c D r. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING; Surgeon Dentist, (Mice in Ford Buildinsr, Main and Nash street, N. C. i .... fill rw . urH: a to :.u. Phone No. 40. D K. JOEL D. WHITAKEItfi , Kar, Nose and Throat Specialist, u 1 1 be in Louisbursr, at the office of Dr. Arthur t leming. me uni uvuuojr ut enca monul. liy IT i nil H. A. NEWELL, isl.urx, N. C. . '"' Phone Ifl: 156 AN CLINTON HOTEL Franklinton, N. C. R. A. Speed, Proprietor. (ioorl Livery in connection I. BANKS DENTAL SDRQEON L'.uiPburac," N. C. .. , . in Hicfcs Building, Main Street. 1 :i. COOKE ATTORN E Y-AT-L A W Louisbarg, N. C." i -Cooper & Pleasants Store. Prompt iven all legal business entrusted 1)K J. . M ALONE 1'HYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisbnrjj, N. C o ,ii rr in tvar of Beasley-Alston Drug Store. S. P. BURT PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N.,C. othre over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Sore U. F. YARBO ROUGH PHYSPUAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N. C. otflc! in Yarboroagh & Bickefct building. Night rails answered f.om T. W. Bickett's rcHiuetice, phone 74. B B. M.VSSENBURG ATTORNEY AT LA V Louisburg, N. C. Will pr irii'f in all the courts of the SMjtt.be Office in Egerton f Building HVYWOOD RUFF IN ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonisbarg, N. C Will practice In all courts of Franklin .and ntijnimnx coa.-jfciea, also in the Supreme Court ami ia thv United States Distriet and Cimiit, Court. Office oyer First National nun a. t -..- -. T B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonisbarg, N. C. " Office on Main street in Cooper buildings s PRCILL A HOLDEN A TTORNETd AT LAW Louisburg, JN. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Tance, (Iranville, Warreu and Wake counties, also th Supreme Couit of , North Carolina, Prompt atteatjon given to collect otis Office in Spmill building. R.B.White Franklinton, 'H. C. T. W.Bickett, L)iiiMl,iirK, . t. JjlL'KETT 1 WHITE LAWYERS Louisburg, N. C. rv srttpiTi,.rit of estate for executors, Ad-mini-irato.-s and Guardians is made a spee ,!fy .t,,-i,l r.iu bonds required by law can be "'cure.! i,i the oti. in Yarboroagh Bickett banding Mam street. M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. IVn ii, jtl au courts. Office on Main 9teet H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. ilr,il business intrusted to ml ifomnr attention. Offll in V.o-ar-t I 1 (111(1 1 0 yr . . . It K. HOUCK (ONTRACTORaad BUILDER Louisburg, N. C. ..', ,iruuiurnil KlfKtlNfll LIIILllllEllf MVf fl. P1'""; 'irt.isti.; Mantles and Tiles. "iigns submitted Architect THE SUNDAY SnHfini . Lesion :XIL-Third; Quarter, For Sept 19, 1909. THE INTERNATIONAL 4, SERIES, ' - 4 Text of th;Ls.a.Cofriprehn8iVe Quarterly Review Colden Text, Acts xix, 20 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. THE BRgGfllH STOE i is petting in new goixj all the time. " Don't fail to come in and see me when in town I will be, better prepared, to serre you this fall ttfan ever Jb.fore. ' " THE BARGAIN STORE- ' - vi. -'bT- cooke' 2cts Laundry 2cte , 1 -'-.:' - 1 v-jr ': We are agents for. the People's team Laundrv. of "RftlAian N. O. Branew outfit rnA oJ1:, the word of lenced'ww .r , r - ' God, ana tna man's part faith and re- menu. w iT pentance.. . - . w B 1FJ MVl J-DW 1 VII VMIIIV Bill n 1 missionary Joarney, Acts xxl, 1-17 Golden Text, Acts xxi, 14, "The will f. Itolemala and Caesarea mark: tne. close of this third tfreatiaiirney In the name of the Lord 'Jesus, bet tbe.special thing to be noted seems 'to be his being for biddest Jbjr ,'the'r Holy' Ghost, to sro". to Jerusalem (ZL2to J ttnd yet his deter- mlnatlotj r to go thmklng,- np doubt, that TOUght thA r, J I- t O 1 n S' 2 cents and think we areen titled to 0- r - sXy 1 -rt' cuiaie anv ' DUSineSS VOU t riuiemais, ana vaeeutrea niais ure riso' after Ilauii-F of tns third great jonrnesy In the n will f?ve us. 1 - e sgo. aixer jjaun- Inn- nnl XXTJ1Z J-. ?rniyg8 and will deliver same Saturday afternoon. "If you-have y " I r J ISM. WH.Mli i J m ITfJL ,lir can uti " , ..v minatlon to go, tninMna, no aonDt, tnat S there in ' it Jwas : simply" the kindnessj of :jh J tnere in 3 minutes. i.v.r;,- - til h wt,m ' Capital $50,000.00 o 4 per cent paid on Savings' Accounts All the facilities of a Lavings Bank with the orjrmnnt' Supervision of a National Dank FIRST NATIONAL BANK jS. R. HARRIS, S. T. PEACE Pres't CashV XK00000X XKhoox0 X0 LOW GET RID TO OF GOODS On this special sale I have placed my line of hot, whi&h you will find to be a great deal cheaper than ever before. Also Hamburgs and Laces I have a lot of the above that I wish to get rid of at oocv Those who come first gets the bargains. M. C. PLEASANTS Copyright, 1909. br America Pren AaBociation. .Lesson I. Paul's second missionary journey-Antioch to Philippi-Acts xvi, 6-15. Golden Text, Acts xvi, 9, "Come over Into Macedonia and help us." The lessons of this quarter cover Paul's second and third missionary tours and illustrate the things that even to this day may befall the Spirit filled and Spirit sent servants bf'the'Lord. Souls" will ; " save, companies -of believers gathered, but there must be faithful and persistent seed, sowing, patient waiting and absolute surrender to the Spirit's control and guidance. Lesson 11,-The Phllippia'n Jailer, Acts xvi, 25-40. Golden Text Acts xvi, 31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ andt thou: shalt be saved and thy house." A most unlikelyconvert, at a most unlikely time, in a most unlikely place, but thus God would think or expect, but as He sees usi, asKing ns to be willing to suffer with and fo" Him, who bore so much for us, and praise Him through it alL if only souls may be saved by seeing Hjs power and believing In Him Lesson III -Paul at Thessalonioa and Berea, Acts xvii, 1-15. Golden Text. Ps- cx& 1!. "Thy word have 1 hid in mine heart, that I might not atn nMfnt preached. y The , Spirit uses only His word as th means by which Be ac complishes the win of God. The writ ten word tells-of the living word, and by the word God Is revealed, even as the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel by the word of the Lord (I Sam. ill 21) Lesson IV. Paul at Athens, Acts xvii, 22-34. Golden Text, John rv, 24, "God is a Spirit, and they, that wor ship Him must worship Him' in Spirit and in Truth." The great adversary is content to let men worship any kind of a god and as many gods as they please if he can only keep them5 from knowing the one true God, the only Creator, Redeemer and Judge of all mankind. Lesson V. Close of Paul's second missionary Journey, Acts xviil, 1-22. Golden Text, John xvi, 33, Mln the .world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." God always has a "Be not afraid" for every one who la fearfnl. 4s83SILMli cc JohnJ ur ram vt vou, oear reader, whoever you are :if bmy yclare'achlid of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Lesson VL PauTB instructions to the TbessaJonians, I Thess. vf 12-24. Golden Ttext, I Tbess. v, 15. "See that none render evil for evil unto any man, but ever follow that which is good. In this probable first letter which h wrote we have a fair sample of afl His inetruetJotis. Saved by the grace of God through the gospel of His Son, to serve Him and to wait for His Son from heaven, walking wortliy of God while we watt for His kingdom. Lessor TIL Paul at Epbesus on his third missionary Journey, Acts, xix, 8-20. Golden Text, Acts xtx, 17, 'The name of the" Lord Jesus was magni fled," This is the story of Paulfs three years at Bphesus when through Him all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, and to make mani fest the pre-eminence of that name over the evil one and all evil spirits God caused special miracles to be wrought through PauL Lesson VHL The riot at Bphecus, Acts xix, 23-30, 3&41. Golden Tfcxt, U Cor. xii, 9, "He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." When the name of the Lord Jesus is magnified and the word of God grows and prevail! the adversary will surely show his wrathVhenee this riot in' the name of plana of the Ephesnsiwhom all Asia and tneworM worshipetb. Lesson IX. Pul on Christian knx. I Cor. xiii, Ig. Golden Text, I Cor. xili, 18, "Andw abideth faith, hope, love, theee three, but the greatest of these is lovet" Consider how much that is outwardly good and praised by men may be m the sight " of God as nothing; That which is JWgMjr es teemed among men is abomination in the sight of God" (Luke xvi, f!5).The love of Gcd,f which fai the greatest thing w ever heard of, must be known and believed and they Son of God re cetved j before any servioe can be ac ceptable to Him. v ? ; ; Lesson X. Paul's farewell to the Ephesians, Acts xx 2-S8. Golden Text Phil, iv, 13, I can do all things through Christ, who. strengtieiietJi me.- Hav ing been to Europe and being now on his way to Jerusalem., he utters-these farewell words. He magnified the cos- pel of the grace of God, the ; word of -' WfiH 1 ' Is For Sale or Exchange - w f 4 Lots with dwellings, 3 glots without these for Sale or Kent or Exchange for country property, will sell on terms to suit buyer. All these lots on South side of the river. JWHOLLINGS WORTH AT THE RACKET STORE You Can Get Some BIG BARGAINS To make room for fall tcood.s We wil sell a jot of desirable goods AT A SACRIFICE Come to see them. MRS A M HALL 0 my Ml EW i jQ) i J i J , C.Li) 1 will Show too maar on hr.d. to for lh &tt Tt:r1v lUt GIVE AWAY , 11.25 cenU worth with cch FW l.;;, n , yil, f b&c t lr Crccc't i aold i FOR CASH. ' . . Wo W bir wao oslr5;l hTzsu SUn Shtsi 1 have just received a new lot of nice Horses and am in a Vaiu and Hcvrr. 1 hiri. !!!( ho ntiivi- position to make a purchaser prices that will le interesting jm hih thv hihwt In this lot I have some nice huggy horses as well a,H work' horses and some that will do justice at either. I also have a nice new lot of buggies just in and if you will have to buy one this fall see my line before" doing so as I am confident I W. P. NEAL & CO. save you money. can ! - i New Livery irm LIVERY - IN - CONNECTION I also have a good livery fin connection with my palea stables and can furnish you a nice rig any time you may need one at reasonable prices. Call to see me. ED WAR S. FORD - yrt (L-f,,, ,!- At Fofcds Stables K. iVHiHanil J. H. Soulhall hav o5. a fti a-3 Utj nUblen'under the tj! of J. H. rvmihall a4 CxtraT. fre Hit date on you rAO fiad nir I ,d 2 hor tftnwota. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. 1, 2, 3 mod 4 eat4 vahveic, oi:iU for f-ctoa, ttaitxroc,, ball trip, mjLrriag, ttc Reasonable. Rates Made. pric lo all. Una cn$h la S Ad4 JVlti. al' tij fjclcal. Mi Ur and th Doctor. If yon hvnl h odtr, vt?sr fre4 or walk. If joa wiab majthm, m or -!st J. IL tkrciLail d VH SOUTH ALL d, CO. not suffer unnecessarily PHONE 155 4 -, r , ..1.-.,. ' ' .. .. ,

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