. HE HOuil . UlkCLL UULUui!, r:--- : t v V ViA7 , 'J I". wj: m9m-t:jnM f. 1-.' .' ' God ; bless the ch eerf al - nrnnV uiaii, wuaistt oi cnua, oia or young, illiterate ' or educated, s handsome or homely. : Over anof above every social trait stands cheerfulness. Whit v w w uomic, wuav ATOU lSlO the strickD heart, re cheerful per OAno I'll J :' V m '-:'" ouue, ii uieir suenc mission, orishten- ini5 up society around them with the uappiaeBs oeaming trom their faces listen to me, you pretty sirl! Do you know that a plain, sensible girl is much more in demand' than is a frirf olous beauty? Do you know that a weu-apppmted, sensible man 'does not often give his heart or bis home into the, keeping of a woman whose oniy attraction is her personal loveli ness! And that in case he does any thing rash, when he repents at his leisure, he usually tells her so. ' Keep your' skeletons shut up in yoar closets is a good rule for every body to obey. A sorrow or misfor tune may bring to you the sympathy not only of your friends but of in different acquaintances, but there are limits beyond which this will not be earned. tebple soon tire of a grief in which they are not personally con cerned. The sunshine is so much more agreeable than the shadow that it will be sought for, and they ex pect you will help to make it as soon wudi may assume to be a reason able time has passed byV s If you do nor, it you are constantly openiDg wie aoor -ot your skeleton closet and weeping over what it contains, you ueea not oe surprised that you are snunned by those upon whose affec tion you have most counted. You must smile though your heart be well nign Drocen, and it is right that you should do so., The world, albeit is not a bad world, it if still fulUnough of caie and of burdens for each hu man being to carry for himself as to make the carrying of those of others -v-. rviuugCU penoci, unaearaole. f aR?nfgi!3ed hanstthere nay I i music and: mirth Vthpra Wr bpspitaJ4tnd ba r eatinor -aVw? AHnrii ": matin or fhckVA ' . - FT , v. v. uug nu seni- iraent, and tnere may be prayer and P1!?;1 e voice of babyhood and the express6d love of childhood :more uttu omweignt tnem ail within th sacred, nails of heart memorfe Wnd soul rtipyAbrMce.;'.''" : ;' ' " The-hoihe where dearVchildreri gath- o!;pa3inalaWrnal and x paternaY.'kiss : ' - -' f- Where -;lpve rules tire; hoursnn all oorra oi weatners. ir tnnce blest and aho,ne ot happiness and bliss. - ; '' ' ' .1 A PARENTS AND CHILDREN. - There is a tendency on the part of some mothers to do So much for then children that vutually a premium is placed upon selfishness. The child whose every wish is anticipated, and for whom nothing is too good, is apt to grow up an -exceedingly unpleas uU pc.ouu, uniess, indeed, there be amount of natural good in him to counterbalance the undue indulgence. Shielding children from every chilling breath of lifefc air begets a love of care and selfish en joyment which becomes fixed when childhood is past. A mother for ex ample, had-denied herself every com fort. She had- risen early and had 41 . iaKen rest late m order that her daughters might have 1 "perfectly ppv girmood." No dutv was ex acted of them. If they are minded to help they might do so. if not thr was no one to ease the weary mother other Knman o n s . J x. .oia. oiuau wonder is that after these girls grew up their w uuugni .was for self. The mother was ignored by ' them jdisre- Bpecttuuy sppken of as "old-fashion-ed"and "without tast" Ti,rt was, only xegaided as one who' could bake brew, and was even "ordered" no other, word can be - used to wkit upon them whil i-.it. j -. r ; PLheF easy chairs. Never having been taught tO 8Dfcnri nnrl V o-fc -a ' t- w . i -mv kj u Biir.ii I, in fiAinn good' these young women were not . , . ueipers ot ..those- in , ned, and -v -;;ever carneoT sunsnme intodajrkened -U henes. Even their best friends'tired ; , of them, and-their lives were unlove W ly and-discontented;; Tfire can be no unhappiness iu life , unless" tW . .... iiuer oi autyj wnich Jead8 . , -, u.uiy - curve,", be conscientiouslv ; - followed, i Let every mother incufc ' ' cate idbetLchildren)8minds thatitls -J - y18" w.gve. than to receive It is the'dutv Of everv woman . always loot; well at ' Bbtne. " If h does lier own work; a little "care and proper clothing will make her look clean and neat even to the kitchen. Particularly : in the afternoon nd evening, she should make herself look as sweet and prettv as' DOKribU" No matter how much your husband I - . ... , ores you, ne will love you all th more, when he comes home to sup per, you meet him with a sraile,'neat ly dressed and with - ib the most becoming style the war be likes to see you wear it. Do you not wish him never to regret the choice he made and always to think youi tne most charming of women? This is one secret of way to accomp lish such an object. - Ucdta Bo -lidr Oivii "Sorts;? ;vwfcQIf you have ever used a Singer youlaiow. C fJt ff is to get your ncctilcwork done ' ':thout bother or trouble, without noise C 1.1 ' i 1 H or annoyance," and without a bit of tirintr.'" 51 Ask anv 'user of n 5??nfrAr 'TI,-A'.E. ? -i? - ': more Sincere in'nnpnfinn rA -n ' - other makes combined. i V ' r'TT" fI . other makes combined, i q Their usira eoiistitute the, Singcr'a' Lest -'j 'advertisement. ' ' ? " . r :Theinirii gualitics of Sser are thorpuchly tested beforo - : it leaves the Singer' factory and that is x y wiU stand -the: hardest kind of a4?d even abuse, throughout an ordi- nary lifetime . You'll find the Singer nameplatc, the em : blem of the Siiiger repu tation and the Sing. ;er guarantee, on every genuine Singer. BLSUfifilEs Ik 4 I have ju: fro-itr,! c- r. rr it u w v C4 linn-- . . ' -f-F a rjl nirocw o, of bofpc ju. la if w, v. ' frit r-ll ir t ri: 111 1 1 Snger Sewing Machine CompanV "P.; ' MAIN STREET, f - - supper Friday night. Mrs. Minnie IIoHen' spent hit week in this communitv. Mrs. Dement, of Raleigh, U vuit jng Miss Vie Jones. -Miss arari C-myers left Sunday for Chester, Va., where she wi I wri ter school. V Mr. H. R. Holmes teft Monday t visit hU Hon in Durham. Air. J.T. Insco?,from Clar R.ck our county surveyor, wm in our iec' tion last week. H was survvint? tlit line between Franklin and Grsn- Tllle ounties Druse. a husband's duty to nis wife. The man that declared th shiny husband makes a merrv.beauti- iui nome, worth having, worth "work ing for, had a fine conceDtion'nf oi ine cnief characteristics "of a hap- py Household. If man is hr cheery, considerate and sympathetic; u wue sings-m ner neart ovpV h Lpuaaings and mending basket,' counts .1. . i. . iue nours oil he returns at nieht. and renews her youth in the security she feels of his appreciation and admira tion. You may think it weak or childish, if you please, but it is the hears words of praise and receives smiles ot com mendation; who is capable, discreet and-executive. We hava aean j timid, weak, self distrusting little jj v ih riv niru.m tn m todt wof aahood under the omo and feet iide sod then cot .he wSrf. .nd the cordial of o.nman;K; :l . ewsina Cboice and fresh Cul-flowcrs LIVER'Y - IN - OONMEOTION Of CraUom, Ro Wu, Floral design, and Flower for all skms. rotUd Terra aad aU krod. f pot and out door b4dmjr r4aau. Vr? etable planU In wa. All onUrt promptly filled. H.STtlNMFTrZ, TiorkL 1 1 I also have a Pk4 livcrv ,a ,urn"cK3 a nior nr asv n- 1oj T: , , one M rwwoamb!. prio. CJI to r DWAR ; . Water For the Bees .ill. il." vmrc'tne oees plenty of water.4 They need a great deal and will fly along distance to get it. If there is no" running stream or lake of pure water near it is ull tt j place a pail of wuter near the apiary every uay. Bees use water to dilute the he.v thick honey lefforer from winter to maice it suitable for the youne Itrv.., and a!sc to make the cell wall pliabU. tseea should be protected from the wind on the north and eat by a cloae set hedge or high fence. -AU weeds should be kent down in front ot the hives. e . .. . Joseph Yarborough ..TAILOR. A. T. KUl Bonding Louiaburg. X. C. rr A - Tam prnared to do your nf'- ng, clianing and Uiloring at ery rtMODibl rat. All wtrk guaranteed. GiTrne m tHal and I will pleue you. The Best Policy S. FORn At Fords StuMc LOU IS BURG, N C ...... ititfmannnfvyC'C'C was GOODS The Safest Company JOST 0)CP ImlulU If ED AT ; :Aim whose walls never e6ho to ; 7 ,r the voice ot childhood cannot well be oinerwise than cold arid' chPArWo the cordial of companionship with a husbandwho really wenf ont of hi. way to nna occasion for sflowing her how tenderly be deferred to her opinion. In home life there ehnnM be no jar, no striving for ni nn -. - , "V msisung oa prerogatives or division oiinwrests. The husband and wif. are each the Compliment of the oth- 11 lQt as mnch his duty to be cheerful .s it is hers to be pa tientj.bis right tor bring joy into the doer, aslit is hers to sweep and garn-; isbthe pleasant interior. A family wBere the daily walk of the father makes lite a festival, is filled with something like heavenly benediction' lfrs.Eoliins and Mrs. : Moran. Peonle in nil rwvfa nf .v - -l - r , - k"w i couniry are gon and mdigesUon. . Mrs. Minerva jL Rolhns of Dewey, -111., ancfMrs. r - - - uic geac nero laxative ShS0 : ttfttatoly swanteed to do whais claimed far it, and if you want tn tw it vQfft. vxiJl t-i Ar1 address for a free sample bottle-to Pep sin Syrup Co,; 119 Caldwell Bldg., Mon- UCello. I1L .It. ia BrM K rrl..-7Z. with grass close to the ground ho. - An hour once a week spent on U care'of the be e will bring larger re turns for the effort than any other labor oh the farm. A newspaper man of Chicago who lives a. few miles out m the country last year sold $225 worth of hrm. to three big hotels. He sari he did not spend more than an hoar a week looking after; his bees during the set. son: - arid The strcrtirth, conwratlwrC economical management of v Equitable Ufc Aswrancc Sodcty! of The U. S. j Make it the safrtt company Ln which to ' Insure, The liberality and adaptability of the New York JUadard Policy 4 j j . Make it the Ut form tolct. 7 f ttmuh-1 EertoQ's White Front And specin) drives in other lines at pn that will interest, yon to examine ; 1; PocomokeXlteins; 5 -Howard - Lawrence S died - at th home of his sten-f afiprf r Mangum,. last LTuesdayHo'ward was the bnYy . child7and liekk briffht n1 rfaaavtrrf -r".'L" '' iT Misses Emma Jpnes- and Zelma Holmes spent .list week : with ''rel tivesjiear Louisburg. ; UNDER THfi WISHING TREE. Washingnon; Auff. 29. ITetir Payne, a VOUnCf ruxrrn. vatv mM. sought! the magic l"aria ot ne -wishing uee"- n La. iayt.ie oquare. . Tradition has, it that hem cUrV. have iuccessfally wwhed themseltes 9f!H&lluy9 wished'themtelves married, and. eve'rir sutesmen hava wisneu tlieraselves into the hhe Houiir. ' ' ' i Seating himgelf on a bench undr ' , nnui naru ov the equeatram statue of Andrew Jackaon, Henry said lowlyr! and distinctly: r ' 'i:tU toaya good job na Keep out of;, irouble,' : .erore.be . had ;goDe two ,b!ockt was arrested aa ana -8;Dt to the work h j - . i i ...... v .. uu ForSaleY'r;' -rrh - ueeness. tives near Louisburg.' W,' easy There mar be wealth. v - - -- - j- - 4 1 ' easy, ten:... Add:"'.: C0tl Pull Information atd rmtr ed upon request Addrt R. H. DAVIS, i Removed ! : - We deire to jU to ocr fnenJa aod.cojtoraer that o j wehare moT4 oar Barber Shop ' ' i?P the room ondrr the - Clifton corner to lh . HOES Meadows Biding 'J ?,wttrt fctrwt, when? we will be plfad to ferrerou. J t Rrst aass Voric ' V if. ' ft m a . K . t. ... A - . w ,. wcnjm ana t ; ttUTr, hair-cat,Jraaipoo J ox thing- In our l jrou - a call. W &or haT thrr4 J ' thai : aid can aerte you ". farter..-::.'. SHOES S Msw, Lftdica ar.d CtiJdrv TLb ! tK-ttc,,, Our Shoo Value Cnnnot Be JEqual(-,i. la Ubr rJT.71- J. -t. C tff., . cf rr Kiptii cL-i.: ... ' T. WLil ttK,i -?"5 j:j,u 0s: w !?-.--rT t-v. . r.'VilKins Stc.4all . : T. A. PPJlRftv ! GreenvUle; N C v. :-.f -

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