naturally s editor of the county paper he became familiar with nil, but better than that, he wax born witli the instinct which love to ruk friends and love better to do the little things of life for hut friend. Probably no-day panted bat He help ed some one. He was interested io all public matters, but bis heart wai wtih the pople of hU own county. He u leader and .hw leadership meant ultimate good, but be never got very far front his folks. Some of cs were poisibly disappoint at time ihat be did not force an isue and dra the line. But in this he had the greater wisdom and hi way wj surer. Quietly he gave to good movements thesteadr, friciinlen -;vi '". impulse of his own interest day nfier day. By far the greater part of hi life was spent In planning and work ing for the public good as he saw it. Personally I know that Franklin county could never have made its steady progress in school development but for him and his every day sop port. We shall know better what he was by the ways in which f shall miss him. All in all, tits was a life whexe great power was for hm peo pie and hi willingneM to work f r them day in and day out. It. B. Whit. THE MOVING PEOPLL THEIR HOVEHENTS IM OUT OF TOWH. AND rent la Derham tfcia North Cresut la etlitlA e&vt 14 twm el 5 ta te ve t f.t teolr. tl wtt X-T .kvfe to kuc -tVoiJt TUeu tU cl lb Ttwtk iV ctl a tiroes e3w tl O tinaix Cet5tia n M-t W t ralM bc-vr c4 t.a a.ft itr.jc t.. ThoscIWho IUto VUltd Umli barjr the Past Week Thoit Who Have Gone Eliewbert for Business or Heisure. V. 11. Gnffia week. It. I. Tayler we l to IUaieran one day thia rek lr. Dr. S. Gren, of Monrt-e, U vitiltng hu people here lliia rek. Attorney fleneral T. V. flickM t . . .A . - 1. a I 1 ; J. A. TLcr-n, A tctuStr i!U Patue Aycocke retoroed ttU jxiwts oe rs tc tx week from a uit lo hr Irin4. tn i 0( tu tfU oif u ,vu IciSh- ltt(b they mw IJLm K4 Itev. John Ixndon relorol Wd lo m t4 i.hA, l.-tr vvu.. neHay from a trip in the MjnUir.. I Mr Thcj tel tiMt t:r of Virginia. jf&lisiie rtjjt lu t. a?(4 MLw Lillian Hl2h retarnel hon dcte tnvcl. fcf ?. fttti a. 4 1 Tue.lay from an exterdei tH4l to t aotsvtwiT. ti ! u l u uaj4r loean View. Jcoe ct ih ei Mr. J. W. Maitian. wife ar-3 j ko " Hra Mui Mary Young rtarae4 ooe da t ' Pt-I C.rx-gt-esi iVe fU' j j the pi t week from a riul to War- , rewte tzv c4 t..e as tender as a woman's, and his freeheartednes9 was as a boy's. F. S. SrRuiLL. ay. ernoon a loint secret ses- on of all 1 i ' v I iocls represented was u,e academy. . - Tj-, B people enjoyea a game base-baII. and tKnn k. rtnrn home. Dronouncinfif '"treville a most delightful place Ve a good time. .. :FAitMEB.,; Launeh Party and Barbecue- Several of our young men gave a launch party and" barbecue on the "Princess Helen" last Tuesday, com phmentary to Misses, -Beth English and Lesgie : Houston;" of Monroe, -guests of Miss Eleanor Cooke. Those present were ) Misses. Beth Englisfj, Lessie Houston, Kan ' Malone, j Fran cis:Boddie, Annie Allen, Mrs. A. p. Fleming, and Messrs. K. K. Allen, A. A. Clifton, BT; Holden Dr. F. K. Cooke, W. D; "Jackson, Jones MapnpTiSa and.Dr. AH. Fleming.;" ' ' BDITOK THOMAS LOVED HIS FELLOW MEN. To the Editor: J. A. Thomas died in the prime of hia manhood, but if we number his days "by heart throbs and not by figures on a dial," his was a long life. That he wielded an influence m .Franklin countv and throughout the State is known of all men. Why? What were the se crets of his power? Three thing. 1st. He was the best Democrat I rr r .i i ever saw. xiis anecnon lor tne par- tv was a passion. His faith in it was abiolute. He was a party man through evil and good report No matter what the party did he stood for his party. To him the chosen leaders of the. party were the "God's anointed" prophets, who could do no harm. 2nd. His loyalty to his friends. This was nothing less than beautiful Nothing could tempt him to desert a friend. I have seen him tried in the fire. In ihb face of the fiercest criti cism, at the risk of self destruction he battled tor the man who trusted him, or whose cause he had espous ed. f 5 TV ' f . TT ora. nis- numanuy. ne lovet men. To see a man suffer touched him to tears. A plea for pity, a cry for help went siraieot to his heart and roused all his resourceful ener gies. I write with rigid accuracy when I say that in proportion to Jis means he; gave, more than any man I have known. He will be sadly missed in Frank lin. uHow many poor ones' blessings went. With thee beneath the low green tent, i Whose curtain never outward swings!" " ; 5 TW. Bickett. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 28, 1909. DEATHIODITOR THOMAS. The death of J. A. Thomas wU Dring sincere regrt to manv friouda all over the State. He will bi hum ed eapectallv bV the brethren ot tLe press, who were fond of him and who have honored him in a nnruUr of ways. Mr. Thomas was an example of a man, who with scant opportunities, in poin. of education, but who bv dint of energy and the exercise, of good common sense earned his place among the leaders in his profeion and in the counsels of the political party lo which he gave constant and loyal service. Raleigh Democrat. renton. dLb of Mr J A Tfc: Mn, John lndon arl daughter ; wul Jctf X.0 Mus Mamie, return th wek froo Ttwx MrvT5.ri.a an extended vbtt to Witohbv ' U 13 hti 1 CkU r Beach, V. Henrr Clv Wiliiania, wbo bxa been clerk at the Virgma lixj Ifo'.-l for s-rae time, rturrv4 hate dav this week. Mr. J. II aoi4r;te ail thu rt.cjca3 cu :f be aweJ lit? -f I ttoui l:bcfg i( m m t cf iA ktoo t,t& ta Kw. Nctl . Ickaruy, of boUu. , . . Point, Va , who baa ben . aiwiAg . ... v . m . . ; i . ft i j . . . 0scTfaT arij Mwt iWth Ka'nah atd , iria"e osa W(',t Houeton, who hare Uo tit a at V i f ;4 S MUs Kleano Cook. rwt 4rr.ed V5. t 0f flC,iI(1t r,4 4(, nesIay to their homo in Monroe. ( dealt, ha if!f4 Mr. It, '.. Kgerton lft th wi 'MiuiU traf i.r I'M. for the Northern markets lo prc-a the fall siok fur bia firm H ir forma os that he is Roin t tay o&' Earrit-ffe of the largemt atocks of dr- j:cJ. tramtg lw .y Jcic w- suits and ready made girromu be , otC lsntj ti rscri. f has bought in a long whUe xui AcgTitv the prices will be low. Wtnra-J M Ma. !We ' UaC5, Jo CJiapjTe.l and Lvry J&t- Tobacco Market- ;nr. IL IL Perry J Al&sr Price on all grade of 1-obaoeo of- t poerr, D C. I):-tt a?4 MtrJe fered this week have advanced W a Ayocke, S IL JoKtcj ax. 4 Nrta considerablv hicher Uvi aa i the ; I'rv, K C Is,t.oj ar4 Jif r r- . neBU,UUUflS ol nespeca. finner, that ba.e put on any of the Ur Whereas our Heavenly father saw up gTadea are ery wel: rseased in- 1 i..;4.ui,Ai.!i'9 Hams ."V M - aV.M. I.. tit on tne i:4tn ot August, lUvJU, to deed. " Kaaher. OUie It sr4 call unto himself 'the spirit of our Tbe Riverside warehouse, under I Srola . i beloved brother and co-worker, Mr. management of Messrs. K. S. Kord V - A ! 1 sea I m- james aoipnua i noms, we lueian-lJ. t.. llama, haa iu opening members of the Baxaca clars of sale on Wednedar. Settemter lav t .a I a . a a. wnicn ne was a most wormy mem All toe are not a are now open. ber, desire to show our appreciation and we predict that withio a very of his useful lifo, therefore te it I abort time Ioatbargs streets will Resolved 1st That we deeply aaaarae a .core boaine look a.s the feel and mourn the Iom of our good coming m ot wagon after i?on 14 and faithful brother, and our hearts of tobacco has a tendency to put are filled with sadness at the thought vtty man within the limit of the that he will meet with ua no more town on hts tip toes. All the fanners on earth. - cd this and adjoioiog coon lies have a i-4 OJe 2nd -That in his death Louisburg A Card ot Thanks. Dellfi:htful Gernn: vw-m n Frid ay night ot last week a g JAyispto; :enrllr siiicere tfraiiks to mjrfriehds an(i. ,w?10; kindly rendered , assistance and. ex german was given by-the; pre8sea .sympatnies iu our; jre5euw-dja nien of Lodsburg at the iOp- bewavement.TThei 8e complimentary to" Misses always beerJabygg -6eu auu lassie Houston. ' . . Hes. A. B. Golliee. THE PEESONA.1. SIDE OF EDITOR Of the personal .'side of. fifreen years ffiendship with J. A. Thomas, I. could not willingly speak . as .yet. rm. N. .ll t i . e ... N to do to be coortneeoi that the tobao- has lost one of iU beat and most na- w PWP,, Der arB looamg in.r vnem triotic citizens, the coomonitrJ U 10 vUil ln g f4 Frnklin and th Stata of oa Kod T'rJ mail Uc I 1 !.. - I . k J irth Carolina, one, who with heart K wim w.,OTme 7u. and hand was ever readv t. do what Pn on 11,6 noori he believed best tor their interests, mtriution for them to come again and the Methodist church a good worker, faithful friend and worthy Tributes to Hr. J. A. Thomas. member. Editor J. A. Thomas, of the Loais- 3rl That w t-niUe to his W bore Ttuu. liw bdried, bfll the a.J fimilv nnr linMr. brn heflv I COod that bt did CiDOOl be btiriad love and tenderest sympathy in tbe'ir I with htm. He lived life of booot- sore dUrress, and pray that our mer-1 ble and, in U trursi sanae, so ciful Ueavenlv Father may enable ceta4 endeavor. Ihe erd ta resca. them to bear it all with humility and Charlotu OUarvtr. christitn fortitude. I Ii b wim aadrve that The Iaod N4lh That a page of our records mark records lha delh of Cditor iAV.t aaidn tn b?a mmmnrv. and that I ThomtA. of the Loa'ttbcrf TlMXJ, a copy of these resolutions be sent'to He waa a true min loyal f rt4 add the rsawKLiw Tnixs, Kalergh Chris- wasexceediodj pep alar with IU tian Advocate, Kewa and . Obterrer icqaaintanc. For yt ira b tu a The sense of loss, of obligations, in- land the Evenini: Times with a, r- controlling facur la hs town sad nnrftrl and nnnaiff tAA itrnnw nnit tn nnh uh ihm ' ' I OOuTJlT. ' f UTMV 11 a W Jvit-rf wih' that : nth At: I " 'x .'" : V" ' P. GAlTON . - C K. Coo J. I. P-aucaa, ) Corntntttee. kiiow Something of the great naef ul ness of his life." His influence was known ", to be ., great. Newcomers bina. Slatetnlle Laadmira. : " In the death of editor J JL Thcmu, cf the Locub-arg Tiki, which ccc-rrc 1 T ccr;i" The Great Hcjro ConUtl. T Ootc-Tad faroata cf Krakis couttty met at the mlcr a4 p-fcied ahoc4 m Ixcm Varff cc Axsl f C-ih ard ofaHJ a Kartser's tt- fr the boel cf the farer cf sa4 e.nly. Tbey wt farceed with nsU la-ctunx at4 a44rre t'V j fvUowibg ceatlts,f ti: Vrctt V. S. Dent, W. F. Robr&Ki, J. H. ford, (irrectWra. ai4 Her. J. It. Tfo-anu, who a poke eery ers ragtag, ly tolhcee fceant. There la ia le a corn, whejil und prrmmng rtcr,tetl ac the ooiScraJ farriers c4 ti-i ooanly rv4 we hot thai evacfia coe will be aioaa-al to the etUsi till be ; or she will &UI the cv ctewl. Ti coiord farmers f t this oortr, u w sal as Othara, rve-ed to frorw ocee corn aad wheal rwr acre. No f artaer ca tUctd lo tray octo. Cowr, meal a4 meal si the trrl pncie aod remain oo the frcTca5e liaL By e!erisj; the ccu-rl t&a will inffve yocr U&4, di&b.kb yow acreage aad as a rrraJt the teoU of the com oril, toots lct.are aod bam jar da wD i&creae, Ttie meaaa a smxllrr ttoa-a acrcll ail Urrrr lisk aoocast, atd la !ct. It taearj crU r wri!ih, Uirj-r4rc-D and rroieritr fcr lh rra&k!;3 cjniy tarmtia. Look for U s. tcre of f be aoc!i U a latere) Wee of the Tnrta. 0a rx-t cstdi u re 4 the Ttxra, as la li H U feral Icfermstba la tifircse ia the c-:o-trit. J. II. fvris, rf!i A' : r.