S 'j ! '" " I " MMES A- THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COTOTY, THE 8TATE,; THE VTllOm ' VOL. XXXIX. LOUISBURQ, K. C,.' FRIpAY; SEPTf 1 Qi 1909. nuuzzz la couhty cor.ir.nssioiiERS BOARD MET IN REGULAR SES SION LAST MONDAY, and Be'tesii to th press for publica tion and that a opj b f urniilied;; to It was brdred tnaf the Clerk of the Court Waithorized to get ne- cetsary blanks, licenses, etc for the Bonds of P. B. Qrintof.iMB. j777-r '- urer, and E. N. Williams, .Report of Dr R. F. thorough, Chlef Game Warden, were Rt- Saperiatendent of Health was re ceived Other Business.' ceived and filed. He-reports county , . . home ah(L iail in cood condition. The Board ot uou&iy commission- " ' met in regularsession last Mon members being present. M8 Hav all After reading and approving minutes 0f last meetings the Board proceed e,l with the following business: X. B. Yoang was appointed a no tn havA bridcra ' fixed on coinmiviw j o rrirett's road in Dunns township. rfhe path leading from Fuller's bam on Henderson road to Burnett's place on the Louwburg road be de clared a public road without expense to county. 1 T, P. Harris was relieved of Lou isbarg Graded School tax being a non resident of the district. a quality of the. plants more espea ially. in the" sandy fields- where in some instances the tobacco was com pletely drowned, the yield per acre wdi therefore . be smalL However from all reports some of our farmers 'will show up some very fine tobac- I wish for each one of you a pros perous year. , .Tery respectfully, Thos. D. Ttack, Prea, THE1 r.10Vl!IG THEIR ilOVBUENTS IN outVoptown.-. PEOLL AND Report of E. N. Williams, Super intendent of county home, was re ceived and filed; He reports 11 white and 14 colored instates. The bond of E. N. Williams, Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Conmerce met in regular session on last Friday of nisrht but owinc tn th nhAnrA nf n , . ' ' CWW the Chairmen of , some Committees ana mea witn tne Ultrk of the Court. c A number of accounts were allow ed and the Board adjourned to their next Tegular meeting. that were to report no 'business importance was attended to. There was right much discussion on the railroad matter which proved very satisfactory and the " report of the committee on this matter will be President's Report to Tobaeeo given in next Friday nirht. Board 01 Trade. All those interested in the welfare The following is the report of the I of the town should make it a moit President of the Tobacco . Board of important point to go out tonight The bond of P. 8. Cirirnn was re- Irade made at their meeting in and learn what is going on. From CelVed aUU Hits uaiu va ""iw cuxu- uguoi, wuvciuiug tqo i. uAWU I niiav tt o r vau IULX4 2Hi Ctttijr womft ThoselWho.HaTO Visited Louis- bur thePast Week -Thos Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Meaiuro. Mr. L. P. Hick viaited IUleth one da v this week. Air. a. . rerry, jr it nttting his peopje near town. Mr. C. n. Clay returned this wk from a visit to Henderson. , Mrs. J. L. Woody, of Henderson, is viiitins her liiter. Mrs. C. IL Clay. Mr. J. A. Poythrei, of Daraatn, was in oui town a few hours ihb week. Aitss koiq liail returned the put week from a visit to friends at Or lands. Mr. B. 6. Hicks left Monday to spend a few days al Pauaoea Springs. j Rev. L.W. 3wope returned lxjt ! 1 ". V L aider sgreetatnu lookieg to coel- Ualion of the Jutioe GilmrZU schools. It wj ordered that No, 1 whku dbtrict in HsyTtU sad 3 ci ored dituki ro Siry Crk be d-contiaued. - i. tte L, or ite ar'acrUiJ Hrx a4 Htfla vt bers li T4jf U rvi ttt P ran kiln County Taxablea. In a reoftot iase cf the Ttusa gave a deUtled lut of the UxaUe property of Fn&klta eousty with .the ezceptiod ot corporatktat, stocia. bonda, etc lUlow wt yoa the tax valoatkn of this DrtKrtr aa a. Nd bf the Corporation Coorn. j Ir. II. C JcSai e4 frji3& owty,aa wv tol la HaSv. He eoeaa to s LiUy rxcgssftto3 r4 we Wirre Le la a cvet3rt&aA of tte tirbmj type ajii U itucsi t"bartv w3floi!5ak ocr friv rSrtei3 vry trtwy brtcqf tt tk faJ'ti;k. J rVcKjrv. aioo at lUl.igh: ; ' ' x 8. A. L. IUilwaT,2i,U00 md Utl Of iurtrn valaed at $20.1024 t taD--total j Tie fedtowiaf k a JWt 46l.239.OG. fer OctJU Cwi 4rav 1 Southern IWil TeUphoce Co, II,. ; I-s-'d cf Cctsiy Cct&Mutti at ' llir rs-tti&g ca Hco4ty. Stixx- 210.00 Pullman Cx Co, IXXTIJ. iatered to him by the Chairman ot Market here tor the year ending very important things for the good week from:a trip to Newberrv and the Board. August isi, jlwu: oi ine town nas Deen accomplished Tatum, S..C. The list of jnrors for October term The tobacco sales for the past and it only remains for our business of Franklin Superior Court was season on - the Louisburg Market men to oome out and tate an inter drawn. (This list will be found m from Aug. 1st, 1908 to Aug. 1, 1909 est in what is going on to make the another column of this issue.) show a total of 3,498,692 pounds of Chamber of Commerce a grand sno- 1). G. Pearce was re-elected man- Ileal tobacco wnicn brougnt 9d4d,- cess, so tar as a benefit to the town 164.34 an average of $9.80 pe r hun- is concerned. Gentlemen don't pre dred, this is a gain over the preceed- diet but go out 4ind lend your ?s ing year ot 1,704,366 pounds , and gistance if you wish the town to go $170,003,85 or a gaihlo43 per cent forward. for pounds seld. This result as ager of the Medical Depository at the ame corapensatioa. , It was orderedv that the county py one-half cost, provided the. cost would not exceed $40, to have the reck hill near J. J. Touag's put in good rpair. Racbell Ifalone was placed " on ontside pauper ;i?lkrt at' $1.00 per month. .' : , ' It as ordered that the county al low L. L. Stainbaek $12.00 to build bridge across cre&kn Folly road in Hayesville township. The Board passed the following resolution: "Whereas it appears that by mis take the record of the levy of the road tax for Franklinton township was omitted from the minutes of the June 1909 meeting of this Board, it is ordered that the minutes of said meeting b corrected and that the clerk is instructed to insert therein in the proper place in the list of tax es levied the following words, "Franklinton Township Roads, 35 cents on the $100 of property and 11.05 on the poll." "And it is now ordered as 'of that date that said tax of 35 cents on the $100 of property fjad" $1.05 on the poll be levied and collected in Frank linton Township for road purposes the year 1909, and that the same be entered on the tax lists." Messrs. T. S. Collie,' W. H. Ruffin and H. B. White, the committees ap pointed at last meeting to draft suit able resolutions upon the death of the late Treasurer, J. A. Thomas, re ported the following, which were unanimously adopted by tEe Board: "Whereas, on Tuesday, August 24th, J A. Thonaas, Treasurer ot Franklin County for the past eleven years, de parted this life: : 1 And whereas, it is known of all men that as a citizen he gave of his work and his time freely and fully for the good of his County; that as an officer he was always faithful, ; cen scientioua, and courteous; that he loted our people much and wished ftw welfare in all things. .. " is therefore resolved by the County Board of Commissioners that public recognition be,;"giyenn :they debt of Franklin county to him; ;f or a I'fe of unselfish, devotion to her in terest. ?t svi 'Ai. a hat m his death the county x has affsred much loss and will miss Mar 8dly as its ofliciai.' '" AQat we extend omr heartfelt sym patny to his family , who ijipurn : a faer and a friend gone; out " bt -'tnlf home. 'd'y.-'iv Df"' That a copy of theseTesoluttona be pread on the minutesof.this ; Board Air. F. K". Eerton left thw wek to resume bis studies at Trinity Col lege, Durham. Mia Ava Aycocke left last wek for Polaska. Tenpn where ahe will teach in Martin College. Dr. Q. T. Smithwick returned Friday from a buaineaa Uip to Wash- i Ixvn AKciau. n 15,01 1. W. ington City and;New York. Mucollanoui Tyatnti Soothtm EzprMj Co, IISITI Wourn Uniotj TeJr-rarh Co, IL A. lUUt!, O CUrultew,;. ?,9.Slio. j rti WiSaas T. W. WUim, VT Home Telephone and TeUrajvS j . Ham. K. Ik l-trte. A. I- I. Co., 17,742.00. jil,T. A. Caii, fL IV r5A.J. A. South Sie TeUjraph Co, 30.. j IVas, M- D n,x J H 00. ' iV W. Fot, W. A UsuX.J h PctAl Tfli-gTiphCa, XSv'iVy ' Froit. J. A. IU aiA. J fl Ktif- IL IouUbnr TJfrnph Co, I M (D J Coo; a Fartnora & Mrchao( lUak. IaUhor, 119,0X30. t H T. rz, Ouy I'.nt. c,:,;. First National lUnk, Iibrf. ' rv3; J. O Ilii. C T C.hin, s-es.oo. !nr Hicir it Ti.tmz.vc. x Bank of YoanTiil, lr2T; W ;T. WC. J Y Mcrj tt. U 7. Cilixeai Bank, FnsUmttfa, Itit, I. W. Ui'.etxt, ) J. Ilri. S6.60. C Ji. V!!iaj&a. R C WC3.( Franklin IrrUAl Hoddiae A i !l T. Vflli. J L. Vjc IL. k J Ford, 3. If. UuMt, V. H. Gt.tx in I . compared with sales of this market for past five years shows a very decided gain and probably a great er gain oyer-li crop than any Lraarketrin; the etate. it ' gives us nevery reason to be - justly' proud . of our tobacco market and although the average of tobacGo for 1908 was very little increase over 1907, the cause of such gain can not solely be attributed to the exceptionally good yield per acre, but many friends and customers were won and drawn to 3ur market through the courtesy attention and care exercis ed by the warehousmen and buyers for the farmers wno patronized our Louisburg Graded School. Miss Maude Hicks left this wek slock oliJ of th oaxtty I,v3.- for Greensboro Where aha will &ur 50. The seasion just beginning gives Greensboro Female College. Htws Frtna Priyett. Ost of ttt Lut rc 4atl.il lni promise of being the best in the his tory .of.ther school. On the opening day two hundred pupils were pres ent and now pupils havj entered each day since. This, enrollment is ihe largest we have ever had so early in the year, utill it is not as large as it should be. There are quice a number of children of School age in the district who should he in ennie ay the past week for Shelby, where nbe will teach in the Graced School Mr. J. B. Owens, District Depaty Grand Master, of Henderson, visited the Louisburg Masonic Lodge on Taeaday night. Mrs. A. M. Hall, accompanied b? her daoghters, Misses Grao and ietf rIl..rf-i al Vis .tt V .-"w . . . t I. f- . . & r I ... m - - - - ' - - - ww ww Miss Giennieyojcke left one day woai, corpcrojom, wt, .--J t,erJ J h 46. Add to th h. iota 1 raUauoa J Sc lw of property given tm, une r: TriUx. 7 1 Tl rp,V. and you will h.v . fetal of MTU.t. R c c4lrf f 407.40, which nepfnu the total It m tJ . , c . . , Ux valuation cf Franklin coc&it fat tw -w...- r me year iw. school. Parents cannot be compelled ynn Monday for New York to send them, but we wish thev aRd other Northern Market to por- - j the ' oi Vt Fctf4i C-wCww o !4r- Bonn Items. tit -,4 trtjiifirjs.f, as4 Bonn High School oned j til teip r eweascwit u f fr. Monday September Gih. lSi vith ! a S4ay a.c.4 a4 thrill- blii:. At fcicll u a rr ta;; ia Jas.ct triit hall w hcrac tf litsa Ilrwr. Oar ciicc4 ot-ru cc Mc?dt could. It is not fair tn th nhild I chase the fall stock of cooda for i r . . . . pnve her or him of at least some edu- 'g itacicet, iu hmtory. 2 4i ' , ' market, such consideration has of- 011- vour children amd 8,56 Mr' P' S' Al,ea Tuead.y There were quiuTnatnU of ut:U uSt ten had a great influence to turn " w ""V uuluu fcUOir Hart- "UfcU 1,www" WUC1 I ptirooa i tne a3oo4 ooi w war . fc h imi1 fflrmr tnnnT mtrVftt " wjjiuumg cuuurro QO I no woufc w purcuaaw wjo uu iwct I 1'fol. AlaXtaa a UJa 10 Ui lntS 1 UV VIUUWW " w 1 1 - . . 1 The farmers as a whole have been not e nter aarui? the ttrst month they for his firm. He informs us that he He made a wonderful talk which satisfied with the prices paid this w, ",Dk U1 -uuWJ. WuKukUUC u. u. ., . Waa vary raac eny oy au. 11 vear for tobacco and the facilities 11 u not 11-1 to tb0 P"niy teacher they hare nad m aome time. waa heart twahing at4 aoal of our buyers are folly capa- r beginners to enter at all times b Hi. subject waa The ble at all times to take care of the ie year. i t Taronfa oro invito tn vi.it K, increased saies. v ' ' ' , r-K'j wiji t tt a-riin3 ta u The addition of Mr. S. J. Parham school. You owe it to your children Louisburg Female CoUece opened dfic to the tadrnta. Prof, j . 0 .. ' " j " . ,c I ai . A .... 1 a.? I . ft I .i m Vv K Vnl S . f A to our corps pf tobacco buyers with w U1" a pcmouai inTwgauon as on vednesday oi una weea: under i w" ,,ri"siLb wtU U W. M. Gra-o. hia ordara for the cast rear has been to the conditions surrounding them very promiainz circumstances. The wwett lcJ wocia touow wou.u Klr UMitm.rVat n? with I while at school. We have a EOod Enrollment of ho in-line? nun ill on the ! need no other ea wee UVl JVS V Mf aV em vm w - ff i the coming season let ms hope our building, well equipped with the 1st- first day numbered about aerenty warehousemen will use their un- est improved furaiture and the sani- md have Wen coming in rapidly tiring seal and push in soliciting UtJ arrangements are as perfect as ever since. The local departments trade from all sections of Louis- caa be found anywhere, but we are have been more fully patronlted at Thatb aa follows; "I dare do all that Weooe a man; be who dart do more. Is oooe. Frof. Martin is ably aeaiited by three young led it. .Mica I'oae, of IM&dfl, Uwt lUe WtyilU At aiftani, xJ Mie Ourt 5trac kiatij, Frioary Gr4e. Soeoee ta Ue Ttwaa, (I. burg'a territory and ' in her tobacco sorry 'to ! that not 2o per cnt of the beginning than before in years Anboro, Is. U, wbo haj oAare of a belt to put her among the first mar- the patrons have been there to see and we are informed that possibly large muaio claw; Mea MilU, ol Vot- ftf thm State. t i ine mings lor tneraseives. it is before the beffinninc or another week t ,wc7 ' v.- Gantlemen I coneratulate you I nt good businessto make an invest- the school will be filled to its fullest Oxford, X. C upon your success of the past year ment and then not give some person- capacity. and believe yon will sell your share & attention to it. Visit the school. This institution of the crop this year, for the tobacco An latcbstnng Hangs on tne out- excellent management industry in this locality is one of the side. Allen, which judging lib Cheat. htm aasiftrd Prof. Pew two eeeebnai Chronic Kick rVere are a Wat a Wf-dce.a t- 4e ta lLm tows (Oak G4 it aa Urn- Ked to till cejutt) who kick at4 kaock aaythiac ta li wnrli that prime factors necessary tor the up building and promotion 'Of Louis burg, I believe some co-operative plan on the part of ; the merchants and tobacco board of trade for ad vertising our market f would render to some mutual benefit; to ' eachi for the merchants must realize, increase In tobacco sales ; means an '.increase in business to the merchants;' good work, insure i. .io nd.r ih. K oljr thotRtJ, d- of Mrs. Irey Upprtciatee bar sterling wortft ta tftti- - " from har past upouuaiug oi ue ecei. ' - . I aure tnat tne otnera wuj ao eioaatot " ' ' . The improvement i on ' the r roads fronvLouisburg to.::Baleigh;;shoidd benefit bur" inarket and make f f or; ns; riew patrons from" that raeption "who haV "formerly dreaded : tjie -heavy hitf at Perry's brfdjgeTf Mosi of -fthe roads aroniaLbuisburg"are;now';in good condition" and:-generally, ;kept np s that our market is, accesaable froEi all directaorM.C:riM '"'r' ;. 1 There ia an increase in the"' aver-1 age of th Section this year ; but; the excessive rain fall ot " June damabd Company Chartered to Hanu- ,or "n work A mo" oro pieie report ia.promuiu u iui next weeka taaue. Wilmington. The - American Aeroplane' Co J Board of Education Wilmington, wjohartered to manu- In addition to the' usual routine faeture flying machines, capital $125,-1 business of the Board 000. . The incorporators are promi -1 deieeatlon from work. shipped a to of tobacco to I lock y Mooot and while he was laklag It frpm the wagon and pstUag it on the train some one pdled the whUUe ao4 eTtrybJy cucjmtI! wtt jl . , t . c . ITbey are errally ctt"7 to e-rery A few days ago Mr. Peyton Sykral J cxake, frotklrd it as likeiy to txnl tht a a rent, sod (a akarl tbey w-tli kick U they were poog io te bra Tbi crealrtl drawback wUch aav Oi xaucaiwn, ' l.v.. u ..a the Zpeoni school bone very much, ao much Uit be Jl:MM ji, in the matter ran into S.. R-Mollsn wagon Jeat e ot the fact L . . . nent business-and professional men bf waa' before the" board Wilmington, including F; A. Bit- 0f bufldinff a new schoot house for hd of hira. In spat l tmger, "$V. 'B. Cooper, D. J. 'H.lthe loint Vanoe and Franklin dia-lthat he waa book! deattfe be got Drehr; : Dr. . Russell; Bellamy :, abd tricL' The usual agreement was completely ioU the witra body, David; Ga4mgreru- . The ; company I made, m th' case Franklin county Und aomt one said "jumped crat Uks wni eveiopa uymg.macntne reoenr-1 arrreainff to par one-fourth tne oat. I uoS lynTflntdi In Wnmtnfftorr:lthl v i- t n'timM I Svkei vtrr friUnlr exdiied yuKis ea.. - w vFxouiaw come beiom me Doam witn . a peu- ; .7 . . "f cf the aaoe due tcre la UtW- great xningv xrm erst .actual,. lull tion that the recent action, consoli I no MJUi,B5 i wum uno fledged flying machlnof. this pattern dating and changing the districts be months but brnsnest grass . coJd bt , w js to to ready for pub , - Haiun f te?KCUtje tion ontbo"' occasion of President male any changes at present and TatVs lisit to .Wilmington : in - No- agreed to meet at Justice Wednes- hk Uet aa4 frore a txlizg tas chbe aad tae asAt ttal3 be 14 cites la hn chosen prdeaaav(f tf. Day , " And Gaiety U &s4 tte ccJy rle that biM trth dnt, tine art a wl be The "grading fcroe hare . begun latu&led t al tLe ' taeetssg cf thi wofk.iam iw w s.diy or t wo l Chaabtr fcf Curratrce tcc?rtL Timber.-Statesvilla Landmark. -. -1 tj9 Sept. 15th at I o'clock to con-1 more will reach Uo dettmiiba cf J ozi ao! ti!p tie bora. -..'.' ..... .. . V