Professional t :Card D 11111 liiiiiini .ii.timii ' v -wws - v y; MNtl: ' X "nutwino uhil pills " 4 ,v - : , V --v . V-Ju opcniDff a netr line , ,v II - I f-ii r- . A : I R. ARTHUR HYNES IXEMING- " , - Office in Ford Building, liain and : Nash gtroct. Louisbur. N. C , v , Hours: to 450. Phone No. 40. " 7 , " tR. JOEL D. WHITAfeER, c Eye Ear, Kote and TJtirat Specialist, Rletoh.N.C. Will be in Louihari, at the office of Dr. Arthur Hynes Fleming; the first Monday in each month. IT fl. A. ME WELL, Lesson III. Fourth Quarter, For Oct VI, 1909. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. PHYSICIAN Louisburg, N. C. Phone No. 156 -pRANKLlNTON HOTEL Franklintoii, N. C .. i R. A. Speed, Proprietor. Good Lirery in connection D" C H. BANKS DENTAL SOIIGEON L;Tii9burfl:, ? N. C. Office in Hicks Building, Mtin Street. 1 ) H. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisbnrg, N. C.; over Cooper & Pleasants Store. . Prompt attention given all legal business entrusted to me. J. E. MALONE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N. C Office in rear Of Beasley-Alston Drug Store. D R. S. P. BURT PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburg, N..OT Office orer P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store 1)R R. F. YAR BO ROUGH PHYS.IV.lAiN and SURGEON Louisburg, N. C. OtBee in Yarborough & Bickett building. Nijrbt calls answered T. W. Bickett's residence, phone 74. B B. MASS EN BURG ATTORNEY AT LA Louisburg, N. C. Will pra :t'n;e in all tbe courts of the Office in Egerton Building ' State T-VI. .HiYWOOD RUFFIN ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C Will practice In all courts of Franklin and adjoining couuties. also in the Supreme Court and in the United States District, and in.-uit Court. Office oyer First National li.inu. T B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Office oa Main street in Cooper building. S PRUILLA HOLD EN ATTORNEfS AT LAW ; Louisburg, ;N. C, 1 Vi'l attend the c6urt of Franklin, Vance, Gmaville, Warreu and Wake counties, also the Supreme Coutt of Worth Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections Office in Spruill building. R. B. White Franklinton, N. a T. W. Bickett, Louisburg, N. C. glCKETT & WHITE ' LAWYERS x - Louisburg, N. C The settlement of estates for executors, Ad ministrators and Guardians is made a spec ialty, and the bonds required by law can be secured in the office. Office in Yarborough & fcBickett building Maiu street. M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Practice in all courts. Office on Main Street H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg N. C. All lep;a.l business intrusted to m J. receive prompt attention. Office in Egerton Huildiosc. , F. HOUCK ' ' CONTRACTOR aid BUILDER Louisburg, N. C1- . Trading agent lor all kinds of building sup. Pi'"", artistic Mantles and. Tiles. Architec- r"-a! designs submitted. . - ,. If 1 ".:. . 7116 Plac for baory men will be xoand av ? & Txt .of:tha Lesson. Acts Memory Verse., 25, 2i--Goldan Tsxt, cx xxivr 16 CommenUry Prm pared by Rav. D. M. Stearns. In the cios of th last chapter we saw how the chief captain, aandlns Lyslas. sent faul safely to Caesarea with a letter to Felix, the goreraor, In which he stated that there was both- uig against tne prisoner Worthy of death or of bonds, but : simply some question of Jewish law; that the Jews would hare killed him If he had not rescued him from them; that he under stood that they were still determined to killhim. and, being a Roman citi zen, he bad sent him to Caesarea, com manding his accusers to appear against him there. After five days the high priest and the elders, with a certain orator to speak for them, appeared be fore Felix, and Paul was brought forth to meet them. With some flattery, which evidently wearied Felix, and therefore the orator cut it short, he told a number of lies about Paul, which the high priest and the elders indorsed. Flattery and lying are still the order of the day among some reli gious bodies. But God is a God of truth, and In due time truth will pre vail. Being permitted to speak for him self. Paul denied all their accusations and briefly stated the whole truth of the matter, showing that it was wholly a matter of doctrine and of opinion as to what the Scriptures really taught; that he believed all that was written In the law and in the prophets and looked for a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. This meant Jesus risen from the dpnrt Israel's promised Messiah, the Son of JJavia, to sit on David's thmno- ic.rt o fulfillment of Ezek. xxxvil Jer. xxiit Isa. Ix, Dan. vii and all the prophets concerning the future of thehation and the king who shall reign In right eousness. It meant the resurrection of ,His body, the church, at His coming to the air for His saints (I Thess. lv, 16 18; I Cor. xv, 51-54), though that would not be specially in bis mind, as he thought of Israel. It meant the resur rection of the unjust and the great white 'throne judgment at the end of the millennial reign of Christ. It meant that God will judge the world in rie-hr- eousness by that man whom He hath ordained, whereof he hath given as surance unto all men In that He hath raised Him from the dead (xviL 31). This, with' justification by faith through the finished work of Christ apart from any works of the law, was counted-heresy by these 'zealous Jews. But Jesus Himself taught this kind of heresy when He said, "O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken" (Luke xxlv, 25). Today there are with many no re liable writings of Moses, no predic tion wnatever, no future for Israel, nothing supernatural, no coming again of Christ, no wrath . of God, but ' all such are simply unbelievers an-1 stand against Christ, for He testified that all things written la' the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning Him must be ful filled (Luke xxlv. 44). Felix is said to have had more perfect knowledge of "the way" ( verse 22) perhaps because his wife, Drusilla. was. a Jewess, so he (postponed the case until Lyslas. the chief captain, should -come and tell what he knew. Meantime he gave Paul into vtl.e keeping of a centurion, with orders' to let him have liberty and to allow all bis friends to come to see him , and' to minister to him. This made it comparatively easy for Paul and would give him opportunity- to strengthen the faith of the brethren at Caesarea, and he would certainly have much to tell of the Lord's doings since first He met him on the way to Da mascus, and the would not be apt to weary of hearing of His wondrous works. . t From time to .time .Felix sent for him and y heard him roTv-erning the faith in Christ.and on ne occasion as he and his -j wife. Drusilla. listened to Paul reasoning of righteousness, tem perance and Judgment to come Felix actually trembled, but put his convic tions from him, saying: "Go ihyway for this time. When I have a conven ient season l will call for three."- For two years this continued, Felix always hoping that Paul ould offer him, mon ey to release him and with that hope he sent for him the oftener. But Paul having no thought of .any release but a righteous .one. ' never offered him a bribe,' and o ; the successor of Felix came into office and. found Paul still a prisoners Felix's convenient time to re; pent never having come. Tomorrow" Is not only the great word in: many lands corfcerninz tem poral affairs, but It is the devil's great word for all .who give any thought to their? souls' ' welfare and ' for manv I am just opening a netr line SAM Sample Shoes, mean wholesale cost V; ' . " "" " , t THE BARGAIN STORE- W. B. COOKE xxooooooo XXXKXX LOW PRICES TO OF GET RID fin Vi Id I. T 1 . . Dycv,a, Bie x nave pisceu jnv toe of shoes. whih you will find to be a great deal cheaper than "rerbSSre Alio Hamburgs and Laces rLl"i lh.e th 1 to get rid of at oner. " " wxiio uhi jfeia ine Dirgaina. eBBaaaBaaaMaaMaMa M. C. PLEASANTS 401 "'T C.r null, bal BslW M1 Teat Op SymU... r,. J, ALL. DRUGGISTS I tapuai u,UUU.O0 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts FIRST NATIONAL BANK O S. R. HARRIS, S T. PEAd . XXXXXXXXXX XKWmKhXhW SALE AND LIVERY VEAB1 a. " '""1 1 Hiideeendent I hav did4 to ruo a-ais a 5J rx! the pebiic with Urry Su.W axi a tvmr& t First Clnss e nms At All Times ! tram arxj poiiU px4 tcrizsu Crivr R. F". FULLER ! "I",,","B', of AH Trusts t and only s!;oc e open market Most shoe; are rr.aJe cf trust icalher tanned from trust hides. Everybody knows tlwt adulteration and hj2h v.-UCs are the usual results of trust methods. ENDICOTT-JOHjNSON CO. is the firs house in the Wor'd trt hiw nvw mr;-,i u tan leather and make shoes independent of nil trusts. r,rIl!!StbSiae.Stuan4nW?t conP,ete orjinlxitton In the Worli for i-e production end distribution of good shos, on the lowest risible bts.iof cott. The leather in EndicottJohnson Coa shoes H, f bue it U thenly leather made from a shoemaker's standpoint of qtulity. Jm&?" are pUced dlrecty 1x110 0ur store See that your cert pair of shoe Uar tfit oaaie Endicott-Johnson Co. TO HE PUBLIC 80LD BY B. G. klCKS I I crtt f ta-t LM'- ra-rl 4 a3 JW t.c ft u ) AT ONCf; t-l r U v c u tzu rniWw- U- aw i nHtnt for trjlij. GRIFFIN 8c BEASLEY K. PERRY V J Lot nt -v.. s. c I am cow m rorUoa to twh aU f fr..d ru,j.ts2ltf, HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES Headquarters For ' v 'V' ;t saved ;.onea ; concerning good works G ' ; which theyrfcbomought tq, be dona RESTAURANT bavin c, i-L ?- Oimmm airords. Cone to esa me. v Yours to pl?-r, the day of salvatton" : (11 Cor. vl . hr oday. llf ; yewUl hear . His ' voice.' harden not your f hearts: (Heb. UL-15): Awioia"lrf -Prcijtalso conies t6 : mind; as- f w think o andal I suclc;l mner'iwywerttreni-' 4ble asfhcthlnki of hjs slri and la torn taat ne tmngnteous cannot enter the kingdom ;of (lod, but there is1 com fort" In Bork vL; 25. Concerning ten perance, or- self control, the result of .righteousnesi,1 cee Tit. 11. 12. 'Of jud- o WSW.WWVW W W W W W W -W WWW WW Everytlhiinig Goojl to eat and good to wear. Our Motto: Lowest Price always, Best Quality always. Prompt Delirtry always. PHONE 47 My ICE HOUSE is now open and wifl continue the balance of this year. so JNO. W. KING LOUISBRG, N. C. www I alo hare all lan. ft a,' rVXtZ il 9 w te PHONE NO. 100 To V7ZTAA. A PKIUtY ar ta of ITUMI rit4r a . frri, cPTt ITVKKY IAY. $10,000 SALE - , f ., " ' : ' ; v . 0 We guarantee Quality and Neatness. Come iTren. i. ... i to see us or maiPyour' ,6rders. FN " f . mm-- IFOR :ty days Wq will offer our entire Mock at virtually New York ocmU Our nwn for o doing L wn need nxraej. VC canaot naa pnce in detail, but to give you an idea will name a few 5O0O rarda of riaaneirttni worth 10 cU now. . . 500 nair of Irirn a4 h-irla worth tl rr f4r, now 100 pair WrUrhu wrar worth fl. now . 8c $1.25 Trm 5c ar cf Orrrailt 1 r o wa ii. w ccouc wort! a si 42c AND 5000 yard of While 10 eta, bow . 3(XO yardf of Cantoa ITic&tl wrcth O 10 ct. now oC Oolh worth YJ j UM rrd of Oz't wanh 10 ru V - vow oc 10c 00 yarda of rtiola. worth 7 eta now 5c J:t3 yirda erf Trxil cf Ua 23 rarJji f lrrra4a flaidi worth 22 m, tcw . 6k: TWO HUNDRED PAIR OF SHOES AT COST with lOper ami aJdL 10.0CX) pair cf tU ux4 trra aaa How ana 1-2 How cheaper than lt eWjL 3 pai U, genu Hoao 1-2 Ikje 4 pair for 25 rri, worth ICr. diet CoIUrt U eachlOO IUU al L2 pric. Can CcVtx, TcJJZ PjrcMi, ; Allbdofttipc per caU, Tuba, BstWu, Psi lfS OooJcra and all Tinware at co.U Tta rola are u Why piy soatone cJjo 23. pr eoot xacrw Lbaa w au liia at. Crc- are too abort 10 throw joar aoaty aw, j Uctw Urt a fntl rt hareleo butinpr from for Trara.. Th. IV!!. u . : . jfjxx. All groceries chrap. . -7 n 1 rr;-t