' ' .v - .i y-f - - fe " V - ; - - - - C - f .-r-ry,':: TU-;--. ': - vv AV-'w -vv vr, .... :;.. v c . 'lWIJ" iiiwiimiimiii ii r 1 urn 1 ' - " 7 i V ' V. ' if ' .1 i ' 'J. ' " s ' ; i , , I , -J 'I ( r, lV,in-"" rms'i 'r vAArM-n f - s s r s- C'lT - - - - ;;" ' - ": wa r rv ' ' n 1 I ; I I.I- 1 Al l: I 3 1 n: V Xr :'l I I. .1 I . i II , a .1 I 111 If 11 V I I A 1 - rv ..... ' - - ' - - " ' 4 :' ': ' ' ' . : v II W U tHfc IV NT ....T1- " mm am (in In depend 1 3 f U COJU ) () ) o () () o o o o o o o o ) ) o ) C) o ) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) o o o (continued fkom page four) ford to build an artificial lake in New York and decorate with every embellishment of fancy, and give it to his lady. I saw it stated in the rp papers a few days that th company was going to build its president a 15 million dollars palace. What is he going to do with a 15. million dollar palace? Is he going to build a tem ple, a shrine to Mammon? I asked Mr. Bickett, what issue the Governor proposed in the next cam paign? He said in substance that it would be, that it was the business of the Federal government to protect the people against the trusts. Don't do it, Governor. It ydu weaken and destroy the faith of the people and their time-honored love add confi dence in the Dower of the Sbitttn protect them, tlen all is lost. "She . pluckedpshe atejearth felt the wpandr and Nature sighing tkrough all her pores, gave signs of woe that all was lost." Extremes always meet. Make that the issue in the Southern States and the people, like the Israelites of old, will cry out for a King, and an Empire. Better one master than many,and in the next election Roose velt will carry every Southern State Oh,that Napoleon would return from Africa; Is it not time for the people : to be aroused to the true condition? To every man upon the earth? Death cometh soon or late, Then, how can man die better, - Than , by facing fearful odds y, ... Fpr tfce ashes of , his -fathers . And the Temples of his God." Respectfully, ; f fAi - B. B. MAssitsriuisSi WA Imlcln ous c AND Y", ITU u ic, i rn uiir OE. cot Bring us your tobaoco and we will guarantee the highest market price and a square deal in every way. you Independent WM Icolb CdD & AIRMS, IVJaoagers tr T ICCOCCPCCOCCOCOCCCCOCCO CCOCnfinrnrAAArs Much S Buy at Your Own Price.' Upon my returu home I find that that I have largely overbought in ray stock of clothing and Men's Furnishings' and I am now going to get rid of some of it if I have to almost give it away. If you want- to buy any. thing in my line at a saving of from $2 60 to $20 you had better come at once. Rem embar' that it is getting rid of the goods that I am after and not how .much I can make on them. Don't take my word for the above statement but come in and soe me and I will sell you good so cheap that you will be wondering on your way back home if you did not steal them. Remember that your own prices will move my stock for the next thirtv d ftVH tLTiA it vnn Want tin 1 worth of goods for $5 you had better loose no time in coming to see me My stock is fully up-to-date in both qual ity and make-up. I also have one of the largest stocks of shoes I have ever hid and am in position tc save you good money on them. Brogans worth $1.75 mv price $1.25. and all other shoes in oronortinn. PnV. rt f a km, TJ j X. - I - "vttwuiVU Underwear. Underwear worth $1 my price 75 cenu. Come to see me wuetuer you Duy or not. i win tafce pleasure in showing you my stock. AARQN DEItZ, touisburg, N. C (Crowd 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 o o 0 bfc yuiiiiiiibiM- SHY RDftY, OC Up Eh 09 but and you Come bid and bid nd buy. Voa ea taUAoh ta. i,. A . fc you wm bare to buy W 0f year nt.ghbor, 0? Ti c4 U ' ' bay to make money, or clit rou wonl brrk l L tT.. 1 2 ? Xtm u' ' r ciah as October ird. 9 W rrxll U iSt-au. u 25 Head of Horses and Mules. 25 Bugpes. Wngpns. Hop, fv Surreys and Harness Come, I want to do moW business with YOU TO THE '-"t $100 ; Eeward, $100. " The redder of this paper will be pleased t ; lean! that then: is at least one d readed dig : Aaaa that aManaa hits hpAn nKla fn: iJ; -V ifii atJLOftun: And that is Catarrh TTo1l r. - tarrh Cure ia the -only positivecure, bow c, f..: , -Keinir a constitntion i)iBase.'rednrrMi ifi. ! ' , t ; e ; j v rtitiltlonal treatmept. ; .'Hall 'a Catarrh Cure -; ; , H is taken internally, actios directly npbh rthe - :. blood and macone , surfaces of the eytem. . inereDy aestroying xne . xounaauon "01 the ,? ! . building tip the constitution and assisting - nature, in aoing its wurn, i uh proDneTOrs have so much fairb in its' curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for case that id fails to cure. Send for list of testiraoma'"?. So' 1 1 J..C:IE::t:? ?z CO . Toledo o. RACKET ..." . - STO R E"r WE HAVE WIJAT YOU WAMT.1N DRESS GOODS v. , Coat Suits, Ladies Cloaks Mtsaet ;; Cloaks; Baby Cloaka and Caris, Ar r- Squares .and 'Bug; Curtain a" and Curtain goods, Xa.dies, ' .Meri'a ' and ' Children - .Stockincra.'Embroideriea and Lace, Our Linen Department, ; Millinery department. . ; . . We naye hats to please everybody and will be delighted to ahow you 1 . througlrthe stoek. Will save you money. , ?Oflr in ill. tv-ir wKa ntt m n4 1 I .... moat out If tou doubt voanelf. Th.r 1. l- .:r V n tt ... .. keep, a litUa moner by (htm. and if you will o .4 til J : Mf thcra year trouble, you mijrhl get him or Ur to UU n Tr nail Ti J1 t, tSW uu t: tell, aa they don't like for er.rybody to know ihtir bilI 1 !1 ji bar train t. for affr lh tint vir ihm fttni.r..Mii. . JSU ar irorw both roine and yours unless tou pay ne what vott ot - t T -ei'T Zztl ix t -.r theroiahdltoiai-. . J" ?m Mtt9f . - . Ir n n n n n m jt . m n. m m, 1 f . & .. mm - V i ' ' J ' 14 U U 1 , "'" i -m mm "I have aereral thou and dollanr Worth "of ia?I-l. i Cracker boTt ttwm bgexKL ik aa.d tha judgment good. I hit. alwajm htard tha n LSfLS 1 fclUf judgemcmu: wiUhaTeaHatatmy.U 4ajf S -ati t - nd yeu a li.t telling you all about the jJw .1 lKk 3 -1 lodga thair tho nlae of their pX;. "P- 'lit r kc u-- Ton what their neighbor aay iM &t -It ?" !f ! 4 'tt Wirji tii: ,! harrf rpiritUunjT to ty eery week. 6lc-,. n r'.'ri I- Km? T' ' tilt rU I