" " ' . .i -. - -y r , . .- - -- 1 Fl R A N K LI J I V -) r r a rt. m e: n t . , , ''' 1 !' '' 7. LOCALS. V ; "It pays to advertise" siys, 6nr . leading business men. s Chief Cook is having the top to the town vell repaired this week. - . Its a fine boy and Mr. C. v F. Best is "ticking the cats out of Pap's Way.'' f " Our streets "look a great deal better now that a. little work is being put on them. " - Attend to your" advertising properly and use a plentv of it nd you will see your business hum. Mr. Lawrence, Moye, who lost bis left foot in a railroad accident here not long since, has received a cork substitute and his many friends hope that he may be- able to use it to advantage. Mrs. H. C. Ray gave a very enjoyable picnic at TarB,iver bridge, on Monday of last weel, to quite a number of friends in honor of Mr. 0. W. Barrett of Pinner's Point, Va., The occassion was greatly en joyed by all who attended. Let the people of Franklinton get together for some movement to push the town forward. This wi)l mean a great deal to our town and our business men should not stand apart, on matters of this kind any longer. Get together and do some thing gentlemen. t Miss Maggie Barrow died at her home on Mason Street on Wed nesday morning of last .week after an extended illness. Her remains were enterred at Oak Level church a short distance trom town on Thurs day evening and the services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. T. B. Justice. She leaves a mother, one sister and two brothers. The be reaved ones have our sympathy. Information was received here last week that on Thursday evening while fixing some belts in the Wake Forest Cotton Mills, Johnnie Wear er, a former resident of Franklinton, was caught in the belt and thrown over the shafting tearing out his left arm at the shoulder, and knocfcing him .senseless for a while. Doctors were immediately summoned and from last reports-he was getting on -as well as could be expected. Personal J. E. Whitfield returned yesterday from a trip to Norfolk. Miss Nellie Whitfield is visiting friends and relatives at Norfolk Miss Mattie Ballard returned the past wek from a visit to Virginia. Miss Sue Cheatham visited her sit ter in Louisburg the past week. Walter Cooke left today for Oak Ridge where he will attend school. Miss Mary Jones returned Mon day from a visit to friends in Oxford. Miss Lucy Wilder, of near Louis burg, is visiting J. H. Wilder, Esq. Miss8 Mamie Jones and Margaret Harris are; visiting Miss Belle Miteh iner. Miss Josephinfj Henley left today to enter Salem College at Winston Salem. . Leonard Henderson left yesterday tor Chapel Hill to enter the Univer sity. - ; ' . . . Mrs. Crocker and daughter, of Raleigh, are visiting at Rev T. B. Justice's. " i Misses Mariah and Nena Parker, of Wairenton, are visitingMisses Ballard. Miss Hattie Leggett; of Scotland Neck, visited Miss Martha Harris this week: ' ' Miss Neljie Conway. returned Sat urday from a visit to her brother at Athens, Ga. Misses Efiie and Carrie Green, ot ( G;pld Rock, risited Miss Florence Perry the past week- fc ; . Mr. J P. Massenburg and-wtfe, of Hendtrson, risited Mrs. J." H.Hen ley the past week. ; , , Joe Joyner and C. - C. Kearney - left-Saturday to enter the Afc Mi College at. , Raleigh ; X' . , 't . Mrs. R. " Winston and son. Robert Henderson. r TiHitinr h,. ' d.' .i . - - . i r .it: ' i . .n.i' .:..r. t r Friday night from an extend d trip in Western North Carolina. - .Tj'L. Justice Jeft one day the ast weekto take 'a position with"Huhter BvoaJ & Brewer at Raleigh. , Mr. WD. Smith left one day the pat week for . Henderson where he has accepted a position with Par-ham Bros. ' l1 'y. ' O. W. Barrett, of Pinner's Point, Va., who has been visiting his peo ple liere for several das, rwturne'd home iMonday. Mr. A. H. Tann is in the north ern markets purchasing the fall stock of goods for the Sterling Cot ton Mills store. Mrs. M. . C. Henley will leave Thursday for the northern markets to purchase her fall stock of milli nery, dress goods, etc. Maj. and Mrs. C. JL. McGhee lelt yesterday for the northern markets to purchase the fall stock for the McGhee-Joyner Co., Miss Katie Bet Morris left Satur day for Clayton where she will teach music and primary work in Mt. Mariah Graded School. Miss Mattie Conway, who has been on ;he northern markets in the interest of her firm at Wake Forest, returned yesterday and stopped over to visit her people here. Mr. D. M.' Cooke and wife re turned the past wek trom an ex tended visit to Buffaloe Springs, Va., and other points. His many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Cooke's health is much improved. 0. G. Richards, Pension Agent. It may surprise some of our readers to know that a simple case of stomach trouble, if neglected, can ge so bad that it will result in cancer of the stom ache. For fifteen years O. G. Rich ards, an attorney and pension ajjent at Eudora, Kan., suffered from stomach trouble, indigestion, etc., until it was feared he had cancer of the stomach. Finally he took D. Caldwell's Syrup Penain and waa rrH This remeHv iq absolutely guarantred to do what is claimed, and if you want to try it . be fore buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to Pepsin Syrup Co., 119 Caldwell Bldg., Monticello, 111. It is sold by The Scoggin Drug Co., at 50c and $1 a bottle. Mass Meeting: at Franklinton. Considering the threatening weather there was quite a good num ber of citizens present at the Mass Meeting on Tuesday afternoon. This was held for the Road Trus tees to make a report as to the work done and the money expended so far. This leport among other things showed the -oonutructioa of two miles of load "and surfacing of one- half mile. Th total utd in oper ating expenses for this work wis $566. 49. From the work so far it is estim ated that a 50 foot road, with 14 feet gravelled will -cosi about 1600 per mile, and that with the present equipment aboai one mile can b 'completed a month. The question as to whether the Trustees should continue the work along present lines or shonld lake steps to investigate the adriaibility of increasing the force or contract ing some of the rotds so as to make more rapid progress. It was apparent that the great majority wanted good roads and wanted them quick. .By a unanimous " rote it wat agreed for the Trustees to issue sich further bonds and take such action toward an earlier completion of the work m they might find best. Deafness Cannot be Cured by locai AppUcatione. M thej cannot reach the diseased portion of th ear - There an only one way to care deafness, and that 1 by eonstitntdonal v remedies.- Deafness cvused by aainflatted eondiUon of the m" Kil. ?f-the EuacbUn rube,- When this tibe is inflamed jmn have- a TnmbHnS sonnd or imperfeet Wring, and .when it i? nttrel eioeed.Deafness Is the rtilt' 'snd ?Kietl?ieJ!ain?tloB tt taken out and this i tube stored to 'iUMiondal conditiSn hearing will be destroyed foreyer; nln-i cisS ont of ten are cansed bT Catarrahrwhlchs nothing bnt an inflamed eondition 5 the mucous surfaces. , v- , - , . , . ; " .-Trit'5?5iTe 0n hundred Dollars for any ase of Deafness (eaused by catarrh) wtSat cannot Secured ,by Hall CrlVS Send for tfrcnlars, free;' V : Hn. v iF- J CflENET 4 CO.. Toledo tt SotdbvDmirtrfata . vV-.oieao.u r WEDNESDAY, xa n-- t ' QOM E N'QRTH ' Q ti FRANK Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers Of Carnations, Rosor, Vwlcts. etc. Floral designs and Flowers for all occa sions. Potted Ferns and all kinds of pot and out door bedding plants. Veg etable plants in season. All order promptly filled. H. STCINMETZ, Florist. Rakigh. N. C The Best Policy The Safest Company TSe strength, "conervatisra. economical management of the and Equitable Life Assurance Society j oi me u. j. t Make it the safest company in whch to insure. The liberality and adaptability ! of the " I New YorX Standard Policy 1 Make it the best form to select. j Full information and rates furnish- : a jj 1 ea upon requeau nuun-3 R. H. DAVIS, ALBION ACADEMY NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Will be opened for stodsnts .. . i;. " . : October 6th, 1909 All indiiatrious negro boys And girU of , good character are admitted. .Send . for Application BUnVa JNO.' A.' SAVAGE. Principal . . v ,, - J.: Franklinton, K. C ' , DR'FQRD'' Otu' Buyer Maj. C. L. IVJcGhee ' is now on the" Northern Markets purchasing the larse stock of fall and winter goods For This firm Watch this space for our announcement upou his return THE STORE LINTON'S BIGGEST AND BEST STORE I CLOSING OUT SALE ' I l;r 1 r K p:r of Atlic 1.1 pair t-f Anil vry faff fjW? jK5 2g OO rrT i to sell cheap. Co OF QUAI itv FEW SPECIALS S - ;fi if !. J. : rs.tr t 1?, Sir, Ttt. l'a-;r f j . tc-- Mrs;. tr.c . VjVr t": .'- v We Have Most All Sizes in tlni.se- Oxfords now and if yui want them at this prke you hail better come quick as they will not hust manv davs at the reduced price. P. S. & IK. K. ALLIEN Louisburg, N. C P,S We have a good Hhow ca.se and 3 largo store lamps, wo will bo glad - II .1 lCX 2.O0 2.00 g V 7U s ' III , parents aijewoerne. 3 . c .1 j

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