- rf.- .... - - .' , -- , . . . . S. . ' s . ,.-( . j'aBS A. THOMAS, EDlTpR. a. TfiE:COTniTYt THETATE, THE UUIOU. ; sulscription;si.oo ?rn tear vol. xxxix. louisburg; nciday; osroEEa i; 1909. KUEEEH Z2 CHAMBER .OFOjnfigC: .A: MirETS TftMGHTAtrTHB COURT rtiOUSE.7 -r" Rpv Euclid i .lleWhortW t 9f Maxton, win ij e liver an aq- dress Important business to be Attendto:-:,Vi There will be an interesting -meet- : o t the Ch amber of CdmhWce at court house tonigbtatB(oelock sharp. ' x- There will be a veiy important mounfr and erwrv meraDer is ear- npgtly reqnested to , attend, and' all others are cordially invited to be present. Afterjhe; regular business 0f the association,; the BUpjectjBn? creasing the capacity of, : the college will he discnssed. Rev,x Euclid Whorter, ot Maxton, witldeliver an aIlrea8 in behalf of"; this, measure an! many otheri will tate "p&rt in the discussioaii .This would add greatly to lottisbtfrg as the college jH now only prepared to accomodate aomething likeone 'hundred board ing pupils and could easily increase : no, to two hundred and nity-or morevu the accommodations' ' weresufficlift.: ThH reDutation of the institutiofiUa wide and so well known iordji, of Oklahoma, and , Morriss,' of Alabaa and VAlexadeiviof vKorth CaroliDaandJoHn Lee,6f JBeore, and( B Ilard and Qole,f l Arkanaas, indLtouisianai and. hnf ort of Koftb Carolina, and a host of othera.'":- tTSE BACK-FIBS -If ETBOP3." -The" Southern' -farmer- has . eniefly come to grief in the past JbyTlaclc-'Df cq-drd inate eff ortViWiich:4n;c?nun'c tion with the inculsugrofetbe credit system an the mortgai? causell him to rnsh his crop n;aniarketiras tar v sacrifice both f of himself and for the Sopth-at. larger "7 " v Under ! the steady f and patient great alteration . is becoming raani ffest., -m '-i .s -r ;; '"Firs f aUthepropaganda of the uujon discourages mdebtedness. Menibers are urged to "raise ; their props - as nearly , on -a cash basis as possible; They are . shown that to go into debt to produce cotton, or - any other crop, means that the? are ine vitable at the mercy yof the merehant and the "speculator. zr"i.1 - RAISING HOME SUPPLIES. PWWSBMBSMSBSBSBBBBiBBBWBBBBBfBSSMaBBlBlB o' absorbbef ore;jinother- crop, comes into raarketi vV; i - r - .w that : it would insure a sufficient numberdf niiil8 to crowd even three times the buildings they now have. ."v": ' ; Ontlemen get together and Come nut :uid lets eive aid to sucn? a . uutthv cause, wuen at- tne same tune vou can help your own town arvl v)r business. . . f, . y - THE ; rnOVHIG PEOPLE. Another factor that is now 'fieur- ing anq snai; wm ngure even more in .thfutore of .the Southern armer, is fSf.j' ' v in-;-. .. . - - - ; '- - t - j that of diversification. ; , Every union leader ' of any promi nence is always preaching that "the man who fails to raise his own tood supplies and provisions f or th) ani mals on ; his farm is nulif y in g his own industry., and the prospects of ms ieuow memoers. s show that t. even if 'cotton brings a Mgh priced tHe profiKis pruned, a way WHAT TIN TON MOVE- , men 1 mcAHMU ouuincnn must pay: a large sum ior ms meat INTEREST It Has v Already - Produced the Business Farmer-1! ts Ware house Plan Economi cally Sound Fixing theMIhimurp. and corn and other daily necessities, and he' is being ; taught the common sensevoi raising these commodities at vhome and keeping within the section the tremendous sums that annuallv go now to other parts of the coun- trv. THEY SUPPORT PBOPBfi .EDUCATION N COMMON SENSE PRICK FLTINO." r-JV.hile secrecy surrounds all the sessions of the convention.tWe relat mg .to tb3 rninimum are guarded with doublercari j K6'6ne outBide tbe IJnroninows to a certainty jast how '-'L". i 1 l"; I 11 L '" v .1 lue EyiumjbiB t,uia year arnveu at us deaskn,vor the exact-. nature ;."of the action of thd "convention. . 1 There is tvo xpfaopr to belie Ye,ho w- ever;, tnai. me y committee and the convention,- after a scrupulous survey of ( the whole v fielJ decided that , 15 Cents a pound was' likely to be an equitable- and attainable pricei : r - But and 'here' v comet in 1 the shrewd: business, sense tb -conven- tion did not ; late ; any cnances. it fixed itaxairjLimuLQjbut left foil power with the. executive committee to low er or raise the figure' to accord with u nf orseerA: conditions. THE PROBLEM OF DISTRESS COTTON. Tbs problem ot distress 00110' presents perennially a difficult propo sition to the individual farmer, as to the Farmers' Union. ..."Distress cotton," speaking broad 1 is . that raised through indebted ness J to merchant or banker, and iherif ore produced under conditions necessarily making it difficult to-hold for a higher or,a;legitimKtjnce. To overcome this phaee, the union is every where ,ad opting the policy of erecting warehouses in which cotton can- be stored, properly bonded, and certificates . -representing a certain percentage ot race value used as collateral for loans. The plan has worked well in ssv era! States. t In -Georgia, it "is better advancacLttian any ortbe, iSoatliem Stales. XIateir" tTfe tTnion wareHouset mhis. tate vera. amalgamated un der, a common board of control, and the probabilities are that the mem bers here will be enabled to hold for a fair price "Without visiting hardshi on their creditors or thempelyes. THEIR 1 1I0YE1IENTS IN AND - OUT OF TOWN, ThoselWho Hivo Visited Louis ; burr the PasCWeek Those - wn, ,no uone Eisewnerc for Business or Heasuro. - - - . ? . . Osmond arboro vUHed Hender son thm week. t v , K; P. Hill , returned from tht horse markets one dav the rait . ' ... Mrs: M. C. Pleasants returned the past week from a vuit to her people in Wilson. Elliott Egerton,of WiUon, spent several days -with his people here this week. Mrs. Annia Roberts and dachir. of "Warrenton, are , viaiting friendt and relatives in town. Mr. Jno. A. Tucker, Who has Utn spending some time with hi people here, left Tuesday for Hickory, when he will run a hotel. Mr. Aaron Deits retarncti Tuet- day from Biumore, where he ha beu 8.enditg. ome time looking out for bargtics for bis itores. lcr andSit Younlivillc. . Dr. O. M Bll and son, Carl, of Wakefield, cne ovoron Automobile,, Wcatbenby and Qsrctic OnSn4 then tame Mks Alice Caap, oiU cf honor, afttr hom cam th Loi ith ber brother, Mr. Jtmi Csrap, bo Kivober away. TLty wtr met at the alur br th grocua vi;h his best rain. Mr. Jvh VhZhr. Sweet strains 'of tonic werv tfJy played thfoughtHst the crttaony The bride M tha pofalar aod at- iracuro dauff&ter of Mr. and ifr. C A. Camp, of -this dty, by bT charming personality ard tainy ov- ble tratU hr wori faanr.fritDda. Thy croca is a valued etsploj A the Atlantic Co&st Lint Winj: cuq doctor on this, and U a yc-jn;; tstn of siediog worth. Mr. and Mis. Phillips Uft 00 tbo 80 train for ttral wels ttila) tour aftr which thty will tt at bone to their friend in Ibis city. T in County Kho. The bride frTt4rly litri to Loat burg and has many fruu4 htf who wih for thera rasny yrirt of hapf- nei. wcIijlLr! Lis tl(Knaa a prwi li Mr. T. W. IUcka m Ctl was t!td4i a dbttur c4 tV WV; -WancUJu ail ti-aif;r a ai Uajt Mr. Hv3y w-Zl rU u. 0. c. J. Parw Cktyitr wi:l U :4 b itt m s a at 4 oc3c-k a fcrp. Sow ttt Ce ttius ttrt aV MUcKi Latt rettr.J, it it be?4 tKat all tDtaUr wJ .t rrU l!it etur&ooa. f.Jy uV rJh rDw4 etttjy, ccr vxk fcr trkoiottL Vl S4 i:i Maa.J. 11 Mitc.-ir, JVwl . Ma It IL Dats J.c Womani Foreign Hlsslozuxr Society. The followiag progranae wCJ l i end red al the Metboilitt ciurrh Monday afternoon, October 4th, st o noes, ir. Kcun txcr a meeting of the Woqio'i Fctvlxt Muwuonarr Scoett: Yoaojrifnu IU liw ltr'e Paikt ( lUxk j i tiTtit la tawtiviti c4 lrf lrt. MrK 5, M. 5ut, U Ce: Oitk, Tn., s4 Mr. Jcln Gnn, c4 j . 1 i i npwi beatUe, aValhington, ami othr U present aivj a cordul Int lUtioa U Mr. J. T. W&fcwt. Uh Jlciriit t-igil f cwr 5 Tck tuix-twt Mr. l'tu ii lv'ixrz, to jra w t a'wt t DofecU of th- J"ocil 5tt'.a of spent Sunday with relative., rhJ They were accompanied by 5lr. J.- Tk ew Iitfii from it rJd, Iio-tt- i n,tri.t u... .u:-a? .....u,m urj rv-: tr4 Foreign. Iboraul . .1 . 1 i . fcUr P"WWi: rnin ex- Waysld Gtiwt- of O.d CbUva. I tiUtt W tt UiUr Ut, C W. Oo Mooit W1 tt Vc a. ta. extended to alt frindf, Imtntufi ly following ibis rattln - iU W hoit prtrr Mnrc ffrr tb wa" j e4 tt lr (ell fc(r a Mr, J. T. i ViKi' lrr tinea 1 rrt.i n. oakea,ngnung mra, reauy lor inc. Thtt i0bi mrkt hu Ua!f. points of interest. They report' a ery . pne r - inures ung trip C4 thwir-rnanr-fnenda ate plead to are them back at homegain. o x,o wit anitr4 iy J a!arss Wa :d4 iy tl tm Atlanta Constitution. ' The Fairmers' TJniqn also believes in education. -Tn Georgia, it was in strumental in the restablishment of Alar Sftnt. 11. The & -. - . I ihff arrrinnltnral - r.rkllAcro -J'in rt.fiAr busings farmer, has arrived in .the - - 4 , t . , spates its policies nave Deen similarly Southern States. ,t ; :.. ,- That is the one vivid impression sustained by a careful observer of the Farmers' UniotT convention, wiich h:iH just closed its sixth annual ses- aion at this place. -.. - ' progressive, and the' climax came at the - recent convention when resolu- tions looking to the establishments of a great college went through with very little opposition r " , - Thflv aw ftnntiblfl aesthetics, tooi The development is freighted with thft:fl farmerfl. Thev believe in beau- epochal significance, both from air in- . V e , . - keen;nQ Atrial and economic standpoint,. -It clean and :itary premises. - . rrmano hot hanfloTfirrn thh mil njinriv i t - . .,-.j- ii 'U-PJb .iiheirjeortsare not: confined to go-luck y.hit-and-miss system of agn- , r , Ann nn r, N - ' , - ' -. f ill ill ill An r nvwv a n ' i -r rm w culture in the South is going to give way to method .andaVexi and as truly responsive to bookkeer ing as any of the great productive interests instrunehtal in the mater ial status of Ameriba today. . " r X ot every farmer, of course, has abandoned the ancient methods of hig father.' In fact,a just and unex- half milliqnWestern members. They are" always proselyting, : ' Wlhen a i man has become a mexn beK: he is never, satisfied until he ha brought iin?Jiis neighbor, and so the thing goes on' m endless chain style. put fray, full of courage and supplied with keen brains and men of un swerving conscience. Hot airn no longer, appeal to the The warehouse plan is yet iu its farmer.- That also was proven in the WABEHOUSES TnaOUGlI COTTON BELT Tobacco Market. t quite lively the pv k, aZl tfc warehoo hstioc prptty jjo-oJ tf 4ry every dar. Tb pric kJ.Kfi V4k . 4ct bp bct 4 h 4 it vtnc-frl otrr 11 wfA arid all tbcw who ar Mllins ry tll miii. infancy. Eventually, it is to span recent convention. At President The grJi s x now Ub; of . the .entire cotton belt, controlling Barrett also declared, we are al- enongb ot the cotton to balance the ways from MUsouri, now, when ii market. . comes -to politicians and basinet When that day anives and prud- men WD0 want our aPlort or co- ent prophets see it in the not distant operation. Wo no longer take things future the element of chances in for granted. We think. We inva the marketing of .Southern , cotton tigate. We go slow." will have b'een obliterated and the means much for south. South can address itself, to business The Farmers' Union means as uufretted by market manipttlation I much for th Snnth.t.Urr fr it I Uia cao esjflv b i4 from tb and the constant specter ofS sUrva- members, With a tendency lo fe I faces of tta farme-ra. It ! alwsjra a tion pnees. . duoe farming to a scientific and buji- pleasure to oar wsrbo3jti to - thoroughly LOGicaL plan ness bais, to weed oat the oppres- the tamers tic4 st4 t bey art The thorough logical of this plan Te roortgage and credit systems, sorely doing all In their fer est la another clinching tribute to the in-1 nd 10 Evince development- and I the full worth cf every pfjUii cm fered are some Wer than in the past, however it ta easily an thit the prices are much teller on tbe-e Uun in the past. It make one feel w.c! to f uil tbe ajJe now )0 ;tje bfck.d esUf on ttie faces of our W arWceoeA which are cacm-d by the t autfartion of those who have sold the Vfef as SETTING - MINIMU1I. The manner in - which a JFarmers cited estimate would concede ; that Union goes about making a minimum" the bulk of the agncultunlts still 1 .trikinff exemblicationTbf the ta their crops and harvest tne outr f 8erti0n this great lass ot Amer- at by the proeeduref otthelold producers are leara apply ays. ' . , business raethods.v ; ; - anew day dawing. I Primarily, the -Union and the i fe- But a ereat change is impending; From the Rio Grande to1 the Atlantic t phase of Jts. work, are; accurately m- ocean farmer, in evervcommunity tormea regaroing tne cooon yieia in bave given ar to the neV ffOSDel of wie ViiriuuB.ow . , , v t . - - ; scieutiHc agricultoreSf s1tricbusi ;It w a safe assertion t riees methods, of watching for; and estimate the output - of cotton, wi to a ... ' -'v,.r '-i ::.5S i-r.'-Si -r-.-. -Jf ' a " . : j . "I . i adopting every modern facility where- nearer approximation 10 ceriamiy auan expedited . , iff fSlfiilf Connloni " s.:iif vin thia 1 When the committee on minimum s creasing business sense of the South ern farmer. For years past, financiers and economists of note hava agreed that the bonded warehouse plan- was the only feasible method if ; controlling the production of this world embrac ing staple, v t v ' ' An adaptation' of the method baa been used . out West, in the. market ing of wheat and 'corn with,thVbap- ed a cation with speed and persistence it supplies a substantial support and impetus tor Southern industry. And this is speaking in tbe terms of today, and only after six years of national existence. What cornea tomorrow, not the their floera. be ooes o ui iront la, 01 , course, vuanes i piiuo v r r r - - :. -. . Barrett t rtwf&& aent of the ordei Closely l aUied with detailed statisUcs regarding the with him in the; onVemitting preac prpbable yieR f or the 8?? bel ,ng of basiiiess doctrine for the farmv -i ? Jt iValso jwellversed ' in'; the prob er The Farmers and tSerchant Bank Elects a New Frttl dent. Hr. Wra. Bailey Reslffnt Al a sreoal meeting f the IkarJ most intuitive of its prophets can e-lf 1irrt. o( the Faroera ari Merchant Uank of IxttkVarf:. held brganrxauon laaguished . b - - iU pmy snl of l?e next week or next year, the cx.ed wNi -renice Mr. Wl- a r ri 1 A VSva a a a a a I mm se et d. 9 MH I . piestffects,and there is veW reason I u:c, . . Uta Bailey, who bu Un Fiwl.at r ; -i V j . ... c 1 - . . I souno economic principles. uiuai If 'the to believe success will soon crown its transplanting to Vhe South. . ; Ihot- A1B , NO NGKB. a factor . These are' the praciieal, commer cial aspects of a ; movement that the world., of finance and commerce in thevITniteoUStates . raust.be 'forced hencefortfi W reckon "with. ; . of the bank since iu oftai&iiSda, tendered his reinaika. Mr. tU2 ey appeared btor the board statist that for to mo time hU health had roi Philllpps-Camp Noptlals. In the presenco"of a large number of friends and acquaintance pret ty marriage waa solemnhied in the First BsptiaV chufen Wednesday tbU otnmw, advWi him tial ott morning at eicht oMock when Mtas door life v otceasary to tU to- ' IN ....... . Myrtle Youog .Camp became the aervaUon ot tia fieaita, ana iiw been good, and bta pbjaxiaxit, wbocs he consulted while on hla vaiaUTa w R. F. Duckworthfmerlplres lent of the ; Georaiyufari present chato'wfi a careful centos of old and ne wrmills, gurtative;OommU6 Then there is Dornblaser and Nail tyithin conissrvativa bounds-jnst about and LoudermilkoriTexasdj llkt1 IThe Farme8 4 TTniori ; does" not br(de 0f Cspt R. D. Phillipa, Dr. I. cad d added to set Upon thsrt 4rkia, claithat it ia impregnable j rior; that Mercer tne pastor ; very traprts- MrBaCey ftaltciOoa wm a w& it has solved or is the Verge of gively' performing the ceremony. : ei rofo4 Tegret to erery otabet sying ailithe, prorema lof 'the pfo 7 The church had been beautifully of the .board and wiU-U to evert ducer. -.Bui.it - does 'claimed Ttsi tors 'and taitefullj; decorated for - 'the oo. buylneaa.naa ia UmsVor fee U tb-e.Bmingham; caaion, potted planta and cat flowers the year that La has Usa, at tbe other conventiohs know tb claim is baing the chief decorationa. hod of the bank bazas' aacii ea. iVtha H iarrnaaiiigVgreit . Aa the eiecr audi enco awaited in dsired fcicaalt t the rW; V - fitrideamjt,directi6n. 4 - j ; -: f I i xoectinor several Veauuful mualcall Tim ysntrabli Dr. A. 1L Ilawklas llt bassucceeded hi getUng:rid of 1 wlecUons were skillfully rendered byltbegrandfatbet ol the bank, the r "dead-wood," the flotsam and Mim Ada Sheario. then the a trains who h beta ttce-pr3tat alae Its jetsam, the- worthless and floating oL the ; wedding march announced loooaaucn, waa tisca Frci elements that clutter every great the arrival of the bridal party. Ftratl Mr. Bailey a plic, . As evtrjwy mm. w :mmm if. H.nr-. I know a. Dr. Hawkins is a tawtr cf ysam w , m- w we 4 m, r e eMAww wf -w w Gorhaa, Arthur SbeiriaK P. lhlf a elUt -gxib Vl.e lrt oerwrg j ti !f U'. cf le tr bu4 bce tLe lie s;if-a4 very rsfHy tdJ ti t't-at e ea itUs tbr fe f t- a-latidso tie e Let cf .tTT.f tie t-e-Cio, wa save tie tw'u at3 ctber ocaVe tLir-r tiy Ci Tte lc m aV-l UOjtOd W7ll t.Cl iSi-srat, Mf. W liens i. f c tt . tlat l crJttSfcSOOt fettiid al x ai4 wiJJ te rViaJy t9 . .Il oira at ttt 1 etr ota- Mity arrit Ctco h calt E tny rijaUy tc(W atS eCJvr-c weJ fvicv are io bl f U L t24f ostea. Lot ef t tr-tw fi bte wek to aZitid tL Ujvi! Am3c1 la at I Wee tin e Mr. add Ifra- WuV Ult fe Ot. fotd Tjeiay ioVt ttif iat?ru, vU if tSlg svfteK4 al Otfetfj! Secdaary. At a r-JLiT Gu'zzg. cf LLe T-ta-x bu a c4 irae 1 wl w k tt foUb wsre iccs4 .9lcrn Lor re ft udtsk J. IX Mam a Vcr iVtAiiriJ; C C rcrry, SrnUry allwrr. Tl (feejieal asl4 tbe rara;as Gro-citte-c. Tbe tc4aoo tirtAU birt beea pcc4 all liis fj wtk, !Vos Cecils se to all grai, i!r Urzzrt trlU yea bate tiM sold aay tooo at Tts- vU itW swasoa yea ctt to try oar tt-arkAl. W are vul W say - we bate tbs ltt we c it l-al, 3 if yoa wim U-b ttioftw f.w fczr V;a6 o ti; H U vex txx:l4. TeW WartbcaMas-a sal tnrpcra art !- txc fcrth etsry ert to xraa tie farcsrs aal ara itritrg txri u cki tl:s w tfiraar y tr. 3Zr . IL movement in its inception. ; , It is stripped for buxinera, in neat ' TLlwuuom aadatrtsna ta tt tr.raruj L Ga, nprtastU'Jt t! A-T, Ca. cf 2srbasa W'aa ca c-u na,li lav. It U wcrsi tS 15 ycra to rai itr aJ'nj-ft U C.w p;?r, !:al cTrt!ik Iv, 2! 2'r :-t.

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