t '. . y .y-ggs y-yv '4,,, Wa""-.-? w-jr wir.yrrjtwwryj,- twnnwimi. .f.:. , wf; -J?, ,yj - llkL -is'fe' ; -jTj UI1IZT.. yfpTTS. 7.. , , .. , , " . " " : nf v v .-s - ' suescbiftiok 51.03 pra rexi ) ) ). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) i :) 3 'J 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jo )tC, day 3 TOO Ltitlei harnes as ro' ne c vlte sJ I . CHAMBER OF GOmniERGE MET I N REGULAR SESSION FRIDAY NIGHT. Much Work o Great Im portance DoneReports of Several Committees were Received. Friday night proved to be oner ot the most successful7 meetings of the Chamber ot Confraerce ia its history j,ere. The Court houle was filled with a very enthusiastic crowd and much work of importance was at tended to. President Collie occu pied the chair and after the reading 0f the minutes of previous meetings the following business was trans acted. Report of J. R. Collie, Chairman of the Good Roads Committee, was received. He reported having ex pended, about fifty dollars, on the part of the Chamber, in the improve ment of the road near W. T. Young. Mr. F. B. McKinoe, the committee 1 ' ' i .1 t i appointed u comer who roe roara of Town and County Commissioneis in regard to having a ppulic water ing place put up on the streets m Louisburg reported that the Town Lomraissioners naa not neia a meet J png and therefore he asked for more Jtinie which was gi anted., National Resource Committe ask- !1 for more time to cotri pie te their vork, which was granted. U tli hs point the matter of im broving the College was brought Up nd the 'resident asked Mr. W. Hi .iuffin to take $h& '''Cbairtwhiclye: M and the discussions began . ,, Rev; . S. Massey,who is a member ot the Board of Trustees, presented a prop- sition from the College to increase the capacity of the building, etc. I Nil W H Ruffin lhen made a taIk 1"P0Q the interest the town should feel in connection with the College and gnowing that it brings about 15,000 per vear to oar town and tllGlwith forceful argument supported .the ipoveraent. The addressof welcome made by ittle Miss Camilla Yarborougb, daughter of our esteemed Mayor, J. Yarborough, was indeed the fea- dayfj ure of the evenincr. Tn this h isplayed admirable talent and ber emarks wera highly enjoyed by all. Mrs. J. S. Barrow, President of he Alamnae Association, made an fhle talk nledffinff the sunnort of i o o 1 - hat aflsociationi Mies Cora D. Bagley, Secretary of I Alumnae Association, also made h "y pretiy ana strong laiK m De- 1 of the Association. - ; Avery able speech was then' made If Rev. Euclid MeWhorter. of Mar- 0, informing our people about what people of his town; was doing 0Dg this same line. He also said ptthe citizens of Martoh had itist My raised $14,000 -tor the help their school. His . address was Snly enjoyed ancf appreciated. n,ng the others who .made very testing talks along Y the line in Dlt were Rev. John London and val others. Rev. ' F. A. BishD m5 n made a short talk but to the after which tke tollowing sub- pptions were received. ' 1 ' 126.47 182.62 162.88 .3.59 197.18 i Echos - i a Gift Sotw. zaar Fund esident Allen 296:26 Prk Allen fJ.nu Rnnii . iemin? - ;jVr100.00 "to 1 P. Burt 100.00 Reavis - Watson 1'O'OjOO r,fto;oo U.smithwick Barrow 1 nn!An v ;S r 100.00 100.0Q Battle 100.00 50.C0 X 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 The following Committee was then appointed to- wait on all the cit izens of the town and receive dona tions, Dr. S. P. Burt. FB. McKinne R. G. Allen, W m. D. Jackson, Sena tor B. T. Holden. We are informed that the; commUtethas met with great success but not haying made a report we are unable to give an ac count of their work. ' . - ; ' Thus ended one of the most suc cessueeting of our Chamber of Commerce and ajl returned home feeling better because of the success of the evening's wor On account of the services at the Methodist church there vili be. no meeting hi the Chamber cf Commerce tonight. T. T. Hunt, Dead. Mr. T. T. Hunt died at h home about seven miles north of town on Wednesday evening. .He was fifty six years old and leaves a host of friends besides one sister, Mrs. W. A. Person. m His remains were en terred in the family burying ground at Miss Tip Terrellfs yesterday after noon at 2 o'clo ck. : , K -1 i . , , ,. . Death of Mrs. J; A. Spencer. MwJ. A; Spencer dibpt her home just out sidetowB?'6n last Friday evening after a short illness. She was a Miss Cpttxell before mar riage and was thirty f one years of age. 3heeaves husband sven drenn.seydralvbrothers and sisters, and a host ' of r friends." Her 1 remains were interred in. the ceme tery Saturday evening about five o'clock and the seivices were con ducted by Rev. F. A. Bishop. She was a consistent memberbf Piney Grove Methodist church. The pall bearers were W. M. Fuller, W. A West, Joe Mumford, W. i Davis, Rufns Harris, A. G. Wilson. Annual Dinner. The friends of the Old Veterans throughout the county, who have al ways contributed so liberally to their annual dinner were not called upon this summer. Various and weighty reasons have prevented the ladies of the TJ. D. C. from offering their ser vice in this matter, but we are an xious now to fulfill what we-feel is a pleasure, as well as duty. The ranks of these brave men are thin ding year by ear, and we esteem it a privilege to show them in every way we can how we love and honor them. It has been decided vthat the we'ek following Court eek will .be the moat convenient - Jimfor ;ihe uiuuer me-uay wiu wpUDllsnea next week) and contributions, espec ially of meat of any kind, will be gladly accepted. - If any who are willing to aid us will let it be known toi our Sec. Mrs. B. H. Davis or any lady of our Chapter, wo will appreciate most sincerely their kind ness. X. Marriages. Our Register of Deed! issued mar riage licenses to the following coup les dunng the month of September. White Willie Mangum and Ntncy Alford, J. P. Gupton arid Mary Wood. w . v Cloiusd' Kick Alston and Chmie Foster, Otis Wilkins and Mattie Eyans, Cheater R. Dent - and Annie King, Xeslie .Battle and. Liziie Young, Lonriie . Jackson, and Lula Gay, Judge Alston and Xucy Goo ch) Iiouis Andrews ' and Martha Sr'Ahn 'Teachers Assoclatlori. . ;Noticeis giTen'to.all IprospectiviB teacners ot wmie puouo bcooois in 'County that the first meeting vof rtbevTeachew AEsbcia'tlbn r willbe M. Si Davis T. W..Bickett K. P. Hill . R.Gi Allen Z. W. Lyon Harris, Beden S Taylor andFannTe held at-tduisburg on Saturday, Oc tober;2Srdvb3jinnin at 11 o'clock. ' All tc'v:r3 rr3 retired to st- - ' I II " LODISBnBG.VN. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBEH 8, 1909. '. couiJTY commissioiiERS MET IN ECIULAR SESSION MONDAY. Reports of Several Committees k Received and Aside From Routine Work Nothing Spec ,: ial Done. '.The Board of County Cdraraisson era met in regular session on Mon day, all members being present. - .r rmm? ana approvi-g mm-. -A : a: w. loon lucBkiui.'. me roara pro ceeded to transact the foil business: Report of J. H. TJzzeU, T. S. Col lie and' W. H. Ruffin, the commltUe appointed to make settlement with Sheriff H. C. Kearney was received and ordered recorded. Rsport of R. B. White, erecutor of J. A. ThomaV, deceased, was re ceived and recorded. E. M. Gupton was appointed a committee to.look after bridge near Sam Person's. It was ordered that the personal bond of P. B. Griffin be can celed and that the bond given by him in .the TJtle Guarantee & Surety Co., be received and re corded. It was ordered that Standard Keeper, R. G. Winn come to Louis burg on- October 5th, 1909, at 8:30 o'clock and test tie scales of the cot ton weigher and also that he visit the gin houses ot W. D. ' ITpcburob, Dr. J. R. Wheleas, C. G Wood, Caleb. AllenT. D. Farrer aid Jerry Ellis;' eoL,arid taat the scales at each, the costs of the latter tests to be borne by the owners of the gins. Angeline Hendricks was 'placed on the outside pauper list at $1.50 per month. Report of E. N. Williams, Super lntendent of the County Home, was received and filed. He reports 11 white and 13 colored inmates, also that John Terry, the negro who was sent there from the jail last month, has run away. It was ordered that the county furnish a trough for a public watering place in the town of Louiaburg pro vided the town' commissioners woald furnish the water. Report of NDr. R. F. Yarborougb, Superintendent ot Health, was re ceived and filed! Ho reports the Couty Home and. jail m good con dition. Several accounts were allowed nd the Board adjourned to their next Tegular meeting. "' v ' ' ' " ". t - , "' r Woman's Missionary Union. The fifth annual session of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Tar River Association, met with the church in ouisburg September twenty ninth and thirtieth. The spirit in which the delegates came together for the di cuasiou of the year's work, and the planning of larger 'and better things for the com ing year was beautiful, and we feel that Jehovah was indeed with us. ' " It js just two years now since the old Tar Hi Yer Association was dil vided and the work of the Woman's Missionary Union reorganizedV,. Last year in November we held our first Woman's meeting separate from tfie Association and were encouraged to make the separate time and place a permanent arrangement, tnd feel that we, have .made ; no mistske - in that decision.- r ...:r.w- Pf;the twenty fit ' societies in ;th. WSpceand;;twoX ojibearoJ lianas sent up' t delegates. witnv; re-: Quests to beebmo; members Z of : .the ThaiternoonC onrWedoes day was; taken jnp; withclthe . addrssj of welcome by MrsJ E. C. Alien,' and responsa by lira. A. TT. GrL cn, bcth rffio' vwt, mu. Etm. Alien, or uie jfti't work was :jtriu ehcouragiog. ,WhUe the aims for the year had not been rtached alto gether, yet the Tear waa one of ten months jonlj, the time of meeting having been changed from Novem ber to SepteraWr) and for those ten month there had been a tteady. ad vance along financial lines and a very decided .wakening and idtrel opraenl in iptritual things. The n!ht aion on Wednesday n s vtrr irwjMnng, Rev. T. J. Tay ior .peaking enthusiastically on the importance and necessity of Miaaion Sludy. Thursday jwaa jaat filled with good things, frorrtthe opening devoUonal exercises conducted by Mias Sue Kelly, of. .tbe Vance Union, on though Jthe entire day the addrecee, the diacttssiona, the spirit was one continual uplift I wish I might tell of the very fine and thoughtful paper aidj addresses prepared by Mrs. Wy k Urxell Mn. A. V. Joy nei, MrsllW. Swope, Mrm..E. J. V Reynolds, Mrs. Hight C. Moore, Mr. L. W. Bagley, Miss Kelly, Mr. Mills and others. They were all so full of heart-searching thoughts and questions yet so fraught with the very spirit of the Muter, that who can estimate their value. We feel that the Union s rs pecially fortunate in having Mr. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh, deliver one of the very finest disco Jiaes we have ever liatened o on Tbe Personality ot Jew, the Para-Mount. Factor la Missions," bn TKaraday night; ind may'it be tle aim of the women of the Tar River Union ta urrv until we shall be so euibud with thu per sonality that we too shall do Urge things tor the coining of th kinc dom. The beautiful mujiic furnUhel by the chureh choir wa certainly an in spiration to the meeting. And we would not forget the elegant, recep tion tendered us at the Loaiabarc College, Thursday afternoon, by Mrs. Ivey Allen; nor the delightful ride up the river Friday rooming in Dr. Fleming's launch. The next meeting of the Union will be with the society at Maooo next September. Revival Services. Rev. E. H. Davis, of Goldiboro, is assisting Rev. F. A. Bishop, pastor ot the Methodist church here, iq a series of meetings which are now going on. The - services are very well attendedand much interest is in evidence. Two services are being conducted each day,one in the morn. Mni at 9:30 o'clock and another in the evening at 7:30. There U Win some very, able and forceful sermons preached at these meeting! and a special invitation is extended every body to go out and heir him. Tributes to Mr. J. A. Thomas. We had promised ourselves the pleasure of publishing in this num. ber the picture and a short sketch of Mr. J. A." Thomas, editor of the Loaisburg Times. Death thwarted us. This good man, "Dolly Tboms,, as all affectionately called him, his read his last proof and hat been called up higher. He was a noble fellow, a sincere friend, and a correct man. Uplift. - '.In the passing ot Mr. J. A. Thonv as, Ed itor of the F&axxux Tim as, this State has lost an sble editor and a patriotic cilixeo, lie was .widely Jknow and. respected Jthroogh the PrBa'jUsGchUon,'? of which'; be rwit twice presidents - He leaves two tons and "five daughters to perpetuate jidse .'virtues integri". chastity, arid democracy for. which he stood and to which the co! am n s. of the Tncsa were" dedicate. ' The Feakkus Turss u to be ccntin-; I thoh "no r.r.r.:"rr:f nt THE; riOVHIG PEOPLL THEIR nOYEnKNTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. ThoscWho Hav THlted Looli burjr the Past Weak Thoit Who Have Cone Elsewhere for. Business or Mcxsurts. J. K. Thoffl TmftJ Itocky Mount Sunday. . t Dr. Joel D. Whhaker, of Italtigh, waa m town We4rJay. Mr. Harry Candler, of CharlolU, is spending bis vacation with Mr. F. B, McKinoe. , Mfr A. Aliton, W. K. Beailey and aaytcm High left Sen day for Baltimore and New York. MUt Jwie Brother, of Gold. boru,is TiiLing at the boat of Mer. D. F. and F, B. McKi&ae, MiM Beuie WUlUraa hat rttttra ed home from a vitii of mti1 tth to relative In Danville and Sathr. linn, Va., Mr. F. McKinne and Mtw Blanche Egerton retaratd hoce Tuesday from a trip to GraavtlU oounty, where they attended a JUi tionary "mating at Ilankt Chmrl. Capt J. H. Finlator rvturncd Wei1rertdar from a vwiit u, Korfolk, a where hm attended a metiog of the Shnsera d-xtf in J!cmrr. tie report oo of the Snni Uhim he has ever had. Mr. -J. J Earrow Chairman. Ata.pol railing tb. Cn,o . M tju tzl da ttv .14 at ty Deroocra-ie Kc3Uv LVnacmu , C,4u JUck lw. v held in th Cow Ho? on Morvdar i . October Slh. Mr. J.J. B.irowurfiafticA unanunoc.ly chairman to t) l?- the vacancy ciaj by the death of Mr. J. A. Thooa. All romtr cf the comtnitUe exewpt -n were ptr- ent and tho mrnttu i to b ' congratolated in thtr choice br lctirg Mr. Barrow a tkir chairman, lie ia a slauch Democrat ard u vr ready to pot forth hit kajwlfl- and time for the aoca of fcta parly. He will no doubt, 11 thu portion with credit to himaeJt atxTthe coo mittee, and o the tatlatacrtion lo tt people genarally. Mr.,W. E. Tockrr wa Jctd chairman of IaUborg Towcthip KzecuiiveCommitto at a tnUnsr of said committee held a fw wka ago. Fire Saturday. The Fire alarm wj sounded Saturday morning about half paat eleven o'clock and crcaUd right much excitement. Oar fire Jeparv ment was qokk and was nm long in teaching the cotton yard from which the alarm was sent and found that it was only a bale of cotton on firs, Thar soon got it under controll. however, before any gre-a. damage was done. The fire was caud by the dmar lighting s dgarttu who claims that some one popped a whip by him sVriking the match sod knocking it on the cotton, which imasediauly took fire. The Cheat ham Reel Team was the first to tbs fire, as the boss wagon was out on practice, but tot Utter was soon si it post ready for any emergency. Fall Oponlnjr.- N The put week was a scene vf beauty io:the mUIintry storee' -of F. N. JslLZl Egerton and 'Mr. A. SJ. Hall..' These , occasions ' are . . less looked for by the Ladle of or town aod'oou'oty and at this speclil tist theyVtre folly tail "f or their tic e as the styles' sod mauHal u of the very laUrt the xson aJTord. E jtV ton' had hli - opening oo .Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Mr. HaH bad bars on Thcraday arid Friday of jUitwvek. There were throcja'cf ladles go:n in arvl out cfesch cf nd thesrU rxr a Ltt lUr Iras ar lo wri Imi rwT, M; ?cU crrtrM oa our pn aad It wj u ty ttt sitirfy aJrawt lay at! afl th Uia of their urriu? Us lUv kS aayOn- la tkrsr Ioml Ustof Uturs. tTX. X. C. cac!W tor: ccrT Arte4d. Kb Txmu. Lr. Q W Brwe, Ark CZmc, IXamrti Brtd UirCU GfWt j q rurfo L Jerd Hr VTCl KUkt J U lUrr Ifary r TtcktT. aria ArrU, Un JA llmml Ife J3uWtb CiZ. Tc3 Jco Car Cot U. r Kite. Kn Crw Mrs RacfiAh Kwi.Kri Cere Emu. IlitUM Ktxjr. Uwrj Fcmfir. Ulrsy lK PP4, rtvc fvrrr. J. iVrry. Ciina tkwn A r.al, Hr i l TUau, Mr M w Wj-t-. y w WllUswj. Xtjjie WJkft, Mr WtUiMt!. Urt Ul iru. lia Hrrrtt WaUnx Toc:i calUcr tor asr ci iWt, 4 f CuuiU Itetni. Mn. artha !rl -4 oi&a f ft tp . di i lt 4 Uj T1y 1m L tU w m m clival a tt oftfy Ijk. hal tit! urtsuy Jtf an4 lni UctUr Mui tWut aM twreve! cbiHrn a rnii U ) in Mr act. ti W. J Ltt.f.iirr twC ti! un ic m TU tUat tTtan r or ftj B&4. rJ ( cr.f te& tVt r k rd. TU cw IliMi rtvrth m a!nct oorsp'd a&4 win I- rvajy L tt dfdxrUco tnw the tz-znt f-ti-day in OctW. Mr. fi. A. Jtor. ycrr cct2rtT who m a R-ccd ci:un wj t:t aoahU fiJr. hat rcr.hM.l C3 hUU rar htf a-, b rarxtg lumber Lhr la bstil rvw rriH. denot, aftd wtU ia th fctr rti with ua. t Drk t4 J in, LxcMUr. 6r alkilf, ar carrying Ksr.4 "im! eovoty tacoo to lar oarkrL I'cwtoScw i&7cor, John WJl;. la, riorrr tar tm hr day apn and fsnd FoncaaUT BruvtiT o5oj tn uckJ tf Mr. WUl Allaa, of yc-cr tcwa, Kaa ben down aoJ Mr. Charii 4tT, with a jvarty of tmadt are hrr frota Vance county tor aMveraJ dais fat bnL We have foin b abcalaoe and wit, oar ancrroktn riaina tor milcia and oCttt psta cj ahrad for t porting of any tnkm la tie Snatt . Oar dormitorWa are a4 wiin bright gtrla aM boy fraca FraskJia, Vsnc, Wamn aad Halifax owsiW, and oar ca4, with aa tXHi-:i oorp f uacher. & gtxtwlz Xitj smoothly and Mfitfactory. IAUt Tot, -The above feecas wer UusM lot our Uft taras trtl wire rtotired liu. Eorroa. . W Rotiot that : the IrU f Ksw-pbJTrr It irili-- t day htray and hWtorioai ctaL This eta U had rliUr w'th the daayKiiraU ly aod u a wctk that Wtm t :t evllto cf tit -ih r ila e-:;: trl I. - . 1 t - E-rton' 1 i ..... , '3