en tli in. firs to Do This Month, knows eyerygiriho.M'ctoguthV : I bovsr aha 1r for 9'm6 Cover urvp vu ; . 7. -f - u- uuuuiob, ,buo knOWS of OUr Rtxif mV. 1 y()lj Call. XldVO I . .. - -v j w auv n o 1 s j 1 Li la'" Mb. 0e kp08f. ,nnr corn and save the P&W"," die shears, the, exciuses $ TTnlPsa vou. Ike m eafeUbw; epaplovest ifshe knows oatg 0r wheat on : every ?.ai.-0; kmeia'his'-'-mfese . . : tnowg every -time Ve are out with Unless you.liyi Lost ' Monday- afternoon - between "Wajron Factory and Saw MU1 gold 'watch 14 K. : re r, hprA vnn know every, woman who has a dark past; Vie hum t ..in in'" tune 1 o better, don't waste uww every man wno w inoiin- :1U,, reduce your yield if jel to . nulling fodder. ,1 Kreat secret Deneatn eacn saucy curl L out the very, bestS individual corn Kuouo Bl"v Al lu Jepuone ,giri iff Lin ( ' - Juctive individual corn Phone girl. If the J 8eed next year. v 1; j told all that she knows it wMd4 turn alk tor - , V r half our friends into bitterest rfoeai PruPrtrO t"JVA DCVA WOVl M.VM. i (4) r,ri Qr,w artma nf. sae could sow , a small wind that 739.953. The findef will be rewarded. fcty ' Please return and oblige. . IvTV: Important v 7 . - A .' 1 K A rThe InglesidorAcademy . will op-1 VV en- on Monday; September 13th: It l'j is "especially desired; that all -who ml posaibly'can do. so wil enter their cniiaren on me nrst aav. i ?r. 2' would soon be a gale, engulf us in hi . urtm arazinff crona for trouble and land us in jail; she could . n i- i - ('' " let eo a Storv which, crainincr in force. rape, rye, owj., aiiu uuu i ; ' - -- t o r- . " lour : ' -i j ' i . f wuuiu cause nair our wives to sue tor . I dlVorc.;Hb'fnM ot oil 'tltit .VnTnh I'larit vegetaoies ior winter i ' e- " " " ( ). lettuce, radishes, peai, ea miJed QP.in and turn all h Aorrnto tn Pnt ays into sorrowing night; in fact, i.f- vstables ana truits ior -" . Ul" stew if ihed tell a tenth' part of the inter ktten en lie ,l I I nines NnA knsw llh hrrthr nn w v' . i - a doesn't it make vonr hs.d . whirl. j funk liATr.netL iruiu kruuuu . ' 1 . - . : -.- -i i . U ,nna u. wucu yuu iiuiuk. wuai vuu uwo tu iuc I talanfinriA mi.19 'Vnono.n Pall Si Look after the poultry, re- 1 build in irs, U out of the pasture. Our new "(Q)iiiiplS:aiaini Is Now 1p. . Operatiom For Rent I have decided to rent my dwel ling on Main street, IiOiusburg, N. C, and am open for the best prop- psition from a desirable renter for same,either furnished or unfur nished. ' I might entertain a prop osition to rent out all the house but two rooms. This dwelling has 1 8 rooms nicely furnished, most of I them including halls nicely carpet ed. .Electric lights, water and bath room, attached It also has a fine garden and stable. Address W.T.HUGHES, Chase City, Ya. Notice. V We.seH 'all loid of cold drinks. Phone your orders for everything in our line. the eei! Having qualified as executor of I Dennis Foster, deceased, late of Franklin county, this is to notify I will pay Fifty Dollar tJJS? $50 REWARD for - ' V ,.i0!in out ana wniwwasa an, . - louses, sow some crops ior greeu nnt birds for exhibition. it""" . . .. . . J V thft pofofj. nf fhA fiaill onoftoorl n (J) t t -r '. Jexhibit tnem to tne uuderaitrned . -u! ; i innmnnrff m van irnn n, inntu mi: o nd other Dunuiugs ar m 4C , J' VI muuiaiij vaiiui EUj 111 au - 00- saalt -with intent to commit rape. Description Bufus Redman is a dark ginger-cake color, about 35 rn 111 irania rf-i I rl tttai vnf nkk-k,.4 1 i 1 I J'r B, . "w 31st day of July, '09 it irii nnnnn a onnr nrm n it m-rx i - shouldered, white teeth, black mustache, wears 32-33 pants, and is a good banjo picker. I H. C. Kearney, Sheriff Franklin County. The Scoggin Dryg Co. L for the winter, n( Start some movement mprovmg tne roauo oi juuj wmiuu l).nfi-iuiva kjjy I IUHjuuii sj " Does Seed Selection pay. The following illustrations of the K. ,.f calap.t.irtn ar taken at rt'HiuiB ji Lan.lom from hundreds that might be given: Prp?rriotions RIIIpH With Skill 19107-Vr this notice will bo plead in Dar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please SgKfrJ);?? iuiiucuiaw HewueiutJiiu i uis JOSEPH DAVIS, Administrator of Dennis Foster. Spruill & Holden, Atty's. Louisburg, N. C, Sept. 2nd, 1909 - si l On 20 rows at lamar, o. .,ueavy . - I J C n n 4- 4- Leed yielled l,U4r pounus oi uuhou 1 1 I -i f 4 hnd ordinary seed yieiaea nd8. An increase of nearly 10 1)0. u Notice Having qualified as executor of the will of Lucy W. Smith, deceased, all persons having claims against the said 1 i : 1 1 il 11 ' rX. - J? .. : t 1 Viol n BBiaie, wiii preseut Lueui on or oeiore KfwntoraQ uiwbobo . - Aug 19th, 1911, or this notice will be ii r 4. 1 i. i t xi ; ii "Very ten. As a result oi two yeara j jpieau m uaroi tueir xeooveiy. Aii.per- election, the length ot me mDer in a ttJ -th th undersinied at once anptv of Eevptian cotton at Oolurn- This Aug. 19th, '09 oa from 1 1-4. I oJ A- aocu vu - bia.S. C, was mere inches to l --4 muuco auu iuo so increaneii. Notice I rrv j. t' 1 1 I No cotton grou-er can aftord to lg- Ha: made arrangements with the Joseph Yarborough ..TAILOIL A. T. NEAL Building Louisburg, N. C. I am prepared to do your pres sing, .cleaning and tailoring at very reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Givf me a trial and I "orill please you. WANTED! Robber Tlrts. You do not have t snd otir buggy wheel away to have rubber tires put on them. II. C. 1 aylor will do it as good as the factory and little cheaper. All kinds of repairing at H. C. TAYLOR'S Huggv Factory Louisburg, N. C uore tlitue- results. The careful and ktelligent selection' of cotton seed lot planting offers one of the very best opportunities for increasing the income ot toe average wuttuu piautci a large part ot . the desired $ouu More a vear. Progressive Farmer. . . ' . "--ci"1.! m aaa ruA . r 1 i i mV musitfclass ithe music room- ati"'' "uus Ui Kina OI i continue there through the session, at once. I will rv cts nrhnnHr Patrons and scholar will please take nounda- Bonea 9i rta. nr hnH notice. Scholars not attending Graded oounds. r . 1. . -m 11 i Y- .1 I ' iscnooi win oe given lessons at my resi- j p00 j " -ii i j. j jj r - I xjiasa uence.on cuurcn street aner p m in r-nr.pr the afternoon. MRS. J. S. BARROW tRL Lead HANDICAPED. This is the Case with Many Louisburg People. To) unny Louisburg citizens are n;inicaue with a bad back. The unceasing pain causes constant ni raakinir nork. a burden an 6 cents 8 per pound T L A. 1"C linpuriaux Beeswax We wish to inform the people of this Green Cow Hides and adioinmg communities that we ury have put in a nice and complete line of Wool coffins, caskets, etc, and aave just re ceived a. new up-to.aate hearse for the accommodation, of our customers. Call to see? lis when in need of our service. This hearse will also be let at reasonable pries when anyone desires it. blr 1 V U. i & TliltJli:r.L,AKxJ Youngsville, N. C- 4 2 1 20 7 10 10 up I pay cash for pf the above. I. SPIRE Htdoping or lifting an impossibility. The back aches at night, preventing refreshing rest and in the morning is stiff and lame. Plasters and lint merits may give relief, but cannot eliminate the cause. To eliminate ne pains and aches you must cure the kidneys. I Joan's kidney Pills cure sick kid neys and cure them permanently. The following statement should convince every Louisburg" reader of their ifVioiency. ttev. J. E. Hartshell, 504 Andrews v'e Henderson, 1ST. C, Sajs: nce using Doan's Kidney Pills Itiavy hal no trouble from disorder kidneys and in return for this great relief do not hesitate to re commend the remedy. Distressing iwina across my loins and a dull adie in my back afflicted me for a long time and I was also bothered by a weakness of the kidneys, in fact- I fe't generally miserable. Doan's Mdney Pills soon drove away the i backache, strengthened my kidnqys ari unproved my condition in every, way." . - ; '"':, For sale by all dealers. Price 50 nt8- Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo ' w Yor, sole agents for the lted States. . . ' y - '; Kerne rhber the name Doan's-- aml take no other. ' - "I''S Louisburg Repair Shop. Repairs Harness, Shoes, Bicycles Pumps, Tinware We also do I Plumbing, Carpentering, Painting and many other things too numer- CHOICE Cut flowers ! ! Roses, carnations and violets a ous tc Lj ention. L.ook lor the sign specialty.- Wedding bouquets and "Harness Shop." East Nash St one door above Depository. Yours to Serve, Lancaster & Williams. J Notice to Teachers. On Saturday, Sept. 4, 1909 at 3 o'clock p, m. the School Committee of Ceda ; Rock township will me ot at Cedar Rock Academy : to elect teachers for the township. All applicants, please enclose certifi cate with application. Jos T. Inscoe ) J. R Earle Committer W. W. Boone ) . floral offerings arranged in best style at short notice. Summer flowering bulbs, bedding plants rose bushes, and everything in the florist line, at J LO'QUINN & CO PHONE 149 Raleigh, North Carolina. ; mm men LEARN TELEGRAPHY ! HUYLERS CANDY ALWAYS FR E S H A T The Scoggin Drug Company The Man Who Wants To Borrow Money cj. a picc rbr, rn 1t .1 mHi- - i.x e ErtU4T Jl or nt (r: cf tt t ca. r Ik. f plrjuoi la r.iT.lft V't rc i-if ft THE - CITIZENS - BANK J 11 ()WKN MCNOCRSON. ti C 1'trW.ft.l . A HI 0 0 0 0 I 3S 21 Louisburg College la Ideal Dome Schol Ftr Glrb Fall Term B$iaj Vcdnesiay. kptemr 8tX IW JUST Eerton's AT Wlite Front ,. ') Woods Descriptive i S The Telephone Girl. The telephone girl sits'in her chair ll8ten to voices from everywhere. -"o an me gossip, sne nears all the news, she'knows' whojsfbap P7 and who has the blues; she knows oar sorrows and bur joys, she s now ready.--gives the fullest mfortnat on about ail Seeds, for die Grasses and Clovers, Vetches, 'Alfalfa., Seed WHeati Oats. WW Rye-Barley,: etc.-... vr AIeo tells all about mat can De piauusu w tuo u j.v advantage and profitand about Hyacinths; Tulips and other Flowering Bulbs, Vegetable and - Strawberry Plants, Poultry- . ' SuDplies and Fertilizers. Every Farmer end' Gardener ihould . v.kc. .t-.inir . Tt in invaluable in k profitable and: BaUsfactory Farm pr ; regueat. Write I of It v 1 ; eedsrr.ch Richmond, Va.ii C Telegraph Operators Are in Great v Demand Boys, this is your opportunity to learn a first-class trade that pays a good salary every month in the year. There will be a greater demand for Telegraph Operators this fall and win ter than there has peen for many years past The prominent railroads of the South and other parts of the United states - are wnungv Us 10 quaiuy as many young men of good character for their service as we possibly can. We trust that the reliable,' ambitious boy a of the South will rally1 to this golden opportunity, Our students qualifyf or service in on ly four to' : six months-' We guarantee positions. Graduates begin on 145 to $65 per. month,f easy and pleasant work permanent employment,' rapid promo tion.' ' Our tuition is reasbnable,'bord at ' low rates'; - Newnan is extremely iieajLuiuj; uue viimaie; excellent anQK1 ing .waters Write at once for our new illustrated catalog. A letter or postal will bring it.L It is THEE.' South&nl School- j Telegraphy. dmt bMtlthful Ootwittton. Ktpr h-cram. Chrutian ln(lunf. UbsnU r vllurw. tnd m lhoroh fducntion at rrWT! nmt. FlicrVnt adrvntajTM in Mur. Art EVxition. PrprraU37 lVvr.raoT-.t with !txcnl cr for rouosr g-trU. NORMAL COURSE. F-pfciAl!y rmm! (or your.g orfv. f t tirur tiwTUwilv for puiU- tr-Vl Itcltnol WOT. Ampt tn'irl frf oy : -1-- roc rr lion rwj thV.. TS mrll fctur of thl tteUxA U rd;rittjl cmr of pupiU phyTvcji'lr Br! lntiWtsanT And special drives in cither line at prices that will interest vou to examine i Mrs. M. D. Allen, President ' SHOES SHOES I x svre reccirinr our trl brt;tM if 1 NOTICE!; i vruh to give noticf to OUR CUSTOMERS That we will not do any more monthly work after June SQtk Because it seems to be eo much dissatisfaction to pome of our old line of trade, bat will be Rltd to sell . . . - . , .. TICKETS AT S I for 12 shares.- and lb ej ax for cash. e will gW tho best grade of work.' Hair Cuttinc. and Shit- intr none to beat it- Shrmpoo .nd . " x 1 :, rw nair oressmg vjcoqjm world. - ALSTON &TAEB0R0 In tjxiYxeM and iht"klrn. TK :r. f? IT ti ho Tlu in tb tnit-l Sui .3 1 tic tl c' cCl r a!4 Whit Hntn Shor, .c much 4draM'.d tr Ji.fiX.. li-ji".r Brown, tli lxi t ahc for vb 4 cir- Ala a fell at. c! Iccrd Shaw and Dan for mn. Hn,v ctLrr fcy U.ij( and children. Our Shoe Value Cannot lie Equaled. Pon't buy anrwberr Up, btjlrotu to r- ti a&4 13 K.l Jicc A big drivi m ilAraburg lot a quirk mJ at 1-2 ca arU JO U. Ii No le tlutn 5 jrd to cuttonr. Wv Ktjfcg li txpf! ia baby lace, vaitnrtcc, edging &4 ix;m rue ta l tzaU ttirr t-s t Loubborg at 5 ct pr ranJ, wcrtb 10 cf.U. WhiU f4 it4 a M of prtlty gingbAm, c-alirois, drr4i gooila. Uri-c:a2 a-fcd l:ft:cg wens bonght before the rie in cotton, ami w w cvtS cr rul mers the benefit Ycm will p? t?t tart fr tcl Uvt. aid some to oQ ua at oac, and we will cjaW t rar ton- F. N. & R. Z. Egerton jr. i