. : : ; j i . . . uituiii 2& THE C0TT011 WEIGHTS: BOTH SIDES GIVEN A-CHAHCE TO SPEAK; A Mistake Has Evidently Been Made and our Cotton Weigh: er Corroborates His Pd- sition. ; ' . - , Id our lait issue we- were iisuv formed as to who purchased' the bale of cotton from J.tS. Shearin and up- on further investigation learn tbat it was W.P.Neal& Co.insteaddf McKinno Bros. , WcT leara that Mr. bearin took this article' somewhat personal, which was sui el y not in tended, only as an illastration 'to jus tify the cotton weigher at this place and he has reqnested us to publish a communication which we "give you below: , " X .v; ' ' yv.. Editor: I desire to make a correction of a statement "as publish ed in roar paper of last week. 1 You stated that I sold MeKinne Bros, a bale of cotton that is not true, for I never hare sold them any cotton, i You also stated that they had the selves. cotton weighed, and it only gained one pound at one warehouse and two pounas at another - apart of that statement is true. It did gain only one pound at one warehouse, but it gained three pounds'at another and five pounds at the ; Riverside which I can prove. I Holld Mr; Me Kinne that fhe scales there were wrong, and he said Ke knew thky were right. Sirce then the tand rd keeptr has been Ordered to Lt.u'wbarg, and ; found the' f calea I 1 carried thre bales cotton from ) Ceotrerille which lost from "'g" mn-iy pounds; The Stand ard keeper came to OentreviUe OotT i th and tested "all gin, and found them perfectly, cor- The standard keeper told Dr. J.R. Wheless that one hundred and torty pounds on the Louisburg scales would weigh about onev hundred and wenty-eignt and a halt pounds. lhw shows who is wrong. The farmers of Gold Mine do not propose to loia 11 pounds to the bale. Verj Respectfully, J. S. Sheabix. i v-oj, uuaxiu nag oeen misinformed in this matter ag will be found m tha frknnw;n - n lug OtlOUlCUl t bj Mr. O. H. Harris, cotton weigher for Franklin county, which 18 tantiated by Mr. Jones; t Mr. Editr: In regard to the statement! concerning the weights at spaee that i mine township was in,town:Wednes dtfand he was asked' tonoernlng the cotton weights by.Mr. Harrii and he furnished the .f ollowing siatsment which is being published br rsuett - - Louisburg, JZq, 'Oct: 109 - DSiB:Inregard;tothemors ooncerning the. weight M thi'cotton pUtfprmin.Louisburg l Will 'isy that I have sold tn'. Kai:- It. there since Mr. HWi U. and I can, say without nesitatibnl that w- uu nil I ii v , r&AAn r. . . & i satisfied with the weights .he .zave iy cotton Has,4 gained in weigat as orten at irhas Joit and I can easily say that in mjr opinion his scales are accurate CandthV man is trying to do his best f or the interest of all concerned; ' V ; rv; ; '. D. T. HpLLTKG 8WOBTH, T e,regret very much, that such a matter as this should have como up. concernioff the loss Ot weights is speadmg we felt that it would b nothing . but Tight that we should publish the statemtnt from both sides, as requested, that the public might judgi for them- We- were unable ! ho wm to get a statemenf from the Standard Keeper in regard to this" matter, for tor publication this week, hence we cannot give you his siie of the mat ter. eter The State Fair. We are verv sAaA ' tA . rirtt;. k- ing points to artremehdously successful $tateFairth truly believe that thVl greatual uiouiuuoa wui oe A nnore; -instructive and entertaining: and'' more" densely thronged during ' thehfeek bf Oct? y u kaiei4i y ituair it ever has numerous to:menti6h: X ; " ; ' Auea . tne iraproTements ' at the grounds;,the midway has been ina THE OVIIIG PEOPLE. u u uemizeo; twenty-five -new , horse "?A? iUVaNTS IH 1 ANDlfref7 talTs'have' been built aincVlaVt year: "OUT " OF T0V7N IsftexnoorU-i iuui oi new, Dieache seats hare been po fot H rxa Kfrt ftemoori be rmal mi wiib buUt, there beine seating-c -now,for about twenty-fire hundred P . .And thta Solicitor j.v which fH opoo rooci 'it f .OMUlv wiiu unquiet aaaooDtosat ilui Miss Marv -JudJ, of Texas. U ht hdftil to raAU m lUng, at the borne of Chief TV rrl?alait the dfatinL Km High, x I Mk for a rsnLci-' a T.tO- -t. I . kMI Mr. B. B. Ezerton rsturned on UaghUr shook eocrt, lory. Ur aad day thu week from a visit to hu berlon. i -t pursioe of the Grand ; SUnd: and eTerJthing put in shipabaie. -1 acre will be more special trains than erer before, with the usual low m ' ft . rawia, ana : extra cars on reguUr; i ne street cars in Raleigh wilt charge wiy nre cents to the grounds to Teachers. By mistake the meeting of the leacners Association was announced tor aaturday, October, 23rd. It Should be Saturday wwwi, iru- Mias Lflhan High lett Vednei.r In vuiir Ti. T'i... i ( uur jciaruce, si I Ureensboro. I called, 1 1 was one oa eruia law. yer. LombrtoQ RsUotua w, rrorirJ M nair- V 10. Union HecttoKand Plcoic. Mr. T. 31. Arnt t a u w sad t4or Teaohers x will nlpanfl t.tA visited hU r!.n,.l w t . of wriUr. u b TxKmnt .1 r -. wn. 4. ax. I'er.i . . ' . - . - on, the past week. x ou le store mtotloted oe. Lost an Arm. Lf whil rV"1 "-ll.ot amnnt Woregretto learn that Mr. R. E. Mrs. J. M Pn 8 of .WlBg con. 30th. notice Avcock had ih mifwn. ... his right arm between the elbow and wrist, by having it cut off-bv a circular saw. Dr. Pefit u. WU ADLftTA the amputation, and Mr. Aycock is getting on as well as could h .t Fciea irom such a wound. War- renton Record. wrcs w ooe rdjoJ He exitwt Bf lj b trtry jowIUt rotu v,ott It if ts f lt Urcoi ti.. -tt.arrfJ- u rtuais It ikt aru Del ii :neold with tht raLror Mrs. F. L. White andl chUdran. of tioo some. iueoane, visited the family of W.'R. I was pxnkolaTly iraprsml i uiio uio pail week. rata. Mrs. W. E. TImsU and Mrs. Dr. J..W. Jackson lift veatprVl. tn . ' J mv short trip to Richmond. Dr. and Mrs! M. a ChiraUee. ofi Wakefield, were iotown Wednesday ! guests or Air. W. iL White. XT. F. Beasley returned Wednc day frorai an extended trip to Balti more and pther Jiorthern cities. Mrs. Geo. TiAndrewa, ot Enfiel.i. a. .... . otwenocs or thrift tad 2o mnl that could be ihroygbot:! the entire coanaailj, wiih ttt gn. erai cordiaUiy of live popl M lot, with the well leaded sad mtU been in fttf htstory;northa a; good'deaL P5f-? - y ." :. . . : wo see in tne news papers and from what we are hearing irom various quarters, we base the beeiibove stated. Cotton ia up and most of the farmers of the State are doing well. Official statistics show that North CarelinVdnring the u i;mpjMr , lwi) made greater industrisl stride 'than an othef State in 4hS union. The man agement tfie- iStatb ITair has been successfully , endeavoring for maay years to approach nearer . and nearer to the original purposes of the . Fair, the exhibition of the best producU of the State alon'g all lines, enlivened by wholesome, legitimate amuse- ment8. We understand 'that never before baa there been such a rush for the ottn V , " "T" VM Ui mpnors; lor """"" p'ouorm . nere i will say instance, there was dnnht 'o August I shipped the weiffh-1 that there vnnld hf.n. scales to N. K. Fairbanks & Co. the livestock, but it i. 1 Baltimore, Md., for them Jtb renair nffl!.nt m.:.. v , . -."r" .-yvw wubuvu. uire oeen did Z !u g 8hape Which they fai; that several-counties will ia'i and they were recaivfid hnnb- h. V.ii iK--i .-r-. Vv. -.-. ,i , - . o wiwwi.ab separate exmoits: ana w6p'"0 niDits , wi4-oe After the brotmt throoj of fo pie (trom far ax4 aw) had trui ea of all they ccmM ibf r. not a lew. bat kmm of Death of ftrs. Mary Sledze. marv oieage aied at her home, the Carr place, near Laurel on Tuesday morning of this week. She was the . widow of ' Mr. Sherrod nChadr but who bas been Ung ber tiater.Mr. keU untoached v wu.uon aua one sister Sh . o. UOOKe. Varum rl tn u MUV . N IICI was 89 years of age and was a Mim Saturday n . l -w.4M16C. xier iemams "ev. iiji. Uaria. of HoU.k It, w i . I?teat.he - fa7 burying who has been asst.uii5 Rev. K; A. anient sptrits on the . mxti l!..- aft W tho -MethodUt th. good ptder, Tb. aaioa i. down S80"0 frfend. churchHere foV th Tast Yen da, a; oo drinTiag. u eTr .euyesieraay tor hu home. the CMrugemat cf Mr. Nona Items From Sandv Creek. There will be a bapttzine at Corinth Baptist church on the Sec ond Sunday morning at 10 o'olocr. This ehureh has. previoasly, this rear added thirty-two members fo its roll At one time. After the baptising services will be held at the church xwvyjjfc.u."roe presiding. All are invited to come. There will also be prayer serf ices for 30 minutes at 7:d0 o'clock that night There -will also be prayer services on the fourth Sunday night at 7:30 at Cornith church. All are invited to be present and take part. S. f w S' U-fcdb fcitiM cf tte ccrrtrr tAft- H-b rack ia . du. I7 tujl! Tbw Lave U,a tsay aaru. a wtKh tt Imia, cl a CA4 r.. i t. . 5wiAacw la ftrrtiis.fclJr erred Ublic rrured tvr..!.! ! w nj lajttsty cf tt. fu.i torttU, n WM nyf lc, cf y cf St tri cv , .... 4v. ur, tuui inaemnceni seaift. I. ' -- XJI. LU1J I weeper ror JYanklin i.r--i-.V. fj?..:-...-. -"" fy risited me as ordered brthei?' M n "-nsiae of the kdnf n.., 1 y the Fair, Mr. Gwrge Harden,,one of the . v,um uiasioners and St. fmn.f : i,. tha T4K UT' voucnes vi.iv.i jlM uib MSHL WHiiTnta i m l . - .1 .' . . . - "iheamnnn no ' racing Demg the .besfcever andthrr. Trr iQ Korth having anlthe scalea would drorj the li... ' . -K ast hit k ion. v. . -ij ouB..iroui- visit to tne lairs j.o Dounas tn av-1 . . . . . mon 4 J T y m gmis on toe circuit ot which fc BH cuuBiiv as mnnn a mav .k. n.i ? . . . . , . ould ' , ;rt t . 6ue n Kair is a .member. He I saw one WITMlinnRA . ami , "e1 401 this bale weighed 400 Clik . J nseu at 10 mv scales made other own at 140, showme that Li. :J J ' ' . .... uue pouna in terrn8 o thfl at,-- flr. f. be in Raleigh. . . . 'r ' Among theiatter are.Kempy Sis ters' Wild West Show, which will giye many free acts, including" ' the overland sta&e : coaoh: thf. -. trr davenportav who dash over a slender wire eighty feet above ground en a wnee or re, tree; i? rees ana Genette as Hsppy Hoeligan, and LouefaAnn in the boxfear trica: and as serialises on irinflzA ann .:. Knmn . tnna ii ipna VOUon.w,h free- and;.n6vel balloons raw, two T 4Uave8ereral t.im. fa w Vmri . ; :D "l w oep 1 eu ana ahali V ..... Jer -Me io ooth bnyer and 0. H. Habbis, , 14th li ,n Person Abthtjr Jones. tiolingsworth, wfld;-animals;" the trained fleas? the infant ' incubator: exhibit with -real Now one of the Firm. The head .of the firm bad told the new assistant to try his hand at win dow dressing. "I want you to make every woman in the -street look at that window," he said. The assistant went at it. He made a curtain of solid velvet and hung it inaiue the plte glas. at"n;ei"rth- 'ate you doingr atked the;senior member.-. '-i . "Making a mirror of the windowM said the assistant: "If the women won't leokt that they won't look at anytking." The assistant is a member of the firm now. Penny Pictorial Aa-cKher iotvrte t. miag wa tne rdr and , l . good humor of the entir tbrc. I ZVY " ! tli tf wei4 hht 9 U; fv cdaJ fcet, t c4 W IfS 4 kuc UMt Mr He .t of tu r Mrs. Uyd D. Lylee, of Charlotte. MW Ilppin, two expriancf. Urc-tu ilun, of An who has been raiting her people ladle, who hae the iatpcri !f 5 Au5ioTcl t:ra. was atompanied on ber retaro by community. It U tid ta be .a cf Wml e ff tt4 hir sister, Mia. Annie Green, who I11 beat maoi2ii eohools in th ,1f:J cf Jtta!W. co f will viiit her s short while. county. i C5K1 ruU. f.u.n Hot the winainc crd .t ihM l" airs- B&rneS Ue&d. lorW mMtfnt . i Ub cnatriStiL t&d c4 he rraaaaitiv Afr R .1 Tlavn.. . W I ..v-k. . . -. tm, t-7, uiuwier oi ira, pwwwAi ot or QOil woTTny state M. F. Ilouck, died at the home of PruaJdeat Dr. H. L. Alexander, of her dauhter, Mrs. J. L. Cummins Mecklenburg coujiy. Whea w in Henderson on Monday of last thtek 0f dann dee-is t,f tiie A I. week. She was 84 years of age and exaodera, Grahataa, Ilark acd oth leaves a host of friends and aererai era of lUroltiiaoaary fan f9pi v.i.viii. uer remains were Duxteil 11Ka ooaog our r ata waan oh luesaay. te Vla area 3 tWUwy ef tU world. aa u a eta his death wJ otfelr raoarrl. Haft 2iih ie alj. Ailtsu JctraaJ. deal old U. IntersUte-MeeUng of Tobacco Growers. " By rtqaast the officers of the Vh. gtnia r armera' Union we call atten tion of the farmera in deoendanu of aar of thot roee, w . tariy on the monuag-of the tb a large delegation was aaat to ba. loa to raeet sad escort Dr. Alexia der to the jouaJt, he was caei so i . . . of the farmers ia the wbaoro Ul,Uacf from graaaia by growing urritory of Korth Carolina. I l"co proceloof Union taea and to the Interstate Meeting of Tobacoo otn inranka, with flying banaera Joshua Slmpklns, not Here but , .. Coming. ..f Joshua Stiupkins," k raral come dy which has been presented con tinuously for several ssasocs on the road, will play an engagement in this city, Saturday October, 16th. v ' Joshua Simpkins" is ' a comedy drams, welli ; acted.; by a company said possess, niore .than1 ordinarj merjti in Edition to,- whioh several 0ii? 8Iti'LJ':. introdaced. WPl? orohestrajocomposeiilof PwfwtoiaWidiswortei in oidental-music- .which assiats to" make tfieplay "the SPCcessiu 'This fsa- .. . r . i v-. . - i , . ... -. . . . ; ture. is claimed by the; aranagement tatejj$fc.ge;nd fe xes?insuaf theatrical '. comnanieiL.' Thmr Vfina wiU giye a burlesque parade Growers to be held m the Court House at Dannile, Van Tuaaiay, October 10th at 10 'eIock a. m Leading tobacco growers "and lead- iu larmera oriaouatioti mar. ments from Kentucky, Tennessee, Aorth Carolina and Virginia will make addressee, and tobacco, growers from ail the states are expected to attend in large numbers. Wednesday the Farmers' Union will meet in Exeoutire session but on Tueadsy the meeting is public and tobacco growers from all tneae States will take council together as - to the best, means of getting satisfactory prices fur their prod act. rthf Gold. Urrbabie, Wir'Rlot A Good one on a Lawyer. During court last week as certain lawyer was putting up a - stiff - fight for his dlent. . 'He had his ducks all io a row and . when the eridosoe wss inhd'arcss) and - immedUteiy begiq to addrieta the- jary, noiwsitirwt to find at what the solicitor had . it la his heart to do, ; This certain :lawrsr spoke- long- ad well. Vlt wis a 'tto bje eifoTt; He lifted, up his Yofoe in eloque ht pie ad in Jjr and. r tbr.-; things into shrcdji- hU6we;wss' now ' like the roll of thunder,' cow; soil "a -a thrsV- clock, and eacorted to the Aoditoriata la the school baading where fet more than an hour sad, one-half he kept the vast audience spell bound, hh his words 'of wiadota teWrneatf' aod tralh. All honor to Dr. ILQ-Atesaa. der and loog lire the Ualoa with Its prmdples of JnaUoc, equity and the Golden Ruts. IL D. E aaro. Pocorsoke zzJ 1 If U ctasily a dictil Luk to c. wma c! ga atj aa,d wtil qtuhiUd fm&z, m w lKtN4 i t, tt w are fla.1 to ttav that C:s rrrn trartr. raent cf Sm Kantu Trwat m, fi b Kitbtf allactW. Tla Trw b .UJ Izumuzz i. a w. rirt6C to tLe hco, ci w Eary coa c-t to U csovax, wtih tta sosaty tiewa, lft ia Hobsrt Hot, Dead From New York coot tha an noanceraent of the death o Ilobert Hoe, the son of IUbert H. Hoe asd gisndtoa of Rebsrt Ho who found. ed the jelebrated house of Ilobart Hoe k Co, whose rsputsu'oa as tmddara of printing praw stands anioe U the history of the art pfeetrrmure. The tepreeenutire of the third gsneration, who. hu jiit pAased away, was In t many - rmptcti ihs most, renirktble ban of then" a!f af it may-wall W -dsubtad l'Q any one .tain has f done to much for the art of pTbticg. and Jjsnoe for. the caei of eirilaulJdo alaee the days cf Gutteabsrst and Fscsti '. ' S i " - 'i "VThlle suH 't yottn rian . be catcti ed the firm which 'his mM. had ecUbliiaed and beaa to perfect he Hoe praas by a scrlas of loprore- taenia which era ssfom ad the art cf CXtA taoa talrrwtbg .art af vzt r;r Is lU bora 4rUa eoJcra. 2 inly it. If ro h oot aoJ if if do, Irtag eoafect o yr l4Ut Mtara.Hallie Hu well sad CWl (ioora are tcrrnr j to work a.Sop at PooooU. Mr. C W. Jocf. t ft Friity hit hooe la Dardea, Kxa. lUr. iL U Wlaatca ai.4 ii, , dgb!er, MineU, al Mr. aa Hra, " itocrs all fra rtr Cd. nor, tsr Wta viaisbg at V& taoke- i The tasny tritii cf Mrs, MaUl Moes fUrrs will U pilaa.d to Umx that th la D, Mrs. Hartt IWta, Miaa tkaie Jeoee, Audrey FcScr sad . Hcints tpeat lait f.Uriay ad ScAj.y with Mrs: W. S. flar,4 catr nsrs,""' . .v J ... . Mt,TeUT HocjLwto Us . riliriL-. the rtnvyn iLr-:-y v saanerr la .wr la iU cC tV ' sararti ttcctts. r- vwa cj ir.ii' t.t' o! drfivSarU. csf Ditr tr

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