, w 'A ,' l. l rtTTRTI lllh ftt V . Goia Xoct la .h.p. Pleasant Evenina KBuenB8.--iiUDiumn.uBQi- ; -; , cated to Tired Mothers as, dom.; . Suif Homep of a heart with little ditmond in center. Suit able regard' will be given" for it re 0. B. CiiEJLTnLf. ' . ', ",j J1'' best. i V Notice to Teachers. Th Rrhortl Committee or Loulsbunr townshm will meet at the offiee of L. P. OBUDE THOUGHTS FBOM THE EDITORIAL PEN Hfe' "tlffi I teachers for the several schools in eai I . 1 - r It. !.l.tM " -1 Hope on, hope ever, hope for the I seo hi, boye make each men?- Then ffiSTpitobSS; be up ana doing, tor you nave a i that day. . " , sacred duty 'given you to perform. - I-P. Hicks, en m n. Idle boys are the timber convicts Po not tell me you - have so little , Mtnfldn'nf - i uroc - . x uu uu iuouj Mwufco, wo i , portant' wmon aDsorD your ome ana wui ,ouer ior sio u wun attentions Let these thmga, go, but Monday the first daj of November. do not neglectyour boys. 1 1909, at about the hoar of noon. &t ALWAYS WINS When it comet to a question f elect tag dro for oar pharmacT. Price U do tbinj: if we can set fresher drut. Dress slowly when hurry and save time. you are m a Don't live in the cellar, bat on the the following very va'aable real estate: Tt-mAriio. niH MQiWailial - tint'. A tract or lacu tituate la hohft too in God's bright sunshine, gnficance of the truth exprete- hpinlne the landi , of Mrs. L. B. Allen. i1 A Jn fha trito 9Vin A a th a tw ty i uwo wireii, ana w uenaerson ana w - Nashville Road, contalninir W acres by u:i,a Kottio ntad sf r" 7 1 "rr.T'". .J . ' Vk'l "B"" "vw f mQn oh rr,on wnnM Usui.. it oeinz me tract or land nlannine-brUliant campaigns for the -7- - allotted for dower to Mrs. M. R. Hlbt future. surely be abetter, in every way, for it widow cf Redding Hlht and fully .de- is true thai the future well-being 0 the man or woman, physically, ment- of the Superior Court of Franklin Take good care and be thoughtful &Uy and 8pirtually dependjs Hpon the county, pages 744. , ot mother, she may not be with you thougand arid one llttle acti of ro. ?&nldVnt tomorrow. other tract of and State ad- described dowr ing unimportance that make up the 1?. tneT aovf des5!?d d.owr,r -r , , I tract, Mrs. L B. Allen, Otho Cottrell, fthildVdailv naner. It lathe home ! and T W RitrAtt- onH rntinin m g r r - 1 mm--m a www w m vvm m u My boy, my girl, remember there training the child receives that makes P0Te ?lleis f"Uv. described w 1 ' by noting the company you keep. 1 .. lliL,uy yy yyiiLo THAT'S WHY OUR PRKSCRtPTI ON- WORK is to heartily recommended by physi cians. They know we back op our efforts. Beasley-Alston Drug Co. is no surer waj wi oii-tu5 jw P ll8 mture -ror Dexier 05 ior worse., and Decrees Ho. 0 at pages 98 to 106 and being that r art of the old Redding Hight tract of land left after cuttinz We do .not know whether it is off the dower and the 125 acres now tr- j win; Hniflwill 1 :1 '.i . owned by otno Uottreu. U1UU " & lauso priue,iBiBO;euuuauoii,ur a iauu- Then two trftrfjt of lanH r Ia,, do more towards making a model ion we nave drifted into, bu it is I about five miles north-east of Louiaburg ksma tKon all the wAalth this -world :t j I and are very desirabje and valuable - - - piwmj uuo luai um juib uiuro nuu faxms. There is a coodv two-storv affords. more shun housework! and m an v of I dwelling house and all neccesaary out- 1 l A 4- St . A -1 .1 j j . nouses on me im acre uraci, z navinir the new homes in these dajs do not in the home place of the bite Red- The best capital for a boy is not promise uninterrupted happiness from ding Hight. The 70 acre tract adjoins a.WtK. lnvnf work. Rimnlfi this ansa Th mrlo. r nrA t rt tBt, f1" nv l7 wmoeryu. muuoj, uv uv r 1 " o . .6v,v v 1 xnis saie is maae ior division amoae tastes and a heart loyal to his friends, try their-hands at everything but the the heirs at law of the said Redding xiiguv, auu unurus a spienaia opportu nity for any one desiring to purchase a fine farm near t Louisburc, with ovci tumo uwuwjLii auu Foaut3, mem desirable neighborhood. must be a i?ood home. It is lmDossi- Terms of Sale: Ten per cent cash. U1 t t -i ft -t 1 I balance within twenty days from day ble for a family to enjoy life if the of unles8 the bid shall have beei food is poor, the buttons off, and rais. d during the twenty days which . ,, r T win oe auowea ior inai purpose. 0 0 , - xne iu per cent aepositea win d re- ery household where love and hap- turned to the purchaser and if the bid pmess abound, there is mostly a wo- will ol first separatelv man to be found looking after details and then as a whole. comfortable and inviting. JUST RECEIVED himself and his God. work of the home the most needed and healthiest permit of all. Where- A nice line of Cluthing I am j going to Fell out le?s than Whole?nle Co?t. I have junt fwivd a ix-v lot of nice Horw an i arr : position lo rnskv a purrha.r priori that will U iz.u In this lot 1 htiv fomc nic bupv hort a. wrll v , hor?ef andwme that will do justice at nihr I fclHO Uw : nice new lot of bupo ju: in and if toy -jU hai r vo , thi$ fall ff my line lforv dome ' I &m co-fid t! 1 Mive von inoncv. - LIVERY - IN - CONNECTION ;n oc-rr-t4on "with rr. I am going to close out ray entire stock way down under wholesale cost. I have one hundred ladies cloaks 40 rer cent under wholesale cost. I have a big Ut of I also have a pxxi liverv ptable and can furnish vot: a nioc ri? nx unr cu rr-v one at reasonable pric. Call tn me. SHOES i WOEDS TO TEACH AND COMFORT. If you are down with the blues, re,ad Psalm 27. If there is a chilly sensation about the heart, read Rev. 3. It you don't know where to look for the month's rent, read Psalm 37. If you feel lonesome and unpro tected, read Psalm 91. If the stove pipe has fallen down and the cook goes off in a pet, put up the pipe, wash, your hands, and read James 3. If you find yourself losing confi dence in men, read I. Cor. 13. If people pelt you with hard words, read John 15. W. H. Yarboroujrh Jr.. Att for the heirst law of Redding deceased. Hight, Nos. 3 to 3 1-2 and 6 1-2 to S that I will sell out less than cost. I also have odds and ends in DRESS GOODS and hamburg, going under cost. I am going to make a clean sweep this fall so come on and be satisfied with the bargains. I am tromjc to gt a fresh new line of sample hats- Come and get a suit and a hat less than the cloth will cojt, J. P. Winston EDWARD S. FORD At Fords Stubles LOUISBURG, N C k 11 A A A A A A A A .a a m.m.i .m, M.M.M.n.n.fcj w r-n t-r-w iLJ 1. WW W w 1 How many impositions we uncon sciously place upon children! When small, they are subjected to kisses, tosses, pokings, rockings, and a mul titude of intimacies that would be roundly resented by older heads. Then If you are getting discouraged 1 as they begin to grow, year after about your work, read Psalm 126 year, they are treated on every new and Galations 6:7-9. occasion with "Whv. how dreadfully I mi ' ; ' all out ot sorts, read you do grow! How frightfully tall you are getting! You look exactly like your aunt Nancy, or your grand rather! Or, where do vou eet the - f c red hair? Or the freckles? Or the It you are Hebrews 12. bless THE WORKING GIRL. "The girl whxworks God her." She is brave and active; she is not too proud to earn her own living; she is not ashamed to be found at her daily task; she is studious, pains- sub nose? etc. Personalities are not pleasant to adults, even to experi enced persons who have learned to meet calmly, or parry such imperti- AT THE Thomas GreenwoodHill & J. D. FURNITURE Joe Dub Hill HILL ! RACKET STORE You Can Get Some BIG BARGAINS nances, but to fthilnmn thov ru nr taking and pati.nt; .he sanies from . WwIj, n tUeir blo;he8 oft6a testify, and tend to make them bash- behind the counter or the desk; her hiiiiim 1 h iiii r 1 if;i iiii 11 1 i i mm , i mm m . . . ... .. . toi and dislike to meet strangers. grandeur and eternal bliss; there is a Pra . .. . memory of her own so wn into each . . j , . ... J , . ... , I feet politeness and consideration, for Ail ton rrrTXTT aha la IiIta q hnunfifnl I . 7 1 , . they are sensitive, and they do mind mouniaiueer: uer uuaracier is pure as . iL , , , , .... ' WDat yu m yar thoughtlessness ig u- u '5 J . -L nore- They remember ill treatment, rock from which it flows, and as high . tt . ,. , . . ' , . . , ' . ? too, often all their lives, acd it is the rru u x. u u part of wisdom to acquire and cherish I Ha hi or nt. of her annnm fin in. 1 . ... TT , , the love and respect of the little Bpiruuuu ior ub au. xir uanus may i 0jjjg be stained by dishwashing, sweeping factory grease or printer's ink, but is an honest and helping band; it stays COMMISSIONER 5 SALE OF LAND. misfortune from many' homes; it is Virtue of an order We have opened up next door to Meadows fc Harris Warehouse ' under the above name a Furniture Store. We will carry at all times a full and complete stock of suits, bureaus, washstands, tingle and double j beds,' iron beds, brass beds, sofas, chairs and rocking chairs, safes, side ! boards, trunks rugs, matting, etc. e also carry musical instruments J of all kinds. Now for the good women, we have the lightest .unningt sewing machines on arth at a price you can afford to buy, from $20 to j rp T,lnL-o mnin for fn trrtti W. $50 that are sold every day by some agents for from $45 to $75. He ! 1 Illa k0 1 00111 101 Iatl ?(1?. o rrr 1 1 l a i . I you can save some coinr we sen on easy verms, yes gixni opk and sell furniture the same way. Sell white folks and negroes too We j also have a stock of slightly used clothing that looks like new. A good suit for $3, abetter one for $4, and a marrying suit for $5 william. Orer j coats, good ones for $3.50 and a Charlie for $5. This Charlie coat mould eost you at a regular store $15. The dispensary is gone and Tpu can't chip and warm up and yoa had better take notice that it is going to get cold and buy you some good warm clolhing. wise and prepare ' for war in time of peace. When, in town, selling tobjeco leo )our bundles, whirps, overcoats, etc.. in our store. Come to see us just to get ' . . m m at acquainted. JLst us show you the. very latest stvies ox lurniiure have just commenced our life's journey in businesn and whether make any money or not we are going to do oar share of buainr. will w sell a lot of desirable goods AT A SACRIFICE Come to see them. T. G & J. D. HILL MRS A M HALL one shield that protects many a for lorn family from the asylum. All honor to the girl who works. - TO PARENTS. '. ?' It is unreasonable to expect an j-ii-f' - adult from long idleness to be en S ' ' tirely innocent, and much less that ; v!,; of a child. While we would not keep fe" a child steadily employed, yet it '; Y' should certainly have some duties. ; i a From appearances, there are some boys who are at home but foi their meals I and to sleep. They can be Been at any hour ot .the day, loafing in groups ahout town or making their way out of town to spend the day- who can say how or where? What can we expect as a result? Can we expect to see boy of tender, impres sionable age, under, jiuch . conditions, .make worthy, inteljigent, industrious, 'christian young men. . "And .where is ,the parent who does not desire to ' H '.' n " . ' - t ., ; ' iff," ' at an order of re-sale. made by the Superior Court of Frank. nn conntv. at the Ano-nat Torm iuu t in that action entitled R. R. Voodlief vs. D H Gill et al., the undersigned commissioner win sen, on Monday the ist aay oi November. v 1909, it beine xz.a ' m m j . tue urat monuay in saia month, at aDout tne nour of noon, at tie Court riouse uopr, m Louisburg, N. C, to the highest bidder at public auction. hat part of the old.Henrv.Merrit tnu.t oi iana wnicn was allotted to D. H. Villi, Jtw lw Woodlief and G: L. Wood 1! j.1 , til! . "... "eun me pamuon oi tne same made under a judgment in said aeriort to them jointly, and more particularly de fined as follows. Beginninfir at a stake in a stump hole with two lanre Doer- wood pointers, R.? R. Woodlief 's- cor ner; thencevS; 1-4 EL 6 Doles to a rock with Maple and Pine pointers, comer oi jno. tnence along tne hue of 2o. 1 S, 87 3-4 E. 63 noles to a : Hornbeam. corner Of No. 1 on Tar ; River, thence up said liiver as it meandeis to an .Oak 8tmnpwith Maple and - Hickory, point ers, R.' R, Woodlief 's corner on the River; thence along I R. . R. Woodliers line S. 21-2 W; .80 ftoles to : a Rock; thence Sr86 1-4 E. 25; Poles 9 links to a Rock; thence N. 28 8-4 E. 9 Doles 24 lihks to a Rock; thence S. 87 3-4 E.' -20 links to. the; beginning, . containing '39 1-2 acres,; more or leas.. A ,, . '" ? : $ Terms of salcH-cash. This . 1st day October," 1909. "v ' 7-': v 5 v 'Win. p. Ruffin, Commissioner. "HOME SWEET H0MET - nn M ir k man C!d Ji Jmt ?, 1 1T-sJ furniture FURNITURE Furniture f We herewith announce to.our friends and cuatomera that our fall stock of furniture and all accompanying lines are complete and we shall be glad to show them to you before you buy elsewhere. 1 We have. the very best grades at very low prices and am sore you can . ' save money by calling on "ua. Our Undertaking Department is complete and up-to-date. We render "the Very best service p&asible'and are il way ready to serve the puuiAo. t o aave taten tpo agenoy xor me ceieoraiea X iVS ; ?:V( ...: EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and have a number of tha. machinoa and many records on hand that wa will be glad to have you examine. Call to see ua at the tame stand onmarket street where your visits are always welcome WHITE Fafijitare Cbiijpaiiy J hare now opened ac up-fo dsl cat tarlt in ih building an-1 wU utt a ckI he cf l i ,J J sll the litae. Mr appreialiot; fcr ycer ordr w-il be shown by rronpl dlirr of pc Wb n in utl of taeat or stii.;t,r; s1jm tn tar lie call Phone No. 80. I will also continue xay 1CK HOUSK sd wall W u, iyrt with ICK until U; Maca dct.. D 3 PEARCE. s i V;;";