'.' ; J: y. U THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN. y : np l A ; 1 a ARRIVING Pleasant Euening RBwiBs.R Column Dedi cated to TirBd Mothers as Mbu . Join j ths Horns GirGlB at Evening CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM THE EDITORIAL PEN f "- . i i ji. i my nkighbob xnd i. " - oreejze irom ine ocean oi uoa s iove. . . -V -T . Z V. V. AlTnV Yll 1 WaV, THE MODEL HUSBAND. . .11 I Who has nothing to do dm yawn an Gne tbing whioh a raoel husband day: will not allow himself to foiget is, No little hands to tumble her hair, tKat in trivioe to his better- half in No little "Nuisance" to vex her with weilock, he established a claim on care, her part to a reasonable amount-of No little "torment" to worry and hia ti Another thing he will re- tease, member is, that the very fiwt society Nothing to do but consult her own mstituted by the Almighty for the ease. benefit of his creatures was the- home Poor, rich, neighbor, I am sorry for circle and hig firat dutT M a hug you band is to brighten that sphere with ri 1 ...... A 1-t a wrsx -4-VlTr f I ma " oorry, uecause yuu uavc v his presence. JLne cnnrcn even do;" must not take precedence of the Sorry, because as the days go Dy home. As to the possibility of a You are restless and weary, you conflict in such cases between re- know not why; ligious and home duties, we think . I'lT 1 I And once in a wmiei can see me that such a conflict is not likelr to trace arise; for .true religion, if it does anv- Of many a tear on your proud, fair tbing at or a mtrriei man wui face - 1 be sure to make him a good husband You see I am only a laborer's wife, and one 0f the first qualities of such Doing my part in the treadmill of a husband is certain to be that he Stafler Cie Standard to Vhldi All Otters Arc Compare! q Have you ever wondered why it is that dealers in other makes of sewing ma chines' take pains to emphasize their -claim that their particular machine is "just as good as" the Singer ? q Or why. it is that more than 2,000,000 women buy Singers every year more than all other makes combined ? Or why Singer sales have spread all over the world, into every civilized country ? The Singer has so long represented the highest degree of excellence that it is to day everywhere recognized as the stand ard of perfecftion the envy of every competitor the pride of every owner. fl It is easy to own a Singer. Ask in any Singer store they're everywhere. t i AARON DEITZ Louisburg, North Carolina life; Joe, my husband, is off all day, Fighting the giants of want away; Baby and I are busy too, But we've plenty of time to be sor ry for you. i5abv s a nuisance, a plague ana a joy But then, you see, he's my own sweet boy; will lore his wife, and will like her ! society so well as to want to speed Lin it a reasonable amount of his time. All will agree that the essential re quisite in the model husband is for bearance. You thought your wife was an angel when you married her; but she is not. As Bishop "Wiley 3M mI, hr Singer Sewing Machine Company MAIN STREET. o o o o COOCCOOCCCCCO CCCCCOOOOCOO 0 Headquarters For Everything savs "men are not lone in discover- I have no time for a groan or a sigh, ns that their idols, though seeminc No time to be idle as the days go by; bright as the sun, like the son have My arras are full as the days are long, Sp0te. They hare their weaknesses tull as my heart with its happy song ana foibles; if they hid not they .Poor, rich neighbor, over the way, WOxxd be different from their hus- Watching my baby and me at play; band's. Some one has said that, in Whar, nf vrmr wealth if ennr rtAnrt m j i i : a. . oruer lu uavo uaFpiueBO IU UJtJ Iuar. decided to run aain a Sale 1 Q I " Utire- ned state, two things are necessar?. serv th nuhlir. A-itn ... . i - " i i 'lis to love ana be loved tnat makes the hnsband must be deaf and the life fair. I wife blind. We can scarcely sub- rw . i i -r n I " un, neigQDor mine, i can tea yju gcribfe to so extreme a view as this. true, Indeed, I'd rather be I than you." The Improved Monitor Self-Heating Sad lronjo With thin Iron njr womin wta do xi crlct j f ironinj: xt an expn of tout onr c-rt, aJ r a- ax iron with it 11 day it a cont of about 4 oral O 4 I' V C Love is a wife's wages, don't skimp in your pay. Those who do not shut their eyes to their own short-comings are al ways charitable m judging of others. For a good, everyday household angel give us the woman who laughs. Her pastery may not always be just right, and she may occassionally Durn her bread and forget to replace missing buttons, but for solid comfort all day and every day she is a very paragon. Home is not a battlefield nor life one long, unending fight. The trick of always seeing the bright side, or, if the matter has no bright side, of polishing up the dark one, is a very important faculty, one of the things no woman should be without. We are not all born with sunshine in our hearts, as the Irish prettily phrase it, but we can cultivate a cheerful sense ot humor if we only try. First 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft cocccoccccocco ccccccccocoo Teams At All Times IVi itii? i!itt JYcirrji It PHONE 47 Kvery Iron ts GuaxmxUwd U work fiicif it operated according to the ialrurl!on ith teh Iron sold. Sold br Price ViO MRS. C H. STRICKLAND, Youngsville, N. C sale: and livery Mt U K HtK a.rci O SO o o o JNO. W. KING LOUISBRG, N. C. 1 :- Probably one-half of the rudeness of youths this day, that later in life will develop into brutality, is due, to the failure of parents to enforce id the family circle the rle of courtesy. The son or daughter who is discour teous to members of the family, le cause. of familiarity with tnem, ia very likely to prove rude and over bearing to othars, and very certain to be a tyrant in the household over which, he or she may be called on to ' preside. There is a shady side to J every bouse we all know it: but if we will sic m tne sun. mere seems to be a sort of morbid fascination tor a The poet comes nearer the truth, and he does it in better form, when he says: "The kindest and the happiest pair Will have occassion to forbear, - And something, every day they live, To pity and, perhaps, forgive." Yes, husband and wife must be forbearing toward each other. As the old saying puts it, there must be in every family two bears bear and forbear. Possibly your wife speaks a little tartly sometimes. , When she does let the husband show his good sense by keeping silent; and let the wife do the same when the hus band is a little out of sorts. A capital example for all couples subject to fits of temper, though a still better course would be to get cured of the fits. Happily, too, the apostle suggests how this may be done. Here is the receipt: "Hus bands love your wives.' even as Christ also loved the church," or, as the same apostle says in another place, "Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them." His obvious teachings being that love is a -sure preventive against bitterness; as it certainly must be; the law of kindness will hold sway over the ton gue and the whole husbandlv and wifely demean. or be such as to fulfill th? ideal of the same writer when he speaks of preferning one another in honor and of forbearing one another in love. Will teams and polite and accommodating drivers. R. F. FULLER Big Lot of OUR TOBACCO SEASOI HAS OPENED obacco - Twine ' hearing their teeth chatter from the V shivering cold. Let us , not refuse to go ; through ; the vdark and isma Bpob when duty calls, but let us .be Smiths Litha Water for sale by J W Kiner. it is merrily recommended by all physicians, Good for all aches and . I . ti A.: " i . err paui, luicumausm especially. r ... " -mg be glad to have a liberal shart- t jSmona and nntw tit lion. Xt j CCOOOOOOOO C CO C C O CC C QCMC h S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w CO CCCCCCCCCCCCO As a Special Offer For a hort Time only 3 Mounted Photographs for 25 cts Do Not MibS This Chance J . S COBB, LOUISBURG, N. C H o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Coin' to Me I?efore Pti PUBLICio o o Under the contract made at the time of tiie iurchai of ih' " 'Huhc 5t't Warehouse" property, we cannot allow anv "Ustructidrvii on th kt of nid pr- j- f vy eHy, and we must insist upon the removal of all lumber now on ihc prr.rrty. J liL . - k I AT ONCE, and that none be placed thereon in the future will be considered as a trespass and the trespasser dU w?th ccnrxiiniJjr. is meant for everybody. GRIFFIN Sc BEASLEY Brantley G. Hicksf Phone No. tOO tooisbars:. ( nr OO r rv rs r W VAA WX W W W W TH0W1AS' CHIL PILLS Have No Equal as a PrerenlW or Cure for Cbilln. . Tl.v not only Curo Chills, but Build and Ton Dp your Sjstcm. For, 8l AL DRUGGIS The Time To Deposit ! mi Cow Found. A small black and white spotted neifer' strayed oyer iii Z6m. Bay's pasture, 'The owner can. get same by ipca.Uing ? on :c him and 4 paying For Sale !'Ill;sell civ house and lot pn Kenmbre Avenue, cheap , or on easy terma, Address, ?; l?vv i-Jr- Let Us Do Your Job Printing ;,. . . Wgunrantee; Quality rid' Neatness, Cdino C ; toee us or mail your orders. iCCCCCCCCDCCOO OCCCCGOCCCOCO 0 o o o o SO () () o 8 o () C) () o () o o () n 11, 11 fc ' x.t.t. 3 t li fteCLK , tin The Farmers and Merchants Bank . UOUlflOURQ. If. C. CAPITAL A11D SURPLUS OVER $40 000 WU 8AIUT. PruUttl T, W.' KS:. Cut ..- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t; aVpekson. FRANKLIN f lRTES; Louisburg, N. C. , -i".': the heavens and ; a healtfeinspiririg CCCCCCCCCCCDC OCCCCCCCCOCC!? ' Greenville, N C