s,--'!r' v:i.v".::'?i--?. - -;...... 1 . - 7'v .'. - . ' v "e-z r - ' ' -g My.1 - 1 . 1 1 . i i i i i A. THOMAS, EDITOR: JAMES - fc :THE COTJUTY, THE STATE, tTHE TJ2TI01T snn:cnriFiior,;t.cD Pt2 ttas VOL. - - - i PHAMBER OF GOLIfilERGE JET IN REGULAR SESSION FRIDAY NIGHT. The di Host Enthusiastic and largest Attended Heetin? Since the Orsranization Much Discussion. The Louisburg Chamber of Com. arc met in regular session on last Friia niht' with one t6'ojUurge8t ...niaQces it has had since its ot- llC"i" eanization On account of sickness 0(jandCapt. F. G. Alston'was se- j ant in hia . fltajtri. which ha ecteu vi , r id very creditable. Secretary Flem- nflr WIS It "lo uu WOrK a0010"'". v'" o, lent to get all out of the meeting ble. The attendance numbered about fifty and all seemea to enjoy the diseassions made. After reading and approving the minutes of the preceding meeting it was announced that business was in order where noon it was stated that the report of the Committee on Resources 'and Advantages was ready in parf. Dr. I) T. Sruithwick, Chairman of this Committee, was called on who an- report which he statfd was only in part and they expected to, at a near future date, complete the' report. This report was discussed at length and facts were brought out which both helpful and surprising. " A motion was then made to extend a vote of thanks to this committee for thei" excellent woik, which was ear ned. A ruotioR was than made that a cotywittee of one be appointed by ll.t 'resident to -confer . with the proper ofticials of some railroad com pany with, an end.; to haying Louis- connected with some other railroad that they may have more than one outlet for , their products. This motion was carried. After the discussions adjourn- t - . - oient was taen until nert - ..a -r i . ; . . . Triday night, whfeh :',it is hoped to hkTe as many or more present And to hare reports from ' other - Committees. This meeting was by far one of the most enthusiastic meetings of 'the organization, and gives .evidence what can be done if our people will only go oat and take a part each week in the transactions of the Lnamber of Commerce. As ar town builder, an organization of this kind haa no equal and it is the duty of every citizen of Louiaburg to go out and takt a part. The part you can take may be email, but eren if yoa will onlv lend vanw rtrAflftrtftA it will dd greatly to the success of it Lets B resolve to out our shoulder to th a and push. Below we give a few items, taken bra the partial report of the Com ' nattee on Resourcei and Advantages. anrnber of feet of timber shipped bn September 1908 to September 7,371,290 on which the ght amounted to 39,1 19.00. Number bales cotton shipped fon the cotton platferm here 6,000, b'Rnt on same amounting to $3,600. A Oft atVwA aofimef m Koa1 VtA "st factory points.V ' agon Factory freight on rnoom material etc.. vear 1906 $2,300. ft - ' . - 9 , ... r w.833.24. Coal shipped into Louisburg' each !W tons upon which the Sat dirges are $5,000. v , i,,umDer of hnnoa .ir.r,o W Louisburg from Ju 1908 to9d9 "j Irght on same being $2,055.' o 3,49892. nncTi which it . .: . .. -.:v .-- - -umated that -the miniu fre?gb't Qere is about 4,000 'tons of ano , 5 Pr year here, uon which the 1 1 oaa amounts to $8,000. ' Ka! wl,ma k item . aloae at 7W P ton there U an ot-pt of $88,000.00 including freight. IK lixxay wash less 'than 6nVlooselr There were 135 wagons and 300 broken; but on the other '"hand, v"a kg&fe8, PR J'OW'g dur- soil broken deeply will require' much ft Vty 12 inonths UiJ' c ' ' e bavi raini to cause, it -'Howajh' f v The value of furniture shipped in than when broken shallow, because the last twelve months- is estimated of the fact that the deeper, breaking at $30,000.0 will increase its capacit? to take 'in freight was paid. : v - and hold water. If, however, the It was also estimated that ,300,000 rainfall the accumulation of water dozen legwerelhaled 'on this be great enough tor move all the market - annually, 15.000 , chiekens, loose, soil, then jthe deeply - broken 1,500 beef cattle, 610 boxes fish and soil may wash more. On lands bar. 1000allon8 oyster 'yrere . handled ing a tendency ; to wash terracing here annually f: an abundance bf huraus in the soil Ttiere was also about 1,200 tons olUaay be necessary to prevent washing cotton seed handled by, our OH Mill but in such cases deep plowing will in the past year upon which the J enable the lands to withstand much freight alone amounted to about I heavier rainfalls before they will " be- $25,000.00. , : ' ? gin washing. Lands, therefore, which have a tendenoy to wish Funeral Of Mrs. C. W. HobePtS. Bhoald be broken deeply, but they b gu y lucent s xios- onThursday morn croP 0X1 tbem during the sea c,laxrived in Louis- 8pDS heaviest rainfall. THE" nOVIHQ PEOPLE. THBIR HOVBUBHTS IK" AND . OUT OF TOWK. ThoselWho Hare Visited Louis- burjr the Past .Week Those Who HaVe Gone Elsewhere for Business or-Heasure. . Mr. F. B. McKmne and' firmly visited relatives at Priactoa this week. Mr. B. G? ilJcksTeturned the pi Week from a "visit to Panaota Springs. . ; Rev. W. B. Morton, of Columbia, N. C, is visiting friends and relative in town. Dr. W. H. Furman, of Littleton, is spending a few days with f elatiree in town. Miss Martha Byrd SproUl, . "Rocky Mount, is visiting frisnis In Iouiaburg. Col. W, T. Hugbee and wife, of Chase City, were visitors to LooU borg his week. Mr. C. E. Sign, who has been off on quite an extended vacation, his returned home. Miss Eleanor Thomas retumtd attractfotrct Jcp&cr and Satsra. - Tbe taost rsoarkaUe of iu s paranoee wera ia arU HC The comet of 10C4 fcrnr La iK Bare ox '.TajKietTt as a roltioxs oatn for Wflllacx thi Cotx(aTor f. f II .t I' . . belisf in te coau dsrbr tbe threatened invuloa oi tha Tftrke ia Europe and ittsed a baH." for Sdi fa- The remains ot Mrs! C. VT. Rob- aQould not be deeply plowed if they erts, who died at St. Vincent's Hos- are to be 1,116 without a grow. pifal at' Norfolk mg of last week burg Friday eveninK at 4 o'elock Plowing mav aid the .weathering and were taken from the depot to of the 8oil in two wav8-fi tQrDin the Methodist church where t1le P sh soil and exposing it freely funeral services Vera held. th ar- to the air, ram and frost, or by op- vices being conducted by Rev. F. A. emnS P BoU 80 thtt th air od Bishop. The tribute made to the ram may penetrate it freely. Tnese deceased by the pastor, was most are important considerations at all beautiful in the portrait of the Chris- tlme8' and m 811 8ection. ba Q our tiansideof the life oF this eood wo- iuj where the effect of frost man and contained such comfort to action is 8m:1'' washing during home Tuesday after a week's vtfit to . . . i ik . . a. r v 3 ! 2 xi xa .the bereaved as can only be given luo Wintr OQ iresmy Plowea ,0U8' reluve m - i i m . - ii . t i . through the help of our Heavenly ma m?re lDaQ nieroaiance im Miss Maude Kiggan, of Warren- Father. .uv, ui uo uuoi ton, Tiiiiea Mn. ii. i. Mittnewft, Mrs. Roberts was fty-three years children, Mrs. RAiPearceiaSlk J. ' PhHUPS-Camp. i? . murpnyi Mrs. Jtq. unanev, Mrs. "w"ADrSco 4 scnooi at tne oiaie normal uoilst?e. Troy Williams, Mrs. ;Hrw: Thomp- of following invitation: MigJ MfnW FoUr pQWio son, Charlie, OUie, Dennis, - Morton mr'aDQiar8 lnTlto rian of Brides port. Conn, and ft Us and Minnie Roberts. . W be present at the mamaga of AgnCa Young, f Anaonia, Ccnn. Mr. and Mrs. . Roberta' lefT from ?auSuwr XD5 - visited thejfcjmlyof Br.D. T. ii-.T iLA12ih'wM;: tK'ki": i n Ralph Dixon Phillips Wedneidir 4 Trrt?"' nuwo.jwi 'wwu - - - I omiuiwH,'i uio pin wees imtWk4wMA morning, September twenty-fecond to a place near Youngsvill about nine at eight yanl a"d htora, two. years ajroV She had a host of rs BaP Church Rocky of Lomsburg, Tenru who hare been frind bnth hr na. YonM. Mount, North Carolina. Cards also xt,n her ,tther- Mr- w- - ioUr .u accomDamea tne aoove reaamrf "it 1 1 a - near town, tne past week. Misses Annie Belle end Ina liarrvt left Tuesday for Greensboro to entr Whywo Plow. The more Importtot object which we piow ere: 1 (I) To palvtrue the eoiL " (2) To turn c&ler rsaasrt trath. (3) To incr lb tvenr pacity of the toil for wmur. (4) To prevtot wuhtag. (5) To allow the vm'io c on the eoH. (6) To drwn tbe sad! thereby lccru the plant tsi anl rooi paatarage. (1) To destroy wdv ! (8) To warm and dry tbe oil. (0) To denroy l&rt fJL to 1 wd bsjik4Ja soi coaaty. . It it t4 to k&ow we H dm &cr loroi co &d tear We Ut wo t3 on Oftt TUre-U tlit idlt Ual aWre-HsaviA. " 'Hay GoJ tfve ibe lr4reij ftsl. ly tbe rtx a&J &Sjrie u xy Tty wO, O Gl, M ts l dooa, aal tasy iir roaW lUl -Ue doetii ai COar waOT Tor aa won taty tst tba taTbalCee -O Ieesw4 O Lsl e4 N'crt with rWicexTr w iv ra. Usi ca otr a lafT ki5 TKal It, lU 4ty lV4 for a 1C. ttm e ta ute it t "Hal ir;t-. To r-i s4 4wlJ vtr A Fi-:a r lnportaat HoUct. tudr Crtk lxc Kc A. home after October s'eventh, Rocky home one d8l pan wsek. villa .who deeply; sympathize, wii the bereaved family. Her remains were taken from the Mouat North Carolina church to the Cemetery for enterment and tenderly laid to rest in the Installation of Officers. presence ot a large number of sor- Excelsior Ledge No. 72 Knights rowing friend. The all-bearers were of Pythias, installed the following as follows: S. P. Boddie, J. W. officers, at their regular meeting weaver, w. JS. Murptiy, w. d. Monday night. uqofce, U. It. fearce, A. r . J obnson. Ben. T. Holden Chancellor Com- The floral tributes were very pret- mander. ty ana nore evidence ot nign esteem. F. W. Hicks Vice Chancellor. T.W. Watson Prela'e. naney s wmet-uominp; Dr. C. H. Banks Keeper of HalleyV pomet, . one of - the most recordsand Seals, striking appearances , ever 'seen in J. R. Collie Master of Works, the .heavens,' -will proVbit1rjsible C. K Cooke Master at Arms. next year. For centuries it has ap. H. C. Bowden Master of Fi peared each seventy vye.arS7 and I nance. its last appearance was ; in 5 1835. . Jt S. Lancaster M aster of Eieo- Whon seen in 1758 its tail stretched quoter. onefourth the distance across the i their Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Smithwick re turned one day the past week from a trip to Durham, whtre they wnt with their son, Daniel Pou, who has ejtered Trinity Park High School. Mr. J. A. Tucker and wife, who have been musing the Virginia Bay Hotel at Ocean View, Vs., stopped over and visited relatives in town It the past wsek, wbUs on their return to Winston-Salem. Mr. W. M. Shaw, of Petersburg, Va., was a pleasant caller at the Times office yesterday. He is visit ing relatives in town snd baa many friends' here who are pleued to see him looking so well. Comet Has Famous History. whole visible sky; at other times - it looks very small. Comets were seen VICIOUS DOG NO HAIL. The oablegTam received st Har vard observatory from Prof. Wolff, of Heidelberg, Announcing that the Halley comet had been seen and photographed by him gave great in 1861 0d!1uninil8u ,d, 1882, Postal Department Adopts Sole UUb IUCOD WUO UVl JJL9Lki9J Oy TV UlvU I for thirtTTeight years, after' 1835 to Protect Letter carriers. went crashing through space awi Mail carriers are not required ta I pleasure. Pref. E. C. Pickering, the years now has been coming back to-4 ious dogs sre permitted to run at) I was highly elated by Dr. Ha) ward to in an orbit embracing more large. ' ley's wire, and immedutely cabled millions of miles than the i mind of As a protection to mail carriers, j him my congratulation. .Although R- th followint? rernlfttiSn has bn I tke comet ia this case sppeara ear- coming visible afew months hence, adopted by' the PostofSce - Depart the comet will probably remain forlment: . 1 v a year the most striking ; feature, of "Carriers are not required to de our nocturnal skies. . "" "v- I liver mail at residences: where vici- ous dogs are permitted: to run at How Plowing Affects the Hols- laige. Persons keeping such dogs . ture SuddIv. if-? " Jnnstoall at the postoffice for their HTliAf. I.n'ia trtAvnnrliln V nnt..d I mall. ized that i when the oilt particles are.oroRen np vexys one uooi. um-1 , u nouce V iorm u.vii o(it7 .w uBwxuiug iTba Episcopal School for colored jfhldjntr ed.' . Land thatis bard and - run tq- anWalionMondiy;cpt 20th: getter neither eam sA muchwa- i909We endearor to.instructur ter nor doeVb ehforta depth ot;owingp;inflftence::th storage. wivrwi"D oUDurmioren.naa oeert spoxeu.' 01 Tnedeapef.ffiflfl 2iiesMing;& amount f water Hlwiil hold.-:; arerage.The" rules' of (the 'school ;; The capaoitjr of the soil ta absorb, wbe itxi the KaII tnnit.t!re J mav lareelv in ZiA fz'ham -hn :: 'v.l' ifesnce ru tendency td wajhTTjA iv;?; gToJ C. PoLLxiry soil with V firm, , unbroken - iurfacaj e 'Missionary in charge. her than expected, astronomers all i j over iue woria nave naa one eye Ail tVtni' lnnlrf.nl .-vO ( Tt !a UIOU VU MAv IUU4UUI 1W lit a w, - t you know, located, in dose proxi mity to the constellations of Gembi and Gemma. ' ultwasthe first perivdio oocact jpboee return was predicted; Its discoverer based his deduetloa-oa Ohe fact that its orbit was found tn l2a to benearlr:Beaticai:wlth:the commets4f"v2C07 iantl 1531t! ana that h alsj) found records of the ap pearance of creat' comets In ; H5G, i301,4145ni .lOCfl. '-Froa' tbeaa facts he drew hU'Conclaiions on the time'thit should ;elpsev:betweeat ? Us isitirTlfflUtio r;o tk)tIc6dtbo(wevor,tUt the fn tervala In m csrtahi . years ' differed somewbaty but wisely w that the differences wero7oo way greater thta odald ho accounted for by the We have placed the piltruiss "iZ t o'cucl, e, tx., fc Si. of the sod as the rl bjportant ob- f d'-T U,r rl .fc"i7 s Drt. t of plowioc This cs ay U c- 5 Ijiwirt iVir Lxrv-.f complbbed directly by tb cw of a ! l f 4ar. lUdi. na plow having a ibon moMboarJ. with j lwf cl IIT tt to w a sharp oatwtrd cerr, rw Ir4tr'Jj ! fotCy n oC. a, t by a plow that will !v tU farrow J Ur c a w w slice in the btl r-oiiibn lo be cacbt 1 ''V1. and puWtria4 by other itapieaii j f to iouow. 1 ne nral raetrvo! ta tbo ! t)f4 best asptejdloUnds frr of tarf a U( tltry Ttaa, Ce J t t. aid biting little raat.rial ea cf J.T.aiJJ a.4rfaoe which it U nery to tro j l3f ,VftT a detir tociDfnrJHely corer ep Urre ( WM crvt f,lU. -vJ i. qantltieee! traah, a flow wtih J liuU wl -si 4 lU l.-!iSe la- locjret moldboard wbicb oatj. lUf . U f gnte the furrow nk t-sch a rfaJani tWi ff TM w e .. quick turn, b requirrd. lo .JtEW j ttlfU J CrspsM is Sire st ctue the pchr.ruin ot tbe i. tb. ; xttt .f.) U?2S impomnt obet, bet In the j boo. to ?he P4 AHb case the direct poUerbiog acti j UxUs t&4 tra uJ i. ;i:Ce tbe greaur; whhe tn te eeo4 the j l(C Mi3la .j, L:rtSt palveruation obutaed by the .j(4 at. uk4. ti t? ing U lews, bet the lard U Ufi la LS UcU.j tJ it?k ft:ex. Vi43 otet cetMllUon to al la SaaMsjj U te iu poltreriiauoo with otber itapitsaesu. S u&xa &m 4, in plowtag Tei the prjx q )j tarnlng under grea gr ttaiie csaa-) i urwi sod traah, the ob4e eerbi i ES0L0Tl0KS OF RLSPlCT. At s rjreiaui ettwirg c4 tbe Huwarii c4 tt li. II CLtn crslh c4 Ijtii.btr S. C, tbe tdtlow. la p w-s ataaj;?.:2 eir;t- eJ : WUu, rJ lm&tmi tertbif tearr, a oesler c4 Itw ctrai ever (t4f fi-ivir bis wie ccb.xw4 ta tb ear cl tbe Cbr.b eaii Wtr ir.g bie frt ia tbe dtttee if s rlew. ard, at4 baa ta fnna rter aaklrt, we woi4 ca cr crd, ear af focaiiia c( btaj tain aad brrbev : Tberttare, be It r.-Jr,4 Tb-al ia tbe sh rl llrJb.f Tboeatt, we bate bra lr4y v ei, oot c&Jy m aa c!Icr.U toJr tci as s Caxh. Aj a txiT b vu ever of Utxiereet eyoply lwara sH esSerbt. trcntipi bxa-y.r. al. warv ftly t tfve Ue 2tiya ba.aj to tbe &Jy, aa4 to lift cp tbe tall- a. He Lov4 Vu Cbtcrdb atd b rotex eu t if bd ia Wbaf 4 thai wbkb be reir4e4 fee h'e trt tatefrtU. tils late tst tm naa was crt oocini t3 tbe e.krr c w tcaJarWts e4 b lowtx, Vtn ivm ost to ! Aeois cf tbe eTire btrscaa faoUy. -l Reotve4, "Jbal tn ills eJ btreatroecV we rDcraije rtr faib- W" " f ef is ever all aol dirvcilr? vbce c;2 oriiracwe m tbe rsterr 4 Us ova aidosaa9 tLal .we w-ci bow la hanUip t-bf4cdce t Us SrtX- JUoUr-l, list . wo U?df7 tbe scksa family, exr altars a ua. diTTtt tjr:piiy as! errre tbeca cf cr exnet jn) rrs ia " tbef be-biU.i- " r. .. , ,H4re.lf that tbeee rtwc-UtiiO -1 paieu 13 rzjt tcwa "-cr. llt!el-b Cra'iaa Aduou. csi sre to pat tbee taaUriala la tbe where tbe caoiaure will bulea thvtr decay, which b neoenarr before ther can ail ia the feeding of tbe crop, and to pat the ut(c cf tbe ground tn condtiba aaiuUe toe after cultivation. The tine at which this is done is sn important caauer. es pecially it the quantity of taateriaj turned under be targe. If ecb materials be turoed uolsr a c al ly long before the plaatiag of a crvp to allow tbem to piruaUv decav. e - they will aid tbe soil to bold racre water to supply the needs of the growing crop; bat if tamed under ia dry weather, or immedlaleir before planting the crop, tbey may sue the soil to dry out more rapidly arvi seriously leaeen tbe apply ot iui that will be available for the growing crop. ProgTe UTe Farmer. Death of A. B. Collier. to labor on; tie not for fxaegbii , Thine earthly loss is brsvanly gala, Therefore, let not Vour- hart be troubled " IorN V V Whom (be Lord loreih.' be.cbast easth,f V Archibald B. Collier ea1e-i Into eterralrtst Aug. 22od,- lV?y ;HU death' occumdat his boot; t fur a short Ulneas ol typbqal He' was 61 yiara of sge - , ; lOaDeoesaVcr JSth UWbo was united ia atarrisga to Anna Lc Uar pby. . Ho leaves a wife tod'tair ehHdren to a our a bis loea. ' . ArtVB. ColBet. waiVtaaa hsVl ia Hstfi; eeteea by all Jwho. kae wfhba. Kind, faiUvful 1 sad boa est bt I'tcd a cfei lapriibt iLV' lit . ras a lorl?i father and boabasd'sjod a Had cth- box.; One who was aaelfih ia ovary respect. Ho was ets gaged ia ratr chandklag at the the. Use cf Ul I deith aad as aahoam bulzess taxa eery bo acai ta ' tbe ttzj ' ti mr'' brother aaa uat a tvre d otx ro cris be iaeerlbed ta Us aaaosry. , ; P. A-naria"V . IT. B. Cocks V Ca, 1" - , - - 1 - - . , .- - . .... - - 1

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