If . . - 1 . . AMES A. THOMAS; EDITOR rt-rr- ; V;- yyagcouA'i,.a,iii; statbtJhe union, v .; .-,.. ...... , ,suEscRipTioif;sr.oo tz rut VOL. XXXIX. 1 MAM' ' largest sales; the ast week since openings All wehouses HayeBig- Sales And Prices bn; all Grades ; are Very Good Farmers all seem Very Well Pleased. Things are beginnng to be rtry lively on oar tobacco market now. Last week brought pat the biggest 8a! of the season, every, xrehonse having large sales each day and good prices pre railed consideriug the 'grade 0f tobacco offered for Vgal. : Tbe better grades sola very well, some afi iiigh as thirty cents and many piles broaght ftom twentyfire to thirty. , In conversation with an exper" ienced tobacco farmer the writer a8ked direct how,tbe price of tobac co compared with the prices bf 'last season and bis answer was in sub atance "that they were, in his opin ion, a great deal better for the grades of tobacco. It must be . remembered that the tobacco this year is nothing like as good as it was last season." We have been farther told that if the prices this year were," there was any difference, higher ttan last season, the only consideration being the in ferior grades of the weed. We are farther informed, and as can easily be seen by attending the sales, that the prices have adyanced a great deal since the opening of the siarket. This much we can easily say that no farmer need feel the least uneas iness about hia tobacco bringing, the Jiighest market prices when placed on warehouse floor in Louisbarg aa we have a corps ok- warehouse-' tpea who thoroughly utoderstandthe 1 that the farmer is satisfied 'With the 1 prices be receives. Do BuslnessDon't Talk. The boosters of a town should fig ure on a diversity of industries that will give employment to its people an t attract others who will go where there are opportunities for making a living. A city may have the fine climate, the good water and the fresh air that wonld support a million people, but newcomers are out for the employ ment that will 'help them to-buy something to feed and clothe the family. They will stand baqk on hot air invitations, but will rush forward when their ears are greeted by the hum of industry and their eyes eatch ig h t of the smoke c rolling from the chimneys of manufacturing plants. This applies to Wilmington and very other city that wants people to watch it grow. " Do business, get business, and hunt business. The commercial tourist with a mileage ticket and a dress suit case will bring m ordeis, but inflated ideas of a town's advantages and fine spun dis quisitions of the Adaptabilities of a place for doing. big Jhings won't get what a town is afterlIt is true that certain amount and variety of blow g does good, but after, all there ihust be something to. blow about. must do something to blow about and then the blowing will-- count for something. " y If Wilmiogton Has" advantages, and ahe has .plenty of them, Wil mingtonuns should be : tne first to take id vantages of we can show them w - - - - . I t0 ouuiders and they will come here w wiawish industries. t ' ' Tlie first tning a stranger -would 8aJ to u8 when inyitedW come here inresthia mDneywouldWthat lf the aty has so .many splendid .op portunities it is straiigthatome' jle dt not take advantage of them. Willi b"-n;?umington 3rel0p Bomelof OurWaxtfageV w find that theieVire I'more' than jy can take care oftbey can con wntly invite outsiders " and expect THE TOBACCO VJARKET, --..--.. " - . -V . . .. . - -i. 1 -( uip uiem. wno ; Help themselves." r i . - ' . MlThe abofe was taWn from the Wilmington Star of SeptembSrth and.wereprodaceitbere nitb the hope, of its baring" somV effect on our local business jnen. It carries good? ioudt local - argpmenvlriut none that cpuld not be Uved up to by our home people, Get together gen tlemen and , see if von tail trt som An Evening at Cresent Farm." On tbe eyexiing offAugust the eleTenj&jlMisses Anaieiitbrjtt rWilder'in a most pleasipg and grace' ful mannerentertained a number of their friends. The guest of honor being their sister Miss Nellie Wilder, of Richmond, Va. The entire residence was tabla2e with-lights, and from a distance pre sented indeed a galla appearance. " The first ball was decorated! with red and green and lighted with red lights, ' , The guests were cordially welcomed by M iss Kathryn Wilder who usher ed them to the front parlor, here the guest of honor, in her uual dignified manner, eagerly greeted her old friends. The parlor was a scene of dazzling beauty, thfe white and green decoration and white lights made on-a think of fairy land, clematis and ferns were used in beautifying the room. The trailing clematis and tall ferns, were so tastefully:arranged it seemed that nature had ehosen this particular place to uroup her choicest plants. - . In the back parlor Miss Annie Wilder gracefully receivedj and' by her gay words v, of greeting mad each guest feel that no formality was ex The amusement of r the evening satioh.,, l&chdy''::waa' presented with av topic "of conversation,, then each : gentleman ; was given a place beside a lady and the fuh began. Then ..gentleman conversed' for three minutes with the lady at his side, on the topic which had been given her. At a given signal each gentleman moved to the right, and began a conversation with theitext lady. The game closed in a voting contest, the gentleman Voting for the most entertaining lady, the ladies for the meet entertaining gentleman, a prize was "given to the lady and 'gen- i tleman getting the largest number of votes. Migs Lillian Irene Sledge and Mr. Lee Conyers were the lucky ones, who won a handsome box of candy. The prize was presented by Miss Annie Wilder. At 10 o'clock Miss Nellie Wilder and Mr. L. S. Jenkins led the way to the dinning ' room where ices, cike and fruit were served. 'Here Mrs. J. H. Wilder, was assisted by Misses Lula arid Mit Conyers in graciously serving the refreshments. Miss Irene Sledge and Mr. Dixie M. Barnett rendered some very pleasing selections of both instru- mentaVand vocal music which added very much to the ' pleasure of the evening. The nour 11:30 came all too soon; although farewells were in order, we could but linger, and take pleasure even in farewells. v Many, j words of t praise and con gratulations were given Misses Annie and Kathryn, as the guests departed. . It was indeed . a most ; enjoyable occasion and August 11th, 1909 k a date that wflUlong be ; remembered by. the guests of the .evening.- : rThe above' article . was intended for our issue of two weeks ago. - but was unayoidat)fy; crowded out. yi.UUVU WVUWUt A W MUSI ..: At.thelaat meetinortheBoara of Trustees it wag decided tohaTe each pupil use his own drinking cap .Thei common:; drinkine &cup ? ia tbem to; come pa,a godo! ghowmS ' icP.9Ia M" constant ; menace ; to the . eaS " of thev coramumty, and this ipf the- school "authoritJej to protect the children should deceive the support of 'every patron of the 8??K "raajority , of childnjc have been guppUeanrithctipg;! 'lit thoie who have not done so est cum at onr-V Parent -wOl please '. look -rJ00? 8ave thg children months xf Buffering New pupils eontinue to enter. It is importanVtbat all who are coming at all, enter" now. Remember that beginnnerg who do notyenter this week, will have to wait 'til the first of January. , r t?0Xk ot satisfied with the way; the school is managed, lell the Sup erintendent or teachers abont iV It will not do any good to tell yotir neigh lor;but if you will come to teacher or Superintendent with your complaint , you will receive a ooorteoas bearing". It may not be possible for the cause of your complaint to be removed,bnt you will at least know the teachers side of the matter. Improvement at the Racket. In order to accomodate their large stock of good?, Mrs. A. M. Hall has secured the second floor of the dis pensary building and has arranged it nicely for an addition to her already large and roomy store. In this, she will have a ladies parlor nicely fitted up and several other departments; Go ini and see what they are doing in this way. Death of Mrs. Robinson Uts. Caroline Elizabeth Robinson, beloved wife of F. A. Robinson, and aaugnter ot Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Jones, of Rochelle. dierf- at hr h in Wprthington Springa Sunday af- ernoon about 3 o'clock, after a Qrief JUpees X)eceased was in her -nineteenth year, and was well known and ad mired for her sweet, disposition bv a large circle of friends and acquain tances, tone was a member of the Rochelle Methodist church, to which she was very muck devoted and during her short connection with the church -about one year was quite active in its religious affairs. The remains passed through the city Monday for'Rochelle, where th funeral was held from the Methodist church in the afternoon. thA Sntitr. J -rm w m wJ ment being in Oak Ridge Cemetery. ueceasea is survived . by a I o vine husband and infant daughter besides her pareats, to all of whom is ex. tended the sympathy of the com munity. Gainesville -(Fla.) Daily Sun.- How to Treat Oats for Smut. Make a solution of 1 pound of for malin (40 per cent. of formaldehyde to 40 gallons of water. Spread the oats 3 inches deep upor a tight floor r in a wagon box. Using an ordi nary sprinkler - spot, sprinkle the formalin solution over all parts of the grain until the top. is thoroughly wet. fctir the pile oyer with a scoop shotel, and sprinkle, and. stir until every kernel is saturated. Pile the treated grain and cover with-a bind- er canvas or an old - blanket for 12 hours; then dry the oats. This treat ment williake three-fourths of a gal lon to 1 bushel. The oaU can be kept any length, of time - after treat mex X theyare'diied out. They can . be sown wet if they will go thorough the drill. For less, than 3 centg per bushel the smut may be reduced to less than one-half - of -1 per cent Illinois Farmer's .Institute Bullentin. irvM. Taft's attitude . towards 4he recent reform tariff hill seems to be altogether different from what some of, our people expected. - Ins'tead of i it : he Heartily Jprovee it and saygit w one Lithe best we tave had TeentleMebf Iforth Carolina,'' is 1 the republican partr to oe aiiowea to do all the thinkmg tor 1 uj? f i I E ; rjDn lie : PEO P LE. THEIR -MOVEIIBHTS IM AND ThoselWho Hare .Visited Lou -::bu:the;;ptWeek--thost Who HaYejGone; Elsewhore for Business or Heas'nre, ' Miss Annie Wilder, of FrmnkHn! tonts visiting MJes Sophia, WHd.r.f AUorney Genial TW. BicW spent several diys gt bom the past week.- v: V.-- ft ' ViMtsellildreifrrgylor, of "TBsoa; i$ visiting at ilr! G. Boddts's Drar iQupton: Miss Ilorteneef AVeWman of St. Augustine, Flats vuitiug Miss Pat tie Aycocke. ( Ernest F. Thotnu left Toeadsy for Warrenton, to-enter Warrvnton High School. ' xraham and Courtney Egerton left Monday for Plomtrei, N.. C, to attend schooL Mr. W. B. Cooke and family at tended the PbUUpe-Camp marriage in Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mrs. W. II. Allen left Tuesday for Washington D. C, where abe Will viait her sigter, Mrs. Tomlinaon. Mr, F. W. Wbeleea is in the northern markets purchasing tho fall stock of goods for hia fair trad.. Mrs. Hoy Jackson and children, who have bn visiting relatireg in town the past week, hte returned to their home in IUleih. $Ir. J. C. Aycocke and family, ?f Sanford, Fla who have ben viaiting his sister, Mutes tJennU and Ciara Ayoocke, returned j home Thursday. Prof. Wlngte Underbill left this week to viait his people near .Selena Ute rtaxjBa..to Wilmiogton!- where he will teach in the graded school. Mrs. L. L. Joyner and little daughter, Emma Lawrence, accom- panied by little Annie Willlis Doj- die, spent Wedneeday with Capu Joyner'a people at Garyaburg. Mrs. A. M. Ilall and daaghter, Misses Grace and Lynn, relarned home Saturday trom a trip to the northern markets where tney pur chased the fall atock of ooia for the big Racket. Their many friends were pJeued to ae Mr. and Mrs. It G. Allen re turn from an extended trip through the Western pan of the Untied States. They report a ttry pleasant and interesting trip. Dance at Opera House. We are requested to state tbat there will be a eqar danoe given at the Opera House tonight by the young men of Looiabarg. A big tirne ia expected and many couple will take part. Call Boetintr. A call meeting of the Weodraen of the World will be held in the Ma sonic Hail on next Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock for the pertoee of receiving candidate and to com plate -omo ,anfihiabed busineaa left trom last meeting. All members are especially urged to W preut Enloyable Dance. Mr. and Mrs. & G. Hoddie, near Gupton, gave a most enjoyable dasce at their home last Friday night com. pliraentary to Miss Taylor, of Wfl sen, who has be en-Visiting them for the past week. All present report a most enjoyable evenmg. ' ' Among those pregent.wgre, Mkseg Tgyloir, of Wilson, Hayes, of nsn derson, Francis and Bettle BoddU and .-Minnie Brick el I, of Loitsburg, Annie Belle Alston, Mary Alitoo, gnnle :WBlismV ErnesUae, Ilaye, Mvm CWlmsVrof JTansoix, Mis Hen rietta Griffin V: and Mlaa : : Perry. Mesira W JJ. Barrow, WCsoa Grweoe J. W. . Maan and T. G, Boddie, e! Loaubmrg, W. S.refsoa, Jxdixn Al ston, Hegh HayeV RoUtx JUaloo, Archibala Williima;" StrM; Perscm, Stxu vAIiton; Worta. -Haytv J. ST. Egertooi Ni d nsxrii aod. C W, bitten, of Hsoderean, n. D. Etr. ton, E. a Terry , Cbae. E Tuisyn, Mr. an4 Mrs. S. O. Boddie a Mr. Georgia Bod die ef Loaiabsrg. - THR SEED BED FOH WHEAT U ShouWbe Fine and Loose to the Depth the Wbsit It ' Planted and Firm Below.' Io order to escort the UeeJ oo4U lion for etd gercaioaooo sad plaot growth ed bed for plantiog wfcet and other small eds shooJd tet U mellow to too crat a drpt bat rather iU eo0 should be merv aod vll polvemed only about ee dep m the gd Is sUnud. It low that depth the sod ebooM be firm axxJ well ttlUe-1, making a good eaco tioo with the eobeoi tUl tU o3 waver atort.1 b the asbeoa cay t drawn op iato the earfsc h1. The firm eoU connect with beiow ue w ih. mnktot tA iv. i -ir. .k- mellow aoil abov th allow ufideol circulation of air to -3pt4v oxyetrn and favora the warmth of the toil, gathering the Ku c ih uoahine donng the daj ax4 acacg a blanket to oocrv h aJ heat, maintaining a raore caiforra lemperaure of the oU dsriftg lie night. The mellow toii above tt e4 oonaervee tb toil tooWlsr. aVtiag aa mu!ch to kaep the iUf froo reaching the asria-c, bt it wcksU be rapidly lewt by cvarja:Km. r4 the same cocdition faron grxwt!i of the yoaogehoot upward lata te j and sanebtrwiL " The tornallaw, dp J-Ud w aJraoal whc4ly der-odeni cf-aa rbt for tnowtor to gerainaU tb 4 j aad atari the yoeog p4ia:. Ia a eed-bd drouth &a vry apt io r. jare the crop UcitM of i r;i drying oat ot the loo eoal to depth of plowrnc. Io ihe lcce ei- bd th CToD M B-of vrr rl la born oat' In acxntrr. b-st it it as mor apt te Hre-i ot" b wir than a crop grown in the -le3 Lbed'deecriSi e!i -.Kimi Experiment Staiioa. Schlota Items. Mr. Badger Hart, of Ioilr. oat ajatifling; the gv.rcoealj aorreyort io ihtit wotk aro&4 Schkna lajt week. Mi Mary Ah Ion t rt?r&4 borne frvta a tlexoi vm with friend a at Isrei. Miwa Aaia Colllna, of lUJf;eway, made a brief vbn to friia here a few days ago. Oar yvocg cvo woold be glad If her deJrttfal na:!a were more frvqeent arid tJccg. Mr. W! II. HiU, f lAz'nbrfr lamed laat week after a teo day'e nii to hia eon-b law, a&d daegur, Mr. sad Mrs. J. S. WilUirsj. Mr. Hul did not capture any came while here but had a (rood tiro. Mr. Meivb Gray, f Xaefcv&e, Teno, who hu beea aarvejbg a map of this county, dobg work b our Ticiairy the pajl few weka, left this wk for Lotmbarg to pet ur river oo the map, Mr. Gray wa axoompaxiled by hk wifejl who tptat a few days st the home of Mr. E. G. All ton. Mr. J j. Murray got the drop on a mad dog Mooday rooming ar4 rtop ped his deadly . work before he had proceeded' rtry fir- with iL The brnto wag eo loij-plsg smcg ether dogs and actbg lai a caster that coovtnewd Mr. Mcxray that it bad - hydivphobis- gad he lost no time ta tcrnicg hka evtr. The dej had a fit oa hla'Whga kSed-V A Uscksmlth uhop will he cpae4 st Bchloas aext Moaday, the 27 ih, by Joyn4r& Joa, profrUtcra, They pair work la wool aliroa. StlZzm hag for soc&e tl U3 la ticia o- Sgikfattsry work gad ttTorg b taalio be&eovuo of tU &t w sbo. Ur. J. S. WCUae hw jtn ttV. s4 eoveria tiigia tejr id. He st4.f9i sp titj aai moJ U wLk .WA tla. f4aaty of row aal msxy& rwaxag ttakioerr U ka wVJ Hickory Bock IUrra. Aeyve tive ott srtilxrj Croca Mba l tall La tbe lax4 Uirtiac. its Ma E T. W14L Him Lcy ?iU Hr D. C Tkaxrbxt mcrx4 tet walat froo a vmsI la (rioii mii rCttsr b Fraakiblcta. Oar Saiay zJ l$ rrtnzf iite d3 at Ml GSa4 trKie Ctl r,tti Sr' . ...J iun aJMw. - - - - w a-a ;oyaU rcscP f Hi. G&ltk Jan KT U T tl n Utclewj ILck AttM ftl day ocrzirx at e:ie& o'Cca. W m cU4 ja r.r iUi Urv Jo Wood la le;-og, Mjra Roe, 'A U Mae. IaU IWe Uir iMt Wk Miee KUi Pflte ft iy Mr F. G AlUv ! VTC W.'.; vWu4 Ir-HtiS tu lLc:lr Mci j 1m i vl t. T. H. Gsptaa lust. A 0C J i at-il ,ty ttc4i ttva GL.-c is a ft j txa. w 9tH ft-.i b e fw. We ate v.ry jl,4 U ;ura lUl Mr. Cry ratnl, h in.jrctirg rajsiliy k!i AXtxa Par. 4 Lcveta:rr ? 1 tfctl wk wrlA ljf :oir.ix.( Hiee I-c CjTvii. r IsnL HpT FJ. ti t.mtn m t;5r at &sJj Orl rv4 (taftwa w l 4t3sflu4 to ks-ow that 11m Uta CXr. t4 FeUTvVtrf. Va,, tu e t:.- b;-a v;Oj Hra A M Ha:U ti Mie IMwra Fcl? Lfct enrn j a d3y. W ere eery tj to a tiw ttai Mi. Joe Ge-icav. t we-t ej hesittg atLa7J Sit all Me'16a iCiNLVejBi wi3 daMf7oc&V4 1.3 ts4 li-U haa Mear hai foe to 5trly efrhul. Mtir HtcW Vatotw GwIujs a Licaie E4w-arle jnex-zptJtSS Vy Mcerv Rvttae Gc?a a-t3 Cere D. G2ilan were vary ?Cat4 catn at Mr. II. L. CtmCH f taiay tirli. The Urts-tn are my tmry nrtirf cotica ihew data, L L i. T re;fclba&a b ensue ;uia of the Jkau are ti3 tii Bt that dw co T9cL 1 i Rauae-si awecag i tie wry ctii tailrvel in iSe Hjvuris Hr. HoZos J'- a.d r aaii Sxaliiy do hoe hf tiwszrrrl iita. Bay rai 4 with y rrrtuUss, aa3 take sw2raleVf rrx Free Of fer daring evt lHia.nct iraaa Wetk Stetiher 77 ih to Oei. l&i. Osoe b aad lei aa sWw ys? , MtKinag . v -' V V -I A

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