TIMES L THOMAS ED. & OWNER Fbipay, September 101909. "SDRX TO NKW ADVWtTIgltJm- p A. Rea vis Coal. K H Harris .ouce. ,p ' vv Wood & Sons Seeds. - rV ' Sherrod-Land Posted. - 5J f Murphy Aa Announeeiqenli M ..'-it?- - " Mm- pittman Notice. TAR DROPS; Adrertising pays, try it.;. Vs. Chamber of Commerce tonight; Tbe long looked for rain greet ed us the past week. will Cook says he will hare them for you this fall. Read his ad vertisement. Hie many friends are glad to tee Mr. C. F. Richardson able to be aout and L'oing" again. If you are interested in your,town ,,) out to the meeting of Vhe Cham ber of Commerce tonight. Atteution is called to the change ad of the Riverside warehouse, to be found on our last page. .Look it V?J'ff' ontttojt'he jneetingr tfce ChambeJ .JoP.Com-. merce tonight' ; X cy -v "r-rVVhy it ,that some people sit back andr'alwaya talk ;i about what the town ghbold do, and, what "the to wnhcald have, and 'never offer to assist iff getting these i thing is be; yond. ' our comprehension. If tbesei people would only go out and talte a lile interest var public - affairs .they irvinjr vv unauia -"vmo jrwuiMieaauy iee a Dig atrxerence:r Vu allentineNotIco.ta.Teachri.; -fej, -f; ";r'v S ,i. Yarfforough, "Jr.,- & T.'-M; Mr. D. C Strickland moved his the Farmers fc Merchants family Co Apex Monday- where they will make their future; home. Mr. Strickland was a member of one of our largestrclothing and ; gents far nishing establishments here and has been identified with bur business in terests f or many years.' - Hefleaves a large number of friends here who. although they regret to see him OF , ? " " TH COKDmOH OI TH -..V FIRST llAf lOIlAL MM; at v . ; LOU1SBURG, N. C." at tt'doU of basiMM' 8ept-l,- 1909. v ,N ; RESOURCES: , k , Loans and duoonots $87 075-5? Orerdrafta x . 2 439.76 U. 8 Bond to Becti re circulation 25,000 00 Premium ot TX. 8 Bond 1,003.91 Bankiag lioua' furniture and . . fixttirea .v . . 9,8 02.89 Due fronvNAtional banks ' (not "V t)n froni approved reserve aas . f a!oss!? unecKS ana ocner easn items .V 865.42 rots of otber National banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Sped . " Legal tender notes. Redemption fund with TJ. 8. Treasurer' (5 per cent of circulation.) Total, ' fl50.067.-45 LIABILITIES: . " Capital stock paid in !J 25.000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses i . , -, . - i tim nure paia 88 64 leave,. Wish for him much sncce S8 m FNattonal banknotes outatanding 25,000.00 3,30.00 141.84 2,591.55 5,186.00 1 .250.00 up. Mr. C. T. Cox, of Winter viile, i i has acceptea a posiuon as uook-Keep er at Bank. Mr. W. B. Cooke has moved hw family back to town, after spend ing the summer with his aunt inv the country. -Mr. E. L. Jones has moved his family to the Hawkin's residence formerly occupied by Mr. C. S. Minor. -Mr. Geo. II. Cooper and Dr. A. H. Fleming have had their boat houses built on the river above the mill for their launches We are requested to state, that the Louisburg Normal Industrial Training School, colored, will open on Monday, Sept. 20, 1909. . Dr. aud Mrs. S. P. Burt were called to Areola on Wednesday ev eoing on account of the illness of Mrs. Bart's mother, Mrs. G. W. Davi. -The attention of our eaders is directed to the advertisement of Mr. P. A. Keavis. If you are in need of coal of any kind you had better see bim at once. Read the new advertisement of . S. Ford in this issue. He says he has just received a nice lot of new horses and buggies and is going to ell thsra cheap. " The repairing of theold Harry Dunston building, which is now owned bv Griffin and KahrIav. ia V. og puihed and will be ready for oc cupancy soon. In our report of the County Commissioners last week we acci dentally overlooked the name of Mr. J- If. TJzzell, ia the number that went before the Board for election to fill the unexpired term of the' de ceased Treasurer. -The small boys went-to Spring- hope Monday and played a. game of i ball vrith the small boys of that plact. The erame was interesting the score resulted 12 to r3 m ayf of Louisburg. Hart for Louis- ms Strnnlr nnt Q3 men K;iA T:-1, on for Springhope struck out inly 9 ' We are rea nested to state that Mr W. S. Strickland and familv to express to -the citizens of ake Forest their thanks and tefnl appreciation of their , kind- D88 during the sickness and death 0fMrS. W. S Stri,.Horwl : We are requested to state that nt Tuesday night is the time for the recmlor U1 . Jl 'J Woodmen of the World 'and it i es- Kialiy desired that all members be The hour for meeting now 'clck and all are expected 0 6 there promptly oln time " There sftmo a u a iv "ov maouiaetunng en pnaes for Lonibnro-" r WhV nnf ;l9 hve a little action along-with JUU i. Jl' , Will Pour town? Wll it n tLrt his new home. News reached hare yesterday moining of the death of Mrs. C. W. Roberts, of Youngs ville. Mrs. Rob erts left home on Sunday and went to Norfolk rhere she jpntered St. Vincent's hospital to havf3 an opeia tion performed for a tumor of the stomach, which operation was ati tempted on Monday, but as the doc tors found that it was too much de veloped, the operation was abandoned After this time Mrs. Roberts gradu ally grew worse until yesterday morning whensherdied at about 6 o'clock. Her remains will be brought to Louieburp; on the 4 o'clock train this evening for enterment in the, cemetery, which will take place about 5 o'clock. The family has oui sympathy. Special Me e ting1 The Board of Education will have a special meeting at Justice on Wed nesday, Sept. 15th at 1 p. m., to con sider consolidation of districts and establishment of a large school. It is expected that, the school com mittee from Cedar Rock and Cypress Creek will be present. All parties interested are invited to come. Individual deposits subject to check 73.857.S8 Demand certificate of deposit 14,024.54 Cashier's checks outstanding 374.89 Bin payable, including certificates of depssit for money borrowed f .000.00 Total, state op North Casouju,) i 1150,067.45 hamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di Carrhoea Remedy Never Known to Fail. ' c "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remwlv sine a if was first introduced to the public in 1872, .and nave never foand one in stance where a cure was not speedily cubuwu uv its use. nave Deen a commercial traveler for eighteen years and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichold of Okland, Ind. Ter. For sale by The Scoggin Drug Co. Notiee The Chairman of each Democratic Executive Committee of the respec tive townships of the county is ear nestly requested to meet in Louis burg on Monday, October 4tb, '09, for the purpose of electing a County Chairman. This is an important meeting and a full attendance is re quested. This request and call is made by several chairmen of differ ent townstnps ot nhe county, at a meeting held Monday,- Septr6th, '09 J. J. Babbow, Sec. Cholera Infantum Cured. sometning lifee two years ago my baby, which was then about a year Old. W98 tAVftn RftTinnslV ill ohsl- 7 , ' ' w mj V. A-i Ul era iafantunv yomoting -and purging proruseiJ writes J . . r. liempseyi ' of Dempsey, Ala.V-1 did what I could to relieve her but did her no .good; and peing.very much alarmed about "her -went for a nhvsician. hut failed tn ftnd I one, so.clanie back by- :Elder Brbs & uarterrs store and . Mr. Elder . recem meiidedChaimberlan's CJolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. .1 procured, a bottle 'of it, went.home as xruickly as possible and gave the baby a dose of the remedy. It relieved her in fifteen minutes and soon cured her entirely." For sale by The Scoggin Drug Co. County of Franklin, I, P. ft. White, Cashier of the abov nimt bank, do solemnlj swear that the aboss sLatement is true to the best of mj knnwl elge and belief. P. B-Whitx, Cashier suoHcnoeu and sworn to before me this 9 aayoi senteraber 1909. n . A J, B, Coi uk, N. P, Corrwt -Attet: J. XI. Allu. T. T. Terrell. W. H. Waddell, Directors. LAST POPULAE ECUESION Of The Season to ASHVILLE, N. 0. The Southern Railwav announces the operation of their last popular excursion of the season to Asheville on SEPTEMBER 15th. Train will leave Goldsboro at 6 AS a. m.. tak ing on passengers up to and inelnd ing Lexington, n. u. Kound trip irom Woldsboro f 5, Selraa $5, Ral eigh $4.75, Durham I4.7S. Greens boro $4.50. Tickets will be limited to return on any train leaving Asheville up to and includinc Sen- - . a ir tember 18. You will note thin gives you three days and three nignts, wnicn win afford vou aurnle time to visit the various attractions ... .. ana rjomts or intreat m nrfi around Asheville. ' For further information ask your nearest agent or address the under signed. R. H. DeBUTTS,' Raleigh, N. C. -T. P. A. li h& -f t, Iter uvuig; ;ga 1 ft. hjA.1 of etun iu iU Wpinnlfg ia . j,UK W e glidlj op.n Monntii for-wy dwiriojto Uy U,, c, totptrHj. A CHECKING ACCOUNT wUI uve yon Ume, money and trouble ThmUm. Uiorr opa to U; iU cmt wI.l. pn,lege8 and protection co.t you nothing what,.,. Com. in anj'l.t JJlai InuT i FIRST NATIONAL LOUISBURG, N. C UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. BANK GOVERNMENT Wc Fill Every PRESCRIPTION With strictest care and unfailing fidel ity to the doctor's orders. Too much may depend on the medicine he pre scribes to admit of the slightest devia tion, carelessness or substitution. Notice to Teacher s The school committee for Cy press Creek -township will meet at Seven Paths on Saturday, Septem ber 25th about 2 o'clock, pi m., for the purpose of electing teachers to the several schools in said town ship. All applications to come be fore this coinmittee must be in the hands of the Secretary on or be fore the above date. TRYING WILLIAMS Chni. ; ; AnAjmouncexnent f I.wisn to announce to my many friends and customers, that -I haVe aoain orienedrmv beef : market on IU lUiUBU ; , WibU UCBU beef and oUier .meats. T will cariy a full linefrom nbw.bn and Uf -yjhvt ftTA in nAP.d nf anvthinr m fnv line call phone 22 and your order will YL RYE Rye ? Crimson or AxmualClover Seed, Old Fash ion Clover Seed. QUART f RUIT JARS. Extra Tops and Rubbers. Corn Knives and Corn Twind P HI K ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUISBURG, N. C. ONLY THE PUREST, FRESHEST DRUGS Are employed. That means not alone the rieht medicine but also th rio-ht strength and the quickest cure Mod- erate cnarges in spite or our extra care and extra quality. BeasIey-AIston Drug Co. Sale of Valuable Real Estate Under and bv virtue of a decree of resale made by the Superior Court of Franklin county. North Car olina, in the special proceeding entitled 8. L. Duke ys R. II. Duke et als the undersigned commis sioners will, on Monday, the 11 day of October,1909, at about the houTof noon sell at publie auction at the court housa aoor in ine town oi nenaerton. N. : C . n. certain trart or Trl rf land situated partly in Franklin county fund tit1 xr in -Vanin cnnnf a Ct.4a adjoining the lands of Geo. Ayscue, B. F Btainback, R. H. Duke and others, andcontaining eighty-six acres, more of less. ivTerms of Sale:--Oni --fourth eah. Lbalance on credit ef six months with in terest Irom day of sale at the rate of six per cent, per annum 'IT w nnum payable annuallr. until purchase price u This Sept 10th, 09. ' tie reserved paid in full. -r This Sept 10th, I -- .McWNNE - BROTHERS I t ! tEEUl EilERCHANTS 6 - C Y . - - T O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t I o H ni a little nf 11'.. s. . Respectfully.- W. H. YARBOROUGH. Jr -.-CommiBiioners 030 1 have gome.

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