- . . , . ., x ? - . ....... .. ,. , , - )'.'(." '".HV ' ' 4 ' - - J. V , X . . ' r , - - - ' ......'.... ... . - " ' t' -.- -' - 'Z1 ,s 'c-rs y 4.. ?. . ' - C - . ...'"J - ' . n I .' .. .:... ... . :f ; . . . ... ' - . ... . , i 'in- uunurti iiiiinmi , - u D r. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, Office Surgeon Ientist, in Ford Buildiiur, Main, and ; Nash: street. Phone No. 40. .r . r - , . D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER,f l J a. e..-,i j Ralegh. N. C r miSaKiirar, t. th tiiu TV'vk -itli' Will W . . , , T" v. imuuiur Hynes 1) R a A. NEWELL; Lesson Fourth Quarter, ; For THE INTERNATIONAL' SERIES' i Lou if N. C PHYSICIAN1 . t Phone No. 1) 1KA.VKLINT0N tlOTEL Franklinton N. a It. A. Speed, Proprietor. Good LWery id connection ,;. c 11. BANKS DENTAL SURGEON r Lcuubnrsc, N. C : . nfftce m Hicks Building, Main Street: P H. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Loaisburg, N. C.J4 over (-ooppp & Pleasants Store. Prompt attention Riven all legal buaioess entrusted to roe- v . ' . 1' ' :. D r J. E. M ALONE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisbttrg, N. 0 Office in rear of Beasley-Alston Drag Store. R. S. P. BURT . ; PHYSICIAN and SURGEON , Louisburg, N..C. Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store D R. R. F. YARBOROUGH PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N. C. Office in Yar borough & Bickett building. Night calls answered f;om T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. B B. MASS EN BURG ATTORNEY AT LA- , ' Louisburg, N. C. Will practice ia all t (a t co arts of the Office in Egertonf (Building yM. HiYWOOD RUFJFJN ATTORNEY AT LAW Lo"iabarg,"N. , C, . Will practice in all courts of Franklin and aifjoniog couatiea.l8 in the Sapxem Curt &mi in the; United Statedi Ttintrff t nH Circuit Caart. Office- oyer First National Sank. T B. WILDER ,. .... ' f ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. c. ; Office on Main street in Cooper building. gPRUILL 4 HOLDEN , ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW ,. Louisburg, JiT. C. ' . ' Will attend the courts of Franklin,' 'Vance, Granville, Warret. and Wake counties, also the Supreme Couit of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to coUeetious Office n Spmill building. R. B. White Franklintoo, N. C T.W. Bickett. - .: ' LinisLurg, $. (.', 1 DfCk'ETT trmtp J) r ' LAWYERS :- Louisburg. N. C settlement, nfHh..f oaf rf. aroAnf.o minntrators and Gaardiarisis made a spee dy, and the bonds required by law can be "ecored in the office.- ' 'S , ' . fc . : yJJJ Yrboroagh & kBlekett bafidiug M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburtr. N. C. ' ' i Practice v v "men uu jutuii ovroec I" H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Louiabure. N. C. 'rontot attentinn riffle I 4 F- HOUCK tONTIUCTOR and BUILDER Louisburg. N. C. -' "j - ran n . . . ,',, .-""K afirnr. f- nil u:.. j tst ji , ni.i i . j i '.-u ami A una. .nri:niini' uesigns submitted.' ' ' NOTICE. hep ac for hanryVmen will be ioand at - ! 1 v Ct- S. WHITE'S ; . - 'u I' ' . .( P 'VX' ,ng recently 11- sr. 1 tin fin - -..'".. ". iCd8 ' nlth the market. vumo to see me. 1 Yours to pleaae, V . t ' , p. .8. WHITE text of the Lesson. ActArY;;; 11 d L Memory Verse. l-Gofdetv Text. . Ps. vici, -. -Mommentary Prepared I by nev. u. m. Stearns. . The two great events of this chapter 156 auI test Wng before the Jewish council and his. being sent to Felix, the governor of Xaesarea. - The cHief captain, having-resciied him. from the Jerusalem Tiiob and having given him permission to speak to them from the stairs before being, taken into" the cas tle, was greatly perplexed when, after a time of great "aIIotm x.A.. listening, the multitude suddenlV be- iiur vt ncuajr Because or some thing he said. As Paul had spoken in Hebrew the chief . captain knew not .what he : had talked bout nor what stirred them so. He, was about to ex tort from the prisoner; by scourging the reason of their outcry when Paul told him he was a Roman citizen. , i Paul's first utterance drew forth a rebuke from the' high priest and a command to smite, him on the month. Jesus was probably smitten thus (John xviiL , 2), but , he answered meekly, Paul not so meekly at . first - Perceiv ing that some of those present were Pharisees and some Sadducees,, Paul acknowledged himself1 a Pharisee and said, "Of the hope and resurrection .of the dead I am called in question' for the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit, but the Pharisees confess both (verses 6, 8). This led to astrife between the two parties, the Pharisees taking Paul's part and- crying: "We find no evil in this man. Let us not fight against God." The strife between the two parties was so great that again thexchief captain was compelled to rescue Paul from them by force and bring him into the castle. Can you wonder that the church as seen- by the world today does not draw , men to God, through Jesus Christ ? All sorts of religion, Trini tarian and Unitarian, Calvlnist and Armenianpostrmillennial and pre-mil-lenniaL ara In rh - . i " v. i-mc rr uuu 9tte just so .many opinions of men. nna no good as another and none , good for much, for, where is ;He seen who has all power in -heaven and on earth, the Righteous One the Prince of Peace will such religion ever win the world td Christ? The Scriptures do not so teach us, but God has a plan which He has revealed to us. in His word. - and every purposeof His ?sliall be -WrrorrntHrf 1 Isa.,.xiv, 24). f Verse Is certainly a light above the brightness of the sun in the, midst of the surrounding dark ness, not simply the darkness of the natural night, but the spiritual dark ness of the times. ; "The Lord stood by him,", and he-never could forget it Hear him as after many - years, when he felt that the time of- his departure had really come, hp an va "The Lord stood with me and strength ened me" (II Tim. ix, 17); "Be of good cheer, Paul!" Imagine, if you can the events of the past day or two and put yourself in Paul's place and , say what such a visit from 'the Lord Jesus and such' words might mean, to you: Was Paul beginning to see that perhaps his coming to Jerusa lem was a mistake, to say the least, and ' that he had brought all this on himself by not heeding the voice of the Spirit and the counsel of his breth ren, and was he cast down apd dis couraged?, Well, here Is his blessed Lord, who loves to the uttermost and to the end "the one who said to Sfmnn f Peter: "Verily, verily 1. say unto you, I.UV- outtii uwi cruw tiu uou nast denied me;4hrice.' Let not your heart be; troubled.' , Oh; e is so ; fuU ; df compassion ? He knowst us thoroughly andtlovesrus notwithstanding all the sin and weakness He sees in us. What ever may have ; been our failure, dear reader, if you are,truly His and do really desire to please Him. He is say ing to you, "Be of good, cheer!" Com sider the other five places wbereJesus and He onjy, used this particular worg, one "word in the Greek (Matt i 2r 22; xiv. 27; tark x. 49: John xvL 33). and whether you are utterly help Jess physically. or your life seems surely going from you. or you ; think you' will perish, or you can't see any thing, "or your trials seem too , great He Is saying. "Be of good cheer." ! The mob might, howl and the re ligious ones contend' but the Lord; In heaven had heard Paul testify to Him. If by word and deed we are testifying of Him, then iris truly the work of the Spirit in us (John xv, 26). Paul Js assured that: he must bear , witness 'at Rome also, as he had desired,. "The Lord . will fulfill the desire: of them that fear Him" (Ps.rcxlv, J9). . "De light thyself in the' Lord, and He "shall give; thee the" desires -of thine heart" (Ps.. xxxvii, 4) this- Verse jLs lessoa enough for a lifetime But let us look further -paring the ;nlght Paul 'rel Jteived these6 assurances from 'the Lord Himself In the . tnorning ;his sister's "son . brings-him word that more than forty -men" have "sworn that they, will neither ; eat ' nor drink- till .they have' killed-him. God and the deyiL; He that slttethin the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have1 tbemln derislon.; I vonder how long they fasted I ere tisy discovered ; the vanity Jot thelTv cath and purpose. Paui did not dis regard -their .purpose, Ibut through the t oy made it known to the ; authorities and then rested in the rLord. tQ work .cut His; purpose. -part .of which was e vl J sntly to send him toCas-; - 4 j , Li. V:; If you are sick don't worry, but begiri:at onco to make yourself welL. Tn fi?c tlie words of thousands, of other Buffercrs fxom xjlu, , wxitu .we sav: - - ... .: . ' , . " ,. ... " ".. '. ... :;. It 'Wm Wzln Ymi For 50years, this.woiiderf ul female remedy, has ot Cambridge. City, Ind., says: UI suiTered trrcatlv with femaletroufae, and the doctors did rij S Perate' but I t0 Cardul, and it mae mefed like a new woman. I am stUi usine this wonderful' medicine, with increasing relief." AT ALL DEtJa STORES Us nil 1 'I 1 Jf FT ,1 o o o C) () o () C) o () () () () () o o () Headq uartcrs For i Good to eat and good to wear.- Our Motto: lowest Price always, Best Quality always, Prompt Delivery always. PHONE 47 My ICE HOUSE is now open and wifl continue so the. balance of this year. JNO. W. KING LOUIBRG, N. C. WEfiBI . --? I,ri" ' . - ' -LlajmZl-iAwj'l () C) O o () o o () () C) () o o o o o () o C) () o o o o I t ; i . t " ill it . V not exx, M c-iT,''. JSit o o o o o o o .o o o Capital $50,000.00 4 per cent pnid on Savings Accounts An a. r.ciui u . ue, tut .us it. i.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK S. R. HARRIS, s. T. PEACE SALE! AN D v LIVERY I have df-cJcVM to ru rio a SU mmmj lh rmblic with First Class Teams At All Ti mes trana and ro!il and accibnstacwiAiifijr drirT. w R. F". FULLER 1IIB111111'''' TO THE PUBLIC Under the contract al ih Urzrei trxiua ef -Jfc fvrtxt WarthouMi" property, w, cart aW asv irsreo, lc4 el MiJ ertr, ani w rautt lbt upcm Ou rr?j of illteWmw th jrty, AT OttCE, ao.1 that or.e UrlcM iW. it lh ftrr. o4,rl i'rJ wiU b consider at a Ucpu, ar4 lt..r Vah arc.t. TUt B meant for everybody. G R I IN nlFFlN & BEASLEY L.E1Y K. A. PERRY Lou&iirr.f;. c Independent of All Trusls WVlost shoes are made of trust lealher tanned from trust hides. Everybody nows that adulteration and high Drices are the usual results of trust methods. ' P ENDICOTT-JOHNSON CO. is -the first and only shoe house in the World to buy raw material in the open market tan leather and make shoes independent of all trusts. 'WrS!!!y!ni-,t Cmlltte Sltfon In tht WorlJ for the production and distribution of good shoes, on the lowest possible btsu oi cost. "The leather In Endlcott'Jojnson Co.' shoes is Iks bst because tt U the only leather made from a shoemaker's standpoint of qaaitty. In" addition these shoes are placed directly Into oar store, cattln oat all middlemen's profits. .: See that your next pair of shoes bears the naait Endlcott-Johtuon Co. SOLD BY B. G. HICKS I am now in ritxa to faraiH all or fm4t ad .uf htto be tad ia HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES I alo haixat all time a 8n llut of frr,h mcn m3 u fiU PHONE NO. too fitib opfljr EVKKV IUY. io vM.ruis a t'r.iuni h roa ar in ntml f rttratf tlMI aa c4 a :01 $10,000 SALE TSiORTY DAYS . v. NEW INE ; . I ftnijust opening a new line SAMPLE SHOES . Sample Shoes means wholesale cost. THE", BARGAIN ' STORE- W. B. COOKE . V . . ., ... , 4 .''1 'I' . ;t ........ . ... .j " .H... L. . '! ' . 1 4 ;vi- T-l N ? We will offer our entire jftock at viriuliv vw v. - ur reason for 50 doing t$ we owd rrxroer. Wc Mnf pneca m detail but to giro yon an id will name a few. WX ymrda of fUaeW -rtt iu eta now, . . 8c r of Drawtra aad hiru rrfv pair WrkhU Codrt- C"1 IP 000 pair worth fl perpjf, iwrw 100 pair WrtehU Codrt ur worth fl, now. . . . ymdi of fWdlt wwrlJa l !ru r? 40 &80c i3 fiar f Orfralk 3 A ft. fcent TRUOTS AITD 5000 yard of KhiU Ootb wonb lOeta, bow 7c SOOO yards of Canton Tisane! worth Q lOcti, now OC 2,300 yarda of rrinta, worth 7 eta. now Sc &0fW , 8c 10c Wa f CirryaUa flg trt! 12 , , . , OrC 3- See P.V:A. .REAVIS.for .all grades of Soft .;v:;; Hard and Shop Coa! -.WrhoN E NO. 97 " TWO HUNDREO PAIR OF SHOES AT COST with 10 per cenl ddJL lOfiQQ pair cf ldi t4 cindita a4 cent, Hoso d 1 1 for 25 eta, wcrtn ICa per pair. I. ai Collar. 4c echl00 Halt .1 1-2. Cm Com, Pt. 1 Cooletti and U'Hnirix t cost Thtm go3 at 5 to U d. WTiy pay tons eone else 25 per cat tacr tUa w tLia X Crc- jrt too tbort to throw your tnonty awijr Ucscat jtra Kata fria rcW hATcbeo baying froa for yearn Tb Dollar it yocr Ut fr S. ycaj-. Ul grocexica cheap, rf I HE;" ALSTON GOIVIPANY

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