" -N ", -" rS A A- ' ' ; s0"vVW v - - - - . , , V ' W V-'VW'w VVNVNwLNSVN WW W W N-W V- w' W W WN---'wW'W w W w w w w W W W W W w w W W "... . f h 'i? -f. --V-'iv : . -v . . ',; '.. , , i. t ; . . . . : , : M ill I I l-i ifv - I If AX ' r - . , : ill I i . mm ,., m ' . Br1 j. a .. a ,. a m . alaal-l-l-lmm ,m f m , ta , .,, n.. . r i mm- a ,i ii m m ,i v allu . - 71 3! jjS TE ONLY 1 V E N mm 7. A 101 AlTD g - ' UlnlE LUlialiill L1!J), bjyiUJE , M lllnllh-, STMttlh .. " - t nde pendeM is your tobaoco arid we will guarantc the highest market price and a square deal in every way. you Independent ' fit M SI r FOMlD rtMlRilS, IVilaeagers 1 , " r 1 r WWW WW The Great Wheat, Corn and Preserving Contest. ' Here is a grand and noble rao Ye men and every negro farmer,' whether a man, woman, boy or tajirl, is requested to participate in it. The object of the contest is to arouse the farmers, to stimulate greater interest in industrial educa tion, to eliminate prejudice, to: en courage or to show the farmers the advantage of cultivating a small crop thoroughly over that of a large one partially and to instill in the minds ot every rural negro farmer a friend 1 j agricultural spirit of rivalry.; Each contestant will be required tofgrow one acre each of wheat, and corn and must give . one-naif bushel of wheat, and two bushels' of corn on the ear as a sample and also for the purpose of defraying expenses, such as circulais, premiums, ' etc. "A premium ot $25.00 will be given to the' farmer who grows the greatest number of bushels ; -of wheat and corn per acre. The same amount , wilHe given to the lady who pre sents tht best can of. preserves. . , Now is the time to enter the contest ! do not delay, because, you need to begin jto improve the' acre for wheat and corn. a. There has been organized at Leulsburg aarmers IXnion and we 'hope that the , colored, farmers of Franklin s county will . avail them selves .of the opportunity to become ' members ':' ';-?, REPORT OF thk oonmoN or thk BANK OF YOUNCSVILLE, YOUNQSVILLE. N. O., . at the clcse of tiasineM 8pt. 1. 1909. RESOURCES. Loans ad diBconnt S 27.113.S4 - , , Overdrafts Banking-nous, fnrnitnrt and flxturen, Demand loans Due from banks and bankers Gold coin SilVWP Coin National bank notes and sther U. 8, notes Total. v 40,153.97 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 8,765.23 350.00 507.04 8,151.90 255,00 474.27 1.456.00 Surplus fond ..i. A V-- ' mW ; : Qur'cbrn cnbsmoke houses ihat -stacks anavegetable gardens ara too ''' r far remo?-th4 Anntikat ia th 'amhJ $ 5,000.00 R nnn nn Dndirided profits less cirrent expenses and taxes paid 599.77 Dividends unpaid S6 Bills payable, T.OOO.OO Time certificates of denoidt k ona Deposits subject to check 17,825 73 Cashier's checks outstanding, 108.05 Total a 40i 182.97 SiAraor NobthCabouma.I uuntyoi Franklin. ss. named bank. At knlAmnlv aM' abore statement is true to ths best of my Slibseribnd and nwnvn t.A KfAiU Hki. IStb cliaT of Septl909. : v . w. MrrcHiu- N; P. B. Vmrrw. ;Lr r- . ..; J Duke, v ; ; Clauds Cheatham. ' ' ,:: :" :'j:TDirectbrs.-'t '; "... -.V !;" ''-'-iv; ,""""T"- DAYS $1 0,000 SALE fOR THIRTY We will offer our entire stock at virtually New York wt. Our reason fqr bo doing is we need money. We cannot name prices in detail, but to gire you an idea will name a few. ypccoccccccccocccccocccoc" mmportainiltNc 5000 yards of Flannelettes worth Q 10 cts now, OC 600 pair of Drawers and Shirt tltL worth t per pair, now OC 100 pah WriRbtaXUnder- wear worth 1 2, now. . . )JLC3 2000 yard ot riakU worth bl-Zci Cn now Jv M5V,b4O&80c 500 Shirts worth 75c A 11 now 42c CORBBOT-I Notici to Jekchers. The i;f v schoolT committee for YuhgsTille township -will, meet oh October '15th - for ' the iburoose of electinsr teaehersi teachers' wishincr - L Z O i j ' k ; tX)p; WINSTON.- ; .JToungsTiIle. . s : -- TRUISrKS Thb par Uloaps to Gtx. H (a? who.- aJvcrtlfxncat will ppr.r is tCxi uc. He ha. bought a grsctaJ tUck of tar?, chandiw? iuilcd t? ro-jr wb ad will o: in a few day in the Carlylc lorc cm Mi:: aSrtL He will Uiy xur eottm or c v pet hih xnarkei vaJue. i Is 6000yard-of White Cloth worth hf 10 eta, now. . ( C BOOO yards of Canton Flsnnel worth Q 10 eta, now OC 2 now tOO yard of Prints, worth 7 eU t?- w . . . a : . DC J . . . i .... i 5000 yardj of Oatin? worth 10 cu 2000 yards of Fruit of Loom f A- Bleaehinr, worth 12 1-2. now lUt 2,500 yards of Aierside FUids worth 7 12 cts, now . 61c TWO HUNDRED PAIR OF SHOES AT COST A -i.v -V T1 . . V mm m An 1 1 1. a ,tUB UiaCO iur UUUJ(IJ mqn-WUI, V9 iC'Stf o.nri'd at ' I :;V,; KVJ?Si . :X -l 'Im now in position to famish all mr fridi - ,: ,JwuB,fw&. ajus pea jwasisrsonje I ';'Vv where "between tiiHbur khd , : V HfMoner; J.;ash - eountyi i Ul rcfintW raoTed; in "; Mead- beCfebuHdJn'; A : firat-clais meal can arid ww be lervea - irestj with 10 per dent added. 10,000 pair of ladies and children and men' TTrttlAvtiJl1-4l TTnoA hoartAr 4mn tbm Arf HA0O rvair ladtss and gents Hose i and 1-2 Hose, 4 pair for25 cents, worth 10c per pair. La dftylOoWaio eachlOO HaU at 1-2 price. Can Corn, Tomatoes, Pea Sc CooTera and, all Tinware at coat. These good a are Roing to bo sold. VQxygiy someone else 25 per cent pore than we tell thsm, at Crops arVioo" 8n8H tc throw your money away because you have a friend yoa pave Deen Daymg irom ior years, xoe uonar is your oov imnu van year-' All groceries. clreop? V. v ' t ; X- GO. H. COOPER Assortm THE ALSTON COMPANY " - 7 Beat Cigars for 25 Cents . ' Next to Farmers A.JIprchsaU Bnk I - ' ' and etxitomera with, the Ttrr best W be had : ;vt;' Heavy and fancy GnocERiES; -;i 4 J also have at all .times a flue line of fresh FRUITS and iriHU fiad td'serro yoa V1'" T:. i. , .. TIT A. ... S . . . ... SL .... ft wwn vnia space esen eaeii wr. ni yoa may seep poiii Maiionby China Closets, Side BoardaVnnd Tables' iu siiit. $150,00 upward. Also' all otiier ".-lines of well selected sfbek, Cpine and see our pretty. nevf; goods; 'Prices low terma.easy. r , .. , . . -"- s. . Tni i. sj.' i.j. I an3 Tint., witir th a nest tno EiarKet . 'i L i' I '. ..vv.:..i. LJdb T ' 2m ALLXbda.UAO : & Dlf Ol u, lilt- 1,9. rIllTTT VI. ' WW - 11 . - . , ... - i A Goffins -tnd CEs!cets '?.SVVORTH